Through her extensive study of numerology, Lee Thomas has found it to be an efficient and valuable tool for people to learn to understand themselves and their life’s purpose. Here she explains why numerology is a vital key to use on your personal journey of self discovery.

“Who am I?”

“Why am I here?”

“What should I be doing?”

“Where am I going?”

“When will I get there?”

“What’s stopping me?”

“With whom am I sharing my life?”

These are all questions we often ask ourselves, both consciously and unconsciously. Extensive research into numerology has revealed that each and every one of us holds the keys to understanding ourselves and our life’s purpose through two very personal sets of numbers – our birth dates and birth name. Although the birth name is made up of letters, these letters A to Z are converted into numbers according to their sequence and position in the alphabet, e.g. A = 1; B = 2, C = 3, and so on.

The system of Numerology was based on ancient works by the Greeks, Romans, Chinese, Egyptians and Jews and developed by the mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras during the sixth century BC. At that particular time in history, humankind was at a turning point. Great thinkers like Confucius, Buddha, the Ionians and Pythagoras had turned away from explaining the world from a mythological standpoint and instead explained it through physical forces and processes.

Pythagoras, whose name has been immortalised through a geometric theorem we all learned about at school, was an Ionian scholar. As such, he did not believe that the world could be explained in terms of material elements like earth, air, fire and water. He saw the essence of reality in the immaterial meaning of numbers and the relationships between these numbers. According to Pythagoras, numbers are timeless, immutable and incorruptible. Thus, he encapsulated his philosophy in his famous dictum, “All is number”.

And indeed it is…

When you compare the 21st century theories of scientists and authors of popular books on quantum physics with the ancient theories of Pythagoras, they are exactly the same. For example, quantum physics states that everything in the universe vibrates and has energy; and that this energy is interconnected. Numbers are used to measure these vibrations and energy.

Similarly, the basis of Pythagoras’ theory is that everything in the world vibrates, at a higher or lower rate, and all these various vibrations relate and create an absolute, undivided whole. He believed that numbers are the measure of form and energy. Because of this similarity, it is easy to understand why ancient numerology has particular relevance to the issues and interests of our world today.

Numbers are central to life, whether they are used in science with its formulae; history with its dates; music with its notes; or economics with its currencies. We all have numbers that identify who we are – our ID numbers, cell phone numbers, bank account numbers, pin numbers, etc define us. Without numbers we wouldn’t be able to vote, catch a plane or make a single financial transaction. We even measure our health according to numbers, for example, weight, pulse rate, blood pressure, cholesterol levels, etc.

We often express our emotions through numbers, for example, “I feel at sixes and sevens”, “I feel like number one” and “my number is up”. We use numbers to describe others … “I’ve got his number”, “That one’s a real number” and “She’ll pull a number on you”.

Everything around us can be represented and understood through numbers. It could be said that numbers are the language of nature … and that includes human nature. Central to Pythagoras’ beliefs is that each number has a human nature – a personality of its own – with ethical and moral characteristics.

Every number is merely a symbol representing specific personality traits, gifts, talents, strengths, weaknesses, challenges and more. We need to learn to go beyond the quantitative reality of a number in order to perceive its qualitative nature.

Numerology takes a very careful look at each number, its shape and its position and gives each number a personality. The numbers used are the numbers one through to nine, as every number that comes after is a compound version of these single digits.

To illustrate: 10 = 1 (1 + 0 = 1); 11 = 2 (1 + 1 = 2); 12 = 3 (1 + 2 = 3); and so on.

Numerology works by combining the person’s birth date and birth name (i.e. all the names they were given at birth) to reveal a complete and unique profile of that person. While people may share the same birthday or have the same name, it is unlikely that any two people born on the same day will share the identical first name and surname. Even twins and triplets differ in personality because their names are different.

Therefore, by using a series of totals and subtotals of numbers, as well as grids, graphs and tables, a numerologist can dissect a person to reveal their inner soul and outer ego; their internal and external personas; how they see themselves versus how other people perceive them; their past life and present destiny; how they operate physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually; and much more.

So, as you can see, those questions we often ask ourselves can be answered using two simple pieces of data – our birth date and birth name. And from those numbers a numerologist can glean a wealth of information to gain insight into what makes that person tick.

