COMM 100W – Writing Workshop

COMM 100W – Writing Workshop

Peer review of fact paper

Review of: ____________________________

Reviewed by: __________________________


Review and correct any errors in the author’s citations (in both the body of the paper and in the bibliography).

Describe your overall impression of the author’s bibliography. __________________________

What would they need to change about their bibliography for it to appear more credible?

Propositions of fact:

Carefully review each sentence in the paper. Circle any terms that strike you as value claims that cannot be empirically verified. How many of these terms did you find? __________________

Are there any sentences that could be easily transformed into propositions of fact that are currently value claims? Note those on the paper.

Describe your overall impression of this collection of facts. ______________________________

Does the paper portray the topic in a negative or positive light? ______________

Are there some sentences that undermine the impression the author is trying to give of their topic? Mark those on the paper.

Arrangement and organization:

Review each paragraph of the paper to see if it is well organized. Do any paragraphs lack a clear topic sentence? How many? ___________

Is the information organized in a logical manner? ___________

Is the information organized in a strategic manner? _____________

What are the subtopics of the paper? ______________________________________________

Is all of the information related to each subtopic grouped accordingly? ____________

Your recommendations to the author:

Vivid language in the opening paragraph:

What was your initial reaction to the opening paragraph of this paper? _______________________

Did it get your attention? _________

Did it provide you a reason to want to read the paper? _________

Does it vividly describe the topic so that you can picture it in detail? ____________

List some of the descriptive words the author uses: ____________________________________

Your recommendations to the author:


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