CURRICULUM VITAE - University of Kentucky



Revised October 24, 2016

I. Personal Information

Home Address:

745 Seattle Dr.

Lexington, KY 40503

Telephone: 859-278-6186

E-Mail: rwjeff@

Business Address:

Department of Anthropology

211 Lafferty Hall

University of Kentucky

Lexington, Kentucky 40506-0024

Telephone: 859-257-2860


Place of Birth: Alexandria, Virginia

Military Experience: Commissioned Ensign, United States Navy, April 1969;

promoted Ltjg, April 1970, Lt., April 1972. Released

from active duty in January 1972.

Current Position: Professor of Anthropology, Department of Anthropology, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY.

II. Education


Education: Ph.D. in Anthropology, June 1978

Dissertation Title: Intersite Activity Variability in the

Lookout Valley Area of Northwest Georgia

University of Georgia, Athens, 1967-1968, 1972-1975

M.A. in Anthropology, March 1975

University of Georgia, Athens, 1975-1978

College: University of Virginia, Charlottesville, 1963-1967

B.A. 1967; Major: Anthropology and Sociology

III. Academic Appointments

2012-13 College of Arts and Sciences Distinguished Professor

2010- Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of

Kentucky, Lexington

1998-2002 Chair, Department of Anthropology, University of Kentucky, Lexington

1996-2010 Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of

Kentucky, Lexington

1990-1996 Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Kentucky, Lexington

1990-1992 Director of the Kentucky Anthropological Research Facility, University of Kentucky, Lexington

1984-1990 Director, Program for Cultural Resource Assessment and Adjunct

Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Kentucky, Lexington,

1982-1984 Assistant Director, Center for Archaeological Investigations,

Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, Southern Illinois

University - Carbondale.

1978-1982 Research Associate, Center for Archaeological Investigations,

Southern Illinois University - Carbondale. Project Director, Carrier Mills Archaeological Project, Saline County, Illinois.

1977-1978 University of Georgia Graduate Assistantship, Graduate School

University of Georgia

1975-1977 Departmental Teaching Assistantship, Department of

Anthropology, University of Georgia

1972-1974 Departmental Teaching Assistantship, Department of Anthropology,

University of Georgia

1967-1968 Departmental Teaching Assistantship, Department of

Anthropology, University of Georgia

IV. Teaching/Advising Experience

A. Undergraduate Courses Taught: Introduction to Anthropology, Introduction to Archaeology, Origins of New World Civilizations, Native People of North America, Archaeological Method and Theory, North American Archaeology, Archaeology of Illinois, Field School in Archaeology, Archaeology of Eastern North America, Ohio Valley Archaeology, Origins of Old World Civilizations, and Native People of North America (on-line course).

B. Graduate Courses Taught: Culture Dynamics and Change, Archaeological Data Analysis (Ceramics), Seminar in Hunter-Gatherers, Research Design, Cultural Resource Management Clerkship, Emergence of Cultural Complexity, Mississippian Chiefdoms, Middle Range Societies of Eastern North America, Archaeological Data Analysis (Lithics), Archaeology of Political Systems, Anthropology and Archaeology of Death, Decline and Collapse of Complex Societies.

C. Classroom Teaching Experience:

2010- Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Kentucky

1996-2009 Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of


1990-1996 Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, University

of Kentucky

1989 Ohio Valley Archaeology (Independent Study), University of Kentucky

2007, 2003, 2001, Summer Field School in Archaeology, University of Kentucky

1994, 1993, 1987,


1984-1990 Adjunct Assistant Professor of Anthropology, University of Kentucky - North American Indians, University of Kentucky

1984 Field School in Archaeology, Southern Illinois University -


1983 Graduate Seminar in Anthropological Research Design,

Southern Illinois University - Carbondale

1982, 1983 Archaeology of Illinois, Southern Illinois University -


1979, 1983 Introduction to Prehistoric Archaeology, Southern Illinois

University - Carbondale

1975 Coordinator for television classroom course, "The Ascent of

Man", Georgia Center for Continuing Education, University

of Georgia

1974 Introductory Anthropology, Night School, Georgia Center for

Continuing Education, University of Georgia, one quarter

1972-1977 Introductory Anthropology, University of Georgia, ten

quarters, taught five times weekly

D. Teaching Awards:

2016 University of Kentucky College of Education’s Teachers Who Made a Difference Award.

2008 Outstanding Teaching Award (Social Science Division), College of Arts and Sciences, University of Kentucky.

2008 Finalist, Provost Teaching Award for Tenured Faculty, University of Kentucky, Lexington.

E. Grants Awarded for Classroom Instruction

1994 Mini-grant for Undergraduate Studies (with Monica Udvardy).

Office of the Dean of Undergraduate Studies. Production of color slides for use in ANT 221 (Native People of North America). $400.00

1991 Mini-grant for Undergraduate Studies (with Kim McBride). Office of the Dean of Undergraduate Studies. Production of Archaeological Field School video and slides, $400.00.

F. Graduate Student Advising (1992-2014)

Ph.D. Committees (Chair) Ph.D. Committees (Member)

1. Anne Bader (Withdrew) 1. Jack Rossen (Graduated)

2. Clifford Smith (Graduated 5/03) 2. Victoria Horowitz (Graduated)

3. Keith Stephenson (Graduated 8/11) 3. A. Gwynn Henderson (Graduated)

4. Sheldon R. Burdin* (ABD) 4. John Arnn (Graduated)

5. David Fuerst (Withdrew) 5. David Pollack (Graduated)

6. Eric Giles(Co-Chair) (Withdrew) 6. Gerardo Ardilla

7. Scott Jones* 7. George Hasemann (Graduated)

8. Maureen Meyers (Graduated 6/11) 8. Jose Iriarte (Graduated)

9. Christopher R. Moore (Graduated 6/11) 9. Leon Lane

10. Michael Striker* (ABD) 10. Kary Stacklebeck (Graduated)

11. Victor D. Thompson (Graduated 12/05) 11. Jo Stokes

12. Victoria Dekle* (ABD) 12. John Warner (Graduated)

13. Nicholas Laracuente (Withdrew) 13. James White (Graduated)

14. M.Jay Stottman(Co-Chair)(Graduated 12/15) 14. Ricardo Fernandeez

15. Zada Komara* (ABD) 15. Olaf Jamie-Riveron (Graduated)

16. Kary Stacklebeck(Co-Chair)(Graduated 5/07) 16. Michael Loughlin (Graduated)

17. Greg Maggard(Co-Chair)(Graduated 10/09) 17. Wesley Stoner (Graduated)

18. Rebecca Hensler* (ABD) 18. Greg Maggard (Graduated)

19. Tyler Stumpf* 19. Matthew Davidson (Graduated)

20. Vanessa Hanvey* 20. Daniel Vallejo-Cáliz*

21. Alex Brown* 21. Kyle Mullen*

22. Karen Stevens*

23. Rebecca Hummel*

24. Barry Kidder*

25. Emily Rinker (withdrew)

26. Alex Metz*

27. Katherine Alexander*

28. Anna Casserly*

M.A. Committees (Chair) M.A. Committees (Member)

1. Clifford Sulham (Withdrew) 1, Michael French (Graduated)

2. Lynne Webb (Graduated) 2. John Bryant Evans (Graduated)

3. William Holmes (Graduated) 3. William Lowthert (Graduated)

4. Scott Stauber (Graduated) 4. Carl Wendt (Graduated)

5. Daniel Davis (Graduated) 5. Christopher Gunn (Graduated)

6. Ian deNeeve (Graduated) 6. Teresa Tune (Graduated)

7. Jeffery Irwin (Graduated) 7. Charles Miday (Graduated)

8. M. Jay Stottman(Co-Chair)(Graduated) 8. Kary Stacklebeck (Graduated)

9. Richard Adams (Withdrew) 9. Audrey Adkins (Graduated)

10. David McBride (Graduated) 10. Clarence Bodmer (Withdrew)

11. Jason Goldbach (Graduated) 11. Matthew Davidson (Graduated)

12. Nathan White* 12. Leigh Grench (Graduated)

13. James Breslin (Withdrew) 13. Christa Haag (Graduated)

14. Chi Woodrich* (Co-chair) 14. Allison Hadley (Graduated)

15. Christina Pappas (Graduated)

*Current 16. Martin Raymer (Graduated)

17. April Van Wyke (Withdrew)

18. Kyle Mullen (Graduated)

19. Joseph Stair (Graduated)

20. Jeffrey Young (Withdrew)

22. Ethan Bean (University of Indianapolis)

23. Carolyn Lewis* (University of Indianapolis)

24. Briana Moore*

G. Undergraduate Thesis Committee Member

1. Committee member, Sarah Daley (Architecture/Anthropology (2015) Gaines Thesis: Making the Past Present: An Archaeology Museum for Kentucky.

V. Research Experience

A. Interests and Specialties:

Prehistoric hunter-gatherer societies of the southeastern and midwestern United States; mortuary/ritual behavior in intermediate level societies, Mississippian settlement and subsistence systems; lithic analysis; cultural ecology; prehistoric economic and interaction systems, Spanish Mission period in the Southeastern United States.

B. Current Research Projects:

Current research interests include Archaic adaptation in the Ohio River valley and coastal environments of the southeastern U.S.; Late Prehistoric cultural adaptation in southeastern Kentucky; patterns of lithic resource utilization; and the analysis of prehistoric settlement and subsistence systems. Research is currently being conducted on the aforementioned topics with materials from Archaic sites from the lower Ohio Valley and the surrounding region. I recently completed writing a book based in part on my research on Ohio Valley hunter-gatherers entitled Holocene Hunter-Gatherers of the Lower Ohio River Valley. The book was published by the University of Alabama Press in June 2009.

Ongoing research is also being conducted on Archaic period hunter-gatherers and Contact period Spanish-Native American interaction on Sapelo Island, Georgia. Thirty weeks of field investigations conducted on Sapelo Island during from 2003 to 2016 have yielded important new information on both of these topics.

C. Experience:

1978-Present Various appointments at Southern Illinois University - Carbondale and the University of Kentucky (see page 1)

Fall 1977-Spring 1978 Archaeologist, laboratory analysis, excavation

of the Cold Springs site, Wallace Reservoir,

Georgia Power Company, Greensboro, Georgia.

Winter 1977 Supervisor, laboratory analysis, report preparation, excavation of the Stone Mound Complex, Plant Scherer site, Georgia Power Company,Monroe County, Georgia.

Summer 1976 Fieldwork, report preparation, archaeological

survey of the Plant Scherer site, Georgia Power

Company, Monroe County, Georgia.

