10th Grade World History 2nd Semester Study Guide

10th Grade World History 2nd Semester Study Guide

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• Please answer the questions below. This assignment is due on or before the day of your final. (1st period=Monday, June 6th, 2nd and 4th=Tuesday, June 7th, 3rd and 5th=Wednesday, June 8th, 6th and 7th=Thursday, June 9th).

• If you have Mrs. Thomsen check it off on or before Friday, June 3rd (completely done) you can earn 15 points of EC.

• Please remember, all late work is due no later than Wednesday, June 1st.

1. Working on the belief that Europeans are naturally superior and should play a parental (parent like) role to other cultures with the overall goal of spreading their culture in order to “civilize” is this imperial motive: _____________________.

2. The US was outraged when a German U-Boat killed 128 Americans on British passenger ship called the...

3. What famous document argued that all French males are equal?

4. Why was rural to urban migration essential to industrialization?

5. Creating new markets, acquiring raw materials, and utilizing cheap labor with the overall goal of making more money is what imperial motive:

6. Which cause of WWI describes the belief that one’s country is superior to all the others?

7. What is Indirect Democracy?

8. What were some of the new weapons used in WWI?

9. What product did the British trade for tea in China?

10. Increasing national security, gaining strategic advantage, and expanding territory with the overall goal of boosting power and pride is this imperial motive: ___________________.

10. What is Direct Democracy?

11. Which cause of WWI describes the competition for overseas colonies, power and Empires?

13. Discovering uncharted territory and searching for new medical knowledge with the overall goal of adventure is this imperial motive:

14. Which cause of WWI describes a country’s obsession with building up it’s armed forces in preparation for war?

15. What does mobilization mean?

16. What is the purpose of government?

Which cause of WWI describes the tangled friendships and rivalries between the European powers?

18. Spreading Christianity and European values through the use of missionaries with the overall goal of “saving the savages” is this imperial motive:__________________.

19. In WWI, the fighting in Belgium and France was known as the __________________.

Who unified Germany through “Blood and Iron”, this was also called realpolitik?

21. When a nation refuses to take a side in a conflict it is called __________________.

During WWI, France, Britain, Russia, Serbia, Belgium and later Italy and the US were called the...

What was the “Balance of Power” idea that maintained peace before WWI?

What is Imperialism?

25. The US gained the Philippines during the ____________________.

26. What do we call the period of time when Europeans conquered nearly all of Africa?

27. Who was the President of the US during the First World War?

28. Which message from the German Ambassador urged Mexico to declare war on the United States?

29. What is Total War?

30. What makes the Glorious Revolution glorious?

31. What is Nationalism?

32. What was the significance of Archduke Franz Ferdinand’s assassination?

33. What is a Labor Union?

34. The area between the two enemy trenches where the fighting took place was called ___________________.

35. What is an authoritarian government?

36. Who wrote the Declaration of Independence, and when was it signed?

37. What was it called when many Europeans felt that is was their duty to “civilize” the world?

38. WWI is most widely known for this type of fighting...

39. What is industrialization?

40. Which art form portrayed the effects of the industrial revolution on people?

41. What machine was used to kill 40,000 during the Reign of Terror?

42. What defeated Napoleon’s Grande Armee?

43. What is democracy?

44. During WWI, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire were called the...

45. What part of the US Constitution protects the rights of individuals?

46. In WWI, soldiers who were psychologically injured by combat were said to be ___________________

47. What are textiles? Why were they the first goods to become industrialized?

48. ___________________- is a competition driven, free market economy where people can buy and sell things for a profit.

49. ___________________- wrote the Communist Manifesto and argued for socialism

50. ___________________- invented the light bulb, recorder, and the video projector

51. ______________discovered that small microbes called bacteria can make you sick

52. What is an economic system that is controlled and managed by the government for the good of the people?

53. __________wrote the Wealth of Nations and argued that government should stay out of the economy

54. This philosopher the book The Republic, he argued that talent, not strength or wealth should decide a persons place in government. He argued that the most effective government would one ruled by a “philosopher-king.”

55. In A Vindication of the Rights of Women, this political thinker presented an argument for the education of women. She also declared that women should have the same political rights as men.

56. This political thinker argued that the purpose of government is to protect the natural rights of people. If government fails to protect these natural rights, he said, citizens have the right to overthrow it.

