Getting Started with the TExaS Simulator


A device driver is a collection of software functions that allow higher level software to utilize an I/O device.

Collection of public methods (subroutines)



Collection of private objects (subroutines, globals, I/O ports)




complexity abstraction

divide a complex problem into simple subcomponents

functional abstraction

divide a problem into modules

grouped by function



ATDCTL2=0x80; set bit 7 to enable ADC

ATDCTL3=0x08; sequence length=1

ATDCTL4=0x01; 10-bit, divide by 2

ATDCTL5 write channel number to start ADC

• channel number $80 to $87


• cleared by write to ATDCTL5

• set when ADC finished

ATDDR0 first 10-bit ADC result

• precision 10-bit, 1024 alternatives

• range 0 to +5V

• resolution (5-0)/1024 = 5 mV

Digital Output = 1024*Vin/5

|Analog Input (V) |Digital Output |

|0.000 |%0000000000 $000 0 |

|0.005 |%0000000001 $001 1 |

|2.500 |%1000000000 $200 512 |

|3.750 |%1100000000 $300 192 |

|5.000 |%1111111111 $3FF 1023 |

Table 5.11. Straight binary format used.



1) run tut3

2) see ADC device driver

3) show ADC_Init

Turns it on

Sets it to 10-bit mode

4) show ADC_In

write channel number to ATDCTL5

wait for SCF flag in ATDSTAT

read 10-bit result from ATDDR0

5) show SCI_OutDec

Lab 7 (same data flow as tut3)


Slow moving temperature wave.



Run solution to Lab 7, show how to prove real time DAS

start ADC at a regular rate

measure the jitter

1ms-δt < tn – tn-1 < 1ms+δt

Lab 7 (same data flow as tut3)


Lab 7,

Sample ADC every 0.5s

Map (0 to 1023) into (0000 to +4000)

Position = 4000*(Sample)/1024

Position = 125*(Sample)/32

Fixed-Point output

1234 is displayed a “1.234 cm”


11.10.2. 6812 ADC System

Most of the 6812 microcontrollers have built in ADC converters. This section will specifically cover the MC9S12C32, but the other 6812 devices operate in a very similar manner. The I/O registers used for the ADC are listed in Table 11.13. The ADC on the MC9S12C32 can be operated in 8-bit mode or 10-bit mode. The 8 pins of Port AD can be individually defined to be analog input, digital output, or digital input. We set the corresponding bit in the ATDDIEN register to be 1 for digital or 0 for analog input. If a pin is digital, then the corresponding bit in the DDRAD register specifies input(0) or output(1). The ADC digital output can be right- or left-justified within the 16-bit result register, and it can be in a signed or unsigned format. When the ADC is triggered, it performs a sequence of conversions, with the sequence length being any number from 1 to 8 conversions. When performing a sequence, it can convert the same channel multiple times or it can convert different channels during the sequence. We can trigger ADC conversions in three ways. The first way is to use an explicit software trigger (write to ATDCTL5), and when the conversions are complete, the SCF flag is set. The examples in Programs 11.12 and 11.13 employ the explicit software trigger to start an ADC conversion. The second way trigger the ADC is continuous mode. In this mode, the ADC sequence is repeated over and over continuously. The third way is to connect an external trigger to the digital input on PAD7. With an external trigger we can use busy-wait synchronization (gadfly) on the SCF flag, or arm interrupts (ASCIE=1) on the ASCIF flag. The results of the ADC conversions can be found in the ATDDR0 to ATDDR7 result registers, where the register number refers to the sequence number. In other words, ATDDR0 contains the result of the first conversion in the sequence, ATDDR1 contains the result of the second conversion,… and ATDDR7 contains the result of the eighth conversion.

|Address |Bit 7 |6 |5 |4 |3 |2 |1 |Bit 0 |Name |


|$0083 |0 |S8C |S4C |S2C |S1C |FIFO |FRZ1 |FRZ0 |ATDCTL3 |

|$0084 |SRES8 |SMP1 |SMP0 |PRS4 |PRS3 |PRS2 |PRS1 |PRS0 |ATDCTL4 |

|$0085 |DJM |DSGN |SCAN |MULT |0 |CC |CB |CA |ATDCTL5 |

|$0086 |SCF |0 |ETORF |FIFOR |0 |CC2 |CC1 |CC0 |ATDSTAT0 |

|$008B |CCF7 |CCF6 |CCF5 |CCF4 |CCF3 |CCF2 |CCF1 |CCF0 |ATDSTAT1 |

|$008D |Bit 7 |6 |5 |4 |3 |2 |1 |Bit 0 |ATDDIEN |



|address |msb | |

|0 |0 |Falling edge of PAD7 starts a conversion sequence |

|0 |1 |Rising edge of PAD7 starts a conversion sequence |

|1 |0 |Perform ADC conversions when PAD7 is low |

|1 |1 |Perform ADC conversions when PAD7 is high |

Table 11.14. External trigger modes for the MC9S12C32 ADC.