Summer-Fall 1975 Supervisor, fieldwork, laboratory analysis, report

preparation, archaeological survey of Lookout

Valley, Dade County, Georgia.

Winter-Spring 1975 Supervisor, laboratory analysis, report

preparation, archaeological survey of soil and

water conservation projects, Grove River Watershed,

Jackson and Banks Counties, Georgia.

Summer 1974 Analysis of material from Tunacunnhee site, Dade

County, Georgia.

Spring 1973-Spring 1974 Crew member, preliminary archaeological survey of

Wallace Dam area, Green, Morgan and Putnam

Counties, Georgia.

Summer 1973 Assistant Director, photographer, excavation of

Tunacunnhee site, Dade County, Georgia (Hopewellian

village and mounds).

Winter-Spring 1973 Crew member, survey for environmental impact

statements, Georgia Historical Commission.

Summer 1972 Crew member, photographer, excavation at Park

Mound, West Point, Georgia (Mississippian village

and mound).

D. Grants Awarded/Administered in Basic Research:

2015 Radiocarbon Dating of Samples from the Spanish Mission Period Site of San Joseph de Sapala, Sapelo Island, Georgia. Georgia Department of Historic Preservation, Atlanta. $3000.00.

2014 Consumerism, Progressivism, and Class Identity at 20th Century Coalmining Towns. (Co-Principal Investigator with Zada Komara). Department of Anthropology, University of Kentucky. Grant No. 3048111974. Awarded by the Kentucky Oral History Commission. Frankfort. $4703.00.

2010 Archaeological Investigation of Mission Period Activity on Sapelo Island, Georgia. Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Atlanta, GA. $5,000.00

2007 Archaeological Survey and Limited Testing of Site 12Hr12 and the Surrounding Floodplain in Harrison County, Indiana. Co-Principal Investigator. Proposal submitted by Rick Burdin, Department of Anthropology, University of Kentucky, Lexington. Submitted to the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology, Indianapolis, IN. $47,455.00. Funded April 2007. Project completed October 2008.

2006    National Science Foundation (BCS-0619464), Acquisition of Geophysical Survey Equipment and Computer Processing Support for Archaeology, Under the direction of George M. Crothers, Christopher A. Pool, David Pollack, Jonathan D. Phillips,

Richard W. Jefferies. $93,693.

2005-2006 Writing the Archaic Period section of Kentucky State Archaeological Plan. Kentucky Heritage Council, Frankfort, Kentucky. Account No. 468677. $8,000.00.

2004-2007 Participating Agreement between the United State Department of Agriculture, Monongahela National Forest, and the University of Kentucky Research Foundation for the Department of Anthropology. Principal Investigator, $30,000.00.

2002-2005 Digital Access for WPA Photographs of Archaeological Projects. Co-Principal Investigator with George Crothers (University of Kentucky). Institute of Museum and Library Services. Subcontract with the University of Tennessee. $28,000.00.

2001-2002 An Archaeological Assessment of Site 12Fl-73 in Floyd County, Indiana (with James Fenton, Wilbur Smith Associates, Co-PI; S. R. Burdin, University of Kentucky, applicant), Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Department of Historic Preservation and Archaeology and the National Park Service. $7,065.00.

2001-2002 Cypress Creek Archaic Project: Survey and Test Excavation (with George R. Milner, Pennsylvania State University). Kentucky Heritage Council, $14,000.00.

1998 The Green River Project: Initial Reconnaissance, McLean County, Kentucky (with George R. Milner, Pennsylvania State University). Awarded by the Kentucky Heritage Council, $2,000.00

1996 Analysis of Faunal and Botanical Specimens from the Croley-Evans Site, Knox County, Kentucky. Awarded by the Kentucky Heritage Council, $3,000.00.

1994 Additional Archaeological Investigations at the Croley-Evans and

Albert Bennett Sites, Knox County, Kentucky. Awarded by the Kentucky Heritage Council, $4,000.00.

1994 Summer Faculty Research Fellowship, Office of the Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies, University of Kentucky, $6,000.00.

1993 Archaeological Investigation of the Croley-Evans and Albert

Bennett Sites, Knox County, Kentucky. Awarded by the Kentucky

Heritage Council, $19,996.00.

1992 Mississippi Period Adaptation along the Upper Cumberland River of

Southeastern Kentucky. Awarded by the Office of the Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies, University of Kentucky. $2,400.00 (award not accepted because external support was received for summer fieldwork).

1992 Mississippian Settlement along the Upper Cumberland River of Southeastern Kentucky: A Proposal for Archaeological Survey of the

Whitley-Knox County Area. Awarded by the Kentucky Heritage Council. $13,299.00.

1991 "The Upper Cumberland River Archaeological Project: Late

Prehistoric Adaptation in Southern Kentucky. Awarded by the Office of the Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies, University of Kentucky. $2,400.00.

1989 "The Camargo Mound and Earthworks Project". Awarded by the

Kentucky Heritage Council. $6,900.00. (with James Fenton,

Columbia University).

1986 "Archaic Period Research in Kentucky: Past Accomplishments

and Future Directions" (Part II). Awarded by the Kentucky

Heritage Council. $1,500.00.

1986 "Adena in Kentucky: The Green Mound Archaeological Project".

Awarded by the Kentucky Heritage Council. $4,754.34.

1985 "Archaic Period Research in Kentucky: Past Accomplishments

and Future Directions". Awarded by the Kentucky Heritage

Council. $5,000.00.

1984 "Adena in Kentucky: A reappraisal of Existing Materials and

Initiation of New Fieldwork" (with R. Berle Clay, George R.

Milner, and Nancy O'Malley). Awarded by the Kentucky

Heritage Council. $24,250.00.

1983 Grant awarded by Peabody Coal Co., St. Louis, Missouri, to

prepare a summary volume on the results of the Carrier Mills

Archaeological Project, Saline County, Illinois (with George

J. Gumerman, Southern Illinois University-Carbondale).


E. Grants/Contracts Awarded for Applied Research (selected):

1993 Preparation of National Register Nominations for Ten Kentucky

Adena Sites. Awarded by the Kentucky Heritage Council,


1989 Principal Investigator, Cultural Resource Assessment of the

AT&T Fiber Optic Line, Camp Nelson, Jessamine County,

Kentucky. American Telephone and Telegraph Co. $22,763.00.

1989 Principal Investigator, Documentary Review of Kinkeadtown,

A Post-Civil War Black Community in Lexington, Kentucky.

Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government, $12,000.00.

1989 Principal Investigator, Cultural Resource Mapping,

Documentation, and National Register Nomination at Camp

Allegheny, Randolph County, West Virginia. U.S. Forest

Service, Elkins, West Virginia, $15,067.00.

1988 Principal Investigator, Cultural Resource Mapping,

Documentation, and National Register Nomination on the Cheat

Summit Fort, Monongahela National Forest, Randolph County,

West Virginia. United States Forest Service, Elkins, W.Va. $12,886.00.

1988 Principal Investigator, Site Density Predictions in the

Eastern Kentucky Coalfield: Archaeological Survey of the

Robinson Forest, University of Kentucky. Kentucky Natural

Resources and Environmental Protection Cabinet. Frankfort, $140,361.00.

1988 Principal Investigator, the Lexington Transit Authority Urban

Archaeological Project, Lexington, Kentucky, $95,289.00.

1987-1989 Principal Investigator, Archaeological Investigations at the

Childers and Woods Sites, Mason County, West Virginia.

Huntington District, United States Army Corps of Engineers, $424,497.00.

1986 Co-Principal Investigator, Archaeological Investigations at

the Larkin Site, Bourbon County, Kentucky (with David

Pollack). Columbia Gas Company.

1986 Co-Principal Investigator, Paris Pike Archaeological Survey,

Bourbon and Fayette Counties, Kentucky (with Nancy O'Malley).

Kentucky Transportation Cabinet, $14,999.00.

1985-1987 Principal Investigator, Archaeological Investigations of the

Muir Site, Jessamine County, Kentucky. Kentucky

Transportation Cabinet, $49,873.00.

1985-1987 Principal Investigator, Archaeological Investigations for

the New Portsmouth Bridge, South Shore, Kentucky. Kentucky

Transportation Cabinet, $360,043.00.

1985 Co-Principal Investigator, Archaeological Investigations of

the Levin Bates House, Jefferson County, Kentucky (with

Nancy O'Malley). Kentucky Transportation Cabinet, $25,000.00.

1984 Principal Investigator, Cultural Resource Assessment of the

Moorman Dock Project Area, Muhlenberg County, Kentucky.

Peabody Coal Company.

1983 Co-Principal Investigator, Archaeological Survey of Mineral

Prospecting Lands in the Shawnee National Forest, Southern

Illinois (with Brian M. Butler). U.S. Forest Service.

1983 Principal Investigator, Archaeological Investigations at the

Roos Site, St. Clair County, Illinois. Illinois Department

of Transportation.

1982-1983 Principal Investigator, Archaeological Investigations of the

Riebling #1 Site, Monroe County, Illinois. Illinois

Department of Transportation.

1982 Principal Investigator, Archaeological Investigation of the

Milar Site, Alexander County, Illinois. Illinois Department

of Transportation.

1982 Co-Principal Investigator, Shawnee National Forest

Archaeological Survey, Southern Illinois (with Brian M.

Butler). U.S. Forest Service.

1982 Co-Principal Investigator, Cahokia Interpretive Center Tract

Project. St. Clair County, Illinois (with Brian M. Butler).

Illinois Department of Conservation.

VI. Publications

A. Books:

Jefferies, Richard W.

2014 The Archaeology of Carrier Mills: 10,000 Years in the Saline Valley of Illinois. Redwood Audiobooks/University Press Audiobooks. Audio book of 2014 edition.

Jefferies, Richard W.

2014 The Archaeology of Carrier Mills: 10,000 Years in the Saline

Valley of Illinois. Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale. Paperback edition of 1987 book.

Jefferies, Richard W.

2009 Holocene Hunter-Gatherers of the Lower Ohio River Valley.

University of Alabama Press. Tuscaloosa. (Book released in July, 2009).Reviews: Journal of Field Archaeology 35(2):259-263; Lithic Technology 40:249-250.

Jefferies, Richard W.

1987 The Archaeology of Carrier Mills: 10,000 Years in the Saline

Valley of Illinois. Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale.

Reviews: American Anthropologist 90:174; American Antiquity 53:886.

Jefferies, Richard W.

