
Spruce Creek FSA ELA Reading Practice Test ScriptAll 9th and 10th grade students must be exposed to the AIR platform before taking the FSA Writing or Reading Test. You need to take them through the practice test to familiarize them with the tools they will be using and to make sure that they are comfortable. This will require you to: Familiarize yourself with the tools by taking the practice test yourself at BEFORE attempting to assist students with the platform.Plan 1 day with a laptop cart so that students can practice using the tools for the FSA reading. Plan a second day to show them the writing tools and answer additional questions. Make sure you have a plan for students who are absent to be exposed to the tools. Remember, we do go over how to use the tools again on test day, but this is their only practice with the tools prior to the test. To ensure your students success, please tailor your instruction for their needs. You may find it helpful to project the practice test and walk through items along with students. Day 1- With ComputersSAYToday we will be getting familiar with the testing platform for the FSA Reading and Writing test. Our goal is for you to understand how to use the tools and for you to be familiar with the look and feel of the test. You can set the laptops up on desks in advance if you choose, but on the day of the test the students will be asked to pick up laptops, so PLEASE show them how to appropriately unplug the laptop and the network wire without pulling on the wire. SAYOn the testing days, most of you will be testing on laptops in the media center. First you will check in with your proctor and locate your assigned seat. Once everyone is seated, if you are using a laptop, you will be called over to the cart to carefully get a laptop to use. You will also need headphones for the reading test. You will be able to use your own or the ones provided for you. We will not need them for today’s practice. At this point, have your students get up to retrieve laptops. Make sure you are standing next to the laptop cart the entire time they are removing laptops to monitor that they do not damage the wires! SAYPlease turn on the laptop and login. Your laptop may login automatically, but if it doesn’t, the login you will use is written on the board. It is: EDUCATION\gen_4436. The password is gen4436. SAYTo access the practice test, we are going to open Internet Explorer and go to . Click on “Practice Tests” on the right. Take a minute to notice all of the resources on this page. This is available to you at any time if you are still uncomfortable with the tools after we go over this today. Please click on “Take the computer-based practice tests.” SAYLeave “GUEST” in all spaces and click on “Sign-in.” The next screen says “Is This You?” Select your grade level and click “Yes” to continue. Now, select the green arrow by Start Grade (9 or 10) ELA Reading Practice Test to proceed. Verify that the screen displays the correct test name.This screen allows you to choose the print size and background color for your test. If you would like to change your print size and background color selections, do so now. On the day of the test, if you change your settings and decide you do not like them, the only way to change them again is to log out, which can take time. Today is the day to look at the options and decide what you will choose that day. Once you click “Select” it will preview what you have chosen. If you have any questions, raise your hand. Now, select Yes, Start My Test.On the Sound Check screen, click the speaker icon. If you hear the sound, select Yes. If you cannot hear the sound, check your volume levels again.SAYNow, you will see the “Test Instructions and Help” screen. Do not select Begin Test Now until I instruct you to do so.First, this screen will display your font size and color choices. If you do not like the choices you made, click Return to Login, sign in again, change your choices, and click Yes, Start My Test again.Take a moment to review the “Test Instructions and Help.” (PLEASE PAUSE TO ALLOW THEM A FEW MOMENTS TO REVIEW.) These instructions show you how to navigate in the test and how to use the tools and features of the testing platform. They are available to you at any time while testing. Now, select Begin Test Now.SAYPlease listen as I describe the screen.For the FSA ELA Reading Test, you will initially see a reading passage on the left side of your screen and the question and answer area on the right side of your screen.There is a scroll bar to the right of the reading passage on the left side of your screen. Now, slowly scroll down in the reading passage section by moving your cursor into the reading passage section and either clicking the down arrow at the bottom of the scroll bar or by clicking and dragging the scroll bar.When reading a passage, always make sure that you scroll down to read the entire passage.Pause to make sure that all students have the reading passage and question and answer area on their screen. Help students if necessary.SAYIn the top left corner of your screen, you will see the navigation buttons.The Back and Next buttons can be used to move to the previous or the next question. The Back button is currently deactivated because you are on the first question, but it will be available for later questions.To the right of the Next button, you will see the Save button. The Save button allows you to