Love as a Way of Life

Study Series: Worry Less, Live MoreAuthor: Robert J. MorganLesson Title: “The Practice of Nearness” (pp. 92-102)October 20, 2019Session 08The main point of this lesson is: he practice of nearness helps to overcome worry.Focus on this goal: To help adults who trust in God become aware of His nearness in their lives.Key Bible Passage: Philippians 4:5bDuring the SessionStep 1. Generate Discussion & Set the StageLead a discussion with: What do most children want when they are anxious or afraid? Why does the nearness of a parent often ease a child’s worry? Now that you are an adult, what do you find powerful about another person’s presence? Remind the group you’re examining eight practices from Philippians 4:4-9 that can empower believers to worry less and live more. Read Philippians 4:4-5. Note: Some may have been surprised to discover the practices of rejoicing and gentleness are antidotes for worry. However, it probably won’t surprise most adults that the practice of nearness helps overcome anxiety. Step 2. Day 1 – A Friend’s HandAsk: If you were about to fall, what might you reach for? How can a person’s hand provide comfort? Invite volunteers to read Isaiah 41:10 and Matthew 14:25-31. Invite volunteers to share times Jesus reached out His hand and steadied them. State: We can take the Lord’s hand, because He is near. Analyze whether Paul meant the Lord’s coming or His presence is near (see Day One remarks, pp. 93-94).Step 3. Day 2 – The Lord’s Coming Is Near, Part 1Note several passages in Scripture indicate that Christ’s return is near. Ask: Why might we find that difficult to believe, or at least to live like we believe it? Discuss Day Two, activity 1 (p. 95). Read the paragraph following that activity. Ask: Even if the Lord doesn’t return for another two thousand years, how can we still be confident our reunion with Jesus is near? Request adults silently consider any situation causing them anxiety right now. Ask: Do you think you will be worrying about this situation fifty years from now? Explain.Step 4. Day 3 – The Lord’s Coming Is Near, Part 2Ask adults to share reasons they are looking forward to being in heaven. Analyze why those who belong to Christ still suffer from problems and troubles on this earth. Ask: What can we be confident God will do with our troubles and problems? Acknowledge we are in the “now” where our problems are real, but we can evaluate them in light of our glorious future. Invite volunteers to read Romans 8:18 and 2 Corinthians 4:17. Hold out your hands like they are pans on a balancing scale. Request adults identify trials people experience in this life. Lower your right hand as they respond as if those trials are weighing it down. Ask: These are real trials and heartaches—how could Paul possibly call them light and momentary? Raise your right hand and lower your left hand as if the scales are tipping and state: Paul was not making light of the trials we suffer on this earth. He was simply reminding us that the glory waiting for us far outweighs whatever we’re enduring now. Invite responses to activities 1 (p. 97) and 2 (p. 98) in Day Three.Step 5. Day 4 – The Lord’s Presence Is Near, Part 1State that “The Lord is near” doesn’t just mean His coming is close at hand, it also means His very presence is close at hand. Discuss Day?Four, activity 1 (p. 98). Ask: What does it mean to you that the Lord is physically near you all the time? Why must His presence control us if it’s going to calm us? Encourage adults to underline the sentence in Day Four (p. 99) beginning with “When you turn to Jesus ….” Invite volunteers to share their responses to Day Four, activity 2 (p. 100).Step 6. Day 5 – The Lord’s Presence Is Near, Part 2Note Day Five includes several categories of passages that speak of God’s omnipresence—He is everywhere—and His immanence—He is near to us. Request a volunteer read James 4:8 and ask adults to identify the instruction and promise we are given. Invite another volunteer to read Deuteronomy 4:7. Determine from that verse one specific way we can draw near to God. Invite volunteers to read Matthew 1:23 and 28:20. State: Jesus is “God with Us,” not just for the time He was on this earth, but until the very end of the age! Encourage participants to read in unison Hebrews 13:5-6 printed in Day Five (p. 101). Ask: What would happen to our anxiety levels if we really believed that? Why?Take it HomeAsk: What are some habits we can incorporate in our lives that would help us practice the Lord’s nearness and relieve worry and anxiety? Note one habit the author encourages in Day Five is to visualize the Lord’s nearness. Encourage adults to complete Day Five, activity 2 (p. 102) later today if they haven’t already. Note: In Day Four, the author shared how specific Bible verses calm him down. Suggest adults read the verses listed in Day Five (pp. 100-101) this week. Declare another habit to practice God’s nearness is to memorize Scripture. Remind participants of the challenge to memorize Philippians 4:4-9. Encourage the group to quote in unison Philippians 4:4-5.Close in prayer. ................

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