Wappingers Central School District

Social Studies Department

Course Syllabus


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|Course Code |D447 |

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|Duration |Full Year |

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|Grade |10 |

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|Credit |1.0 |

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|Rank |1.00 |

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|Prerequisite |Must have passed Global History & Geography I |

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|Assessment |In Global II (grade 10), all students take the NYS Global History and Geography Regents examination in June. |

| |The Regents exam is also the final exam for the course and counts as 20% of the final course average. |

| |Students must pass this course and the Global History and Geography Regents exam in order to graduate. |

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|Textbook |World History: Connections to Today (Prentiss Hall, 1999) |

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|Areas of Study |The Industrial Revolution(1750-1900) |

| |Dawn of the Industrial Revolution |

| |Britain leads the way |

| |Hardships of the Industrial Revolution |

| |New Ideologies |

| |Industrial Revolution Spreads/Cities |

| |Revolutions in Europe and Latin America(1790-1848) |

| |“When France sneezes, Europe catches a cold.” |

| |Latin American wars of Independence |

| |Nationalism in Europe (1800-1914) |

| |Building a German State |

| |Unifying Italy |

| |Russian Reform |

| |The New Imperialism (1800-1914) |

| |A western dominated world |

| |The partition of Africa |

| |European Challenges to the Muslim World |

| |The British take over India |

| |The New Imperialism in China |

| |Japan modernizes |

| |Impact of Imperialism |

| |World War I and its Aftermath (1914-1919) |

| |The stage is set |

| |A new kind of War |

| |Making Peace |

| |The Russian Revolution (1917-1939) |

| |Two revolutions in Russia |

| |From Lenin to Stalin |

| |Life in a Totalitarian State |

| |Crisis of Democracy (1919-1939) |

| |Recovery and Economic Collapse |

| |Rise of Fascism |

| |Hitler and The rise of Nazi Germany |

| |World War II and its Aftermath (1931-1949) |

| |Aggression, Appeasement and War |

| |Axis Advances |

| |Global conflict |

| |From World War to Cold War |

| |The Cold War (1945-present) |

| |The Soviet Union |

| |Warsaw Pact vs. NATO |

| |Cold War all over (Cuban Missile Crisis, Race for Space) |

| |East Asia and Southeast Asia (1945-present) |

| |Japan as a superpower |

| |China: Reform to Revolution (Mao) |

| |Asian Tigers |

| |South Asia and the Middle East (1919-present) |

| |India seeks self rule (Gandhi) |

| |Nation building in the Middle East |

| |Africa (1945-present) |

| |Achieving Independence |

| |Struggles for Independence (Apartheid) |

| |Modern Struggles in Africa |

| |Latin America (1945-present) |

| |Forces shaping modern Latin America |

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| |Review for Regents will include 9th and 10th grade material. |

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|For Information |For a complete review of the NYS Social Studies Learning Standards, see |

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| |For the complete NYS core curriculum for Global History and Geography, see |

| | (pp. 89-120) |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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