1976 The Tunacunnhee Site: Evidence of Hopewell Interaction in

Northwest Georgia. Anthropological Papers of the University

Of Georgia, No. 1. University of Georgia. pdf

B. Edited Volumes:

Jefferies, Richard W. (compiler/editor)

1999 Readings for Native People of North America. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co. Dubuque, Iowa.

Jefferies, Richard W. and Brian M. Butler (editors)

1982 The Carrier Mills Archaeological Project: Human Adaptation in the Saline Valley, Illinois. Center for Archaeological Investigations Research Paper 33, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. Review: American Antiquity 49:441-442; American Anthropologist, New Series, Vol. 90, No. 1 (Mar., 1988), p. 174.

C. Articles in Refereed Professional Journals:

Bean, Ethan A., Christopher R. Moore, and Richard W. Jefferies

2016 A Systematic Survey of the Multi-Component Site 9mc501 on Sapelo Island, Georgia. Early Georgia. In press, September 2016.

Moore, Christopher R., and Richard W. Jefferies

2015 The Paired Hemiconical Punctate Motif: A Possible Diagnostic Mission Period Decoration from Sapelo Island, Georgia. Early Georgia 42(2):155-164.

Jefferies, Richard W., and Christopher R. Moore

2010 Recent Investigations of Mission Period Activity on Sapelo Island, Georgia. In Archaeological Encounters in Georgia’s Spanish Period, 1526-1700, edited by Dennis B. Blanton and Robert DeVillar, pp.67-85. Joint Publication of the Journal of Global Initiatives: Policy, Pedagogy, and Perspective 5(1) and the Society for Georgia Archaeology (Special Publication 2).

Jefferies, Richard W., Victor D. Thompson, and George R. Milner

2005 Archaic Hunter-Gatherer Landscape Use in West-Central Kentucky. Journal of Field Archaeology: 3-23.

Thompson, Victor, Matthew Reynolds, Brian Haley, Richard Jefferies, Jay Johnson, and Catherine Humphries

2004 The Sapelo Shell Rings Site: Remote Sensing on a Georgia Sea

Island. Southeastern Archaeology 23:192-201.

Milner, George R., and Richard W. Jefferies

1998 The Read Shell Mound: An Archaic Shell Midden in Kentucky. Southeastern Archaeology 17:119-132.

Jefferies, Richard W.

1997 Middle Archaic Bone Pins: Evidence for the Formation of Regional-

Scale Social Networks among Mid-Holocene Hunter-Gatherer Societies. American Antiquity 62(3):464-487.

Jefferies, Richard W., Emanuel Breitburg, Jennifer Flood, and Margaret Scarry

1996 Mississippian Adaptation along the Northern Periphery: A View from the Croley-Evans Site. Southeastern Archaeology 15:1-28.

Jefferies, Richard W.

1995 The Status of Archaic Period Research in the Midwestern United States. Archaeology of Eastern North America 23:119-144.

Shott, Michael J., Richard W. Jefferies, Gerald Oetelaar, Nancy O'Malley, Mary Lucas Powell, and Dee Anne Wymer

1993 The Childers Site and Early Late Woodland Cultures of the Upper Ohio Valley. West Virginia Archaeologist 45:1-30.

Jefferies, Richard W.

1990 A Technological and Functional Analysis of Middle Archaic

Hafted Endscrapers from the Black Earth Site, Saline County,

Illinois. Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology 15(1):3-36.

Jefferies, Richard W.

1983 Middle Archaic-Late Archaic Transition in Southern Illinois: An

Example from the Carrier Mills Archaeological District. American Archaeology 3:199-206.

Jefferies, Richard W.

1982 Debitage as an Indicator of Intraregional Activity

Diversity in Northwest Georgia. Midcontinental Journal of

Archaeology 7(1):99-132.

Lynch, B. Mark and Richard W. Jefferies

1982 A Comparative Analysis of Nitrogen Content of Bone as a Means

of Establishing a Relative Temporal Ordination of Prehistoric

Burials. Journal of Archaeological Science 9:381-390.

Jefferies, Richard W.

1975 Tunacunnhee: A Hopewellian Burial Complex in Northwest

Georgia. Tennessee Archaeologist XXXI (1):13-32.

D. Edited Works in Professional Journals

Jefferies, Richard W.

1993 Current Research in the Southeast. American Antiquity 58:581-587.

1992 Current Research in the Southeast. American Antiquity 57:545-552.

1991 Current Research in the Southeast. American Antiquity 56:549-556.

1990 Current Research in the Southeast. American Antiquity 55:628-635.

1989 Current Research in the Southeast. American Antiquity 54:648-654.

1988 Current Research in the Southeast. American Antiquity 53:646-651.

E. Articles in Other Journals/Newsletters:

Jefferies, Richard W.

2010 Personal Reflections on Graduate Study with Joseph Caldwell. Early Georgia 38:223.

Fish, Suzanne K., and Richard W. Jefferies

1983 The Site Plan at Cold Springs, 9Ge10. Early Georgia 11:61-73.

Jefferies, Richard W.

1980 Prehistoric Cultural Adaptation in the Saline River Valley

of Southern Illinois. Southeastern Archaeological

Conference Bulletin 23:33-36.

Jefferies, Richard W.

1975 The Lookout Valley Research Project: A Micro-Regional

Approach to Locational Analysis in Settlement Archaeology.

Southeastern Archaeological Conference Bulletin 19:14-17.

Jefferies, Richard W.

1973 University of Georgia Excavations in Dade County. Society for the

Preservation of Early Georgia History Newsletter 8 (November).

DePratter, Chester B., Richard W. Jefferies and Charles Pearson

1973 A Review of Early Pottery from the South Carolina Coast.

South Carolina Notebook 5(2):45-53.Institute of Archaeology

and Anthropology. University of South Carolina, Columbia.

F. Chapters/Contributions in Edited Books/Volumes:

Jefferies, Richard W.

n.d. Population Aggregation and the Emergence of Circular Villages

in Southwest Virginia. The Power of Villages (tentative title), edited by Jennifer Birch and Victor Thompson. Manuscript under review by the University Press of Florida. November, 2016.

Jefferies, Richard W., and Mark Williams

n.d. Santo Domingo de Talaje: Resurrecting a Seventeenth Century

Spanish Mission at Darien Bluff, Georgia. Manuscript submitted for review to the Anthropological Paper Series, American Museum of Natural History. New York. October 2016.

Moore, Christopher R., and Richard W. Jefferies

n.d. Maintaining Relations with Deer: A Day-in-the-Life in the Middle Archaic. In The Archaeology of Everyday Matters, edited by Sarah E. Price and Philip J. Carr. Accepted for publication. The University Press of Florida, Gainesville.

Jefferies, Richard W., and Christopher R. Moore

2017 Mission San Joseph de Sapala: 17th Century Franciscan Mission Efforts on Sapelo Island, Georgia. In Franciscan Florida in Pan-Borderlands Perspective: Adaptation, Negotiation, and Resistance, edited Jeffrey M. Burns. Academy of American Franciscan History, Oceanside, CA. Submitted to volume editor. Publication scheduled for early 2017.

Meyers, Maureen S., and Richard W. Jefferies

2016 C.G. Holland: Archaeological Survey in a Cultural Crossroads. In

History of Archaeology: Explorers in Space and Time — Examining

Archaeologists’ Careers between 1945 and 1970, edited by Bernard Means and Patrick Trader. University of Alabama Press (tentative).

Editors plan to submit volume to Press in April 2016.

Moore, Christopher R., and Richard W. Jefferies

2014 Who Were the Guale? Reevaluating Interaction in the Mission Town of San Joseph de Sapala. In Indigenous Landscapes and Spanish Missions: New Perspectives from Archaeology and Ethnohistory, edited by, Lee M. Panich and Tsim D. Schneider, pp. 79-92. University of Arizona Press.

Jefferies, Richard W., George R. Milner, and Edward Henry

2013 Winchester Farm: A Small Adena Enclosure in Central Kentucky. In Early and Middle Woodland Landscapes of the Southeast, edited by Alice Wright and Edward Henry, pp. 91-107. University Press of Florida.

Jefferies, Richard W., Christopher R. Moore

2013 Mission San Joseph de Sapala: Mission Period Archaeological Research on Sapelo Island. In Life among the Tides: Recent Archaeology on the Georgia Bight, edited by Victor D. Thompson and David Hurst Thomas, pp. 345-374. American Museum of Natural History Anthropological Papers, Number 98. New York.

Jefferies, Richard W.

2009 Archaic Cultures of Western Kentucky. In Archaic Societies: Diversity and Complexity Across the Midcontinent, edited by Thomas Emerson, Dale McElrath, and Andrew Fortier, pp. 635-665. State University of New York Press, Albany.

Jefferies, Richard W.

2008 The Archaic Period. In The Archaeology of Kentucky: An Update: Volume One, edited by D. Pollack, pp. 193-338. Comprehensive Plan Report No. 3. Kentucky Heritage Council, Frankfort.

Jefferies, Richard W.

2009 Settling Down in the Midwest: Ancient Hunter-Gatherer Sedentism. In Archaeology in America: An Encyclopedia, Vol 2: Midwest and Great Plains/Rocky Mountains, edited by Frank McManamon, pp. 34- 35. Greenwood Publishing Group. Westport, CT.

Jefferies, Richard W.

2009 The Carrier Mills Archaeological District. In Archaeology in America: An Encyclopedia, Vol 2: Midwest and Great Plains/Rocky Mountains, edited by Frank McManamon, pp. 68-70. Greenwood Publishing Group. Westport, CT.

Jefferies, Richard W.

2009 The Tunacunnhee Site. In Archaeology in America: An Encyclopedia, Vol. 1(Northeast and Southeast), edited by Frank McManamon. pp. 287-288. Greenwood Publishing Group. Westport, CT.

Jefferies, Richard W., Victor D. Thompson, George R. Milner, Renee M. Bonzani, and Tanya Peres

2007 Cypress Creek Villages Revisited: Archaic Settlement and Subsistence in the Cypress Creek Watershed. In Current Archaeological Research in Kentucky, Volume Eight, edited by Sarah E. Miller, David Pollack, Kenneth Carstens, and Christopher R. Moore, pp. 37-75. Kentucky Heritage Council. Frankfort.

Jefferies, Richard W.

2006 Death Rituals at the Tunacunnhee Site: A Middle Woodland Mortuary

Camp and Mound Complex in Northwestern Georgia. In Recreating Hopewell, edited by Douglas Charles and Jane Buikstra. The University Press of Florida.

Jefferies, Richard W.

2004 Regional Cultures of the Southeast - 700 B.C. - A.D. 1000. In Handbook of North American Indians (Southeast), edited by R. D. Fogelson, pp. 115-127. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C.

