Central Visual and Performing Arts High School

Ms. Anna Russell World Literature

Room 215 – 3rd period prep Course Introduction & Syllabus

402.965.1715 CVPA High School

anna.russell@ 10th Grade

|Course Description/Overview |

|World Literature is the 10th grade-level English class in St. Louis Public Schools.  This is also one of the most important classes offered in high school, and |

|students taking this class during the 2010-2011 school year will need to take the Missouri End of Course exam in May, 2011.  The End of Course exam is required, |

|and will count as 10% of students’ final grades for the year.  |

|I am very excited to have the opportunity to teach you World Literature this year! This class is focused on developing your thoughtful reading, critical/creative |

|writing, and test taking skills. Throughout the year we will read works from countries around the world and write on subjects that may challenge you. However, |

|after this year I hope that you will all feel more intelligent, worldly, and diplomatic because of the work that we have done. |

|Course Content |

|Readings and Assignments (Subject to change at the discretion of the |

|teacher) |

|Unit 1: Greek Drama |

|-various Greek mythological texts |

|-Oedipus Rex by Sophocles |

|Unit 2: India Literature |

|--Siddhartha by Herman Hesse |

|Unit 3: Imperialism/Africa |

|excerpts from Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe |

|excerpts from Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad |

|various non-fiction texts |

|Unit 4: 20th Century |

|Night by Elie Wiesel |

|Various non-fiction texts |

|Unit 5: E.O.C. Bootcamp |

|-intensive skills review for the Missouri End of Course Assessment |

|Unit 6: Memoir Writing Project |

|- excerpts from various David Sedaris works |

|- excerpts from Dreams From My Father by Barack Obama |

|excerpts from I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou |

|Course Materials |

|3 ring binder with 5 dividers for class work, homework, exams |

|Utensils for success: pens, pencils, erasers, paper, etc. |

|Course Policies |

|Academic Dishonesty: |

|Students are expected to be honest and forthright in their academic endeavors. Cheating, plagiarism, fabrication or other forms of academic dishonesty corrupt the|

|learning process and threaten the educational environment for all students. |

| |

|Assessment Retakes: |

|In an attempt to encourage student to be successful and to always strive to improve themselves, the following procedure will be followed.  Any student who makes |

|below 70% on a test can retake that test.  If a student wishes to retake a test they should arrange a time for the retake (must be after school during academic lab|

|tutoring). When a student retakes a test, THEY CANNOT MAKE HIGHER THAN 70%, as that would be unfair to those who could not retake. I will always take the higher |

|score (the original or the retake), so it does not hurt the student to attempt a retake.  If a student wishes to attempt a retake, they must do so two weeks after |

|the assessment is returned. |

| |

|Hall Passes: |

|As stated in the student handbook, CVPA operates under a strict no hall pass policy. You will not be excused to go to the bathroom, go to your locker, or to get a|

|drink of water. So, be sure to use your time wisely between class periods. I will give you two passes per semester to use at my discretion. However, if you keep|

|the passes and do not use them, I will give you extra credit for them ON YOUR FINAL EXAM at the end of the semester. |

| |

|Late Assignment Policy: |

|It is your responsibility to see that all homework assignments are completed if absent. If you know you are going to be absent, come see me or email so I can give|

|you the homework ahead of time. Assignments and handouts that you missed will be available to you upon your return in the absent wall at the front of the room. |

|When you miss a day of school, you are given one day to make up the work that you missed. Similarly, if you miss two days of school, you have two days to make up |

|your work. Any work not turned in after the allotted time period becomes late. |

|All late work will be accepted one day after the due date for 10% off. After that, it is 50% off. I do not accept any late work during the week leading up to a |

|progress report or a report card due to time constraints. Similarly, I will not accept late work from quarter one during quarter two. |

| |

|Tardies: |

|As stated in the student handbook, students will not be allowed to enter the classroom if tardy. Students who are tardy will be sent to detention immediately by |

|the security officers who sweep the halls between class periods. You will receive no credit for the work completed in class that day if sent to detention. |

|Grading/Assessment |

|Class work = 15% Tests = 50% |

|In class assignments Unit Exams |

|Homework = 10% Final Exams |

|Independent practice/extension Major Assessments |

|Chapter review questions Performance Events (Essays, Papers, Projects) |

|Participation = 10% Quizzes = 15% |

|DO NOW Weekly or daily objective-based quizzes |

|Binder Checks |

|Class notes/guided practice |

|Class discussion |

|= 35% of total grade Assessments = 65% of total grade |

|35% + Assessment = 100% TOTAL |

| |

|My focus is on your mastery of the course material. The assessment portion of the student grade is a large chunk of the final grade, so you must take it |

|seriously. Students must prove mastery. If a student has questions about his or her grades or feels that a specific grade does not reflect the quality of the |

|work turned in, please make time to discuss the matter with me. |

|Expected Classroom Behavior and Procedures |

|All school rules per the student handbook will be enforced in this classroom. |

|Have respect for yourself, others, and the teacher at all times. |

|Be responsible – no heads down on desk, no talking while others are talking. |

|Trust in your fellow classmates to behave appropriately. Likewise, do not do anything that would make the teacher or your fellow classmates lose trust in you. |

|To Achieve Success In This Course |

|I expect great attitudes and great work from every student. I request the following from every one of you. |

| |

|Participation is a huge component of this class. Students who are successful in World Literature are in class, on time, prepared, and remain dedicated to their |

|goals and our classroom goals. |

|“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” |

|-Gandhi |

|Additional Information |

|Academic Lab tutoring is available at least one day after school. Students will ride the activity bus home. When available, a schedule will be distributed. In |

|addition to the English department tutoring offered each Wednesday, I will be in my room most other days until at least 4:00. Also, I am available every A and C |

|day during 3rd period. If you need extra help or time on assignments, I will be there for you. |


We received and read the syllabus information for Ms. Russell’s World Literature class.

Student Name ____________ Signature Date ______

Parent Name ___________ Signature Date

(Please print name)

For 5 points of extra credit, bring a box of Kleenex to donate to our classroom!


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