Dear 9th grade students and parents,

Guide to Guidance


10th Grade Students


Kingsway Regional High School

Guidance Department


Welcome to Kingsway Regional High School and the K.R.H.S. Guidance Department. We look forward to working with you to assist you in preparing for your life after Kingsway. Each year you can expect to receive a grade level “Guide to Guidance” which is a reference for you and your parents intended to help you along the way.

High school offers great opportunities. You will have more choices to make, more responsibilities to handle and more independence than ever before. It is our goal that you be successful and to help you make the most of your time here. Therefore, please feel free to contact your counselor directly with any questions or concerns you may have.

The Guidance Counselors

|Counselor Name ext. e-mail address |

|Ms. Michelle Beech 4320 beechm@ |

|A,B,E,Ko-Ku,N,Q,Z & Grade 9 = A – C |

|Mr. John Cappolina 4272 cappolinaj@ J,O,P,T,U,V,X,Y & Grade 9 = G |

|- La |

|Mrs. Vivian Cassidy 4290 cassidyv@ D,G,I & BLA students & Grade 9 = D - F|

|Mr. Owen McBride 4217 mcbrideo@ C,F,R & Grade 9 = Lb - N |

|Mrs. Apryl Palazzo 4214 palazzoa@ W & STEM students & Grade 9 = O |

|- Ra |

|Ms. Victoria Saponara 4278 saponarav@ H,Ka-Ki,S & Grade 9 = Re - V |

|Mrs. Mairin Schramm 4213 schrammm@ Kn-Kl,L,M & ESL students & |

|Grade 9 = W - Z & LT students |

|Secretaries’ ext. e-mail address |

|Mrs. Kim Dormann 4207 dormannk@ |

|Mrs. Christine Minot 4210 minotc@ |

10th Grade Student Planner

Your sophomore year should be a year of personal growth. In addition to working hard in school and being involved in activities, try to identify your own interests and abilities, which will help give you some direction for your future. Now is also a good time to look for opportunities to further develop your skills and talents. Hopefully you have reviewed your 9th grade student planner and are following those helpful hints. In 10th grade there are a few more things to consider:

➢ Take the PSAT – Students who plan to apply to 4-year colleges should consider taking the PSAT (Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test) in the fall of 10th grade. The PSAT is a “practice” SAT only offered once a year and is administered here at Kingsway on the third Saturday in October. The 10th grade PSAT score does not count for consideration for the National Merit Scholarship. It is strictly for practice to familiarize students with the format of the SAT, which should be taken in spring of the junior year. The test consists of three (3) parts: Critical reading, Math problem solving, and Writing skills. For more information on the PSAT you can check out the College Board’s website . You will receive your Score Report sometime in December along with your test booklet (the same one you used on the day of the test). The Score Report provides you with a summary of the answers and information on how the test is scored. This valuable information allows you to see what areas are strengths or weaknesses so that you can focus more in preparation for future tests. Listen for morning/homeroom announcements sometime in September to come to the Guidance Office and sign up to take the PSAT. When you receive your scores, if you are not satisfied with the results – just relax. Your results will improve the longer you’re in school, the more courses you take, and the harder you work. Thus, you should take the PSAT again in 11th grade to identify improvement and determine eligibility for the National Merit Scholarship.

TIP: Want to raise your PSAT scores? Read a good book! – If you want to raise your score, you must improve your vocabulary and reading skills. The best way to do that is to read good books, as well as magazines and newspapers. Read to understand content and main ideas. Look up words you don’t know.

➢ Attend College Fairs – At different times throughout the year you may hear announcements that there will be a College Fair either at Gloucester County College, in Philadelphia, or at other neighboring schools. We strongly recommend that you attend at least one college fair while conducting your college search. The reason is that college fairs add a human element to your college planning. In addition to obtaining applications and printed materials, you will be given the opportunity to personally speak to a representative of the school and ask questions that are specific to your needs. Also, it gives you the opportunity to learn about different schools from outside this area that you might not otherwise have known about.

TIP: Make sure you bring a pen, a small notebook, a list of questions you want to ask, and a bag to hold all the college brochures and information you will receive. You may also want to bring return address labels to place on the college information cards at the fair. This will save you from having to write this information over and over again.

➢ Make sure you take courses that are appropriate for your goals – Each college has certain requirements that you must fulfill in order to be considered for admission. Find out what those are and make sure they match up with what you are taking.

➢ Continue activities – Whether it is participation in Kingsway sponsored clubs/activities, sports or a part-time job, make sure that you are using your time after school wisely. Be sure to update your “pro”file (See 9th grade list) with any pertinent information.

➢ Grades – Continue to do your best in all of your classes. You want your grades to be an accurate reflection of your ability. Remember that your parents can view your grades on-line. (If parents have questions about passwords and logging on to view teachers’ grade books contact the Guidance Office and speak with one of the secretaries for assistance.) Parents are encouraged to contact teachers directly via e-mail or phone with specific questions or concerns about grades. Teacher email address

➢ Ask for help – If you find yourself struggling in a class, you should know that there are places that you can turn to for help.

❖ Ask your teacher – you may be able to stay after school for extra help with your teacher. Find out what days he/she stays after and make arrangements to stay after school.

❖ Academic enrichment for students during the S.M.A.R.T. period can be offered in a variety of forms as agreed upon by the academic departments in consultation with their department chairpersons, instructional supervisors, and the principal. Support can take the form of enrichment, tutoring/homework help, and/or recreation Peer Tutoring – National Honor Society members are available to tutor students one-on-one either after school or during a study hall in the Media Center.

➢ Get involved – As early as your freshman year, you can participate in a variety of clubs and activities as well as sports. It is a good way to get to know your classmates and other students who share the same interest as you do. A list of Extracurricular Activities is offered at Kingsway. Don’t be shy!

➢ Student Athletes – students who participate in athletics may want to check out the NCAA’s website:

➢ Create a pro“file” – Keep copies of all your report cards along with

copies of any awards and honors you receive throughout the year in

a file. Keep a list of any school and community activities in which you are involved including volunteer work with descriptions of what you do. You will need this information when applying to colleges.

➢ Be here – Good attendance is crucial to your success in high school.

➢ Help us get to know you – if you have not done so already, please review and complete the questionnaire titled “What do you want your counselor to know about you?” This information helps your counselor identify your goals and assist you in reaching them!

➢ Attend our “Jump Start to College Planning Night” – This program presented by the Guidance Department in the fall is open to 9th and 10th grade students and parents. It is designed to provide you with information and tools to help you explore colleges and narrow down your choices.

College Questionnaire


NAME: _________________________________ COUNSELOR:___________________________

Future Plans/Major:______________________________________

The information you provide is very helpful when writing letters of recommendation for you. Please fill out this questionnaire as completely as possible and return it to your guidance counselor.

1. What do you consider to be some of the most important things in your life?


2. What do you consider your strengths to be? Your weaknesses?


3. Please share some positive, negative, or unusual experience you have had that made a difference in your life.


4. What is the main thing you want colleges/schools/employers to know about you?


5. Are there any outside circumstances that have interfered with your academic performances?


6. Describe your most important contribution at home, to the school or local community.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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