Jefferies, Richard W.

2004 Regional Scale Interaction Networks and the Emergence of Cultural

Complexity along the Northern Margins of the Southeast. In Signs of Power: The Rise of Cultural Complexity in the Southeast, edited by Philip Carr and Jon Gibson, pp. 71-85. University of Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa.

Jefferies, Richard W.

2001 Living on the Edge: Mississippian Settlement in the Upland

Southeast. In Appalachian Archaeology, edited by Lynne P. Sullivan and Susan C. Prezzano, pp. 198-221. University of Tennessee Press.

Jefferies, Richard W.

1999 27 entries for Archaeology of Eastern North America. In

Blackwell’s Dictionary of Archaeology, edited by R. Jameson and I. Shaw, Blackwell Publishers, Oxford, England.

Jefferies, Richard W.

1996 The Emergence of Long-Distance Exchange Networks in the Southeastern United States. In Archaeology of the Mid-Holocene Southeast, edited by Kenneth E. Sassaman and David G. Anderson, pp. 222-234. The University Press of Florida.

Jefferies, Richard W.

1996 Mississippian Settlement in Southeastern Kentucky: A Preliminary Assessment. In Current Archaeological Research in Kentucky: Volume 4, edited by S. Sanders, T. Sanders, and C. Stout, pp. 115-137.

Kentucky Heritage Council, Frankfort.

Jefferies, Richard W.

1996 Hunters and Gatherers After the Ice Age. In The Archaeology of

Kentucky, edited by R. Barry Lewis, pp. 39-77. University of Kentucky Press, Lexington.

Jefferies, Richard W., and Jennifer Flood

1996 Archaeological Survey and Testing of Upper Cumberland Mississippian Sites, Knox and Whitley Counties, Kentucky. In Current Archaeological Research in Kentucky: Volume 4, edited by S. Sanders, T. Sanders, and C. Stout, pp.138-168. Kentucky Heritage Council, Frankfort.

Jefferies, Richard W.

1995 Late Middle Archaic Exchange and Interaction in the North American Midcontinent. In Native American Interactions: Multiscalar Analyses and Interpretations in the Eastern Woodlands, edited by Michael S. Nassaney and Kenneth E. Sassaman, pp. 73-99. University of Tennessee Press, Knoxville.

Jefferies, Richard W.

1995 Preliminary Assessment of Mississippian Settlement at the

Croley-Evans Site (15Kx24), Knox County, Kentucky. In Current Archaeological Research in Kentucky, Volume Three, edited by C. A. Bergman, J. Doershuk and D. Pollack, pp. 227-264.Kentucky Heritage Council, Frankfort.

Jefferies, Richard W.

1994 The Swift Creek Site and Woodland Platform Mounds in the

Southeastern United States. In Fifty Years of Archaeology on the Macon Plateau, edited by David Hally, pp 71-83. University of Georgia Press, Athens.

Jefferies, Richard W.

1992 History of Kentucky Archaeology. In The Kentucky Encyclopedia,

edited by John E. Kleber, pp. 26-28. University of Kentucky Press, Lexington.

Shott, Michael J., and Richard W. Jefferies

1992 Late Woodland Economy and Settlement in the Upper Ohio

Valley:Recent Results from the Childers/Woods Project. In Cultural Variability in Context: Prehistoric Woodland Adaptation to Major and Minor Drainage Systems in the Ohio Valley, Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology Special Paper No. 7, edited by Mark Seeman, pp. 52-64. Kent State University Press.

Jefferies, Richard W.

1991 Kentucky Adena Mounds in Retrospect: New Insights from Old Collections. In Current Archaeological Research in Kentucky,

Volume 2, edited by Charles Hockensmith, pp. 45-65. Kentucky Heritage Council, Frankfort.

Fenton, James P., and Richard W. Jefferies

1991 The Camargo Mound and Earthworks: Preliminary Findings. In The

Human Landscape in Kentucky's Past: Site Structure and Settlement

Patterns, edited by Christine Hensley and Charles Stout, pp. 40-

55. Kentucky Heritage Council, Frankfort.

Jefferies, Richard W.

1990 Archaic Period. In The Archaeology of Kentucky:Past

Accomplishments and Future Directions, edited by D. Pollack, pp. 143-246. Kentucky Heritage Council, Frankfort.

Morrow, Carol A., and Richard W. Jefferies

1989 Trade or Embedded Procurement: A Test Case from Southern

Illinois. In Time, Energy and Stone Tools, edited by

Robin Torrence, pp. 27-33. Cambridge University Press.

Jefferies, Richard W.

1988 The Archaic Period in Kentucky: New Deal Archaeological

Investigations. In New Deal Era Archaeology and Current

Research in Kentucky, edited by David Pollack and Mary Lucas

Powell, pp. 14-25. Kentucky Heritage Council, Frankfort.

Jefferies, Richard W.

1988 Archaic Period Research in Kentucky: Past Accomplishments and

Future Directions. In Paleo-Indian and Archaic Period Research in Kentucky, edited by Charles D. Hockensmith, David Pollack, and Thomas N. Sanders, pp. 85-126. Kentucky Heritage Council, Frankfort.

Jefferies, Richard W.

1987 The Greene Mound Archaeological Project: Investigations of Off-

Mound Activity at a Kentucky Adena Site. In Current Archaeological Research in Kentucky, Volume One, edited by D. Pollack, pp. 13-32. Kentucky Heritage Council, Frankfort.

Milner, George R. and Richard W. Jefferies

1987 A Reevaluation of the WPA Excavation of the Robbins Mound in Boone

County, Kentucky. In Current Archaeological Research in Kentucky, Volume 1, edited by D. Pollack, pp. 33-42. Kentucky Heritage Council, Frankfort.

Butler, Brian M., and Richard W. Jefferies

1986 Crab Orchard and Early Woodland Cultures in the Middle South. In

The Kampsville Conference on Early Woodland, edited by K. Farnsworth and T. Emerson, pp. 523-534. Center for American Archaeology Press.

Jefferies, Richard W., and B. Mark Lynch

1983 Dimensions of Middle Archaic Cultural Adaptation at the Black

Earth Site, Saline County, Illinois. In Archaic Hunters and Gatherers in the American Midwest, edited by James L. Phillips and James A. Brown, pp. 299-322. Academic Press.

Jefferies, Richard W.

1979 The Tunacunnhee Site: Hopewell in Northwest Georgia. In Hopewell

Archaeology: The Chillicothe Conference, D. S. Brose and N. Greber, eds., pp. 162-170. Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology Special Paper Number 3. Kent State University Press.

G. Other Professional Publications

Jefferies, Richard W., and James Fenton

2001 The Archaic Shell Mounds of Kentucky. Pictures of Record, Inc. Weston, Connecticut.

Fenton, James, and Richard W. Jefferies

2001 Adena Mounds of Kentucky. Pictures of Record, Inc. Weston, Connecticut.

H. Popular Writing

Jefferies, Richard W.

2001 The Mount Horeb Earthworks: The Oldest Structure in the Bluegrass?

Preservation Matters XIII (2):4, 8.

Jefferies, Richard W.

1998 Late Prehistoric Native Americans of the Upper Cumberland River

Valley. Brochure written for the public on Native American life in southeastern Kentucky. Prepared for the Kentucky Heritage Council, Frankfort, Kentucky.

I. Technical Monographs and Research Reports (selected):

Jefferies, Richard W., and Mark Williams

2016 Santo Domingo de Talaje: Resurrecting a Seventeenth Century

Spanish Mission at Darien Bluff, Georgia. Report submitted to the Division of Archaeology, Georgia Department of Natural Resources. Atlanta.

Mark Williams, Richard W. Jefferies, and Mary C. Scales (editors)

2014 Archaeological Excavations at the Darien Bluff Site, 9MC10: 1952- 1953, by Shelia Kelly Caldwell. Laboratory of Archaeology Series,

Report 81. Department of Anthropology, University of Georgia. Athens.

Jefferies, Richard W., George R. Milner, and Edward Henry

2010 The Winchester Farm Earthwork: A Small Adena Enclosure in Central Kentucky. Manuscript on file, Office of State Archaeology, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY.

Jefferies, Richard W.

2010 Archaeological Investigations of a Mission Period Shell Midden at 9Mc23, Sapelo Island, Georgia. Report submitted to the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Atlanta, Georgia. 27 pages.

Jefferies, Richard W., and Christopher R. Moore

2009 In Search of Mission San Joseph de Sapala: Mission Period Archaeological Investigations on Sapelo Island, Georgia – 2003-2008. Submitted to the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Atlanta, Georgia. Ca. 200 pages.

Jefferies, Richard W., and Victor D. Thompson

2006 Mission Period Native American Settlement and Interaction on Sapelo Island, Georgia. Submitted to the Georgia Office of State Archaeology, Atlanta, Georgia, and the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Sapelo Island, Georgia.

Jefferies, Richard W., Victor D. Thompson, and George R. Milner

2002 The Cypress Creek Archaeological Project: Archaic Adaptive Strategies in West Central Kentucky. Kentucky Heritage Council. Frankfort. Ca. 200 pages,

Jefferies, Richard W., Emanuel Breitburg and C. Margaret Scarry

2000 Archaeological Investigations of Area 2 of the Croley-Evans Site: A Mississippian Mound Center in Knox County, Kentucky. Upper Cumberland River Archaeological Project, Report No. 1. Department of Anthropology, University of Kentucky, Lexington. Ca. 80 pages.

Jefferies, Richard, George R. Milner and Eric Schlarb

1999 The Green River Archaic Project: Initial Reconnaissance. Submitted to the Kentucky Heritage Council, Frankfort, Kentucky.

Jefferies, Richard W.

1991 Temporal and Spatial Variability of Flaked and Ground Stone

Artifacts in Kentucky Adena Mounds. Kentucky Heritage Council, Frankfort.

Edging, Richard, Kevin McGowan, and Richard W. Jefferies

1988 Archaeological Testing of the Pine Fork Site, Floyd County,

Kentucky. Program for Cultural Resource Assessment, Archaeological

Report No. 180. University of Kentucky, Lexington.

Sharp, William E. and Richard W. Jefferies

1986 Cultural Resource Assessment of the DeGaris Site, 15SC154,

Scott County, Kentucky. Archaeological Report No. 150,

Program for Cultural Resource Assessment, University of

Kentucky, Lexington.

