Language Arts Pacing Guide

10th Grade Basic English Essential Outcomes

1. Research skill can be applied to a variety of writing pieces. (Standard 4, 5, and Core Standard 4)

Learning Goals:

a. Students will evaluate and analyze ideas presented in sources. (4.1, 4.2)

b. Students will draw conclusions from a variety of sources. (4.5, 4.6)

c. Students will demonstrate the ability to formulate valid research questions. (4.4, 5.9)

d. Students will be able to summarize and refine gathered information to draw conclusions. (4.5, 5.2, 5.7, 5.9)

e. Students will evaluate sources for accuracy. (4.1)

2. A variety of essay and technical formats apply to writing applications. (Standard 1, 3, 4, 6 and Core Standard 1, 2, 4, 5, 6)

Learning Goals:

a. Students will use the writing process to focus, organize, and develop a paragraph.

b. Students will write business letters that provide clear and purposeful information in conventional styles.

(5.5, 5.7, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4)

e. Students will be able to produce technical documents for a variety of purposes.(1.1,1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 5.6, 5.7)

f. Students will choose appropriate vocabulary and register as the topic demands. (5.7)

3. Subgenres of literature are categorized by their characteristics. (Standard 1, 2, 3 and Core Standard 1, 2, 3, 6)

Learning Goals:

a. Students will be able to apply technical vocabulary in subject area reading. (1.1)

b. Students will be able to analyze the structure and format of various informational documents.

(All indicators for standard 3)

c. Students will be able to draw conclusions about a text, supporting them with accurate examples. (2.1, 2.5)

4. The writing process is used to respond appropriately to literary text. (Standard 3, 5, and Core Standard 3, 5)

Learning Goals:

a. Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of a literary text.

(3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.10, 3.12)

5. Context clues and word parts are used to determine unknown words. (Standard 1 and Core Standard)

(Standard 1)

Learning Goals:

a. Students will be able to identify literal and figurative meaning of words. (1.2, 1.4)

6. Paragraphs are written to display meaningful connection between ideas using correct language conventions. (Standard 6 and Core Standard 6)

Learning Goals:

a. Students will be able to identify and demonstrate correct usage of grammar and mechanics. (6.1, 6.2)

b. Students will demonstrate an understanding of sentence structure. (6.3)


|Basic English 10 |

|Ongoing/All Year |1st Quarter |2nd Quarter |3rd Quarter |4th Quarter |

|Course Title |Assessment Type |Assessment Type |Assessment Type |Assessment Type |

|Standard |Bundle |Bundle |Bundle |Bundle |

| |#2 |#2 |#1 |#4 |

| |#3 |#3 |#2 |#2 |

| | | |#3 | |

| |High Yield Strategies |High Yield Strategies |High Yield Strategies |High Yield Strategies |

| |Comparing and Contrasting |Comparing and Contrasting |Comparing and Contrasting |Comparing and Contrasting |

| |Classifying |Classifying |Classifying |Classifying |

| |Metaphors and Analogies |Metaphors and Analogies |Metaphors and Analogies |Metaphors and Analogies |

| |Summarizing |Summarizing |Summarizing |Summarizing |

| |Similarities and Differences |Similarities and Differences |Similarities and Differences |Similarities and Differences |

| |Graphic Organizers |Graphic Organizers |Graphic Organizers |Graphic Organizers |

| |Non Linguistic Representation |Non Linguistic Representation |Non Linguistic Representation |Non Linguistic Representation |

| | | | | |

Basic English 10 Bundle #1 Technical Writing

|Standard Indicator: |

|Standard 1 Word Recognition, Fluency, and Vocabulary Development |

|Standard 2 Writing Process and Features |

|Standard 5 Writing Applications |

|Standard 6 English Language Conventions |

|1.1 1.4 4.2 5.5 5.8 6.1 6.4 |

|1.2 4.13 5.6 6.2 1.3 5.7 6.3 |

|Declarative Knowledge |Procedural Knowledge |

|Concepts |A variety of writing formats apply to writing applications. |Processes |Reading Process |

| |Paragraphs are written to display meaningful connections between ideas using correct language | |Writing Process |

| |conventions | | |

|Organizing Ideas |Students will use the writing process to focus, organize, and develop a variety of written text.| | |

| |Students will be able to produce technical documents for a variety of purposes. | | |

| |Students will write business letters that provide clear and purposeful information. | | |

| |Students will be able to identify and demonstrate usage of grammar and mechanics. | | |

