11.9.2020 MIAC Update - MN

11.9.2020 MIAC Update1. New American Indian Student Achievement Reporta. MDE heard your concerns about the differences between the state and federal counts.b. The new report is for the State-identified American Indian students, not the federal count.State Definition: The state of Minnesota definition includes persons having origins in any of the original peoples of North America who maintain cultural identification through tribal affiliation or community recognition. c. Although we are required to report the Federal Count, we are now working to have the federal and state counts side-by-side on our public report card website. 2. Tribal Headstarta. The Tribal Headstart leaders met several times with MDE representatives including Bobbie Burnham and Dr. Harstad to discuss what needed to change in the Heads Start formula to assist Tribal programs on receiving an equitable and (similar-yearly, anticipated?) amount in head start allocations. Bobbie was the department lead on this, so she is here to give a brief update. 3. Connecting with TNECa. Many of our MDE staff have been seeking input from the Tribal Nations Education Committee during their monthly meetings for various programs and grants that include: issues with identification of American Indian students, Tribal Head Start collaboration, alternate assessments (MTAS) for students with cognitive disabilities, Standards revisions for ELA and currently Social Studies Standards review, and a special education grant that is aimed at American Indian students staying in school through graduation.b. In addition, in collaboration with the Tribal Nations Education Committee, the Office of American Indian Education is now conducting American Indian Parent Advisory Committee (AIPAC) meetings with all districts and schools that have delegated more than 50% of their American Indian Education Aid to salaries. The goal is to be assured that parents of American Indian students are empowered to have input on the plans and that they understand how much is paid in salaries and to whom. This is a new process for MDE, and we have many volunteers across the Department of Education helping the Office of American Indian Education provide better services to American Indian parents across Minnesota.c. We are engaging in ESSA Tribal Consultations in conjunction with TNEC. These consultations are with districts that receive over $40,000.00 in Federal Title VI funds for American Indian education or those that have more than a 50% American Indian student population continues for the metro area. Together, we are building relationships between MDE and the TNEC to promote meaningful, equitable, and targeted educational experiences for American Indian students.4. Executive Order 19-24 Updatesa. MDE has met with Prairie Island, Grand Portage, Bois Forte, Red Lake, and Fond du Lac Tribal Nations. We have several more scheduled in the near future. b. During our consultations, we have discussed our legislative proposals aimed at improving the educational experiences for American Indian students and their families. One of the proposals we are considering is the retirement of school mascots that demean American Indians. I would like to sincerely thank Chairman Seki and Secretary Sam Strong for your input on this issue. We understand that not all mascots (such as the Red Lake Warriors) are demeaning. We know that some of these districts and their mascots are on or near your Tribal Lands. MDE does not wish to infringe on Tribal wishes, and would like to partner with you to determine if we should move forward with this proposal. We understand this will be a complex process and want to include your perspectives, as well as those of our students and their families. Below is a list of school mascots in Minnesota that could be considered in this legislative proposal:5. Emerging ConnectionsAs we have discussed in previous reports to MIAC, Dr. Harstad now sits on the Executive team at MDE. The Executive Team is the Senior Leadership team that supports and guides both the internal and external work of the Department of Education. Including the role of the Director of Indian Education on the Executive Team ensures that the unique perspective of a political population is consistently included in our work.Indigenous Education Task force update provided by Dr. Harstad 6. Update from the last MIAC Meetinga. Update on Facebook issue that was discussed during our last meeting I personally followed up with the school administrator A complaint was filed with the Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board (PELSB). ................

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