Tuttle, Elisabeth and Richard W. Jefferies

1986 Cultural Overview of Historic Period Occupation at the

Greater Cincinnati International Airport, Boone County,

Kentucky. Archaeological Report No. 154, Program for

Cultural Resource Assessment, University of Kentucky,


Tuttle, Elisabeth and Richard W. Jefferies

1987 Overview of Historic Settlement Along Upper Gunpowder Creek,

Boone County, Kentucky. Archaeological Report No. 167,

Program for Cultural Resource Assessment, University of Kentucky, Lexington.

Cobb, Charles R. and Richard W. Jefferies

1983 Archaeological Investigations at the Milar Site, Alexander

County, Illinois. Center for Archaeological Investigations

Research Paper 40, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale.

Nassaney, Michael S., Neal H. Lopinot, Brian M. Butler and

Richard W. Jefferies

1983 The 1982 Excavations of the Cahokia Interpretive Center

Tract, St. Clair County, Illinois. Center for Archaeological

Investigations Research Paper 37, Southern Illinois

University at Carbondale.

Jefferies, Richard W.

1982 Archaeological Overview of the Carrier Mills Archaeological

District. In The Carrier Mills Archaeological Project:

Human Adaptation in the Saline Valley, Illinois, edited by

R. W. Jefferies and B. M. Butler, pp. 1461-1509. Center

for Archaeological Investigations Research Paper 33, Southern

Illinois University at Carbondale.

Jefferies, Richard W.

1982 The Black Earth Site. In The Carrier Mills Archaeological

Project: Human Adaptation in the Saline Valley, Illinois,

edited by R. W. Jefferies and B. M. Butler, pp. 77-450.

Center for Archaeological Investigations Research Paper 33,

Southern Illinois University at Carbondale.

Jefferies, Richard W. and Carol A. Morrow

1982 The Carrier Mills Archaeological Project: An Introduction.

In The Carrier Mills Archaeological Project: Human Adaptation in the Saline Valley, Illinois, edited by R. W. Jefferies and B. M. Butler, pp. 1-33. Center for Archaeological Investigations Research Paper 33, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale.

Lynch, B. Mark, and Richard W. Jefferies

1982 Archaeological Investigations at 11Sa86. In The Carrier Mills

Archaeological Project: Human Adaptation in the Saline

Valley, Illinois, edited by R. W. Jefferies and B. M. Butler,

pp. 453-582. Center for Archaeological Investigations

Research Paper 33, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale.

Lynch, B. Mark, and Richard W. Jefferies

1982 Archaeological Investigations at 11Sa88. In The Carrier Mills

Archaeological Project: Human Adaptation in the Saline

Valley, Illinois, edited by R. W. Jefferies and B. M. Butler,

pp. 583-670. Center for Archaeological Investigations

Research Paper 33, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale.

Jefferies, Richard and Paul R. Fish

1978 Investigations of Two Stone Mound Localities, Monroe County,

Georgia. Laboratory of Archaeology Series, No. 17. University of Georgia.

Fish, Suzanne K., Paul R. Fish and Richard W. Jefferies

1978 The Georgia Power Company Plant Scherer Archaeological Survey:An Examination of Interfluvial Settlement in the Georgia Southern Piedmont. Laboratory of Archaeology Series, No. 15. University of Georgia, Athens.

J. Book Reviews:

2016 Beliefs and Rituals in Archaic Eastern North America: An Interpretative Guide, by Cheryl Claassen. University of Alabama Press. American Anthropologist 118 (3). In press.

2011 The Eastern Archaic, Historicized (Issues in Eastern Woodlands Archaeology), by Kenneth E. Sassaman. Altamira Press. Journal of Anthropological Research 67:615-616.

2008 People of the Shoals: Stallings Culture of the Savannah River Valley, by Kenneth E. Sassaman. University Press of Florida, Gainesville. American Antiquity 73:570-571.

2003 Archaic Traditions in Ohio and Kentucky, edited by O. Prufer and S. Pedde. Kent State University Press, Kent, Ohio. Register of the Kentucky Historical Society 100:349-350.

1998 Holocene Human Adaptation in the Missouri Prairie-Timberlands: A

Volume in the Central and Northern Plains Archaeological Overview, by W. R. Wood, M. J. O’Brien, K. A. Murray, and J. C. Rose. Southeastern Archaeology 17:113-114.

1997 The Paleoindian and Early Archaic Southeast. David G. Anderson

and Kenneth E. Sassaman, editors. University of Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa, 1996. American Antiquity 62:748-749.

1996 Preliminary Archaeological Papers on Dust Cave, Northwest Alabama. Nurit S. Goldman-Finn and Boyce N. Driskell, editors. Journal of Alabama Archaeology 40. The Alabama Archaeological Society. Moundville, Alabama. Southeastern Archaeology 15:265-267.

1994 Stability, Transformation, and Variation, edited by Michael S.

Nassaney and Charles R. Cobb. Plenum Press, 1991. American Antiquity 59:388-389.

1990 Guide to the Palaeo-Indian Artifacts of North America. Richard

M. Gramly. Persimmon Press, 1990. Southeastern Archaeological Conference Newsletter 32:34.

1987 Archaeology of the Central Mississippi Valley. Dan F. Morse

and Phyllis A. Morris. Academic Press, 1983. American

Antiquity 52:199-200.

1986 The East St. Louis Quarry Site Cemetery (11-S-468).

George R. Milner. American Bottom Archaeology FAI-270 Site

Reports Vol. 1, University of Illinois Press, Urbana, 1983.

x + 182 pp. American Antiquity 51:430-432.

1986 The Florence Street Site (11-S-458). Thomas E. Emerson,

George R. Milner, and Douglas K. Jackson. American Bottom

Archaeology FAI-270 Site Reports Vol. 2, University of

Illinois Press, Urbana, 1983. xii + 353 pp. American

Antiquity 51:430-432.

1986 The Missouri Pacific #2 Site (11-S-46). Dale L. McElrath

and Andrew C. Fortier. American Bottom Archaeology

FAI-270 Site Reports Vol. 3, University of Illinois Press,

Urbana, 1983. xii + 255 pp. American Antiquity 51:430-432.

1986 The Turner and DeMange Sites (11-S-50 and 11-S-447).

George R. Milner. American Bottom Archaeology FAI-270 Site

Reports Vol. 4, University of Illinois Press, Urbana, 1983.

xi + 243 pp. American Antiquity 51:430-432.

1986 The Mund Site (11-S-435). Andrew C. Fortier, Fred A. Finney,

and Richard B. Lacampagne. American Bottom Archaeology

FAI-270 Site Reports Vol. 5, University of Illinois Press,

Urbana, 1983. xii + 431 pp. American Antiquity 51:430-432.

1986 The BBB Motor Site (11-Ms-595). Thomas E. Emerson and

Douglas K. Jackson. American Bottom Archaeology FAI-270

Site Reports Vol. 6, University of Illinois Press, Urbana,

1984. ix + 413 pp. American Antiquity 51:430-432.

1986 American Bottom Archaeology: A Summary of the FAI-270

Project. Charles J. Bareis and James W. Porter, editors.

University of Illinois Press, Urbana, 1984. xviii + 286 pp.

American Antiquity 51:430-432.

VII. Papers and Presentations:

A. Invited Papers and Presentations:

2016 Population Aggregation and the Emergence of Circular Villages

in Southwest Virginia. Paper presented as part of a symposium titled The Compelling Power of Villages in Eastern North America. 73rd meeting of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference, Athens, Georgia. October 27.

2016 Late Archaic Hunter-Gatherers and Monumental Architecture on the Georgia Coast. Invited lecture presented at the 2016 Weekend for

Wildlife, Sponsored by the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Atlanta, GA. January 30, 2016.

2015 Maintaining Relations with Deer: A Day-in-the-Life in the Middle Archaic (with Christopher R Moore, senior author. Paper presented as part of The Archaeology of Everyday Matters, symposium organized for the 72nd Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference, Nashville, TN. November 19.

2015 Remote Sensing in a Remote Place: Investigation of Spanish Mission Period Activity on Sapelo Island, Georgia (with Christopher R. Moore, junior author). Paper presented at the 72nd Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference, Nashville, TN, November 18-21.

2015 The Spanish Mission Period Occupation on Sapelo Island, Georgia: 1600-1684. Invited lecture presented at the 2015 Weekend for Wildlife, Sponsored by the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Atlanta, GA. February 7. (with Christopher R. Moore).

2014 C.G. Holland: Archaeological Survey in a Cultural Crossroads. Paper presented in The Biennial Gordon R. Willey Symposium on the History of Archaeology: Explorers in Space and Time — Examining Archaeologists’ Careers between 1945 and 1970 (Sponsored by History of Archaeology Interest Group) (Maureen Meyers – senior author). Paper presented at the 79th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Austin, TX. April 23-26.

2014 Mission San Joseph de Sapala: 17th Century Franciscan Mission Efforts on Sapelo Island, Georgia. (With Christopher R, Moore). Paper presented at the Franciscan Florida in Pan-Borderlands Perspective: Adaptation, Negotiation, and Resistance Conference, St. Augustine, FL. March 13-15.

2013 The Carrier Mills Archaeological Project: A 30-Year Retrospective. In Spanning the Hemispheres from the Black Bottom to the Western Pacific: Honoring the Career of Brian M. Butler. Presented at the

70th Annual meeting of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference,

Tampa, FL. November 2013.

2013 Archaeologists as Myth Busters: The Lingering Legend of Kentucky’s Dark and Bloody Ground. University of Kentucky College of Arts and Sciences Distinguished Professor Lecture. Lexington, KY. April 18, 2013.

2012 Chair and Co-Organizer (with Christopher R. Moore): The Material Culture of a Multiethnic Community: New Discoveries in Spanish La Florida. Symposium organized for the 77th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Memphis, TN. April 18-22, 2012.

2012 Mission San Joseph de Sapala: Archaeological Investigation of a 17th Century Spanish Mission Period Site on the Central Georgia Coast (with Christopher R. Moore). Presented as part of “The Material Culture of a Multiethnic Community: New Discoveries in Spanish La Florida” symposium. The 77th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Memphis, Tn. April 18-22, 2012.

2012 The Social Implications of Altamaha Ceramic Attributes (with Christopher Moore – senior author). Presented as part of “The Material Culture of a Multiethnic Community: New Discoveries in Spanish La Florida” symposium. The 77th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Memphis, Tn. April 18-22, 2012.

2012 The Archaeology of Chaos: The Spanish Mission Period on the Georgia Coast (1568-1684). Distinguished Speakers Series. University of Indianapolis. Indianapolis, In. February 24, 2012.

