George Mason University

My Portfolio

Section 1 LESSON PLANs


Intern – G.V. Rajshekhar Rao Grade level – 11th

Title – Poem (Medusa) Date – 07/24/07

Objectives: - The students will read and analyze relationship among American literature, history and culture. Students will analyze the poetic elements of contemporary and traditional poems.

Materials for learning activities: - In order to learn these activities the textbook “Elements of American Literature” will be used along with a book of keywords reflecting similar rhyme-schemes and use of similar poetic devices to make the children aware of the same.

Procedures for learning: - As a part of introduction, first the poem will be read out as a whole, and then students will be asked to read the poem themselves as silent-reading, which will be followed by individual as well as group discussion on the content.

Assessment: - After completion of the poem a quiz will be organized based on the poem to test their comprehension. Separate short-answer questions will be given to test their familiarity with the taught poetic devices.

Differentiation: - Students will be divided into two groups of higher and lower level and separate discussions will be organized to tone-up with their understanding. Individual comprehension will also be given due consideration.

Reflection: - Once poem is completed a review class can be taken up and students will be given opportunity to place their self-opinion on the poem from their point of view. Hence poem can also be re-shaped.


Intern – G.V. Rajshekhar Rao Grade level – 11th

Title : writing Essay Date – 07/26/07

Objectives: - The students will write in variety of forms with an emphasis on persuasion, Generate , gather plans and organize ideas for writing, Develop a focus for writing organize ideas in logical manner. Elaborate ideas clearly and accurately.

Materials for learning activities: A model essay, “Tomorrow will be a better day” will be circulated to the students. They will be asked to listen an audio-record of the essay before asking them to write.

Procedures for learning: - Silent reading of the essay individually followed by listening of audio session. After completing these two steps 10 minutes discussion on the essay will take place. The students will be asked to write on the same topic relating their own experiences.

Assessment: - Having collected all the essays of the students , these essays will be assessed on the basis of the accuracy, fluency and content and accordingly they will be graded.

Differentiation: - Every individual experience will be discussed. Slow learners will be encouraged to read some suggested essays on similar topics and also get them connected to their own experience.

Reflection: - Having observed their learning, students will be provided with similar audio versions of essays on which they can reflect their personal experience.


Intern – G.V. Rajshekhar Rao Grade level – 11th

Title – prose lesson Date – 07/31/07

Objectives: The students will acquire knowledge of the teaching items comparative degree like as high as, taller than etc. The students will also comprehend the subject matter of the unit. Develop ability in listening and reading comprehension.

Materials for learning activities: Picture of a very old lady with wrinkled face, picture of river and scene of flood, a big poster of an army troop, a picture of battle scenes.

Procedures for learning: - Recalls the language items already learnt. The students will able to recognize the new vocabulary and teaching items. Locate important facts and ideas. Silent reading followed by group discussion.

Assessment: - After completion of every paragraph, some short questions will be asked to students based on the topic taught in order to test their comprehension, which will be followed by group discussion.

Differentiation: - After completion of the unit students will be divided into small groups and will be asked to jot down their doubts and questions for further clarifications so that the whole topic can be revised as per the needs of students.

Reflection: - Students will be given to comment on individual topics which will be discussed and analyzed in the class to reach to unanimous conclusion of the content taught.


Intern – G.V. Rajshekhar Rao Grade level – 11th

Title – Prose lesson Date – 08/02/07

Objectives: - Students will be introduced to the topic “The price of flowers” with the relevant explanation of characters which played different role in reading out the theme: students will also learn to frame new words as their own relevant derivatives.

Materials for learning activities: - The textbook, posters of some tomb-stones or cemetery where people pay homage/picture of Floral tribute. Poster of a small girl in tattered clothes, pictures of restaurant.

Procedures for learning: Paragraph wise model reading will be done then the students will be allowed to read silently. Unfamiliar words or phrases to be marked or underlined. Discussion will take place on long answer. Topic for group discussion will be assigned.

Assessment: - Students will be asked to write a notice. Students will be asked to write their own stories and also asked to write comments on those stories in the light of the characters of a short story.

Differentiation: - Slow learners will be given some starters/clues to go for group discussion. Slow learners will be asked at least to collect their thoughts while fast learners will arrange those thoughts in right order to make a meaningful story.

Reflection: - At the end the ability of writing to be evaluated by giving drafts with the help of comparative analysis.


Intern – G.V. Rajshekhar Rao Grade level – 11th

Title – Oral lesson Date – 08/02/07

Objectives: - Acquire knowledge and develop understanding of more, fewer, less than most, fewest, least. Develops skill in listening and speaking.

Materials for learning activities: - Books, ink-bottles and composition note-books.

Procedures for learning: - Recalls the teaching item already learned, recognize the new teaching item and use them in different meaningful situations.

Assessment: - Students will be asked to fill the blanks with suitable words given in the brackets.

Differentiation: - A question of contextual content will be given which the pupils are expected to answer in their own words. Process writing and paragraphing will be done by the students.