| |Students will demonstrate an understanding of sentence structure. | | |

|Details |Instructional manuals |Skills |Keyboarding skills |

| |Business letters | |Summarize |

| | | |Paraphrase |

|Vocabulary |Technical Documents | | |

| |Summarize | | |

| |Paraphrase | | |

Basic English 10 Bundle #2 Literary Text

|Standard Indicator: Standard 3 and 5 – Comprehension and Analysis of Literary Text and Analysis of Writing Applications |

|3.2 3.7 5.2 |

|3.3 3.8 |

|3.5 3.10 |

|3.6 3.12 |

|Declarative Knowledge |Procedural Knowledge |

|Concepts |The writing process is used to respond appropriately to literary text. |Processes |Writing Process |

| |Paragraphs are written to display meaningful connection between ideas using correct language conventions. | |Reading Process |

|Organizing |Students will be able to discuss interactions between characters in a literary text and explain the impact| | |

|Ideas |of the plot. | | |

| |Students will identify and demonstrate correct usage of grammar and mechanics. | | |

| |Students will demonstrate an understanding of sentence structure. | | |

|Details |Discuss plot structure and characters’ impact on the plot and theme. |Skills |Analysis of plot structure diagram|

| |Compare and contrast literary characters. | |Compare/Contrast Characters |

| |Distinguish between well written and poorly written sentences. | |Use plot diagram to discuss |

| |Identify correct use of grammar and mechanics in a sentence. | |literature |

| | | |Use paragraphs to respond to |

| | | |literature |

|Vocabulary |Assessment Dialogue Theme | | |

| |Concept Characterization | | |

| |Chronology Compare Flashback | | |

| |Contrast | | |

Basic English 10 Bundle #3 – Informational Reading

|Standard Indicator: standard 1 and 2 |

|1.1 |

|2.1 |

|2.5 |

|Declarative Knowledge |Procedural Knowledge |

|Concepts |Context clues and word parts are used to determine unknown words. |Processes |Writing Process |

| |Subgenres of literature are categorized by their characteristics. | |Reading Process |

|Organizing |Students will be able to apply technical vocabulary in subject area reading. | | |

|Ideas |Students will be able to draw conclusions about a text, supporting them with accurate examples. | | |

| |Students will be able to use word parts to learn and understand new word | | |

|Details |Use prefixes, suffixes, and roots to comprehend technical vocabulary in a reading selection |Skills |Using context clues for unknown |

| |Comprehend graphs, charts, and tables, in order to interpret and analyze their use in a document | |words |

| |Recognize the use and importance of sub-headings and captions | |Using captions to support text |

| |Distinguish the meaning of words as used in the text | |Draw Conclusions from |

| | | |informational text |

| | | | |

|Vocabulary |Context clues | | |

| |Subheadings | | |

| |Captions | | |

Basic English 10 Bundle #4 – Research Processes

|Standard Indicator: Standard 2, 4, and 5 |

|2.2 4.6 4.13 4.2 4.7 5.4 4.3 4.8 5.9 4.4 4.10 |

|Declarative Knowledge |Procedural Knowledge |

|Concepts |Research skills can be applied to a variety of writing pieces |Processes |1. Writing process |

| |Paragraphs are written to display meaningful connections between ideas using correct language conventions. | |2. Reading process |

|Organizing |Students will evaluate and analyze information from sources. | | |

|Ideas |Students will develop valid research questions. | | |

| |Students will evaluate sources for accuracy. | | |

| |Students will identify and apply correct grammar and mechanics. | | |

| |Students will produce research documents using a varied and correct sentence structure. | | |

|Details |Formulate a topic sentence |Produce a research document | |1. Develop outline or graphic |

| |Formulate accurate research questions |Establish a clear research purpose | |organizer from research |

| |Evaluate sources for accuracy |Gather and organize information | |2. Note-taking |

| | | | |3. Paraphrase research |

| | | | |5. Summarize research |

| | | | |6. Draw conclusions from research |

| | | | |7. Evaluate resources for accuracy |

|Vocabulary |Topic Sentence | | |

| |Direct quotations | | |

| |Supporting Details | | |

Basic English 10 Assessment Planning Guides

Bundle #1

|Essential Outcome: |

|A variety of writing formats apply to writing applications. |

|Paragraphs are written to display meaningful connections between ideas using correct language conventions. |

|Summative Assessments: |

|Develop written text that is organized and focused – |

|Produce technical documents for a specific purpose – |

|Write a business letter that has purpose and is clear –Write a business letter on a given topic. |

|Identify correct usage of grammar and mechanics – |

|Identify proper sentence structure - |

|Describe Assessment and Timeline |Method |Knowledge |Types of |Performance |Products |