2011 In Search of Mission San Joseph de Sapala: Mission Period Archaeological Research on Sapelo Island, Georgia (with Christopher R. Moore). Invited paper presented as part of "Life among the Tides: Recent Archaeology on the Georgia Bight". The Sixth Caldwell Conference, St. Catherines Island, Georgia. Organized by the American Museum of Natural History, New York. May 20-22, 2011.

2011 Diachronic Trends in Hunter-Gatherer Social Integration and Interaction in the North American Midcontinent. Invited lecture. Department of Anthropology, Ohio State University, Columbus. April 8.

2010 The Winchester Farm Earthwork: A Small Adena Enclosure in Central Kentucky. (with George R. Milner (The Pennsylvania State University), and Edward R. Henry (Washington University). Presented in a symposium entitled, The Ritual and Domestic Landscapes of Early and Middle Woodland Peoples in the Southeast, at the Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference. Lexington, KY. October.

2009 Mission Period Shell Middens on Sapelo Island, Georgia. Paper presented as part of a symposium, Fifty Centuries of Coastal Living - Archaeology from the Savannah River to the St. Johns. Presented at the 66th Annual meeting of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference, Mobile, AL. November.

2009 Discussant for a symposium entitled Not Your Average Joe: Caldwell’s Contributions to Archaeology. Presented at the 66th Southeastern Archaeological Conference. Mobile, Alabama. November.

2008 Recent Mission Period Archaeological Investigations on Sapelo Island (with Christopher R. Moore). Paper presented as part of a symposium, Archaeological Encounter in Georgia’s Spanish Period: New Discoveries and Improved Understandings. Society for Georgia Archaeology Annual Meeting, Fernbank Museum of Natural History, Atlanta, GA. April.

2008 Recent Investigations of Mission Period Activity on Sapelo Island, Georgia (with Christopher R. Moore). Paper presented as part of a symposium, Five Cultures, One Island: Historic Archaeologies on Sapelo Island, Georgia, at the 2008 Meeting of the Society for Historic Archaeology, Albuquerque, New Mexico. January.

2007 Discussant for symposium entitled Exchange and Sociality in Small- Scale Societies. 64th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Archaeological Society, Knoxville, TN. November.

2007 The First Kentuckians: Native American Hunter-Gatherers of the North American Midcontinent. Keynote Speaker, Annual Meeting of Anthropologist and Sociologists of Kentucky, Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights, Kentucky. September.

2007 Early to Middle Holocene Hunter-Gatherer Interaction in the North American Midcontinent. (with Sheldon R. Burdin). Paper presented as part of a symposium, Mesolithic Meets Archaic: Hunter-Gatherer Research across the Atlantic Divide, at the 72nd Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Austin, Texas. April.

2006 Immediate and Long-Term Impacts of Hunter-Gatherer Activity on the Lower Ohio Valley Cultural Landscape. Presented as part of a

symposium, Southeastern Historical Ecology and Landscapes, at the

63rd Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference,

Little Rock, Arkansas. November.

2005 Discussant for symposium entitled Hunter-Gatherers in the Ohio Valley. 51st Annual Meeting of the Midwest Archaeological Conference, Dayton, Ohio. October.

2005 Holocene Hunter-Gatherer Social Networks in the North American Midcontinent. Invited presentation at the Falls of the Ohio Archaeological Society Meeting, Louisville, KY. February.

2004 Archaic Cultures of the Lower Ohio Valley: A View from Kentucky. Paper presented at the Urbana Conference on the Archaic Societies of the Midcontinent. Urbana, Illinois. December 2-3.

2004 Late Woodland Circular Communities in the Ridge and Valley Province of Southwestern Virginia. Paper presented in the “Constituting Social Life and Ritual in Circular Communities across the Americas” symposium. Paper resented at the 69th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Montreal, Canada. April.

2003 Hunters, Gatherers, and Gardeners of Southern Illinois: A Twenty-Five Year Retrospective of the Carrier Mills Archaeological Project. Invited paper presented for the opening of Digging into the Past exhibit at the University Museum, Southern Illinois University Carbondale. April.

2003 Archaic Hunter-Gatherers on the Georgia Coast. Invited lecture presented at the Weekend for Wildlife forum, sponsored by the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Sapelo Island, Georgia. February.

2002 The Sapelo Shell Rings Site: Remote Sensing on a Georgia Sea Island (with Victor Thompson (senior author), Matthew Reynolds, Bryan Haley, Jay Johnson, and Cat Humphries). Paper presented in the symposium Lewis H. Larson: From Minnesota to Georgia - A Road Less Traveled. 59th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference, Biloxi, Mississippi, November.

2002 Panelist in Teaching Native American Courses at the Annual Meeting

of the Anthropologists and Sociologists of Kentucky, Thomas More College, Crestview Hills, Kentucky, November.

2002 Mississippian Societies in the Cumberland Gap Region of Virginia, Kentucky, and Tennessee. Invited banquet speaker, Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Society of Virginia, Blacksburg, October.

2000 Death Rituals at the Tunacunnhee Site: A Middle Woodland Mortuary Camp and Mound Complex in Northwestern Georgia. Paper presented at the Middle Woodland at the Millennium Conference, Kampsville, Illinois, July.

2000 Discussant for a symposium entitled Native American Archaeology in Georgia: What We Know in the Year 2000. 57th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference, Macon, Georgia, November.

1999 Regional Scale Interaction Networks and the Emergence of Cultural Complexity along the Northern Margins of the Southeast. Paper presented in the symposium entitled Big Mound Power! Or Power, Who Needs It? Mid-Level Societies in the Real Old South. 56th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Archaeological Society, Pensacola, November, 1999.

1999 Bone Tool Technology as a Means of Investigating Late Middle Archaic Hunter-Gatherer Social Interaction and Integration in the Ohio River Valley. Paper presented in the symposium entitled Technology of Skeletal Materials: Considerations of Production Methods and Scale. 64th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Chicago, March.

1998 Discussant for a symposium entitled Bioarchaeology in the Eastern Woodlands: Papers in Honor of Robert L. Blakely. 55th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference, Greenville, South Carolina, November.

1998 Kentucky’s Prehistoric Peoples. Lecture presented at the J.C.

Salato Wildlife Education Center, Kentucky Fish and Wildlife Resources, Frankfort, Kentucky, March.

1997 The Read Shell Mound: Site Formation and Structure (with G. R.

Milner and C. Labadia). Paper presented in the symposium entitled A Current Research in the Green River: Diverse Studies of Common Problems, 54th Meeting of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference, Baton Rouge, LA, November.

1997 Middle Archaic Bone Pins and Mid-Holocene Social Change. Guest

speaker at the Middle Cumberland Archaeological Society, Cumberland Science Museum, Nashville, Tennessee. August.

1997 Mid-Holocene Social Transformations in the North American Midcontinent. Paper presented in A New Approaches to Pre-Columbian American Social Organization: A Research Symposium. University of Georgia, Department of Anthropology, May.

1996 Mississippian Settlement in the Cumberland Plateau Region of Southeastern Kentucky. Paper presented in the symposium entitled A Polity Edges and Hinterlands: Late Prehistory in the Interior Uplands of the Southeast and Midwest, 53rd Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference, Birmingham, November.

1995 Middle Archaic Bone Pins as an Indicator of Increasing Social Complexity during the Mid-Holocene. Invited paper presented in the Plenary Session at the Annual Meeting of the Ohio Archaeological Council, Cleveland. November.

1995 Discussant for a symposium entitled Discontinuity in the American Bottom. 60th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Minneapolis, May.

1993 The Emergence of Long-Distance Exchange Networks in the

Southeastern United States. Invited paper presented in a symposium entitled Archaeology of the Mid-Holocene Southeast at the 50th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Conference, Raleigh, North Carolina, November.

1993 The Status of Archaic Period Research in the North American

Midcontinent. Paper presented in an invited symposium, The Status of Prehistoric Archaeology in the Eastern United States at the 58th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, St. Louis, Missouri, April.

1993 Discussant for a symposium entitled Early and Middle Woodland Ceremonialism. 50th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference, Raleigh, North Carolina, November.

1992 Discussant for a symposium entitled Establishing a Regional

Chronology for North-Central Tennessee. 49th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference, Little Rock, Arkansas, October.

1992 Late Middle Archaic Interaction and Exchange in the North American Midcontinent. Paper presented in a symposium entitled PreColumbian Native Encounters at the 49th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference, Little Rock, Arkansas, October.

1986 Pre-Mississippian Platform Mounds in the Southeast. Ocmulgee National Monument 50th Anniversary Conference, Macon, Georgia, December.

1986 The Portsmouth Bridge Archaeological Project. 45th Annual

Meeting of the Southeast Association of State Highway and

Transportation Officials. Louisville, Kentucky, September.

1985 Mounds, Walls, and Effigies: An Evaluation of Prehistoric

Stone Constructions in Middle and North Georgia. 42nd Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference, Birmingham, Alabama, November.

1983 Intraregional Behavioral Variability: A Regional Approach

to Lithic Analysis. Presented as part of symposium entitled

Lithic Analysis and Behavioral Interpretations: Recent

Advances. XIth International Congress of Anthropological

and Ethnological Sciences, Vancouver, Canada. August.

1982 Curational Theory as a Means of Determining the Role of Lithic

Materials in Cultural Systems (C. Morrow, Senior Author,

Southern Illinois University at Carbondale). 47th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Minneapolis. April.

1980 Discussant in symposium on Archaeological Investigations at the Cloudsplitter Rockshelter, Menifee County, Kentucky. Southeastern Archaeological Conference. November.

1978 Contributions of the Tunacunnhee Site toward the Interpretation of

the Hopewellian Manifestation. Conference on Hopewellian

Archaeology, Chillicothe, Ohio. March.

1977 Intersite Lithic Activity Variability: A Regional Approach

to Lithic Analysis. Symposium on Analytical Procedures for

Handling Lithic Artifacts. 34th Annual Meeting of the

Southeastern Archaeological Conference, Lafayette, Louisiana.


B. Other Papers/Posters:

2016 An Investigation of Transition: Irene/Altamaha Ceramics from Sapelo Island, Georgia (Straub, Elizabeth, Christopher Moore, and Richard Jefferies). Poster presented at 73rd meeting of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference, Athens, Georgia. October 26-29.

2016 Investigating a Possible Spanish Military Structure at the Site of San Joseph de Sapala, Sapelo Island, Georgia. (Christopher R. Moore, senior author). Paper presented at the 49th Annual Conference on Historical and Underwater Archaeology. Washington, D.C. January 6-9.

