Gas Laws Practice Problems

BOYLE’S LAWIf 100 mL of a gas, originally at 760 torr, is compressed to a pressure of 120 kPa at a constant temperature, what will its final volume be?A gas exerts a pressure of 20.0 lb/ft3 in a container having a volume of 35.0 ft3. What will its pressure be if the gas is transferred to a 40.0 ft3 container at the same temperature?A sample of silicon dioxide occupies 1.45 L at 2.75 atm and 500 K. How many milliliters will the gas occupy at 800 torr and 500 K?A gas has a volume of 350 mL at 740 mmHg. How many milliliters will the gas occupy at 900 torr if the temperature is constant?Helium gas has a pressure of 145.8 kPa at 1.87 L and 300 K. If the volume is allowed to change to 756.3mL, what is its pressure in atmospheres?Acetylene gas is used for cutting metal with a torch. If a tank of acetylene has a pressure of 4.6 atm with 20L, what was its original pressure in kPa if its original volume was 42L?A gas has a pressure of 925 torr with a volume of 811.6 mL. If its pressure changes to 0.85 atm, what is its final volume?CHARLES’ LAWIf a sample of gas occupies 6.8 L at 327?C, what will be its volume at 27?C if the pressure does not change?State Boyle’s Law and give the equation for it.State Charles’ Law and give the equation for it.5.00 liters of air at -50?C are warmed to 100?C. What is the new volume if the pressure remains constant?A volume of 20.0 L of O2 is warmed from -30.0?C to 85.0?C. What is the new volume of the gas if the pressure is kept constant?The volume of a sample of CO2 gas is 2.00 L when the temperature is 10.0?C. While the pressure remains constant, the temperature is changed to a new value, which causes the volume to become 3.00L What was the temperature changed to?A container is filled with gas. While the pressure is held constant, the volume of the container is doubled and temperature changes to 300K. What must have been the initial temperature of the gas?The volume occupied by a sample of gas is 240 mL when the pressure is 780 mm Hg. What volume, at constant temperature, will the gas occupy when the pressure is decreased to 750 mm Hg?The Volume of a sample of nitrogen gas is 25.o mL when the temperature is 270 K. If the temperature is increased by 30.0?C, what will be the new volume of the gas measured in liters assuming the pressure remains constant?GAY-LUSSAC’S LAWA gas has a pressure of 50.0 mm Hg at 540 K. What will be the pressure at 200 K if the volume does not change?State Gay-Lussac’s Law and give the equation for it. The pressure in an automobile tires is 2.0 atm at 27?C. At the end of a journey on a hot, sunny, Texas summer day the pressure had risen to 2.2 atm. What is the temperature of the air in the tire assuming the volume has not changed?A gas has a pressure of 1.45 atm when the temperature is 80?C. What would be its pressure if the temperature is changed to 35?C if the gas is confined to a rigid container whose volume will not change?If a gas is known to have a pressure of 200 kPa after it has been heated to 65?C what was the beginning temperature, in Celsius, if its pressure was originally 750 mm Hg? The volume is BINED GAS LAWA 5.00 L air sample at a temperature of -50?C has a pressure of 800 mm Hg. What will be the new pressure, in kilopascals, if the temperature is raised to 100?C and the volume expands to 7.0 L?A 3.50 liter gas sample at 20?C and a pressure of 650 mm Hg is allowed to expand to a volume of 8.00 liters. What is the final temperature in degrees Celsius if the final pressure of the gas is 425 mm Hg?What happens to the pressure of a gas if the temperature in degrees Kelvin decreases by 3 times at the same time the volume quadruples? (be specific in your answer)Oxygen is produced in the laboratory by heating potassium nitrate.At STP, how many liters of O2 could be produced from 25.0 g of potassium nitrate?If the oxygen collected was at 750 mm Hg and 40?C, what would its volume be?5.00 liters of air at -10?C is warmed until the temperature increases by 100?C. What is the new volume, in milliliters, if the pressure remains constant?What happens to the volume of a gas if the pressure is halved at the same time the temperature in degrees Kelvin is tripled? (be specific)IDEAL GAS LAWWhat pressure will be exerted by 0.300 moles of gas contained in 8.0 L vessel at 18?C?How many m moles of gas will occupy a 486 mL flask at 10?C and 743 torr?What volume will be occupied by 0.362 moles of gas at standard pressure and 8?C?At what temperature is a gas if 0.851 moles of it is found in a 604 mL vessel at 750 mm Hg?It is desired to obtain a volume of 1000 mL of nitrogen at 100?C and 640 torr. How many grams of nitrogen would be required?What volume does 0.0250 moles of H2 occupy at 0.90 atm and 300K?Some oxygen is collected in a 250 mL container at 25?C and 720 mm Hg. How many moles of oxygen is this?What volume will 15.0 grams of ammonia gas occupy at 25?C and pressure of 0.520 atm?What is the pressure in torr, of a gas occupying 1.07 L at 12?C and containing 0.0448 moles of gas?What will be the temperature in degrees Celsius, of 0.192 moles of chlorine gas in a 5.00 L vessel under 720 torr of pressure? ................

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