
BROWARD COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS, FLORIDACourse Recommendation Override FormParent/Guardian Preference Form for Placement in Non-recommended Courses____________________________________________________________________________________Student Name (Last, First) Grade Student Number Course placements are based on individual student achievement, test scores, and other academic data. These placements are based on research; which support specific course selections to provide students with the most rigorous academic program. Parents/Guardians who request to change these placement decisions must meet with a school counselor/designee to be aware that: Students choosing a more rigorous course may need additional support (e.g., tutoring, extra study time, exam reviews, study groups, parental support, etc.). All high school courses, including those taken in middle school and/or “forgiven,” will remain on the permanent transcript and may be used by colleges, scholarships, or other institutions based upon their respective policies. Choosing less rigorous courses may impact future high school course choices. Choosing less rigorous courses may negatively impact a student’s post-secondary choices (i.e. may not be as competitive for college admission). Choosing less rigorous courses may limit the student’s chance of receiving a Bright Futures Scholarship and other college funding support. Each student enrolled in an AP course must make a committed effort to pass the AP exam. If a student violates AP guidelines with regard to examination instructions and/or procedures, the student will be dismissed from the exam and the fee will be reported as an obligation. If a student does not take the AP exam for the class in which he/she is enrolled, the course grades will be calculated based on five quality points, rather than six for class ranking; and the fee for the examination will be reported as an obligation. ____________________________________________________________________________________Counselor/Designee Signature Date Please complete the information below in print: ____________________________________________/_____________________________________________Recommended Course #1 Parent/Guardian Preferred Course ____________________________________________/_____________________________________________Recommended Course #2 Parent/Guardian Preferred Course ____________________________________________/_____________________________________________Recommended Course #3 Parent/Guardian Preferred Course Reason(s): _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I understand the information described at the top of this form and have participated in a conference with the school counselor/designee at my child’s school regarding my child’s recommended course placement. I understand why the course recommendation was made; however, I still wish to have my child placed in the preferred course(s) listed on this form and am willing to provide the academic and emotional support my child may need while participating in this course. _________________________________________ _______________________ Parent/Guardian Signature DateForm 2497QNew 6/09 Nova High SchoolCourse Selection 2020-2021Grade 10STUDENT NAME: __________________________________ STUDENT #: _________________________ENGLISH TEACHER: _______________________________ (current Nova High students only)Teachers: Please initial to the left of the recommended course placement for your core area for the above student. Each student must have a recommendation for one course in English, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies. Any elective course that is level 2 or higher will require initials from the appropriate teacher.Parents/Students: Please use the inside of this packet to select your courses for the 2020-2021 school year. You should have a total of (7) circled. In addition, (2) Alternate Elective choices should be selected and the course name should be written on the designated lines in order of preference. We will make every attempt to honor your choices in order of preference; however, ANY course entered below may be placed in your schedule. Due to budgetary constraints, it may be determined that courses listed on this card will not be offered. For school information, course descriptions, and graduation requirements, visit the Guidance Tab at child and I have reviewed the Curriculum Guide, teacher recommendations, and selected what we believe are the most appropriate courses. If necessary, we have completed the override form on the back of this course card. Both my child and I understand that ANY course that is selected on this course card may be placed in the student’s schedule. In addition, we understand that any schedule change request out of a course that is written below will be denied. If the course is written below and placed in the student’s schedule, it will remain in the student’s 2020-2021 schedule for the entire year.Parent Signature _________________________ Student Signature __________________________---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FOR GUIDANCE USE ONLY – DO NOT WRITE ON THE LINES BELOW________________________________EN 6. ________________________________ EL565030124700300________________________________MA 7. ________________________________ EL________________________________SC 8. . ___________2200300 ___________ ***________________________________SS 9. ________________________________ ALT________________________________EL 10. ________________________________ ALT*** MANDATORY PERSONALIZATION PERIOD (NON-CREDIT STUDY HALL) FOR ALL STUDENTS ***Date of Registration __________Counselor’s Initials _______________ Date Entered into VC _________Entered in VC by ________________ENGLISH___ English 210013400___ Pre-AICE English Lit10053800ENGLISH ELECTIVESJournalism 1 (Yearbook)1006300E___ Journalism 2 (LH)1006310UDebate 1 (LH)1007330D___ Debate 2 (LH) 1007340J___ Debate 3 Honors1007350QMATHEMATICS___ Algebra 1/Informal Geometry1200310E1206300E___ Geometry/Informal Geometry1206310A1206300A___ Geometry1206310C___ Geometry Honors 1206320C___ Algebra 21200330C___ Algebra 2 Honors1200340C___ Financial Algebra12003870___ Mathematics AnalysisHonors12013000___ Advanced Topics12983100___ Analysis of Functions Honors12013150___ Pre-Calculus Honors12023400___ Calculus Honors12023000___ AP Calculus AB12023100___ AP Calculus BC12023200___ Probability and Statistics Honors 12103000___ AP Statistics12103200SCIENCE___ Biology2000310H___ Marine Science Honors 20025100___ Anatomy & Physiology Honors20003600___ Chemistry 2003340H___ Chemistry Honors 2003350H___ AP Chemistry20033700___ Physics 20033800___ Physics Honors20033900___ AP Physics 1 20034210___ AP Environmental Science20013800Forensics 1 (LH)2002480H___ Forensics 220024900Medical Skills (ELECTIVE CREDIT)84003200SOCIAL STUDIES___ World History21093100___ Pre-AICE World History21093211___ AP World History21094200___ AP European History21093800___ AP Psychology21073500___ AP Human Geography21034000African American History (LH)2100340HHolocaust History/Women’s Studies Honors21004050Psychology (LH) 2107300ALatinos in Action (LH)2400300LINTENSIVE READING (if you have not passed the FSA ELA Reading is mandatory)Intensive Reading (level 1)1000410FIntensive Reading (level 2)1000410GWORLD LANGUAGESPre-AICE French 107013940___ Pre-AICE French 207013960___ French 3 Honors07013400___ French 4 Honors 07013500___ AP French Language07013800Pre-AICE Spanish 1 07085320___ Pre-AICE Spanish 207085340___ Spanish 3 Honors07083600___ Spanish 4 Honors07083700___ AP Spanish Language07084000___ AP Spanish Literature07084100EXPLORING COMPUTER SCIENCE Advanced I.T. (Coding)90076100___ Foundations of Prog. Honors 9007210C___ AP Computer Science Principles0200335CMUSICMusic Theory 113003000___ Music Theory 213003100Music of the World13003400Keyboard 113013601___ Keyboard 213013701Band 113023000___ Band 213023100Jazz Ensemble 113025000___ Jazz Ensemble 213025100Chorus 113033000Eurhythmics/Color Guard 113053000___ Eurhythmics II/Color Guard 213053100U.S. NAVY J.R.O.T.C. (can replace HOPE with 2 years) Naval Science 118023000___ Naval Science 218023100PHYSICAL EDUCATION (PE shirt purchase required)Yoga15013100Weight Training 115013400Basketball15033100Swimming 115044600Swimming 215044700___ Individual Dual Sports 1 (FB)1502410F___ Track & Field (BSB)15033000Team Sports 115033500VISUAL ARTSArt 2D Comprehensive 10101300D___ Art 2D Comprehensive 201013100Art 3D Comprehensive 101013300___ Art 3D Comprehensive 201013400Fine Craft Studio Art 101014400Drawing 101043400___ Drawing 201043500___ Portfolio Development: Drawing Honors01093100___ Portfolio Development: 2D Art Honors01093200THEATRE ARTS (*) indicates audition requiredActing 104003700___ Acting 2 04003800Technical Theatre Design 104004100___ Technical Theatre Design 204004200___ Musical Theatre 1 (*)04007000___ Musical Theatre 2 (*)04007100-186667338200CAREER TECHNICALEDUCATION PROGRAMS**3 YEAR ENROLLMENT IN EACH PROGRAMAPPLIED CYBERSECURITYApplied IT9007610CAPPLIED ROBOTICSFoundations of Robotics94101100__ Robotic Design Essentials94101200BUSINESS MANAGEMENT & ANALYSISDigital Informational Technology82073100___ Bus. & Entrep. Principles Honors 82151200___ Accounting Applications82033100CULINARY ARTSCulinary 188005100___ Culinary 288005200DIGITAL DESIGNDigital Design 182095100___ Digital Design 282095200ENGINEERING PATHWAYSIntro to Engineering Design86005500____Principles of Engineering86005200TELEVISION PRODUCTIONTelevision Production87721100NOTE: (LH) = Local HonorsPre-AICE = HonorsCAMBRIDGE AICE DIPLOMAPlease sign below if you plan on pursuing a Cambridge Diploma:______________________________________Must choose the (2) courses listed below:___AICE Thinking Skills AS 17003721___AICE English Gen Paper AS 10094001LAW AND PUBLIC POLICYNova's Law and Public Policy Innovative Program courses will uniquely prepare students to solve problems and improve their community.? These classes invite students to develop real-world skills that will then be applied to a community service project of their choice.9th?grade ___Comprehensive Law Studies (Honors)___AICE (Cambridge) General Paper10th?grade ___Constitutional Law Studies (Honors)11th Grade___AICE (Cambridge) Law___AICE (Cambridge) Global Perspectives___AP Seminar12th Grade___AP SeminarBROWARD COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLSConsent to Post Student Information Types of InformationPersonally identifiable student information from education records is confidential and protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). This includes: student name, teacher name, room number, grade level and class (subject).PurposeTo inform students and parents of teacher and room number assignments, and to help facilitate everyone finding the proper place to be during the busy first week of school, our school would like to post this information on the school wall during the first week of the school year.Recipient of informationStudents, parents, school-based staff, and anyone visiting the school will be able to see the posted information.ConsentI hereby authorize Nova High School staff to post the above-mentioned types of information about my child, ________________________ (name of student), for the purpose listed above. This authorization will expire in June 2021. I further understand I may withdraw my consent in writing at any time. If I do not sign below, I am NOT giving consent for the above information to be posted._____________________________________________ Print name of Parent/Guardian___________________________________________Signature of Parent/Guardian____________________________________________Date ................

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