Numerology can answer those questions you always ask yourself as well as a myriad of others. It can provide you with the key to self discovery and personal truth. There are many ways of getting to know yourself but numerology is one of the most precise, efficient and inspiring ways.


In numerology, each number is a symbol that represents a series of specific personality traits, gifts, talents, strengths, weaknesses and challenges. Lee Thomas gives you a few examples of the energies and characteristics associated with each of the main nine numbers.

1. Leadership, organisation, independence, individuality, pioneering, originality, integrity

2. Supportive, co-operative, collaborative, negotiating, detail conscious, duality, intuitive

3. Self expressive, conversationalist, creative, synergy, networking, joyfulness, sociable

4. Stable, immovable, disciplined, habitual, conscientious, conservative, pragmatic

5. Versatile, flexible, adaptable, freedom-loving, sensual, communicative, quick thinking

6. Supportive, harmonious, companionable, nurturing, aesthetic, responsible, overly involved

7. Reflective, introspective, private, loner, intellectual, analytical, investigative, mystical

8. Materialistic, worldly, ambitious, organised, orchestrating, managerial, productive, abundant

9. Universal, idealistic, visionary, creative, humanitarian, compassionate, ‘change agent’


1. What is numerology?

Numerology is the ancient study of the meaning of numbers using your birth date and birth name. Based on the ancient works of the Greeks, Romans, Chinese, Egyptians and Jews, numerology was formally developed during the sixth century BC by the mathematician and philosopher, Pythagoras, who saw the essence of reality in the immaterial meaning of numbers and the relationships between these numbers. Numerology considers each number, its shape and its position and gives each number specific personality traits.

2. How does it work?

Numerology works by combining the person’s birth date and their birth name (i.e. all the names they were given at birth) to reveal a complete and unique profile of that person. The numbers used are numbers one through to nine, as every number that comes after is a compound version of these single digits. By using a series of totals and subtotals of numbers, as well as graphs, grids and tables, numerology reveals a comprehensive and accurate personality profile. It reveals your soul and ego; your inner and external lives; how you see yourself versus how other people see you; your past life and present destiny; how you operate physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually; and much more.

3. Please describe numerology in layman’s terms.

Everything in the Universe is made up of energy that vibrates at different frequencies; and all energy is connected thereby creating unity. Numbers are used to measure the connections and frequencies of energy. Numerology also uses numbers to measure the form and energy of human nature. Numerology focuses on the relationship of numbers and their influence on our lives.

4. How can I apply numerology to my life?

Numerology can be applied to all areas of your life; personal and professional. There are of course many ways for you to get to know yourself but numerology is the most accessible, accurate and inspiring way. Everyone holds the keys to understanding him/herself through two simple pieces of data, namely, birth date and birth name. Using only these two keys, numerology provides answers to the questions people are always asking – “Who am I?”; “Why am I here?”; “What should I be doing?”; “Where am I going?”; “When will I get there?”; “What’s stopping me?” and “With whom am I sharing my life?”.

5. Is my destiny, as defined by numerology, cast in stone or can I alter it?

Numerologists understand that your personality profile reveals your potential; nothing more and nothing less. We are all blessed with an abundance of seeds for success and achieving our true potential but unfortunately not everyone recognises or believes this. Thus some of us don’t plant and cultivate these seeds and so we don’t achieve our full potential. It is therefore vitally important for a numerologist to clarify your potential; and for you to achieve it. As with all gifts, we have a personal responsibility to unwrap them. Your destiny lies in your hands, and with the right tools, you can embrace and shape that destiny to reap the most benefits.

6. What does a consultation comprise?

In an hour-long consultation, I will provide you with an in-depth profile of yourself. Using this profile, I will assist you in acquiring self-knowledge and a deeper understanding of who you really are beneath the mask you show to the outside world. By doing this, I will help you to accept yourself for who you really are, and to have the courage to show this side of yourself to others. This knowledge will also assist you in your relationships by revealing the reasons why you react to people in a certain way; and why you choose to include particular people in your life. Once you have this knowledge and are able to understand and accept yourself, you will be able to manage and embrace your future.

7. How many consultations will I require?

It’s the usual cliché of ‘how long is a piece of string?’ I have designed a series of consultations ranging from broad overviews to deeper more detailed sessions, dealing with various aspects such as life purpose, personal journey, career, business, relationships, challenges, fears, etc. It is like peeling an onion; dealing with each issue layer by layer. My varied range of consultations offers my clients the opportunity to dip in and out when and where they want; or to commit to an entire process over an extended period of time. It all depends on what my clients need or want. I never prescribe to my clients but am guided by their requests and affordability.