manually save your work. This is an optional feature. If you do not select this button, your answers will be saved automatically every two minutes. Next to the Save button is the Pause button. The Pause button allows you to pause and exit the test. Do not select the Pause button at this time. Are there any questions? Now, I will describe several tools that may help you with this computer-based practice test, and you will practice using them.At the top right corner of your screen, you will see the Notes button. Select the Notes button now. A notepad will appear. If you want to make notes for later reference, you can type them into this window. These notes are not included as part response. (Pause for students to practice using the notepad.) Notes that save in the notepad will be saved for the duration of this test. To close the notepad and save the notes you have typed, select Save and Close. Now, close the notepad. Click the Notes button again, and your saved notes will display. (Pause.)Pause to allow students to practice scrolling. Walk around the room and make sure students can scroll to the bottom of the reading passage area.SAYTo the right of the Notes button, you will see the Line Reader and Zoom buttons. The Line Reader tool helps you track line by line as you read the passage or question. Now, select the Line Reader button and see how it appears on the first line of the title of Passage 1. Click another line on the screen and the Line Reader will move to that line. You can also move the Line Reader by using the arrow keys on your keyboard. Practice using the Line Reader tool on the screen. (Pause while students practice using the Line Reader.) Now, turn off the Line Reader tool by selecting the icon for the tool again.Next to the Line Reader button, you will see the Zoom Out and Zoom In buttons. Use the Zoom Out and Zoom In buttons to decrease and increase the size of text within the test page. Now, practice using the Zoom Out and Zoom In buttons to find the text size with which you are most comfortable. (Pause while students practice using the Zoom buttons.)At the top right side of the page, above the Zoom buttons, you will see a small question mark in a light grey circle. This is the Help button. Now, select the Help button. A pop- up window with the Help Guide, including an Overview of the Test Site, Test Rules, and Accessing Context Menu Tools, will display. This is the same screen that you reviewed before beginning the practice test. Raise your hand if you have any questions about the information in the Help Guide. (Pause. Answer any student questions.) Now, close the Help Guide by selecting the X in the circle at the top right corner of the Help Guide. (Pause while students close the Help Guide.)In the top right corner of the screen, next to the Help button, you will see a grey wheel. This is the System Settings tool. Now, select the System Settings button. A pop-up window displays that will allow you to adjust the volume for the audio pieces. When you have finished adjusting your system settings, select OK to exit and save. Are there any questions about any of the general tools? In the top right corner of the reading passage panel, you will see the Expand Passage tool, which looks like a double-sided arrow. This tool will expand the reading passage panel so that it takes up most of the screen. Now, select the Expand Passage tool to expand your reading passage panel. (Pause.) Selecting the Expand Passage tool again will collapse the reading passage panel. Now, select the Expand Passage tool again. The reading passage should shrink to fill only the left side of your screen. (Pause.) Now, look at the top right corner of the question and answer panel. You will see three grey lines. This is the Context Menu. From the Context Menu, select Tutorial. A pop-up window will open that will display a video tutorial of whatever item type you are on. Please note that there is no sound available for the tutorials. After viewing the tutorial, close the window by selecting the X in the grey circle at the top right corner of the pop-up window. (Pause while students view and close.)Answer any questions.SAYNow, select the Mark for Review tool from the Context Menu. The Mark for Review feature will allow you to flag a question that you might want to review at a later time. You will see which questions you marked when you get to the end of the section. You unmark it the same way. Now, practice selecting Mark for Review and Unmark Review Item. (Pause.) For now, leave this question marked for review.You can use the Highlight Selection tool to highlight portions of a passage or question. To highlight, click at the left side of the first word you want to highlight and drag the cursor over the words until you get to the right side of the last word you want to highlight. Then right-click in the highlighted area. Select Highlight Selection from the Context Menu. Your text will then be highlighted. To remove the highlighting, right-click, then select Remove Highlighting. Practice highlighting and removing highlighting from words in the prompt or question. (Pause.)In the top left-hand corner of your screen, you will see a drop-down menu with questions listed. The drop-down menu allows you to quickly move to different passage sets. You will only be able to use the drop-down to revisit questions you have already seen. At this time, you will see only one passage set