57. This political thinker believed that all humans are naturally selfish and wicked. He argued, therefore, that strong governments are necessary to control human behavior. To avoid chaos, he said, people enter into a social contract. They give up their rights in exchange for law and order.

58. This politician created America’s strong indirect democracy, with its system of checks and balances. His ideas are still in use today. He is commonly referred to as “Father” of the Constitution.

59. This politician changed “life, liberty and property” to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” when he declared his nation independent. He argued that the best society would be ruled by a weak indirect democracy that protected the rights of individual.

This King once claimed, “I am the state.” He believed that Divine Right gave him the authority to rule his people. He is famous for ordering the construction of Versailles, the largest palace in Europe.

61. The idea that if one nation falls to communism that all of its neighboring nation will fall as well was called?

62. What is the United Nations?

63. What was the overall goal for the victorious European powers at Versailles?

64. What happened in Berlin in 1948-9?

65. What is the significance of the Battle of Stalingrad?

66. The German invasion of which country sparked WWII in Europe?

67. What were the negative effects of Stalin’s rule?

68. Who was Joseph Stalin?

69. What was the Marshall Plan?

70. Which war is known as the Soviet Union’s “Vietnam?”

71. America's main strategy for winning the Cold War was...

72. Where did the D-Day invasion take place?

73. Why did the Japanese attack the US?

74. Who were the Bolsheviks?

75. Who led the Russian Revolution?

76. What happened to Adolf Hitler?

77. What was the Blitzkrieg?

78. What benefits came from Stalin’s rule?

79. Where was a large pro-democracy protest crushed in China in 1989?

80. What ended the US war with Japan?

81. During the Cold War which event brought the world closest to Nuclear War?

82. Stopping the spread of communism with military and economic aid was expressed in the _________doctrine.

83. What was the League of Nations?

84. Who was Mikhail Gorbachev?

85. Who was the communist leader of Cuba during the Cold War?

86. Which nation lost the greatest number people in WWII?

87. What were the two sides in the Cold War?

88. What was the significance of the Battle of Midway?

89. Who was Mao Tse-tung (Zedong)?

90. What was the Soviet version of NATO?

91. What was the result of the Vietnam War?

92. Which nation did the majority of the fighting against Hitler?

93. What major humanitarian disaster took place right after the First World War?

94. What happened to Germany immediately after their defeat in WWII?

95. What nations made up the Axis Powers in WWII? What nations made up the Allied Powers in WWII?

96. What do we call the society of after WWI?

97. What famously symbolized the end of communism in Eastern Europe in 1989?

98. What was the result of the Korean War?

99. What were some of the results of the Treaty of Versailles? Particularly focus on Germany.

What is the difference between a “hot” war and a “cold” war?

What are the similarities AND differences between Communism and Fascism?

Who was the first to declare war in WWI?

Explain how the Japanese used the “Asia for Asians” idea to build a Pacific Empire

What were the names of the 2 cities where the Atomic Bombs were dropped in Japan?

Explain how the Great Depression made it difficult for France, Great Britain, and the US to halt German and Italian aggression in the 1930’s.

How did Menelik II keep colonial interests out of Ethiopia?

How did the Partition of India affect the people?

How did Montesquieu influence the US constitution?

Who was placed in charge of helping the Japanese to write their new constitution after WWII?

What were the goals of the Gallipoli campaign?

Explain how the Crop Rotation system during the Agricultural Revolution helped in increase crop yields.

Explain the Storming of the Bastille.

How was the Women’s March on Versailles significant in changing the plans of Louis XVI during the French Revolution.

What were the Third World Countries during the Cold War?

What was the primary goal for the Soviet Union’s invasion of Afghanistan?

Why was Douglass MacArthur important in the war in the Pacific during WWII?

Karl Marx is associated with __________________ and Adam Smith is associated with _______________________

What technological advance made in the last few decades do you think is the most important?

Which TWO nations during the Age of Imperialism successfully avoided being colonized by European powers? What tactics did these nations use to avoid colonization, and why did these tactics work?

Explain life for the average Russian citizen during the reign of the Czars.

Explain life for the average Russian citizen during the totalitarian Soviet regime of the 1930s

122. Describe how the failures of WWI led to the outbreak of WWII.

123. How did events during and after World War II directly set the stage for the Cold War?

124. If the US was trying to stop the spread of communism during the Cold War why did the US get involved in Korea and NOT get involved in the Chinese Civil War?

Explain how the affects of Imperialism are still being felt today in countries in Africa, Asia, or Latin America.


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