8. Can the costs of your consultations be deducted from medical aid?

Unfortunately not. Like many other alternative therapies there are too few qualified and practicing numerologists and therefore there is no governing body. However, with an increasing interest in the subject and in the number of professional practitioners, in time to come there will be a sufficient number of specialists who can establish a governing body. This governing body will provide consulting guidelines and a code of ethics; and also regulate these. The reason I teach numerology is to increase the number of practitioners in the hope of establishing a governing body, and more quickly.

9. Can you work out package deals for various counselling aspects for more than one member of a family?

Absolutely. Everything is negotiable. Anyone interested is welcome to phone or email me to work out a personalised package. I am guided by my clients’ needs and affordability.

10. How does your psychology and education background assist you with profiling via numerology?

By blending my clinical psychology and numerology studies, I have been able to develop a specialised method of assisting people in managing their challenges and search for self knowledge, for both corporate companies and private individuals.

While numerology provides me with the tools for analysing a person, my psychology studies assist me with the sensitive and appropriate delivery of this information.

My method involves the three R’s: remembering, recovering and revealing who you are. Like teaching, my purpose is to help you to unlock your potential. My role is to reveal, clarify and confirm aspects of yourself that you already know but have chosen to forget, forgo or deny. This allows you to reconnect with yourself and, more importantly, to accept and surrender to your true self. In short, the process allows you to fall back in love with your authentic self.

11. How can numerology assist me in looking at my self, my life, my future endeavours, i.e. how can numerology benefit me?

Knowing yourself is the greatest gift you can give yourself. When you are fully aware of your own strengths, talents and gifts, you are consistently focused, confident and at peace. You are able to set realistic goals for yourself, and seize whatever opportunities come your way. You are physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually at one with yourself. Numerology will help you get to know yourself. Just two pieces of data, that is, your birth date and your birth name, will provide you with the keys to reveal your true potential and to unlock your authentic self and life purpose.

12. What is your USP (unique selling point)?

Firstly, for the past ten years I have been committed to providing ‘one man shows’ and small businesses an effective, accurate and affordable human resource function; usually only available to large corporate companies with recruitment and training budgets. Small businesses need a screening and recruitment process as much, if not more than large companies, but don’t have the manpower or resources to cover this necessity. Through personality profiling I have been able to offer small operations a viable and effective alternative to costly psychometric testing.

Secondly, the combination of my qualifications in numerology and psychology, coupled with my working experience in the business and educational arenas, provide my clients access to a broad and unusual set of skills.

Thirdly, I believe people innately know their life purpose and the relevant personal characteristics that will enable them to accomplish their life purpose. They don’t need to be told what to do but rather to be assisted in remembering, recovering and revealing their purpose, direction and solutions.

In my experience, people experiencing personal confusion, resulting in a life crisis, are generally whole and healthy but are simply missing a critical piece of personal information to assist them in resolving their current dilemma. It is invariably a single element but it is an essential one for the completion of the whole picture. So, just like the singular piece of jigsaw puzzle depicted on my business card, a personality profile is designed to reveal this missing puzzle piece and then the solution naturally unfolds from within. My sessions are designed to reveal, clarify and confirm salient personality traits to clients to assist them in achieving their full potential.

13. Why should I use numerology to profile an applicant applying for a job at a company in preference to the more traditional psychometric tests?

Numerology has six major advantages: Namely, it is unbiased, accurate, quick, efficient, eliminates ‘down time’ and pervasive.

A numerological personality assessment, including the report-back of the results, can take less than an hour and the prospective applicant doesn’t need to participate or even be present during the assessment because the only information required for purposes of the analysis is the applicant’s birth date and birth name. The assessment can take place while the applicant remains at work thereby eliminating disruptive ‘down time’ or loss of productivity. This also removes concerns of tester bias and the stress associated with the examination process. Furthermore, the applicant’s ‘fit’ can be assessed in terms of company culture in general and the existing team members in particular.

Most importantly and uniquely though is that a numerological assessment can preview both the current and future potential of an applicant. This reduces the disappointment and expense of investing in an applicant who further down the line will leave the company or career path to pursue other alternatives. Companies can thus make informed choices about investments in the training and development of employees based on their projected longevity and future performance potential; and not only on current conditions.

