OUSD History/Social Studies

OUSD History/Social Studies

Tilden School, Portable A

4551 Steele Street

Oakland, CA 94619


Preparing for the Fall 2010-2011 8th grade U.S. History Writing Assessment:

Working with the Textbook to Gain Background Knowledge

“Point-of-View” Study Guide for use with United States History, Independence to 1914 Pages 114 - 135

Read the following directions and then complete the activity that follows.

You are about to be interviewed as if you were a number of different individuals living in the new United States. During these first years of the United States, there were many discussions about the form that the government should take.

As the identified individuals, describe your reactions to each of the issues and/or events discussed below. Number 1 is already completed as a model response.

(The identified page numbers connect to pages in your textbook.)

The Articles of Confederation – p. 114

“Ideas about Government” – p. 114 – 115

1. As an American citizen in the time period just after the Revolution: What were some of the documents that you looked to for inspiration in creating a new government?

There were several important documents that inspired us. First of all, there were two English documents, the Magna Carta and the English Bill of Rights, that ensured that people (through their representatives) had a strong voice in England’s government. Also, all of the states had their own constitutions that set forth the duties and powers of the government. Finally, the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom was important because it established the idea that no person could be forced to attend a particular church or be required to pay for a church with tax money.

“Article of Confederation” – page 116

2a. As a member of the Second Continental Congress, what is your opinion of the Articles of Confederation? Be sure to cite evidence to support your opinion.


2b. As a citizen of Maryland, what is your opinion of the Articles of Confederation? Be sure to cite evidence to support your opinion.


2c. As Thomas Jefferson, what is your opinion of the Articles of Confederation? Be sure to cite evidence to support your opinion.


“Northwest Territory – page 117

3. As a citizen of the Northwest Territory, what do you think was the most important element of the Northwest Ordinance of 1787? Why?


“Origins of the Constitution” – p. 118-119

4a. Which colonial American document had the most impact on the U.S. Constitution? Why?


4b. Which English document/idea had the most impact on the U.S. Constitution? Why?


The New Nation Faces Challenges

“Relations with Other Countries” – p. 120 – 122

5a. As a merchant in the United States, how did the Articles of Confederation affect trade with other countries?


5b. As a merchant in Great Britain, how did the Articles of Confederation affect trade with the United States?


“Economic Problems” – p. 122 – 123

6. As a citizen in the United States, what was the most difficult economic challenge after the Revolutionary War?


“Shays’s Rebellion” – p. 123.

7a. As a poor farmer in Massachusetts, do you think the actions of Daniel Shays were justified? Why or why not?


7b. As a judge in a western Massachusetts’ court, do you think the actions of Daniel Shays were justified? Why or why not?


8. As a citizen of the U.S. in 1786, what do you think is the most significant weakness of the Articles of Confederation? Why?


Creating the Constitution

“Constitutional Convention” – p. 125-126

9a. As a Native American in 1787, what is your advice to the delegates at the Constitutional Convention?


9b. As an African American in 1787, what is your advice to the delegates at the Constitutional Convention?


“Great Compromise” – p. 126 – 127

10a. As a delegate from a large state, which legislature design are you in favor of? Why?


10b. As a delegate from a small state, which legislature design are you in favor of? Why?


10c. As Roger Sherman, which legislature design are you in favor of? Why?


“Three-Fifths Compromise” – p. 128 and “Primary Source – Compromise and the Slave Trade” – p. 128

11a. As John Rutledge, how do your views about slavery and the slave trade reflect the thinking of the delegates from Southern states?


11b. As Gouverneur Morris, how do your views about slavery and the slave trade reflect the thinking of the delegates from Northern states?


12. How did the Three-Fifths Compromise resolve the conflict between the Northern and Southern states regarding representation in slave states?


“The Living Constitution” – p. 129-130

13. As a framer of the Constitution, “Why did you create a system of checks and balances?”


14. Do you think the strengths of the Constitution outweigh the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation? Why or why not?


Ratifying the Constitution

“Federalists and Antifederalists – p. 132-133”

15a. As an Antifederalist, “What is your opinion of the Constitution?” Why do you feel this way?


15b. As a Federalist, “What is your opinion of the Constitution?” Why do you feel this way?


“Federalist Papers” – p 133-134

Federalist Paper No. 10 – p. 134

16. As James Madison, “What are your reasons for supporting the ratification of the Constitution? How did you communicate these reasons to other people?


“Bill of Rights” – p. 135

17. Why was adding the Bill of Rights to the Constitution a significant change?



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