PHA Math Central


2011-2012 Syllabus

Course Information

Course Title: Geometry

Meeting Times: Every day with doubles on Thursday and Friday

Instructor: Ms. Heyl (aheyl@ )

Cell Number: 617-797-3733 Please feel free to contact me at any time for any reason. My Cell phone or email is generally the best way to contact me.

Course Description

This course will examine the following topics:

• Plane geometry, which means looking at 2-dimensional objects like points, lines, and flat shapes.

• We will explore different means of determining if two objects are the same.

• We will learn about and learn to use geometric tools to create objects in the plane.

• We will explore what happens when you move an object.

• We will explore what happens when you shrink or stretch an object.

• We will review and expand upon your understanding of linear equations

• We will learn about mathematical definitions, think carefully about figures you already know, and prove and use properties of these shapes.

Grading Policy

Tests/Quizzes 38%

Throughout each unit you will be assessed with short quizzes to give you and me regular feedback that shows you how close you are coming to meeting or exceeding the objectives of the unit. There will be a written test at the end of every unit. Performance on these assessments will have the most influence on your final grade, so study hard!

Projects/Portfolios/POUs 38%

I will assign various projects, portfolio assignments, and Problems of the Unit (POUs) throughout the year. Completeness and correctness on these assignments is expected.

Homework/Classwork/Do Nows 15%

Homework will be assigned almost every day. Since I expect you to complete every part of the assignment, I will make sure that the amount of time it takes to complete an assignment is reasonable. Homework does not need to be 100% correct. However, all problems must be attempted, and if 50% or more of the problems are wrong, the homework will be handed back for resubmission. You will have one day to resubmit the assignment for full credit or it will be considered late. I will make sure that the homework I assign is always worth your time. Class work will be assigned most days, sometimes this will be in the form of a group assignment, experiment, or practice on a new concept. I will collect these assignments at will. Do Now’s are either a review of a previously learned topics or an introduction to a new topic. You will be expected to silently complete your Do Now everyday on your Do Now Sheet and correct mistakes when we go over it as a class. Do Now’s will be checked weekly to be turned in on Fridays. Notice that 15% is a big chunk of your grade. I think that the combination of do now’s, class work, and homework is a valuable learning tool, and that’s why I weight it highly.

Citizenship/Effort 9%

If you come to class, bring the materials listed below, participate, and follow all of the policies in this document and on the expectations document this should be an easy 10 percentage points. Citizenship/Effort also includes keeping a well organized notebook/binder. Be respectful and be prepared and your grade will go from a 90% to a 100%.

Homework Policy

Homework will be assigned daily. It will be checked for completeness in a variety of ways (see above). Failure to complete homework will result in a homework detention (see policy in handbook). If you have a special situation that prevented you from completing the homework (including not understanding the material), please talk to me outside of class.

Late homework will only be accepted within 5 days after the day it was due.

Late Work Policy (for POUs, Portfolios, and Projects)

Late work (after 5 days past the deadline) can receive up to 65% credit. (Within the first 5 days, there is a 5% deduction for each day late.) If the teacher assesses the quality of the work to exceed a 65, your grade will still be entered as a 65. If the teacher assesses the quality of the work to be below a 65, you will receive that grade.


Revisions are allowed within 5 school days of receiving a graded project/quiz back.  For projects/POU’s both the original and the revision must be submitted. If you earn a D or F on a quiz at least you must attend one extra help session to relearn/revise/retake a quiz in order to relearn the material you have demonstrated that you have not learned completely before the unit exam.


• Textbook: Discovering Geometry (Key Curriculum Press)

• Scientific Calculator (a TI-83+, or TI-84+ is acceptable since it will be required in 10th – 12th grade)

• Sturdy binder for daily use in class with at least three (3) dividers (notes/vocabulary, homework/classwork, graded work)

o Note that many materials will be photocopied handouts. It is essential that students have and maintain a binder with dividers in this class to organize course materials.

• Protractor and Ruler (to be left in the classroom)

• Pencils, eraser, at least one (1) colored pen or marker

• Optional: Sturdy folder for carrying papers home

Weekly Assignment Sheets

You can find all of your weekly assignment sheets, POU resources and problems, and test prep and review sheets on this site. You should get in the habit of checking this weekly, especially if you are the type of person who loses lots of papers. The website is I will be showing you how to use it during the first week of class.

Educational and Behavioral Expectations

Policies from the Prospect Hill Academy Student Handbook will be followed.

• Students will participate in class every day

• Students will respect their peers and Ms. Heyl

• Students will be on time to class (in the room by the time the bell rings)

• After the first two minutes of class Students will:

o Be in dress code, have their phones/iPods off, be gum free

o Have their homework ready to be checked

o In their seats and starting their Do Now

• Students will be allowed drinks but not food in the classroom

For more details please read Ms. Heyl’s Classroom Norms and Expectation Hando

Extra Support

Because I am invested in your success in calculus this year, I am committed to doing everything I can to help you. Thus, I have set up a system to get you the help you need at any moment. That way if you begin to struggle, you can quickly get back on track. At any point during the year you can seek short or long term support by attending office hours, ____________________________________. Also, I am generally around before and after school on the third floor. Scheduling an appointment with me is recommended, but not required.

I will help you get ready to learn by

• Giving you strategies and learning maps that will help you be successful throughout each unit

• Explain vocabulary in a way that will help you understand it.

• Connect your new math skills with your prior math skills so that you will be less confused and see how everything we learn this year fits together.

I will help you be more effective and independent learners by

• Teaching you strategies that will help you learn and remember what you are learning

• Showing you how to monitor your own progress so that you can ask for and get help when you need it

• Checking your progress regularly to make sure you are meeting the objectives of the unit

• Providing you with extra supports when you struggle

• Giving you regular feedback to inform you how close you are coming to meeting or exceeding the objectives

I will help you when you encounter difficulty by

• Giving you opportunities to retake quizzes and relearn material that you have demonstrated you have not learned completely

• Providing you with additional resources to help you learn more effectively

• Giving you extra help both in and out of class when you don’t understand something

• Giving you additional tools/strategies to use when the strategies you are using are not proving to be effective

• Finding several different ways to explain things so that you understand

I’m not scary, and calculus is hard, you will probably need help at least once. If you are having problems with your homework please call/text/email a classmate or me.


2010-2011 Syllabus Review


The student should review the Syllabus, discuss his/her parent or guardian, and complete the following form. The student should keep the Syllabus in his/her binder or folder in notebook.


I have read the Syllabus for Ms. Heyl’s class and understand that I am responsible for meeting these expectations. I will be prepared, participate, and demonstrate good citizenship. I also understand that I should ask for help whenever I need it.

Student Name ______________________________

Student Signature ______________________________

Advisor ______________________________


I have read the Syllabus for Ms. Heyl’s class and understand that my support will be an important part of my child’s success. I understand that I should not hesitate to email or call Ms. Heyl if I have any questions or ideas throughout the school year.

Parent/Guardian Name ______________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature ______________________________

Additional Parent/Guardian Contact Information

E-mail ______________________________

(if you check an e-mail account regularly)

Telephone Number ______________________________

Is there anything that you would like me to know about your student? (Feel free to use the back for additional space.)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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