in the drop-down menu. In sessions with more than one passage set, each passage set that you have already seen will appear in the drop- down menu.Are there any questions about any of these tools?SAYNow we will look at the types of questions you will see throughout the test.Question 1 is a two-part hot text item. This question has two parts, Part A and Part B. For Part A, this question type required you to select one of the answer options by clicking on the sentence you think is correct. For Part B, you will click on a word or group of words to highlight your answer based on the instructions for Part B. Now, select the Next button to move to Question 2. Note that if you have not selected an answer, you will receive a message alerting you that you have not selected an answer. While we are discussing these item types, select Yes each time this message appears. Question 2 is a multiple-choice question. This question type requires you to choose the answer you think is correct. Click on the button next to an answer option to select your answer. The button will become grey. Note that if you right-click in the answer panel area on a multiple choice question, you will see the option to Strikethrough, which will allow you to cross out an answer you feel is wrong. To remove a strikethrough, right-click on the eliminated option and select Undo Strikethrough from the Context Menu. Now, practice adding and removing strikethroughs. (Pause.)SAYNow, select the Next button to go to Question 3. Question 3 is a drag-and-drop item. This question type requires you to place and move objects on an answer space. To begin, you will read the directions that appear on the screen. You will see an object bank and an answer space. For this question, the object bank is in a table below the answer space. Click on an item in the object bank and drag it into the answer space. Read the instructions carefully to see how many of the items you should use and where you should place them.If you need to change an answer once you have dragged the item from the object bank to the answer space, you can either drag the item to a different spot in the answer space or drag the item out of the answer space and back into the object bank. Other questions of this item type will use a delete button to remove selections.Remember that you should only leave objects in the answer space that are meant to be part of your answer. Leaving objects that you do not intend to be part of your answer in the answer space may negatively affect your score.SAYNow, select the Next button to go to Question 4.Question 4 is an open response item. This question type requires you to type your answer into a response area. To begin, read the question, prompt, or instructions on the screen. After you finish reading the question and any other information, think about your answer. Then, type your answer into the response area.Now, right click in the text box. The Context Menu will appear and will now include a Select Response Version tool. This tool, which is only available on open response items, allows you to view and return to previous versions of your response. For example, if you delete a portion of your response and then continue writing but later decide that you would like to access the deleted portion of your work again, the Select Response Version tool would allow you to do this.In the response area, type a short sentence and then click the Save button. Now, erase that sentence, type a new sentence, and click Save again. From the Context Menu, click the Select Response Version tool. From the window that appears, click on the version numbers to see a preview of the response versions available to restore. Select the version number you would like to restore, and click Submit. Click Cancel to close the Select Response Version window without selecting a previous version.Walk around the room and assist students as necessary. After students have had sufficient time to practice using the tools and responding to the various item types, move on. SAYNow, we will practice how you will see what it looks like when you end a session on the first day of the reading portion.Click on Question 8 at the top of the screen. From Question 8, click the Next button to access the review screen. The screen tells you that you have reached the end of a session. You would now have the option to review any unanswered or flagged items or to complete Session 1.On test day, if you had reached the end of a session, there would be a button next to the pause button that says end session. For this practice, we are going to click next so that we can continue to see some different sample questions. When it gives you the warning that you are leaving the session, please click “yes.” We are now on question 9. The passage set on the left side of your screen includes an audio passage. Look at Passage 1, which contains a grey box with a grey triangle inside of a circle on the left side. In addition to reading the first passage, you will be required to listen to this audio passage to answer the questions associated with this passage set.On the left side of the grey box, you will either see the Play button (which is a triangle inside a circle) or the Pause button (which is two vertical lines), depending on whether the recording is playing. While the recording is playing, you can use the audio scrubber circle to move forward or backward in the recording. Please practice