2 100 Would You Rather Questions for Kids


100 Would You Rather Questions for Kids

Conversations with young children can open up an avenue into a world of imagination and information. Children can be surprisingly informed about the world around them. At the same time, what they don't know can also provide a better understanding of areas that need to be explored.

Maybe you and your family are going on a road trip and you want to engage your children in an activity that everyone can enjoy. Maybe you want to enhance conversation at the dinner table. Or maybe, you just want to know more about their daily routines and their experiences in the class rooms.

Here are 100 "Which would you prefer" questions to introduce conversational topics to children ages five-ten.

ENTERTAINMENT 1. Would you rather to see the monkeys or the tigers in a visit to the zoo? 2. Would you rather go to Disney World or to an amusement park? 3. Would you rather have a party with your friends for your birthday or go on a vacation with your family? 4. Do you like to watch scary movies or funny movies more? 5. If you're at the aviary, do you prefer the songbirds or the predators?

SPORTS 6. Which is more fun, roller blading or ice skating? 7. Are you better at basketball or soccer? 8. Which game would you rather watch, baseball or football? 9. Do you prefer the Summer Olympics and the gymnastics competition or the Winter 10. Olympics and the skating competition? 11. Which sport's athlete is stronger, wrestling or martial arts? 12. Are sports more fun when you're playing the game or when you're watching from the stands?

PETS 13. Would you like to have a pet snake or a pet kangaroo?

14. Which dogs make better pets, big dogs or little dogs? 15. Which baby animals are funnier to watch, kittens or puppies? 16. Would you rather be able to hear with a dog's ears, or leap with a cat's legs? 17. Do you think cats or dogs make better pets? 18. If you had an aquarium, would you want to have a goldfish or a Betta fish? 19. If you could tame a wild animal, would you rather have a deer or a bear for a pet? 20. If you had a pet bird, would you want to keep it in a cage or let it fly freely? 21. Would you rather that pets could talk to you or that you could understand what their barks, chirps, and meows mean? 22. If you were a bird, would you rather eat worms or bird seed?

SCHOOL 23. Would you rather have a spelling test or a math test? 24. If you could skip a grade in school, would you rather skip first grade or fifth grade? 25. Which would be worse: school yearround school or a ten-hour school day? 26. What do you like better, gym class or art class? 27. Which is better, recess or lunch? 28. Do you like riding the school bus to school or would you rather walk to school?

TRANSPORTATION 29. Do you want to own a sports car or on a motorcycle someday? 30. If you lived in olden times, do you think it would have been more comfortable riding in a stagecoach or on horseback? 31. Would you rather ride on a train or sail on a boat? 32. Which color of car do you like better, silver or red? 33. Would you rather ride in a hot air balloon or go hang-gliding? 34. Would you rather ride five miles uphill on your bike, or walk ten miles on a flat surface?

FOOD AND BEVERAGE 35. Which meal would you rather eat for supper, pizza or chicken wings? 36. Which is better, chocolate ice cream or vanilla ice cream? 37. If you could only eat one snack, would you choose potato chips or gummy bears? 38. Would you rather have mashed potatoes or French fries with your meal? 39. Which vegetable tastes better, carrots or peas? 40. Do you like ketchup or mustard more? 41. Which tastes better, Kool-Aid or iced tea? 42. When you're really thirsty, what do you drink, soda or water? 43. Who makes the best milkshakes, McDonald's or Dairy Queen? 44. Best combination snack: milk and cookies or soda and potato chips? 45. Which do you prefer, cola drinks or non-cola drinks? 46. Your favorite vegetable: cucumbers or celery?

COMMUNITY WORKERS 47. Would you rather be a firefighter or a police officer? 48. Do you think it's harder to be a doctor or a nurse? 49. Who should be paid more, an ambulance driver or a school crossing guard? 50. Would you rather climb up a telephone pole or go down a manhole in the street? 51. Do you think it's better to get a shot or to have to swallow medicine that tastes bad?

YOU 52. Do you like to go bare-footed or wear your flip flops? 53. Do you like to get up early in the morning or sleep in later? 54. Which is better, video games or television? 55. If you could change your appearance, would you change the color of your hair or your eyes? 56. Do you like to spend some time by yourself or do you prefer to be with your

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friends all the time? 57. If you were a superhero, what power would you want to have: to be invisibility or to have super-human strength? 58. Which color do you like the least, yellow or red? 59. Which color do you like the most, purple or orange? 60. Favorite clothes to wear: shorts or jeans? 61. What job would you like more: teacher or soldier?

SPACE AND OCEANS 62. Would you like to travel to the moon or to another planet? 63. If there's life on other planets, do you think they would be friends or enemies? 64. Would you rather learn to surf or learn to jet ski? 65. Would you rather pilot an airplane or a rocket ship? 66. Do you like the sun or the moon better? 67. Would you rather go explore space or the oceans? 68. Would you rather live on the space station or on a submarine? 69. Living in other environments; would you rather not need oxygen to breathe, or be able to breathe underwater? 70. Which do you think will happen first: people traveling to other galaxies for vacations, or aliens visiting Earth?

CAMPING 71. Do you like sleeping in a tent or would you rather sleep in a sleeping bag, under the stars, when you're on a camping trip? 72. What's the best food on a camping trip, mountain pies or s'mores? 73. Do you like to listen to scary stories or sing songs on a camping trip? 74. If there's bad weather when you're camping, would you rather have snow or rain? 75. What outdoor talent would you rather have, knowing how to start a fire with sticks or knowing how to catch a fish with your hands?

HOLIDAYS AND SPECIAL DAYS 76. Do you like scary Halloween costumes or superhero costumes? 77. Do you think the new year should begin in January when it's winter time or would you like it to begin during another season? 78. What would you rather have in your

Easter basket, candy or toys? 79. Would you rather plant a vegetable seed or a flower seed on Earth Day? 80. On Christmas day, which is more fun to open, big boxes or small boxes? 81. Do you wish that Hanukkah lasted longer than eight days or that it was shorter? 82. Is it harder going without food or water during Ramadan? 83. Do you like firecrackers on the 4th of July or do you think they're too noisy? 84. Which holiday is better, Valentine's Day or St. Patrick's Day 85. Which is your favorite Thanksgiving Day food, turkey or pumpkin pie?

SEASONS 86. Would you rather go outside and sled ride in the winter or build a snowman? 87. Which is better, going to a cook-out or having a swimming party? 88. What feels better, a cold drink on a hot day, or a hot drink on a cold day? 89. Which is prettier, flowers that blossom in the spring or the color of the leaves in the autumn? 90. Which is scarier, thunder or lightning?

HOME AND FAMILY 91. Do you think your family should have more brothers or more sisters? 92. When you're not feeling well, would you rather be in your bedroom or in the family room? 93. Which is more comfortable to sleep on, the couch or your bed? 94. If you could add a room to your house, would you want your own bathroom or would you want a game room in the basement? 95. Would you rather have a television or a mini-refrigerator in your bedroom?

NATURE 96. If you were an insect, would you rather be a tarantula or a butterfly? 97. Which was stronger, a prehistoric woolly mammoth or T. Rex? 98. If you were an insect, would you rather live in an ant colony or a bee hive? 99. Which feels better on your bare toes, dirt or sand? 100. Would you rather watch the sun rise or set?

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