Subject: -

Subject: Biology

Grade Level: 10th Grade

Unit Title: Unit 1- Structures and Functions of Living Organisms |Timeframe Needed for Completion: 3 weeks (on a 90 min per day block schedule)

Grading Period: 1st Nine Weeks | |

|Big Idea/Theme: Structures and Functions of Living Organisms |

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|Understandings: This unit is focused on the cell as the basic component of structure and function in living things. In particular, this unit focused on basic biochemistry and cell processes. Students |

|will learn about cells and many of the molecules that are involved in cell function. Specifically, students will gain an understanding of: |

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|role of inquiry in investigating cells |

|basic macromolecules found in living things, the structures of those molecules and their function in living systems. |

|the function of those macromolecules within the context of cell structure |

|the functions of various cell organelles |

|the maintenance of homeostasis within a cell |

|the replication of DNA in order to prepare for cell division |

|sexual and asexual reproduction at the cellular level |

|how DNA directs the production of proteins within a cell |

|the effects of mutations on protein production |

|the relationship of gene regulation, cell specialization, and cell communication |

|Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic Cells and their general structures |

|Cell cycle and its phases |

|Unicellular Organisms and their adaptations for survival |

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|Essential Questions: |Curriculum Goals/Objectives (to be assessed at the end of the unit/quarter) |

|Imagine you went back in time to 1776. How would you explain | |

|to people what a cell was? |New clarifying objectives for the 2009 Curriculum have been underlined. |

|If you were a stem cell and could specialize into any type of | |

|cell, what type would you turn into and why? |Bio.1.1 Understand the relationship between the structures and functions of cells and their organelles. |

| |Bio.1.1.1 Summarize the structure and function of organelles in eukaryotic cells (including: the nucleus, plasma membrane, |

| |cell wall, mitochondria, vacuoles, chloroplasts, and ribosomes) and ways that these organelles interact with each |

| |other to perform the function of the cell. |

| |Bio.1.1.2 Compare prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells in terms of their general structures (plasma membrane and genetic material) and degree of |

| |complexity. |

| |Bio.1.1.3 Explain how instructions in DNA lead to cell differentiation and result in cells specialized to perform specific functions in |

| |multicellular organisms. |

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| |Bio.1.2 Analyze the cell as a living system. |

| |Bio.1.2.1 Explain how homeostasis is maintained in the cell and within an organism in various environments (including: |

| |temperature and pH). |

| |Bio.1.2.2 Analyze how cells grow and reproduce in terms of interphase, mitosis and cytokinesis. |

| |Bio.1.2.3 Explain how specific cell adaptations help cells survive in particular environments (focus on unicellular organisms). |

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| |Bio.3.1 Explain how traits are determined by the structure and function of DNA. |

| |Bio.3.1.1 Explain the double-stranded, complementary nature of DNA as related to its function in the cell. |

| |Bio.3.1.2 Explain how DNA and RNA code for proteins and determine traits. |

| |Bio.3.1.3 Explain how mutations in DNA that result from interactions with the environment (i.e. radiation and chemicals) or new combinations in |

| |existing genes lead to changes in function and phenotype. |

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| |Bio.3.2 Understand how the environment, and/or the interaction of alleles, influences the expression of genetic traits. |

| |Bio.3.2.1 Explain the role of meiosis in sexual reproduction and genetic variation. |

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| |Bio.4.1 Understand how biological molecules are essential to the survival of living organisms |

| |Bio.4.1.1 Compare the structures and functions of the major biological molecules (carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids) as related|

| |to the survival of living organisms. |

| |Bio.4.1.2 Summarize the relationship among DNA, proteins and amino acids in carrying out the work of cells and how this is similar in all |

| |organisms. |

|Essential Skills/Vocabulary: |Assessment Tasks: |

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|Explore and test different mixtures for the presence of various| |

|macromolecules. |Yum! Liquid lunch Lab: a study of nutrients |

|write examples of products that represent proteins, |Molecule Madness Online Learning Activity |

|carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids. |Macromolecule Quiz |

|Build connections between macromolecules |Cell growth activity |

|students learn the features of the microscope, including, total|Label Parts of the microscope worksheet |

|magnification, size of field of view of each objective, |Microscope Lab |

|reversal of images, and how to estimate size of objects viewed |Microscope Lab Quiz |

|through the microscope |Investigating cells lab: |

|Students will use microscopes to view various cells |Cell Foldable (plant vs animal cell) |

|Students will investigate the specific functions of each of the|Writing assessment: How do cells function like a school/factory? (Use the parts of the cell in your writing assessment) |

|types of cells as they relate to the structures. |Reproduction at a glance lab practical |

|Students will prepare a foldable which is a 3-D graphic |Cell cycle inquiry lab |

|organizer that is created by folding and cutting paper to |Mitosis In Motion Activity (flip book) : |

|display information. |Quiz/Writing: Comparison of mitosis and meiosis |

|Students will explain how organelles interact to help cells |Class scape Unit 1 (Cells) test |

|function as a whole unit. |DNA Webquest |

|Students will understand relationships among and between the |Mutations Activity (protein synthesis) |

|organelles |Alien Encounters Activity |

|Students will compare and contrast asexual and sexual |Cell Specialization and Control of Gene Expression Web Quest |

|reproduction. |Class scape: Chapter 12 (Prentice Hall) Test (DNA, RNA, Protein synthesis) |

|understand how changes in surface area/volume ratio affect |Osmosis and Diffusion Activity |

|diffusion in cells |Cell Transport Web Quest: |

|Design and conduct scientific investigations to answer | |

|biological questions. | |

|Understand the processes of mitosis and meiosis; compare and | |

|contrast | |

|Students will create and understand the steps in creating and | |

|collecting data in biotechnology. | |

|Analyze DNA and its role in the production of proteins and the | |

|cells function | |

|Connect the knowledge of how proteins are made with actual | |

|traits in an organism. | |

|Visualize Osmosis and Diffusion through lab based inquiry | |

|Materials Suggestions: |

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|Molecule Madness - |

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|Mitosis in Motion- |

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|Cell Cycle Inquiry Lab - |

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|This website provides microscope pictures of whitefish and onion root tip slides. |

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|This website allows the student to determine how many cells are found in each stage of the cell cycle. |

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|This website provides an animated tutorial of the process of mitosis. |

|DNA Webquest - |

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|Cell Specialization and Control of Gene Expression Web Quest- |

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|You will need to buy/gather lab items in advance. |

|In the osmosis and diffusion activity, this lab needs to be set up 24-36 hours in advance in order for the eggs to decalcify and be able to set in the various solutions |

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