2014 Seventeenth Century Mission Period Cultural Dynamics on Sapelo Island, Georgia. (Christopher R. Moore, senior author). Poster

presented at the 71st Annual Meeting of the Southeastern

Archaeological Conference. Greenville, S.C. November.

2012 Spanish Mission Period Activity at Darien Bluff, McIntosh County, Georgia. Paper presented at the 77th Annual Southeastern Archaeology Conference, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. November, 2012.

2010 Spanish-Guale Interaction at Mission San Joseph de Sapala (Poster with Christopher R. Moore). Annual Conference of the National Estuarine Research Reserve System. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Shepherdstown, West Virginia. October, 2010.

2010 Current Research on Sapelo Island’s Mission Period Occupations. Presented for the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Sapelo Island, Georgia. July, 2010.

2009 Spanish-Guale Interaction at Mission San Joseph de Sapala (with Christopher R. Moore). Poster presented at the 74th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Atlanta, Georgia. April.

2008 In Search of Mission San Joseph de Sapala: Mission Period Archaeological Research on Sapelo Island, Georgia (with Christopher R. Moore) Poster presented at the 65th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference, Charlotte, North Carolina. November.

2007 The Spanish Mission Period Archaeology on the Georgia Coast (with Christopher R. Moore). Departmental colloquium, Department of Anthropology, University of Kentucky, Lexington. November.

2007 A Preliminary Analysis of Altamaha Period Ceramics from Site 9Mc23, Sapelo Island, Georgia. (with Chris Moore, Senior author). 64th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference, Knoxville, Tennessee. November.

2005 Contact Period Native American Settlement and Interaction on Sapelo Island, Georgia (with Victor Thompson). Paper presented at the 62nd Southeastern Archaeological Conference, Columbia, South Carolina. November.

2003 A Reevaluation of Contact Period Occupation at the Sapelo Island Shell Ring Site, MacIntosh County, Georgia (with Victor Thompson). Paper presented at the 60th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference, Charlotte, North Carolina, November.

2003 The Sapelo Shell Rings Site: Remote Sensing on a Georgia Sea Island. (With V.Thompson (senior author), M. Reynolds, B. Haley, J. Johnson, and C. Humphries. Paper presented at the 68th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Milwaukee, April.

2002 Cypress Creek Revisited: Archaic Settlement and Subsistence in the Green River Valley of Kentucky. (With Victor D. Thompson and George R. Milner). Presented at the 67th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Denver, March.

2002 Cypress Creek Villages Revisited: Archaic Settlement and Subsistence in the Cypress Creek Watershed. (With Victor D. Thompson and George R. Milner) 19th Annual Kentucky Heritage Council Archaeological Conference, Frankfort, March.

2001 Holocene Hunter-Gatherer Settlement Strategies in West Central Kentucky (Poster). (With Victor D. Thompson and George R. Milner). Presented at the 58th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference, Chattanooga, Tennessee, November.

2001 Diachronic Patterns in Holocene Hunter-Gatherer Settlement Strategies in the Lower Cypress Creek Valley of West-Central Kentucky (Poster). (With George R. Milner, and Victor D. Thompson). Presented at the 66th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, New Orleans, April.

2000 Mid-Holocene Hunter-Gatherer Interaction and Exchange in the North American Midcontinent. Paper presented at the 65th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Philadelphia, April.

1999 Archaic Settlement along Cypress Creek, McLean County, Kentucky (with George R. Milner and Eric Schlarb). Poster presented at the University of Kentucky GIS-Day-99. University of Kentucky, Lexington.

1998 Middle Woodland Mortuary Activity in the Appalachian Highlands: A 25-Year Retrospective View from the Tunacunnhee Site (9Dd25) Habitation Area. Paper presented at the 55th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference, Greenville, South Carolina, November.

1997 Mississippian Subsistence Strategies on the Upper Cumberland River of Southeastern Kentucky. (With Margaret Scarry) Paper presented at the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Nashville, Tennessee, April.

1996 Middle Archaic Bone Pins: Evidence for the Formation of Regional-Scale Social Networks in the North American Midcontinent. 61st Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, New Orleans, Louisiana, April.

1995 Mississippian Adaptation on the Northern Periphery: Settlement, Subsistence and Interaction in the Cumberland Valley of Southeastern Kentucky. Paper presented at the 60th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Minneapolis, May.

1994 Mississippian Adaptation in the Cumberland Plateau of Southeastern Kentucky. Paper presented at the 51st Annual Meeting of the

Southeastern Archaeological Conference, Lexington, Kentucky. November.

1994 Preliminary Assessment of Mississippian Settlement at the Croley-Evans Site (15Kx24), Knox County, Kentucky. Paper presented at the 11th Annual Kentucky Heritage Council Archaeological Conference, Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights, Kentucky, February.

1993 Mississippian Site Archaeology in the Upper Cumberland River Valley

(with Jennifer Flood). Paper presented at the 10th Annual Kentucky Heritage Council Archaeological Conference, Lexington, Kentucky, February.

1992 Mississippian Settlement along the Upper Cumberland River of Southeastern Kentucky. Paper presented at the 57th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, April.

1992 Mississippian Settlement in Southeastern Kentucky. 9th Annual

Kentucky Heritage Council Archaeological Conference, Murray,

Kentucky, February.

1991 Late Prehistoric Settlement along the Upper Cumberland River of Southeast Kentucky. 48th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference, Jackson, Mississippi, November.

1990 The Camargo Enclosures and Mound (with James P. Fenton).

7th Annual Kentucky Heritage Council Archaeological Conference,

Louisville, February.

1989 The Camargo Earthworks and Mound: An Adena-Hopewell Complex

in the Kentucky Heartland (with James P. Fenton). 46th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference, Tampa, November.

1989 Late Woodland Economy and Settlement in the Upper Ohio Valley:

Recent Results from the Childers/Woods Project (with Michael

J. Shott. 54th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Atlanta, April.

1989 Kentucky Adena Mounds in Retrospect: New Insights from Old

Collections. 6th Annual Kentucky Heritage Council

Archaeological Conference, Highland Heights, Kentucky. March.

1988 Temporal and Spatial Artifact Variability in Kentucky Adena

Mounds. 45th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference, New Orleans, October.

1988 The Archaic Period in Kentucky: New Deal Era Archaeology

and Archaeologists. Fifth Annual Kentucky Heritage Council Conference, March.

1987 A Reevaluation of the WPA Excavation of the Robbins Mound in

Boone County, Kentucky (with George R. Milner). Fourth Annual Kentucky Heritage Council Archaeological Conference, Murray, Kentucky. March.

1987 The Greene Mound Archaeological Project: Investigations of

Off-Mound Activity at a Kentucky Adena Site. Fourth Annual Kentucky Heritage Council Archaeological Conference, Murray, Kentucky, February.

1986 Mound Construction, Mortuary Practices and Paleodemography:

A Reexamination of an Adena Mound in Kentucky (with George R.

Milner).43rd Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference, Nashville, Tennessee, November.

1986 Archaic Period Research in Kentucky: Past Accomplishments

and Future Directions. Kentucky Heritage Council Conference on the Paleoindian and Archaic Periods in Kentucky, Louisville, Kentucky, March.

1985 Archaeological Investigations at 15Gp14, Northeastern

Kentucky (with Steven R. Ahler). 42nd Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference, Birmingham, Alabama, November.

1985 A Reappraisal of Adena in Kentucky: New Information From

Old Excavations (with George Milner, Berle Clay, and Nancy O'Malley).

Woodland Archaeology Conference, Bowling Green, Kentucky, March.

1983 Soil Analysis as a Means of Investigating Changing Patterns

of Site Utilization (with William I. Woods, Southern

Illinois University at Edwardsville). 48th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Pittsburgh. April.

1983 Invited participant in Guest Lecture Series,

Southeastern Illinois College, Harrisburg, Illinois.

Presented lecture entitled Prehistoric Life in the Saline

River Valley. February.

1982 Middle Archaic - Late Archaic Settlement Variability in

Southern Illinois. 39th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference, Memphis. October.

1981 Prehistoric Chert Exploitation at the Black Earth Site,

Carrier Mills, Illinois (with C. Morrow, Southern Illinois

University, Carbondale). Conference on Prehistoric Chert Exploitation, Carbondale, Illinois. May.

1980 Analysis of Morphological and Functional Variability of

Middle Archaic Hafted Endscrapers. 37th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference, New Orleans. November.

1980 Co-organizer and Co-chairperson of symposium (with Albert C.

Goodyear, University of South Carolina) on Problem Oriented

Lithic Studies in the Southeastern United States.

Southeastern Archaeological Conference. November.

1980 Dimensions of Middle Archaic Cultural Adaptation at the

Black Earth Site, Saline County, Illinois (with B. Mark

Lynch, University of Santa Clara). Annual Meeting

of the Midwestern Archaeological Conference, Chicago. October.

1980 The Carrier Mills Archaeological Project: Analysis of

Prehistoric Cultural Adaptation During the Middle Archaic

in Southern Illinois. Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. May.

1979 The Carrier Mills Archaeological Project: A Preliminary

Assessment of Archaeological Investigations at the Black

Earth Site (11Sa87). Nineteenth Workshop on Illinois Archaeology, Illinois Archaeological Survey, Carbondale, Illinois, December.

1979 Prehistoric Cultural Adaptation in the Saline River Valley

of Southern Illinois. 36th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference, Atlanta, Georgia. November.

1978 Site Plan at Cold Springs (with Suzanne K. Fish – senior author). Symposium on the Wallace Reservoir Archaeological Project. 35th

Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference,

Knoxville, Tennessee. November.

1978 Lithic Artifact Diversity as a Means of Discerning

Inter-Site Activity Variability. Annual Meeting of the

Society for American Archaeology, Tucson, Arizona. May.

1977 Intersite Activity Variability as Revealed through

Technological Analysis of Lithic Debitage. Annual Meeting

of the Society for American Archaeology, New Orleans,

Louisiana. April.

1976 Attribute Variability of Projectile Points from the Lookout

Valley Watershed, Dade County, Georgia. Annual Meeting,

Georgia Academy of Science, Americus, Georgia. April.

1975 The Lookout Valley Research Project: A Micro-Regional

Approach to Locational Analysis in Settlement Archaeology.

32nd Annual Meeting, Southeastern Archaeological Conference,

Gainesville, Florida. November.

1974 Preliminary Report: Excavation of the Tunacunnhee Site

(9Dd25), Dade County, Georgia. Annual Meeting, Georgia

Academy of Science, Valdosta, Georgia. April.