14. Please help me to put the science (back) into numerology, to take out the mystical element for the sceptics.

Numerology is not a religion, belief system or dogma. You don’t have to believe or understand how electricity works every time you turn on a lamp switch in order for it to work. Similarly you don’t need to have faith in or knowledge of numerology for it to work.

Numbers are timeless, immutable and incorruptible. Numerology was developed by a mathematician, and that is why I’m prepared to practice it. It is accountable, can be replicated and it works for everybody.

Numbers are central to life, and inherent in nature. You will find them used in science with its formulae, history with its dates, music with its notes and economics with its currencies. We all have numbers that identify who we are – our ID numbers, cell phone numbers, bank account numbers, pin numbers, etc define us. This isn’t mystical, it’s tangible.

15. Can you debunk the esoteric myth and give me the ‘good news’ about numerology?

Numerology isn’t ‘hocus pocus’, ‘mumbo jumbo’ or even ‘numbo jumbo’. The word ‘esoteric’ means hidden from view; not dark or dangerous. Numerology is not random or magical; it is a reliable and logical system. It doesn’t rely on faith or feelings but on facts and figures. Numerology is an exceptional diagnostic tool for gaining accurate and comprehensive insight into yourself and others. It is as accurate as any formal psychometric testing process. There are many ways of getting to know yourself and others but I have found that numerology is the most precise, concise and inspiring way.

16. Why then do people insist on referring to numerology as magic?

By using only two pieces of information, namely the person’s birth date and birth name, a numerologist can compile a comprehensive personality profile on a person and accurately pinpoint personality traits without that person even being in the room. Therefore it is understandable why this process seems magical. However, when one understands the system, any magical perceptions are superseded by respect and awe for its accuracy and logic.

17. Does numerology fall under the heading of New Age; and can you shed some light on the role of numerology in the 21st century?

When you compare the 21st century theories of scientists and authors of popular books on quantum physics with the ancient theories of Pythagoras, they are exactly the same. For example, quantum physics states that everything in the universe vibrates and has energy; and that this energy is interconnected. Numbers are used to measure these vibrations and energy. Similarly, the basis of Pythagoras’ theory is that everything in the world vibrates, at a higher or lower rate, and all these various vibrations relate and create an absolute, undivided whole. He believed that numbers are the measure of form and energy. Because of this similarity, it is easy to understand why ancient numerology has particular relevance to the issues and interests of our world today.

18. Why was numerology lost for so many years before its current revival and popularity?

In the ancient past, numerology was passed down orally from teacher to student because a written recording of the system of numerology was forbidden for fear of it being used incorrectly by the profane and materially minded masses. However, after Pythagoras died, the system of numerology was recorded in writing for fear of it being lost forever. The revelation and revival of this system has come about since early 1900 and is currently sought out and understood by true and honest seekers of the so called Aquarian or New Age. Unfortunately, books on the subject are often incomprehensive or even inaccurate forcing any sincere student to research the system for him/herself. The reward for this persistence and perseverance is the acquisition of a skill that rivals all other modern diagnostic tools in analysing, understanding and revealing the true nature of a person to him/herself.

19. How does numerology differ from tarot cards, reading of palms or séances where certain spirits are called upon for advice?

Numerology uses tangibles such as totals of numbers, grids, tables, graphs and patterns and does not depend on outside forces, intuition or messages. It is not based on faith or feelings but on facts and figures.

20. The reliance on numbers negates the instruction in the Holy Scriptures to trust in God (Proverbs 3:5 and 6) and there are other similar quotes. Please comment.

For starters, without numbers you wouldn’t be able to direct me quickly and easily to this specific passage in the Holy Bible. Instead, we would have to wade through thousands of pages of text hoping to find it. However, numbers direct us to pages and passages with ease.

Numerology is designed to be a guide not a prescription. It accommodates all methods of thinking, feeling and sensing including a relationship with a Higher Being. It is based on the measurement of energy and has nothing to do with religions, belief systems or dogmas. Neither does it interfere with any religion nor any belief system as it is designed primarily for you to increase your insight into yourself and others.

Any qualified and experienced numerologist will encourage you to explore numerous and variable methods and theories for the purpose of gaining insight into yourself; answering questions about yourself; and resolving problems within yourself. Numerology is but one tool among many.


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