Template | DOTX

title of the paper – max. 75 characters, font calibri Capital letters, size 20, dark blue

authorship – first name and family name of all authors, font calibri bold Capital letters, size 9

Affiliation(s) of the author(s) incl. Dept., Institute, etc.in the same order (if needed), Town, State (font calibri, size 9) Autrhors should be limited to those who make substantial contribution to the submitted work. Otherwise, the names of persons who provide little or partial contribution should be added in Acknowledgement section. Do not use academic titles (Prof. Dr. etc.) and diacritics. Please sign the corresponding author with * otherwise the first in a row is considered as corresponding author.

DOI : will be added by publisher

e-mail to corresponding author (font Calibri bold, size 9)


Here you should describe the paper idea in short. The abstract should have from 100 up to 150 words. Font Calibri, size 9


from 5 to 7 characteristic words (and/or groups of words, separated with commas). select keywords that can be used to identify the subject of your paper. Font Calibri italic, size 9

Introduction (Caption: font Calibri bold capital letters, dark blue, size 9)

These instructions are intended to guide prospective authors of the MM Science Journal when preparing their paper manuscript for the intended paper. The following requirements should be adhered to as closely as possible. Use this document please as an example and template.

No final corrections will be made by the publisher. The paper must be sent in MS Word docx or doc format.

The official language of the journal is English. Papers written in other languages will not be accepted.

The final paper must not exceed ten (10) pages in length including the graphic objects. Every paper will be numbered separately. Please leave the numbers in the footer and do not modify it. Text: Font Calibri, size 9 – use this font for all the text.


Preferably use DIN A4 page format and MS Word editor, please.

Some more suggestions to style of your paper:

- do not use underlining in your paper

- use a consistent spelling style throughout the paper (US or UK)

- use single quotes

- use %, not percent

- do not use ampersands (&) except as part of the official name of an organization or company

- keep hyphenation to a minimum. Do not hyphenate ‘coordinate’ or ‘non’ words, such as ‘nonlinear’

- do not end headings with full stops.

- use one character space after all punctuation


Number the subchapter consecutively, i.e. the subsections of section 2 are numbered 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 etc. We recommend using no more than three levels of headings.

Figures and tables

Make sure that all graphical content is sharp and printable in sufficient quality (at least 300 dpi, CMYK). It is possible to use both grayscale or color graphics.

Take care that figures copied from other sources do not contain Asian fonts!

Figures and Tables must be inserted in the text (not as attachment), cited in the text, and should be consecutively numbered i.e. Figure 1, 2, 3, etc., and Table 1, 2, 3, etc. with the captions as follows:


Figure 1: MM Science Journal logo (font of the caption- Calibri, dark blue, size 8)

Table 1: Table caption


All tables must be created using Table utility provided by Microsoft Word. Information within the table will be written using TNR 10 pt, regular, single spacing. A table wider than a single column should not be reduced to fit; use two columns instead, preferably at the bottom of the page. For tables larger than a column, a single page may be used (eventually Landscape).

Refer to tables as Table x (number) in the text. Table will be simply framed (bordered) using line of 1.5 pt.

Before the table insert the word Table, the number of the table with Arabic number, the title of the table, all written TNR 10 pt, regular, and right aligned.When refer to figure or table use shortcut e.g. see Fig. 1, 2, 3 or Tab. 1, 2, 3 etc.

Do not wrap the text around the Figures, place the caption below the Figure, or above the Table.

Photograps must be clear, of perfect technical quality.

Figures and Tables will be published in colour.

Do not use linking between mentioning in the text and the Figure or Table itself!

Place the figure or table on the text page as close to the relevant citation as possible. If a figure or table is too large to fit into one column, it can be centered across both columns at the top or the bottom of the page. Make sure that it does not extend into the page margins.


Equations should be numbered in the right margin.

[pic] (1)

When explaining/mentioning the equations/symbols in the text, please use the symbols (e.g. α, β, numbers etc.) as a font (don´t insert as a picture!).


Authors must adhere to SI units. When using a word which is or is asserted to be a proprietary term or trade mark, authors must use the symbol or TM.

Please send your paper manuscript by e-mail to: dvorakova.j@fme.vutbr.cz

The file name of your paper manuscript should be:

Yourname_MM-SJ ML_PaperManuscript_yyyy-mm-dd.doc


Authors of accepted papers will be required to transfer copyrights to the publisher. You can download the Transfer of Copyrights Form including the related information from the official Conference web portal:

or from the MM Science Journal web portal:


Acknowledgements (if any) should be placed after the Conclusions and before the References.


Relevant works previously published must be cited in the reference list. List the references at the end of the paper, in order of author’s name.

References are to be marked in the text by giving the name of the first author and the publishing year in square brackets, e.g. [Anderson 2003]. Only those publications actually cited in the paper can be included in the list of references. Please follow the format for references as follows (if more than two authors, give the surname of the first author followed by et al.):

References are unnumbered, and listed in alphabetical order. In case, the original language of used literature in not English, please translate the title and put the information about the original language in curves at the end e.g. (in Czech, in Slovak, in German, etc.). Do not use diacritics in the czech names. The examples for a book, a paper in journal, a paper in proceedings and a technical report respectively follow:


[Author1 YYYY] Author1, A.A. and Author2, B.B. Title of book. Location: publisher, year. ISBN (if applicable)

[Anderson 2003] Anderson, P., Culley, P. and Parker, T. J. Marketing Research. London: Hansen Publisher, 2003. ISBN 0952-5242

Paper in a journal:

[Author1 YYYY] Author1, A.A. and Author2, B.B. Title of paper. Journal, months (if applicable) year, volume number, issue number, page numbers (first-last), ISSN (if applicable)

[Smith 2001] Smith, D., et al. Specification Formulation. Journal of Engineering, December 2001, Vol.2, No.2., pp 223-228. ISSN 0954-4828

Paper in proceedings:

[Author1 YYYY] Author1, A.A. and Author2, B.B. Title of paper. In: B.B. Editor, ed. (if applicable) Title of conference proceedings including place and date of conference, Place: Publisher, page numbers (first-last), ISBN (if applicable)

[Wilson 1990a] Wilson, E. CAD in the Context of Design. In: R. Clark, ed. Proceedings of the CAD Conference, Dubrovnik, 810 September, 1990. Guilford: Metropolitan University, pp 11-25.ISBN 0151-5238

Technical reports or thesis:

[Author1 YYYY] Author1, A.A. and Author2, B.B. Title of report/thesis. Identification code. Location: Institute or Publisher, year.

[Wilson 1990b] Wilson, E. Engineering Today. Report KG-2261. Nottingham: University of Westport, Institute for Design,1990.

Paper in electronic journal:

[Author1 YYYY] Author1, A.A. and Author2, B.B. Title of electronic journal [online]. Date of issue, volume Nr., issue Nr., date of last revision [date of citing]. Available from . Standard number.

WWW page:

[Author1 YYYY] Author1, A.A. Title of webpage. Publisher, year, location [online]. Date of webpage creation/actualization [date of citing]. Available from . Identification code.


Author's full Name including academic title(s)

Institution/University, Department

Address, City, Postal Code, Country

Telephone, e-mail, websites




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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