using it at this time. Select the Next button to move to Question 10.Question 10 is a multiselect item. This question type requires you to choose the answers you think are correct. First, you will read the question, prompt, or instructions on the screen. After you finish reading the question, read the answer choices. Finally, click on the box next to each answer option you want to select. A checkmark will appear in each box you check.Sometimes, this question type will tell you to select all correct options without specifying a number. Others, such as this question, ask you to select a specific number of items.SAYNow, select the Next button until you reach Question 18. This question set, which includes Questions 18–20, is an edit task with choice item. This item type requires you to edit the highlighted words or phrases by selecting an answer from a drop-down menu containing a given set of choices. For this question, there are four highlighted words or phrases you will need to edit. You will begin by reading the instructions and the passage. Then, click or tap a highlighted word or phrase to make an edit. A drop-down menu will appear with options you can choose to replace the original word or phrase. From the drop-down menu, select the correct replacement word or phrase. Select the OK button to save the word or phrase. If you do not want to save the changes made, select the Cancel button. If you change your mind, select the highlighted word or phrase again to make changes. Repeat this process for all of the highlighted words or phrases in the passage.Question 21 is an edit task item. This item is similar to what you did for Questions 18–20 except that you will type in your own answer rather than choosing from options in a drop- down menu. You will begin by reading the instructions and the passage. Then, click or tap a highlighted word or phrase. Type the replacement word or phrase in the text box that appears. Select the OK button to save the word or phrase. If you do not want to save the changes made, select the Cancel button. If you change your mind, select the highlighted word or phrase again to make changes. If necessary, repeat this process for all of the highlighted words or phrases in the passage.Now, we will practice how you will submit your test.From Question 21, click the Next button to access the review screen. Remember that the review screen will show you any Session 2 questions that are unanswered or marked for review and allow you to return to those questions by clicking on the question number. Do not select a question number to review your response at this time.Click End Test at the bottom of the screen. You will see a message that directs you to click Yes to submit your test. Click Yes. A message will appear that reads “You have reached the end of the test. Click Submit Test to submit your test.” Click Submit Test. A pop-up will appear asking if you are sure you want to submit the test. Click Yes. Click Log-Out. After students have logged out, assist them with properly returning each laptop to the cart and make sure any borrowed headphones are returned. Provide students with the practice test URL () so they may access the practice test on their own. They can also search “FSA practice test” in google and find the link.Day 2- Without Computers- Project on the ScreenSAYYesterday we looked at the FSA Reading platform. We will now take a look at what the writing portion of the test looks like. The writing test is the first test you will take out of the three days of testing. I will be telling you the exact days you will be testing soon because the dates are quickly approaching! On your laptop that is projecting, go to and proceed back into the practice tests as a guest. SAYThis screen should look very similar to the reading test. The big difference is that the writing test has only one question- the essay prompt. The reading passage is to the left and all of the scroll bars, zoom in and out, line reader, notes and enlarge tools are the same as what we already went over. Please note that as you are typing your response on test day, the box keeps getting bigger to accommodate what you write. Your response will be longer than the box initially appears on your screen. You will have scratch paper to do a prewrite on testing day. You can also use the notes tool if you prefer. The test saves every two minutes, but we recommend that you click the SAVE button in the upper left of the screen every few minutes as you type! Notice that your text box has buttons to make text bold, italicized, underlined, in a numbered list, in a bulleted list, and a tab button to indent. There is also a button to allow you to insert special characters if needed. Are there any questions? Once you have gone over how to use the tools, this would be a great day to discuss general test taking information such as: The importance of being on time and not being absent on your originally scheduled day.How tests can be invalidated and how that will impact them and their graduation status.How they will find out when and where to test (from you for the FSA reading and writing, from their subject area teachers for the EOC, but ALL teachers will have the list so they can ultimately find out from anyone.) Additionally, you can send students to the media center circulation desk if they have testing questions. ................

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