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MSCOS Registration Form 2020Jan. 10-11, 24-25, 2020March 20-21, April 3-4, 2020Oct. 23-24, Nov. 6-7, 2020Sep 25-26, Oct 9-10, 2020Course Name: ________________________Course Number: ______________________Last Name: __________________________________ First Name: ________________________________ MI: _________Mailing Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________City: __________________________________________________ State: __________________ Zip: _________________Cell Phone: ____________________________ Work Phone: ______________________ Other: _____________________Email Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________Birth Date: _____________________________________ Gender: ________________________ Title: ________________Licensing School Attended: _________________________________________ Date Completed: _____________________Educational Experience: ____________________________________________ Date Completed: _____________________Educational Experience: ____________________________________________ Date Completed: _____________________Annual Conference: _____________________________________________ GBHEM PID #__________________________District: ________________________________________________ Charge: _____________________________________DS: _____________________________________________ Local Pastor Registrar: ________________________________Do you need MSCOS to reserve Cabot Lodge lodging for you? (Includes both COS weekends.) Double Room ($90) Roommate Preference: _________________________________________________________Single Room ($180) No Lodging Reservation Required_______________________________________________________________ _________________________________Signature of District Superintendent Date_______________________________________________________________ _________________________________Signature of Local Pastor Registrar Date_______________________________________________________________ _________________________________Signature of Student Date***By signing above, I, the student, confirm that I have read and agree to the policies and guidelines of the MSCOS School as outlined in the most recent 2018 MSCOS brochure/catalog found online at the Center for Ministry website.Focus Year ↓Biblical StudiesTheology & HistoryParish MinistryPastoral LeadershipYear One CoursesCOS 121: Bible IIntroduction(Formerly COS 111)Rev. Aislinn Kopp[Fall Session]COS 122: Theological Heritage I: Introduction(Formerly COS 112)Rev. Ricky Georgetown [Winter Session]COS 123: Formation & Discipleship(Formerly COS 213)Rev. Dr. Jim Porter[Spring Session]COS 124:TransformativeLeadership(Don’t take if you have taken COS 113)Rev. Steve Casteel [Summer Session]Year Two CoursesCOS 221: Bible II: Torah & Israel’s History(Formerly COS 211)Rev. Elizabeth Henry[Fall Session]COS 222: Theological Heritage II: Early Church(Formerly COS 212)Rev. Dr. Shelli Poe [Spring Session]COS 223: Worship and Sacraments(Formerly COS 413)Rev. Dr. Chris McAlillyRev. Sarah Jo Adams -Wilson[Summer Session]COS 224:Administration and Polity(Formerly COS 114)Rev. Kevin Carter[Winter Session]Year Three CoursesCOS 321: Bible III:Gospels(Formerly 311)Rev. Dr. EricPridmore[Spring Session]COS 322: TheologicalHeritage III:Medieval/Reformation(Formerly COS 312)Dr. Fred Laurenzo [Winter Session]COS 323: Congregational Care(Formerly COS 314)Rev. Dr. DorothyDickson-Rishel[Fall Session]COS 324: Preaching(Formerly COS 214)Rev. Cynthia Cross[Summer Session]Year Four CoursesCOS 421: Bible IV:Prophets, Psalms &Wisdom(Formerly COS 411)Rev. Dr. Eddie Mahaffey [Fall Session]COS 422: TheologicalHeritage IV:Wesleyan Movement(Formerly COS 412)Rev. Dr. Ricky James[Spring Session]COS 423: Mission(Formerly COS 513)Rev. Dr. Stephen Cook[Summer Session]COS 424: Ethics(Formerly COS 414Rev. Dr. Tom Atkins[Spring Session]Year Five CoursesCOS 521: Bible V:Acts, Epistles &Revelation(Formerly COS 511)Rev. Dr. Chuck Meador[Fall Session]COS 522: Theology in the Contemporary Church(Formerly COS 512)Rev. Dr. Shelli Poe[Winter Session]COS 523: Evangelism(Formerly COS 313)Rev. Leanne Burris [Summer Session]COS 524: TheologicalReflections: PracticeOf Ministry(Formerly COS 514)Rev. Mike Hicks[Winter Session]2020 Curriculum and Course Schedule**Students should take the courses in this curriculum in a specific order, beginning with year one courses and culminating with year five courses. COS 121 and 122 are prerequisites for all other courses. If you feel you need to make an exception to this practice, please contact the director of the Center for Ministry. MSCOS administrators reserve the right to refuse enrollment in a course for which they do not believe a student is ready. MSCOS reserves the right to alter this schedule and/or faculty roster as needed at any time. ................

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