The ATDCTL3 and ATDCTL4 contain bits that specify the ADC mode. S8C, S4C, S2C, S1C control the number of conversions per sequence. Let n be the four-bit number specified by these bits. For values of n from 1 to 7, n specifies the sequence length. For values of n equal to 0 or 8-15, the sequence length is 8. At reset, the default sequence length is 4 (0100), maintaining software continuity to HC12 family. This book will not discuss FIFO mode or freeze mode. SRES8 is the ADC Resolution Select bit. This bit selects the resolution of ADC conversion as either 8 (SRES8=1) or 10 bits (SRES8=0). The ADC converter has an accuracy of 10 bits; however, if low resolution is acceptable, selecting 8-bit resolution will reduce the conversion time.

The time to perform an ADC conversion is determined by the E clock and the ATDCTL4 register. The ATDCTL4 register selects the sample period and PRS-Clock prescaler. SMP1, SMP0 are the Sample Time Select bits. These two bits select the length of the second phase of the sample time in units of ATD conversion clock periods, as listed in Table 11.15. The sample time consists of two phases. The first phase is two ATD conversion clock periods long and transfers the sample quickly (via the buffer amplifier) onto the ADC machine’s storage node. The second phase attaches the external analog signal directly to the storage node for final charging and high accuracy. Table 11.15 lists the lengths available for the second sample phase. Let m be the 5-bit number formed by bits PRS4-0. Let fE be the frequency of the E clock. The ATD conversion clock frequency is calculated as follows:

ATD clock frequency = ½ fE /(m+1)

The default (after reset) prescaler value is 5, which results in a default ATD conversion clock frequency that is the E clock divided by 12. The choice of these parameters involves a tradeoff between accuracy and speed. Freescale recommends the ADC clock frequency be restricted to the 500 kHz to 2 MHz range. For analog signals with the white noise, we can essentially add an analog low pass filter by increasing the ADC sample time. To increase conversion speed, we wish to select a fast clock and short sample period. The last factor to consider is the slewing rate of the input signal. For signals with a high slope, dV/dt, we need to select a faster conversion time (i.e., shorter sample time). More discussion about slewing rate will be made in the next chapter when considering the need for a sample and hold analog latch. For a 24 MHz E clock, the possible m prescales range from 5 (ADCclock=2 MHz) to 23 (ADCclock=500 kHz). Other choices are not recommended.

|SMP1 |SMP0 |First Sample Phase |Second Sample Phase |Total Sample Time |

|0 |0 |2 ADC clock periods |2 ADC clock periods |4 ADC clock periods |

|0 |1 |2 ADC clock periods |4 ADC clock periods |6 ADC clock periods |

|1 |0 |2 ADC clock periods |8 ADC clock periods |10 ADC clock periods |

|1 |1 |2 ADC clock periods |16 ADC clock periods |18 ADC clock periods |

Table 11.15. Sampling time for the 6812 ADC .

Writing to ATDCTL5 register will start an ADC conversion. To begin continuous conversions, we write to the ATDCTL5 with SCAN=1. On the other hand, if we write to ATDCTL5 with SCAN=0, only one sequence occurs. CC, CB, CA select the analog input channel(s) whose signals are sampled and converted to digital codes. Because the result registers (16 bits) are wider than the ADC digital code (8 or 10 bits), we must choose where in the result register to put the digital code. DJM is the Result Register Data Justification bit, where 1 means right-justified and 0 means left-justified data in the result registers. DSGN selects between signed and unsigned format. We set DSGN to 1 for signed data representation and we set it to 0 for unsigned data representation. Table 11.16 describes the four possible 10-bit data formations for the MC9S12C32. When MULT is 0, the ATD sequence controller samples only from the specified analog input channel for an entire conversion sequence. When MULT is 1, the ATD sequence controller samples across channels. The number of channels sampled is determined by the sequence length value (S8C, S4C, S2C, S1C). The first analog channel examined is determined by channel selection code (CC, CB, CA control bits); subsequent channels sampled in the sequence are determined by incrementing the channel selection code.

The status register contains a status bit, SCF, which we use to poll for the ADC conversion completion. The SCF flag is cleared by writing data into the ADCTL5 (i.e., starting a new conversion.) The SCF flag can also be cleared by writing a 1 to it. The CC2,CC1,CC0 bits are the sequence counter as the ADC steps through a conversion sequence. The CCFn bits are individual flags for each of the conversions.

Performance Tip: If we are interested in a single conversion, we could start the ADC , wait for CCF0, then read the result in ATDDR0.

