English IV Honors

English II Honors

Mr. Gonzalez



1. Reading: when novels, plays, or poems are issued, you will be expected to have them read by the due date. A "Reading Check" will be given to insure that the work has been read. Failure to read on time is an indication of lack of interest in the course and a conference may be necessary.

a. I will make every attempt to relate the literature to you and your life experiences.

b. You will be expected to participate in the discussions by sharing your ideas and experiences as they are appropriate to the work under discussion.

c. There will be in-class reading of parts (or all) of the works. Students will do the reading with the teacher as a requirement.

2. Writing: you will be writing mainly in the form of the essay. Each time you are to turn in the writing as a normal essay, it will:

a. Be typed on unlined paper using a block type font of 12 pts., and it will be double-spaced. The margins will be one inch all around.

b. You will use one side of the paper only.

c. You will write your name, period, and date on the top left hand corner of the first page. No cover page is necessary. A title must be placed on the center of the first page before the body of the essay. You must adhere to all the standards of the MLA style.

d. The paper will be stapled once in the upper left corner.

e. Grades for all written work will include one for the content and one for the mechanics. As honors students, you are expected to write fluently with a minimum of mechanical errors.

f. There will be at least one major paper each nine weeks.

g. No work will be accepted for a passing grade after the due date. If I make an exception, rare as though they may be, no assignment will be accepted for a grade after two class meetings.

3. Speaking: participation will be a large part of your grade:

a. You should restrict yourself to comments which can be supported by the text. Opinions are fine, but they are useless without verification of the text. During Socratic seminars (whether formal for informal), you will be required to cite page numbers for support.

b. We will necessarily use hand raising as a way to identify speakers, but I will exercise the right to call on anyone to respond.

c. You are encouraged to disagree with each other respectfully. I ask that when you respond to one another's comments, you do so by identifying the speaker you are responding to with the student's name (not: "what she said").

d. You are expected to speak and listen with an open mind and be open to changing your position at any time and as often as you like.

e. No "side bars" between students are allowed. You are encouraged to speak, but you must wait your turn.

4. Grading: The normal grading scale of 90% - 100% for an A, etc. will be used.

a. I use check plus, check, check minus to indicate the value of minor assignments such as homework. Each three or four of these will result in a grade. Receiving all checks but no check pluses is equivalent to an A- because no assignment distinguished itself.

b. There will be a grade for participation for each half of the nine weeks. Participation grades are the equivalent of a major paper.

c. Quizzes will take place periodically. Any quiz missed must be made up Mondays during lunch no later than two weeks after quiz date. A grade of zero will be recorded for any quiz not made up within two weeks. Late quiz taking is not fair to those who took the quiz on time and gives an unfair advantage to the late student.

d. I will distribute grades as follows: Test – 30%, Quiz/Reading Check – 15%, Projects/Essays – 20%, Classwork – 10%, ReadingPlus – 15%, Journals – 5%, Participation – 5%

5. Projects: All projects other than written work will be explained completely well in advance of their due date.

6. Classroom behavioral problems: There will be no behavioral problems in class.

7. I will be available for conferences after school by appointment.

8. I will rely heavily of the class page at and on Remind. All assignments, reminders, notes, other material needed for class, etc., will be posted on those. Once you have added yourself to my class list, you will receive email notifications of anything I post on the page. Nonetheless, it will be incumbent upon you to check this page every day, since sometimes the system takes hours to send the emails.

9. When it comes to Remind, I expect you and a parent/guardian to add yourselves to the class to receive notifications.

10. Every student will have the phone numbers and addresses of three other members of the class; therefore, there is no excuse for not knowing assignments. If you are absent you will call one of those numbers for the assignment. After an absence, to ask me what we did in class indicates that you did not read this page. No excuses!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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