CRITICAL THINKING JOURNAL For credit write journal number on your journal.Describe what you did this summer- or what you wish you did this summer. Pretend that you get to make one rule that everyone in the world must follow. What rule do you make? Why?You can have any three things that you want. In return you must give away three things that are about the same size as the things you get. What do you get and what do you give away? Why?Mr. Case has asked you how to improve HHS… Write a letter to him on what you would do.Write a paragraph about a girl named Dot, but use no letters with dots (i, j). Teenagers encounter peer pressure. A well-thought out excuse may prevent you from getting in trouble. Brainstorm ways can you say no. Write ten sentences that say no in various ways, but without using the word no. Many products today come with obvious and ridiculous warnings. A hair dryer warning reads, “Don’t use in tub.” The box for an iron says, “Don’t iron clothes on your body.” A chain saw box warning reads, “Don’t attempt to stop chain saw with your hands.” Write a fictional story of why a product has a (fictional) warning Take a discovering voice lesson exercise and develop it into a journal. Describe a room that has a very, very bad smell- but without saying it has a very bad smell. In 100 words write what’s right about this country. In 100 words, write about what’s wrong with this country. Write a fictional letter of apology without using the words sorry or apologize. Describe a mystery that really bothers you and why. It can be a personal or historical… What’s in Area 51? Why would anyone ever enter a 100-mile run?Think back to your earliest memory. What do you remember? Try to recall as many details as possible. Where were you? Who was there? How did you feel? Describe the memory, then ask, “Why do I remember that?” A. Think of someone you dislike a lot. Give the person a pseudonym. Then write down 10 qualities, characteristics, or actions you don’t like about the person. B. There is a theory that what we dislike most in others is related to something we don’t like about ourselves. What connection can you find between the list you made and what you dislike in yourself? Examine the connections. Is there truth to the theory? ExplainWrite 25 words for each topic– no more, no less to create an impression of 1. Sadness. 2. Joy 3. Disgust 4. Love. What has been a hard lesson for you to learn? Explain. Your family has offered to spoil you. They aren’t going to buy you expensive gifts. What are they going to do? Describe how you will be spoiled? Respond to the following quote. Think about if you agree of disagree and why… “ I don’t want everyone to like me. I should think less of myself if some people did.” Henry James. “If you don’t have enemies, you don’t have character. -Paul Newman. “Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great makes you feel that you, too, can become great.”- Mark TwainWho in your life helps you believe in yourself? Write about this person and how he or she affects you. Or maybe you are the hero to someone younger. Explain the ways in which you encourage him or her. “Your expression is the most important thing you can wear.” –Sid Ascher.“Wear a smile and have friends; wear a scowl and have wrinkles.” –George EliotStudies show that smiling can help a person feel better. When the body acts as if it is happy, it begins to feel happy. -How does your expression affect how you feel? Try a variety of expression. Describe how you feel when you look pleased; when you look angry; when you look sad or depressed. -How do people react to you when you wear each expression?“Beginnings are apt to be shadowy.” –Rachel CarsonA new school. A new friend. A new home. A new stepparent. Any new start can be difficult. It’s a change, and change makes everything seem uncertain for a while. It gets easier as you keep going, though, and the new things become more familiar. -Write about what’s new in your life or the life of someone you know. What still seems uncertain? “Our major obligation is not to mistake slogans for solutions.”- Edward Murrow“For every complex question there is a simple solution; neat, plausible, and wrong.” –H.L. Mencken Sometimes slogans are just plain wrong. Other times, they make a difficult problem sound too easy. An example is the “Just say No” campaign to combat drug use. In many situations, just saying “no “ may not be enough. Kids need to learn why they should refuse drugs, what they should say, and how they can avoid drug-using friends. Write about some slogans or simple solutions that are wrong or just don’t go far enough. “You should not have your own idea when you listen to someone… To have nothing on your mind is naturalness. Then you will understand what he says. – S. Suzuki-Usually what we say isn’t of earth-shaking importance. But sometimes we really want to tell someone something-really want that person to hear what we are saying. -Do you know someone who listens to you with all his or her heart? And someone who pays so little attention that you slip in “little green men” or “worms for breakfast” just to see if he or she is really listening?-Write about listening. Write about a time your’e gratified or disappointed or angry. Or about a time you were the listener. “If you keep on saying things are going to be bad, you have a good chance of becoming a prophet.” Isaac Singer-Staying hopeful keeps your spirits up. When you believe good things will happen, you watch for an opportunity and grab it when it’s offered. -Believing that nothing will turn out right leads to a what’s the use attitude. You’ll overlook chances or give them just halfhearted tries. -Write about a person you know who us usually hopeful or gloomy. How has that person’s outlook affected his or her life? Describe a particular incident that shows this. “Babies of all nations are alike until adults teach them.” –M Applegate.-Why do some people want their children to dislike or look down on other people? Would our planet be at peace if children were taught to accept and respect all people? Explain why you think it would or would not be? Reflect on your own worst family vacation. Write about it as though you are a fly on the wall and describe what happened."I love you," she whispered into her pink cell phone. Nothing but music and the rustle of paper returned what she thought was an open and honest expression. "Did you hear me?" she paused. "I said I love you." (Continue to write about who she is and whom she is talking to....)Describe a dream that you’ve had while asleep. Make it come alive with vivid imagery and sensory descriptions.What started off as a sleepwalking problem leads to a night of adventure when ____gets behind the wheel and does what she/ he was too afraid to do when she/he was awake.Callie?is convinced that she is being spied on by her creepy neighbors, but when she goes into their house, she finds a little more?than she bargained for.Go inside the mind of a patient whose heart stops for 10 minutes, which gives the patient the chance to make a shocking discovery that reframes their life. Include supernatural elements, but do not dare use the phrase “the light flashed before their eyes,” or any other near-death experience tropes.Write about a potato?family: The Mashes. One of their spuds?wastes all his time getting baked, while the sweet parents can barely control their spunky tots. Things get even crazier when you throw their French fry foreign exchange student into the mix. Make a lot of awful puns.Mall Santas?can be fun, until one particular absent-minded fella shows up as the Easter Bunny in December.A group of the few remaining humans who are not fighting in World War III have taken cover in the New York subway system, which is sealed off from the city. When they almost run out of supplies and are forced to escape, what meets them at the surface?Start the first line of poem with a word or phrase from a recent passing conversation between you and a stranger. Open up either your own Instagram account or one of a friend/celebrity and write poetry based on the first picture. Write a poem about nothingWrite a love poem without using the word love.What do you want to do with your life? What’s the coolest thing you’ve ever seen in nature? Describe it. What crazy adventure would you want to take? What news stories are you following? What would you like to learn on your own? What would you wait in line for? What are the most important changes, in your life and in the world, in the last decade?How do you feel about zoos?Who, living or dead, would you invite to dinner? Why? What would you talk about?What did you once hate but now like? Why did this change? When have you ever failed at something? What happened as a result?Re-write the ending of a historical event. For example, what if Columbus had never sailed the ocean or what if he had landed where he intended?List one of your pet peeves and write about why it annoys you.What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given? ................

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