11.10.3. ADC Software

The MC9S12C32 subroutine, AD_In, will return a 10-bit value representing the analog input. Table 11.16 shows the 8-bit format available on the 6811 and the four 10-bit formats available on 6812. When the 6812 inserts an 8- or 10-bit data into the 16-bit result register it will pad the extra bits with 0s, but Table 11.16 is shown with bits 15-10 having been sign-extended from bit 9. The C code to perform this sign extension is

Result = ATDDR0; // 10-bit signed, right-justified

if(Result&0x200) Result = Result|0xF8; // sign extend if negative

|Analog Input (V) |8-bit unsigned |10-bit unsigned |10-bit unsigned |10-bit signed |10-bit signed |

| |Digital Output |Right-justified |Left-justified |Right-justified |Left-justified |

|0.000 |$00 0 |$0000 0 |$0000 0 |$FE00 -512 |$8000 -32768 |

|0.005 |$00 0 |$0001 1 |$0040 64 |$FE01 -511 |$8040 -32704 |

|0.020 |$01 1 |$0004 4 |$0100 256 |$FE04 -508 |$8100 -32512 |

|2.500 |$80 128 |$0200 512 |$8000 32768 |$0000 0 |$0000 0 |

|3.750 |$C0 192 |$0300 768 |$C000 49152 |$0100 256 |$4000 16384 |

|5.000 |$FF 255 |$03FF 1023 |$FFC0 65472 |$01FF 511 |$7FC0 32704 |

Table 11.16 Binary formats used by the Freescale internal ADCs.

For the 6812 running with an 8-bit precision, the analog input range is 0 to +5V, the analog input resolution is 5V/256, which is about 20 mV. For 6812 running with a 10-bit precision, the analog input range is 0 to +5V, the analog input resolution is 5V/1024, which is about 5 mV. In Programs 11.12 and 11.13, the 6811 and 6812 ADC will perform multiple conversions on the same analog signal, but the ADC_In function returns only the first conversion. The format of the input parameter is

bit 7 DJM 1=right , 0=left justified (6812 only)

bit 6 DSGN 1=signed, 0=unsigned (6812 only)

bit 5 SCAN 0=single sequence

bit 4 MULT 0=single channel

bits 2-0 channel number 0 to 7

The 6812 version returns a 10-bit result.

|; MC9S12C32 |

|; Analog signal connected to PAD7-0 |

|ADC_Init movb #$80,ATDCTL2 ;power up |

|movb #$05,ATDCTL4 ;10-bit |

|rts |

|;In: RegA has channel Number |

|;Out: RegD has ADC result |

|ADC_In staa ATDCTL5 ;Start ADC |

|Loop brclr ATDSTAT,$80,Loop |

|ldd ATDDR0 ;first result |

|rts |

Program 11.12. Assembly software to sample data using the ADC.

|// MC9S12C32 |

|void ADC_Init(void){ |

|ATDCTL2 = 0x80; // enable ADC |

|ATDCTL4 = 0x05; // 10-bit, divide by 12 |

|} |

|unsigned short ADC_In(unsigned char chan){ |

|ATDCTL5 = chan; // start |

|while((ATDSTAT1&0x01)==0){}; // CCF0 |

|return ATDDR0; // 10-bit result |

|} |

Program 11.13. C-language software to sample data using the ADC .

Checkpoint 11.11: If the input voltage is 1.0V, what value will the 6811 ADC_In return?

Checkpoint 11.12: If the input voltage is 1.0V, what value, in 10-bit unsigned right-justified mode, will the 6812 ADC_In return?

7.6. Profiling

Profiling is similar to performance debugging

Profiling collects

when time history, TCNT

where PC

what strategic variables

7.6.1 Profiling using a software dump

unsigned short time[100];

unsigned short place[100];

unsigned short n;

void profile(unsigned short p){

time[n]=TCNT; // record current time




SIZE equ 100

time ds.w SIZE

place ds.w SIZE

n ds 1


clr n


*RegY = p




ldab n

cmpb #2*SIZE

bhs ddone

ldx #time

movw TCNT,B,X record time

ldx #place

sty B,X record place

addb #2

stab n

ddone pulx



Change place parameter to capture PC instead of

Add profiling to Robot.asm for each function

7.6.2. Profiling using an Output Port

DDRT equ 0x0242 ; Direction Register

PTT equ 0x0240 ; I/O Register

add to SCI_Init

movb #$FF,DDRT

add to SCI_OutDec

movb #$01,PTT

movb #$02,PTT

movb #$04,PTT

movb #$08,PTT

movb #$10,PTT

movb #$20,PTT

movb #$40,PTT

movb #$80,PTT

attach a logic analyzer

Quiz 2 Common errors

1. Incorrect use of 8-bit and 16-bit operations

2. For loops

3. Indexed addressing to access 8-bit array

Indexed addressing to access 16-bit array


4. Incorrect use of signed and unsigned

| |unsigned |signed |

|registers |all |all |

|op codes |idiv |edivs |

| |blo |blt |

| |bge |bhs |

| |abx | |

|data |all |all |









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