American History AP -10th Grade

Contact Information:

o Parent-Teacher Conference: By appointment only

o Phone number: (305) 257-3737 Room: 210

o E-mail: apicayo@

o School website:

Breakdown of Grades

a. Tests, essays, and major projects (40%)

b. Quizzes (30%)

c. Class work (20%)

d. Class Participation/ Homework (10%):

Grading Scale

Grade Scale Percent Value Verbal Interpretation

A 4.0-3.50 90-100% Outstanding

B 3.49-2.50 80-89% Above Average

C 2.49-1.50 70-79% Average

D 1.49-1.0 60-69% Poor

F .99-0 0-59% Failure


1. Pen (black or blue ONLY)

2. Pencils/ highlighters

3. One binder (1 inch) (ONLY for Social Studies) with three (3) dividers:

- Warm Up/Wrap Up

- Notes

- Homework

4. School Agenda (Mandatory)

Expectations and Class Requirements:

A. Materials: Students are required to bring all items in the materials list to class daily.

B. Late assignments and Make-up work:

i. Students will have 1 extra class period to turn in an assignment for a lower grade. For example, if an assignment is assigned on Monday block day, it can be turned in for 100% on Wednesday or minus 30 points after the graded grade on Friday. It will not be accepted for a grade other than a Zero after that.

ii. If the student has an excused absence, he/she will have until the next class session to turn in the assignment (at the beginning of class) and receive a grade. Only excuse absences will receive a grade.

1. It is the student’s responsibility to inquire what assignments, activities, test or quiz announcements were administered.

a. Parents and students may find this information on our school website:

2. If the student is absent on a test or quiz day, he/she will be expected to make arrangements to make up the quiz or test.

b. Those students who have been absent for an extended period of time will need to make arrangements to stay after school to complete the makeup work.

i. **It is the student’s responsibility to make these arrangements. If a student has not made up the assignments within two days of their return to school, zero’s will be given for all assignments that needed to be made up.**

7 Homework: Homework increases responsibility by developing organization and study skills. It encourages independent learning while appropriately involving parents. It also promotes and supports the classroom curriculum while encouraging students to become lifelong learners

iii. Homework is due on its designated due date.

1. It is to be completed independently with support only when needed.

8 Quizzes and Tests:

iv. All quizzes and tests will be announced (verbally, written on the board, and/ or posted on )

v. Pop quizzes may be given at any time based on previous night’s homework or previous class lecture.

Class Rules and Procedures

1. All assignments must be headed with name, date, period, and assignment title in the first two lines of the paper in order to receive a grade.

2. All students must be in the classroom and seated in their assigned seat before the bell rings.

3. All late slips, admits, fieldtrip forms, and other paper work should be given to me personally when entering the classroom. Do no leave it on my desk.

4. All assignments must be turned in on the proper due date; no late work will be accepted.

5. All students must ask permission to leave the classroom for any reason. Passes will only be given for EMERGENCIES ONLY. Students will not be allowed to leave the classroom 15 minutes after class begins and 15 minutes before class ends.

6. Students will show one another respect; value everyone’s property, opinions, and feelings.

7. Students must be in complete uniform at all times.

8. Students will not be allowed to use any electronic devices (phones, tablets… ect).

Students have to turn off electronic devices and keep them away at all times.

The following consequences will apply:

First time: Warning/ phone call to parent or legal guardian.

Second time: The teacher will obtain possession of the electronic device and this will be given to the main office.

In case of emergency, the student will be allowed to use the office’s phone.

9. Follow all Rules and Expectations of Somerset Academy Charter High School

10. Adhere to the Code of Student Conduct.

11. Read and acknowledge the repercussions of plagiarism at Somerset Academy Charter Middle/High

Use common sense in class. Show respect at all times. If you are not sure if something is allowed, ask.

Negative Consequences

When you choose not to follow these rules, to talk excessively at inappropriate times, or to not put forth a positive effort in class, one or more of the following will happen:

1. Verbal Warning

2. Meeting with teacher

3. Parent Contact- Phone/E-mail

4. Detention

5. Conference with parents/guardians, counselors, and/or administration.

6. Referral

Positive Consequences

The following will happen when the above guidelines are met and exceeded:

1. Increased time to go over and explain concepts.

2. More material will be covered.

3. We will take advantage of fun and unique learning experiences.


11 Plagiarism, according to the University of Maryland Code of Academic Integrity, is "intentionally or knowingly representing the words or ideas of another as one's own in any academic exercise." Examples of acts that would be defined as plagiarism are:

12 Copying word for word, and neglecting to both enclose the words in quotation marks and to cite the source.

ii. Summarizing or paraphrasing someone else's words or ideas and

failing to cite the source

vi. Reproducing the organization or structure of another person's work and failing to cite it

vii. Any other act in which someone presents someone else's intellectual material as their own, whether it involves graphics, code, data, charts, etc.

13 Plagiarism is a serious act of academic dishonesty which is not taken

lightly at Somerset Academy.

i. Repercussions for a student who is caught plagiarizing.

1. Immediate referral to the Administration

2. Failing grade on the assignment

3. Student will be required to redo the assignment

4. Conference with parents/guardian

This syllabus will be posted on the school website for the entire school year .

**** (Please return this portion of the syllabus to Ms. Picayo- Room 210)****

I have read and understood the expectations, rules, and regulations as stated in the syllabus.

Student Printed Name: _____________________________ Period: ____________

Student Signature: ____________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature: __________________________ Date: _____________

Student Contact Information

Student’s Name: _________________________________________________

Birthday: _____________________ Birth place: ______________________ Age: _____________

Address: _______________________________________________________

Parents or Guardian (circle all that apply):

Student resides with – Parents Mother Father Guardian Stepparent

Name: _____________________________ Relationship: ________________

Address: ___________________________ Home Number: ______________

Employer’s Name: _____________________ Work Number: ______________

Cell Phone: _________________

Email address: _______________________

Name: _____________________________ Relationship: ________________

Address: ___________________________ Home Number: ______________

Employer’s Name: _____________________ Work Number: ______________

Cell Phone: _________________

Email address: _______________________

Important Information:

Does your child have any siblings attending Somerset Academy Silver Palms?

_____ Yes _____ No

If yes, write name, grade, and teacher’s name.

Name Grade Teacher’s Name



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