| | | |Reasoning |Skills | |

|Formative 1: |Use a four square to organize ideas on a|X |X | |x |

|Students will use the writing process to focus, organize, and |topic. | | | | |

|develop a variety of written text. | | | | | |

|Timeline: 2-3 weeks | | | | | |

|Formative 2: |Given 2-3 situations students will use a|x |x | |x |

|Students will be able to produce technical documents for a |business letter format to write a | | | | |

|variety of purposes. Students will write business letters that |business letter. | | | | |

|provide clear and purposeful information. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Timeline: 3-4 weeks | | | | | |

|Formative 3: |5-10 multiple choice questions |x | | | |

|Students will be able to identify and demonstrate usage of | | | | | |

|grammar and mechanics Students will demonstrate an understanding | | | | | |

|of sentence structure. | | | | | |

|Timeline: 3-4 weeks | | | | | |

English 10 Assessment Planning Guide

Bundle #2

|Essential Outcome 2: |

|The writing process is used to respond appropriately to literary text. |

|Paragraphs are written to display meaningful connection between ideas using correct language conventions. |

|Summative Assessment: |

|Interactions of characters and the impact on plot –Given a passage to read, students will answer 3-5 multiple choice questions on plot and 1-2 extended response on characters, grammar, and |

|sentence structure. |

|Identify correct use of grammar and mechanics – |

|Identify correct sentence structure - |

|Describe Assessment and Timeline |Method |Knowledge |Types of Reasoning |Performance |Product |

| | | | |Skills | |

|Formative 1: |Given a passage students will |x |x | | |

|Students will be able to discuss interactions between characters in |answer 3-5 multiple choice | | | | |

|a literary text and explain the impact of the plot. |questions. | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Timeline: | | | | | |

|2-3 weeks | | | | | |

|Formative 2: |Given a set of 3-5 sentences |x | | | |

|Students will identify and demonstrate correct usage of grammar and |student will answer 3-5 | | | | |

|mechanics. Students will demonstrate an understanding of sentence |multiple choice questions | | | | |

|structure. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Timeline: | | | | | |

|2-3 weeks | | | | | |

Basic English 10 Assessment Planning Guide

Bundle #3

|Essential Outcome : |

|Context clues and word parts are used to determine unknown words. |

|Subgenres of literature are categorized by their characteristics. |

|Summative Assessment: |

|Apply technical vocabulary in subject area reading – |

|Draw conclusions and support conclusion with examples –Given a passage, will answer multiple choice questions concerning drawing conclusions, and match definitions of technical vocabulary and |

|unfamiliar words. |

|Use word parts to learn and understand new words - |

|Describe Assessment and Timeline |Method |Knowledge |Types of Reasoning |Performance |Product |

| | | | |Skills | |

|Formative 1: |Given a list of 3-5 |x | | | |

|Students will be able to apply technical vocabulary in subject area reading. |technical vocabulary words, | | | | |

| |students will match | | | | |

|Timeline: |definitions | | | | |

|2-3 weeks | | | | | |

|Formative 2: |Given a passage, students |x |x | |x |

|Students will be able to make reasonable statements and draw conclusions |will answer questions using | | | | |

|about a text, supporting them with accurate examples. |examples from the passage to| | | | |

| |support their ideas. | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Timeline: | | | | | |

|2-3 weeks | | | | | |

|Formative 3: |Given a passage, students |x | | | |

|Students will be able to use word parts to learn and understand new words. |will match definitions to | | | | |

|Timeline:2-3 weeks |unfamiliar terms. | | | | |

Basic English 10 Assessment Planning Guide

Bundle #4

|Essential Outcome : |

|Research skills can be applied to a variety of writing pieces. |

|Paragraphs are written to display meaningful connections between ideas using correct language conventions. |

|Summative Assessment: |

|Evaluate and analyze information from sources and verify for accuracy- |

|Develop valid research questions- |

|Identify and apply correct grammar and mechanics-Student will write a paragraph from their research topic with correct grammar and sentence structure. |

| |

|Describe Assessment and Timeline |Method |Knowledge |Types of Reasoning |Performance |Product |

| | | | |Skills | |

|Formative 1: |Given 3 samples with 1 distracter, |x |x | | |

|Students will evaluate and analyze information from sources |students will select valid sources. | | | | |

|and verify for accuracy. | | | | | |

|Timeline:2-3 weeks | | | | | |

|Formative 2: |Develop question individually with |x |x | |x |

|Students will develop valid research questions. |teacher/para. | | | | |

|Timeline:2-3 weeks | | | | | |

|Formative 3: |Student will write a paragraph from |x |x | |x |

|Students will identify & apply correct grammar and mechanics.|their research topic with correct | | | | |

|Students will produce research document using varied and |grammar and sentence structure. | | | | |

|correct sentence structure. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Timeline: 4-6 weeks | | | | | |


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