1973 Investigation of Stone Mounds in Northwest Georgia. Annual

Meeting, Tennessee Archaeological Society, Chattanooga,

Tennessee. October.

C. Other Presentations (Selected):

2012 Guale-Spanish Contact and Interaction on the 17th Century Georgia Coast. Presented as part of a lecture series organized by the Hogg Hammock Community Library, Sapelo Island, Georgia.

2012 The Spanish Mission Period on the Georgia Coast. Presentation to the Methodist Men’s Group, Southern Hill United Methodist Church, Lexington, KY. May 14, 2012.

2008 Deciphering the Past: Undergraduate Archaeological Research at UK. Presented as part of the Geek Week events, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Kentucky, Lexington. February.

2005 Kentucky’s Ancient People. Lecture presented at the Living Arts and Science Center, Lexington, Kentucky. October.

2000 Panelist in Career Opportunities for Archaeologists and How to Write an Effective Vitae Student Workshop presented at the 57th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference, Macon, Georgia, November.

1992 The Upper Cumberland Archaeological Project: Late Prehistoric Adaptation in Southeastern Kentucky. Lecture presented to the William S. Webb Archaeological Society, Lexington, Kentucky, November.

1992 Plains Indian Culture in Transition. Lecture presented to

Landscape Architecture Class, College of Architecture, University of Kentucky, September.

1992 Middle Woodland Mortuary Behavior in the Interior Southeastern United States. Public lecture presented at Union College,

Barbourville, Kentucky, August.

1990 Works Progress Administration Excavations at the Wright Mound, Montgomery County, Kentucky. Presented at the Kentucky Archaeology Weekend, University of Kentucky Museum of Anthropology, October.

1990 The Archaic Hunter-Gatherers of Kentucky. Presented at the Kentucky Archaeology Weekend, University of Kentucky Museum of Anthropology, October.

1987 Prehistory of the Saline Valley, Illinois. Presented to the

Friends of Angel Mounds, Evansville, Indiana, August.

1985 Guest speaker for the Spring Workshop of the Wabash Valley

Archaeological Society, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana. Presented lecture entitled Culture History of

the Carrier Mills Archaeological District, Saline County,

Illinois. April.

VIII. Professional Service:

A. Membership in Professional Societies:

Society for American Archaeology

Southeastern Archaeological Conference

Kentucky Organization of Professional Archaeologists

Midwest Archaeological Conference

Sigma Xi Scientific Research Society

Virginia Academy of Sciences

Society for Georgia Archaeology

B. Offices Held and Honors Awarded in Professional Associations:

2010- Member, Editorial Review Board, Journal of Kentucky Archaeology: An On-Line Journal.

2010 Co-Organizer, Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference, Lexington, KY. October 27-30, 2010.

2009 Member, Cultural Resource Planning Committee for the Springfield Legacy Foundation, Hosted by the Springfield Legacy Foundation, Liberty Co. Georgia. March 6-8, 2009

2009 Chair, Nominations Committee, Southeastern Archaeological Conference

2003-2004 Preservation Action Committee, Kentucky Organization of Professional Archaeologists

2003 Chair, Nominations Committee, Southeastern Archaeological


2000-2002 President, Southeastern Archaeological Conference.

1998-2000 President-Elect, Southeastern Archaeological Conference.

1998-2000 Member, Southeastern Archaeological Conference Student Paper Competition Committee.

1997 President, Kentucky Organization of Professional Archaeologists.

1995-1997 Executive Officer, Southeastern Archaeological Conference.

1994 Program Chair, Midwest Archaeological Conference, Lexington, Ky. (Joint meeting with the Southeastern Archaeological Conference)

1994-1995 Vice President and Acting President, Kentucky Organization of

Professional Archaeologists.

1993-1996 Appointed by Governor to serve as Vice Chair of the Kentucky

Historic Preservation Review Board.

1993-1995 Elected Vice President Kentucky Organization of Professional


1992-1993 Appointed by Governor to serve on Executive Task Force on Historic


1990 Appointed to SHPO's Task Force for developing fieldwork and

reporting specifications.

1990-1992 Member, Board of Directors, Kentucky Organization of Professional


1987-1995 Assistant Editor for Current Research (Southeast U.S.),

American Antiquity.

1987 Certified (Field Research, Archaeological Administration) by

Certification Committee, Society of Professional Archaeologists,

November 1987.

1986 Appointed by Governor to serve on the Office of Historic

Properties Grant Task Force.

1986-1987 Elected Vice President Kentucky Organization of Professional Archaeologists.

1985-1996 Appointed by Governor to serve on the Kentucky Historic

Preservation Review Board.

1984-1985 Co-Editor, Kentucky Archaeology Newsletter.

1979 Elected to Sigma Xi Research Society.

1974 Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society.

C. Evaluation of Manuscripts for Journals and Book Publishers and of Grant

Proposals for Agencies:

Various articles reviewed for: Canadian Journal of Archaeology, Human Ecology, American Antiquity, Journal of Archaeological Science, Southeastern Archaeology, Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology, Journal of Field Archaeology, Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science, Journal of Ohio Archaeology.

Book and report manuscript reviewed for: University Press of Florida, University Press of Kentucky, University of Alabama Press, Westview Press, Mayfield Publishing Co., U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, University of Tennessee Press, Smithsonian Institution Press.

Research proposals reviewed for: National Science Foundation, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada; National Geographic Society; National Endowment for the Humanities.

IX. Community Service

2016 The Mount Horeb Earthwork and Surrounding Cultural Landscape: A 2000 Year Perspective. Lecture presented to the Lexington Chapter of the Philanthropic Educational Organization (PEO) Sisterhood International. May.

2014 Group Leader, Talking Service: Standing Down: From Warrior to Civilian. Program designed to bring U.S. veterans together for an open discussion about their experiences in the military through a compilation of essays, poetry, and other literary writings. Funded by the Kentucky Humanities Council, Inc. in partnership with the National Endowment for the Humanities. November.

2007-2016 Living Archaeology Weekend, Participant/Planning Committee Member. Sponsored by the Daniel Boone National Forest, Gladie Historic Site, Powell Co. Kentucky.

1991-1995 Advisor, William S. Webb Archaeological Society, Lexington, Kentucky.

1991-1990 Chair, Public Archaeology Committee, Kentucky Organization of Professional Archaeologists, 1990-1991.

1990, 1991 Co-organizer, Kentucky Archaeology Weekend at the University of Kentucky.

1989 Participant in University of Kentucky Saturday Seminar Series.

1986-1990 Participant in Experienced Based Career Education Program, Fayette

County public school system.

1986 Participant in Kentucky Governor's Scholar Program.

1984-2008 Talks on regional archaeology and Native Americans presented to

schools, civic organizations, church groups, etc.

1982 Directed the preparation of a museum exhibit on the Carrier Mills

Archaeological Project for Southeastern Illinois College, Harrisburg, Illinois.

X. University, College, and Departmental Service

A. University Service

2003-2006 Member, University Senate

2001 Member, Chancellor’s Committee to Reevaluate the

Status and Use of Adena Park (Mt. Horeb earthworks).

1995-1997 Undergraduate Council member

1990-1992 Director, Kentucky Anthropological Research Facility Facility (KARF)

1990-1997 Presentation of numerous talks on anthropology at Community Colleges, elementary and high schools, and various other groups throughout Kentucky.

B. College of Arts and Sciences

2016 UK 201 Faculty Panel, April.

2016 Chair, The College of Arts and Sciences Distinguished Professor Award Committee. March.

2015 Chair, The College of Arts and Sciences Distinguished Professor Award Committee.

2014 Chair, Department of Anthropology Future Chair

Nomination Committee.

2014 Member, The College of Arts and Sciences Distinguished Professor Award Committee.

2013 Chair, The College of Arts and Sciences Distinguished Professor Award Committee.

2011 Member, External Review Committee for the review of

the Department of Psychology.

2010 Member (replacing ill member), Dean’s Tenure and

Promotion Committee.

2010 Chair, Arts and Sciences Teacher of the Year

Selection committee.

2009 Member, Arts and Sciences Teacher of the Year

Selection committee.

2008 Geek Week speaker. College of Arts and Sciences.

2004-2009 Member, American Cultures advisory committee

1998-2002 Chair, Department of Anthropology, University of Kentucky

1993-2002 Member of M.A. and Ph.D. committees in the UK History Department

1993-1994 Member, Anthropology Department Chair Search


C. Department of Anthropology

2015- Chair, Undergraduate Studies Committee

2015- Director of Undergraduate Studies

2013-2015 Designated reviewer of grant and contract proposals

submitted to the Office of Sponsored Projects by the

Department’s archaeology units (PAR, KAS, and WMA)

2012-2015 Member, Graduate Studies Committee/Awards and


2012-13 Departmental Liaison to the Archaeology Research Units

2011-12 Chair, Graduate Program Revision Committee

2010 Member, Anthropology Faculty Search Committee

(Biocultural Anthropology position)

2009-2012 Director of Graduate Studies

2009-2011 Member, Planning and Priorities Committee

2009-2012 Advisor, Anthropology Graduate Student Association,

University of Kentucky, Lexington

2009-2012 Chair, Graduate Studies Committee/Awards and


2008-2009 Member, Evaluation and Salary Committee

2007-2009 Member, Curriculum and Scheduling Committee

2005-2010 Chair, Archaeology Development Committee

2006-2007 Member, Anthropology Faculty Search Committee (Medical Anthropology position)

2005-2006 Member, Anthropology Faculty Search Committee (Archaeology position)

2004 Co-Chair, Departmental Self Study/6 Year Program Review Committee

2001-2002 Advisor, Anthropology Graduate Student Association


1997 Member, Search Committee for PAR and W.S. Webb Laboratory of Archaeology Directors

1995-1996 Member, Program for Cultural Resource Assessment Oversight Committee

Member, Graduate Program Committee/Admissions and Awards

Chair, Curriculum and Scheduling Committee

1995 Acting Chair, Anthropology Department, Summer, 1995

1994-1995 Chair, Archaeology Faculty Search Committee

Member, Graduate Admissions and Awards Committee

Member, Program for Cultural Resource Assessment Oversight Committee

Member, Curriculum and Scheduling Committee

Member, Curriculum and Scheduling Committee

1993-1994 Chair, Archaeology Faculty Search Committee

Member, Graduate Program Committee/Admissions and Awards

1991-2003 Member, Archaeology Development Committee

1990-1991 Member, Review Committee for Office of State


Member, Graduate Program Committee/Admissions and Awards

Member, Planning and Priorities Committee

XI. References: Provided upon request.


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