Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science and ...

SZABISTBS (Bio-Sciences) Sample Question Paper Total Marks: 100 Time: 90 Min.The Entrance Test will comprise of online multiple choice questions (MCQs). You will select one answer from the choices given. Different questions will be asked from each of the following areas:English (30)General Maths (20)IQ (20)Subject (30)SECTION I-ENGLISHSYNONYMSEach question below consists of a word printed in capital letters, followed by a choice of wordsor phrase. Choose the word or phrase that is nearest in meaning (synonym) to the word in capital letters. You will be given 5 such items.Example:OBSCUREa. outspokenb. conclusionc. hiddend. kinderede. none of the aboveThe correct answer is (c)ANTONYMSEach question below consists of word printed in capital letters, followed by a choice of words or phrase. Choose the word or phrase that is most nearly opposite in meaning (antonym) to the word in capital letters. You will be given 5 such items.Example:AFFILIATEa. honorb. cut awayc. associate oneselfd. feigne. none of the aboveThe correct answer is (b).SUBSTITUTE WORDSEach problem in this part consists of a sentence in which one word or phrase has been underlined. From the choices given, you should choose the one word or phrase, which could be substituted for the underlined word or phrase without changing the meaning of the sentence. You will be given 10 such items.Example:The frown on the man’s face showed that he was displeased.a. look of fearb. look of angerc. look of delightd. look of surprisee. none of the aboveThe correct answer is (b)INCOMPLETE SENTENCESIn this part each problem consists of an incomplete sentence. From the choices given, you should find the one choice which best completes the sentence. You will be given 5 such items.Example:Because the United States has little tin, -------------- produced in the rest of the world.a. tin is usedb. it uses tinc. uses of tind. uses tine. none of the aboveThe correct answer is (b).CONFUSED WORDSIn this part, you will be given sentences with frequently confused words (words that sound similar). You will be required to identify the correct word for each sentence. You will be given 5 such items.Example:To be successful one must____________________ a certain amount of stress.a. acceptb. exceptThe correct answer is (a)SECTION II-GENERAL MATHSNUMBER SERIESThis part consists of a series of numbers. Work out the pattern and identify the next number inthe series. You will be given 10 such items.Example:2,8, 18, 32, 50, 72 -------a. 74b. 80c. 88d. 98e. none of the aboveThe correct answer is (d)ARITHMETICThis part consists of quantitative (arithmetic) problems. You have to choose the correct answer. You will be given 10 such items.Example:3 [ 4 – (8 + 2) ] =a. -12b. -18c. 6d. 12e. none of the aboveThe correct answer is (b)SECTION III-IQThis part consists of a IQ. Work out the pattern and identify the next number inthe series. You will be given 20 such items.Question: Enter the missing figure: 4, 5, 8, 17, 44, ____.a.122b.234c.125d.542e.None of the aboveCorrect Answer: CQuestion: Enter the missing character: A, D, G, J, ____.a. Nb.Mc.Od.Ke.None of the aboveCorrect Answer: BQuestion: Pick the odd word out.London, Paris, Dublin, Den Haaga.Londonb.Parisc.Dublind.Den Haage.None of the aboveCorrect Answer: DSECTION IV-SUBJECTGENERAL SCIENCEIn this section, you are required to fill in the blanks by choosing the correct answer. You will be given 5 such items.Example:Normal body temperature of man is:(A) 36.8?C(B) 37?C(C) 98.6?C(D) 37.8?C(E) None of the aboveThe correct answer is (B)PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY – CORRECT ANSWERIn this section, you are required to choose the correct answer. You will be given 5 such items.Example:ΔH for a reaction is 110Kcal/mole this shows reaction is(A) Endothermic(B) Exothermic(C) It needs catalyst(D) In equilibrium state(E) None of the aboveThe correct answer is (A)INORGANIC CHEMISTRY- CORRECT ANSWERIn this section, you are required to choose the correct answer. You will be given 5 such items.According to Charles law the volume of a given mass of gas should be zero at(A) -250C(B) 2730C(C) 0K(D) -1000C(E) None of the aboveThe correct answer is (C)ORGANIC CHEMISTRY- CORRECT ANSWERIn this section, you are required to choose the correct answer. You will be given 5 such items.Which of the following is known as wood spirit(A) Ethyl alcohol(B) Isopropyl alcohol(C) Methanol(D) mixture of all of these(E) None of the aboveThe correct answer is (C)BOTANYIn this section, you are required to choose the correct answer. You will be given 5 such itemsA plant that lives for many years:(A) A biennial(B) An ephemeral(C) An annual(D) A perennial(E) None of the aboveThe correct answer is (D)ZOOLOGYIn this section, you are required to choose the correct answer. You will be given 5 such itemsExample:In which of the following no blood can be found:(A) Hydra(B) Cockroach(C) Frog(D) Man(E) None of the aboveThe correct answer is (A). ................

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