Syllabus: ART*101 Drawing I

Syllabus: ART*101 Drawing I

MWF 9:45-11:35 am, Tech*26

Office Hours: MW 3-4 pm, TTH 3:45-4:30 pm

Office: Tech*28, Phone#: 657-1135, Email:

Course Description: This foundation course explores basic drawing techniques in a variety of dry and wet drawing media. This studio course offers the student an opportunity to learn about pictures as language and expressions using the vocabulary of the elements of art: line, value, shape, form, texture, perspective, and composition. Students will create, critique, and display original works of art.


1. Identify elements in works of art

2. Meet deadlines for major drawing projects

3. Discuss and assess works of art openly with fellow students

4. Engage in theoretical criticism

5. Produce “original works of art” upon demand

6. Participate in a public exhibition

7. Orally defend one’s own work

8. Use a variety of drawing mediums including new technologies

Each drawing assignment will be graded as follows:

• 25% - Meeting deadlines

• 25% - Following directions

• 25% - Being original

• 25% - Good work ethic

Total: 100% (Remember: poor attendance, disruptive behavior, and/or plagiarism can trump any good grade.)

Attendance and Plagiarism policies:

Attendance is required. Five or more unexcused absences result in the lowering of the final grade one letter grade.

Plagiarism is defined as the use of words, ideas, or images of another as if they were one’s own and without acknowledgment of the source. Any student caught plagiarizing risks disciplinary action. For an existing image to become your own it needs to undergo “significant change”


• 18”x27” Newsprint Pad

• 18”x27” All-purpose drawing paper pad

• charcoal – soft and hard

• Pencils: 2B, 4B, 6B

• Black felt-tip markers (thick and thin)

• Bottled ink

• Bamboo brush

Assorted other materials may be requested later. It is important to get this inventory now.)

|Date |Topic |

|August 22-25 |Introduction |

|August 29-September 2 |Hands and Feet |

|September 6-9 |Human and Equestrian Figures |

|September 12-16 |Human and Equestrian Figures |

|September 19-23 |Still life – wet and dry mediums |

|September 26-30 |Still life and landscape |

|October 3-7 |Landscape |

|October 10-14 |Community drawing, mixed mediums, abstract/non-abstract |

|October 17-19 |Abstract |

|October 24-28 |Linear Perspective |

|October 31-November 4 |Perspective |

|November 7-11 |Open Subject Work |

|November 14-18 |Portraits, Traditional and Expressive |

|November 21-23 |Portraits Continued |

|November 28-December 2 |Open Subject Work |

|December 5-9 |Finals Week |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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