Reflection: - The learning outcome of the students to be discussed in class based on their individual point of view and understanding of content.


Lesson Plan 5

Topic: Presentation of Qurghonteppa

Aim: to review/develop knowledge of students regarding Tajikistan, improve speaking skills, enlarge vocabulary.

Materials: Information on the topic, posters, map of Tajikistan, booklets, projector, computer, chalk-board and other class equipments


1. Warm Up. Asking questions (10 minutes)

I will begin my lesson with question regarding Tajikistan:

1) Where is it situated?

2) What countries does it border with?

3) What are the largest cities of Tajikistan?

4) What is the capital of Tajikistan?

5) What is the state language of Tajikistan?

6) Name the colors of the state flag of Tajikistan?

7) How do you think, how much does it take to reach Tajikistan from USA?

8) Do you like Tajikistan? Why?

9) What does mean “Dushanbe” in English?

10) How many percent of the Tajikistan’s land is mountainous?

2. Presentation (25 minutes)

1. Powerpoint presentation (15 minutes)

I’ll begin my presentation by the help of computer and projector prepared in advance. During the presentation I give a brief information on Tajikistan, and furthermore I tell about the Qurghonteppa city. The information I’m going to present covers history, culture, holidays and so on regarding Tajik people.

2. Discussion.

After the presentation is finished, I ask students to share their opinions, questions with me. I want to held a discussion regarding presented topic.

3. Practice/Practice(25 minutes)

I give the students the task to read the sentences and say whether it is “True” or “False”

Written Task: False or True. (15 minutes)

1. Tajikistan is situated in the North Hemisphere. _____________

2. The capital of Tajikistan is Kulob. __________________

3. Tajikistan borders with Uzbekistan in the West. ___________________

4. The temperature in Tajikistan is above 13 C in summer. ____________________

5. Tajikistan doesn’t border on China 430 km. ______________________

6. English is official language of the country. ________________

7. The national flag consists of 2 colors. __________________

8. The total length of border is 143.1 square km. ________________

9. Emomali Rahmon is not the president of the Republic of Tajikistan. ________________

10. “Dushanbe” means “Monday” in English.

After they have finished the work, we discuss the answes with whole group.

At the end I dissaminate the booklets prepared by me to the students.

Lesson Plan Format

Intern: Ruchi Goyal Grade Level: 10th Grade

Title: The First War of Independence (1857) Date: 07/31/2007

I. Objectives

To make the students aware about the causes & effects of the first war of independence in India in 1857.

To sensitize the students for those who sacrificed their lives for the Indian freedom struggle.

II. Materials for Learning Activities

Photographs of freedom fighters, PowerPoint presentation, documentaries & movies on freedom struggle, etc.

III. Procedures for Learning Activities

1. Teacher will introduce the lesson by showing the photos of freedom fighters & she will ask the students whether they can recognize them & brief out their character sketch.

2. She will start the explanation with the establishment of East India Company in 1600 AD & its economic, political & social effects.

3. Now she will give the detail account of the causes of the first war of independence- political causes, religious causes, economic causes & military causes.

4. Then she will explain in detail the immediate cause i.e. the greased cartridges episode.

5. Students will be shown the movie Mangal Pandey- the hero of first war of independence.

6. After the movie she will teach them about the causes of the failure of the war of 1857.

7. Lastly she will explain the effects of the first war of independence.

8. Entire lesson will be taught with the help of the teaching aids mentioned above.

9. In the cultural activities students can dramatize this episode.

IV. Assessment

1. Every day in the beginning of the lesson students should be asked drill or recap questions.

2. Every second day small objective type exercised should be given, this should be based on the previous two days topics covered.

3. In the last to assess the entire unit a question answer session should be conducted.

V. Differentiation

1. According to the needs of the different students topics should be taught with the help of the pictures & power point presentation so that the clarity of the topics will be better.

2. Students who have difficulty in learning spellings should be given concession.

VI. Reflection

With the help of teaching & learning aids the topic is very interesting.

Students will become emotional after watching the movies on freedom struggle.

A sort of platform will be developed to teach further about Indian Freedom Struggle.

Lesson Plan

Teacher: Olga Oliynyk

Title: Britney Spears “Baby One More Time”

I. Objectives

SWAT: - to practice listening skills

- to practice asking and answering Wh-questions

- to practice speaking skills

- to practice reading skills

II. Materials for Learning Activities

• Tape recorder, recorded song

• Hand-outs

• Role play cards

National/State/Local Standards

• National Ukrainian Standards


Introduction: (10 min)

1) Teacher plays the song

Instructional strategies: (45 min)

• Sts read the text and working in pairs fill in the gaps asking and answering questions.

Student A.

Britney Jean Spears was born in rural ____a)______ (Kentwood) on December 2, 1981, to Jamie and Lynne Spears. As a child, Britney attended ____b)__ classes, and she was great at gymnastics, winning many competitions and the like. But, most of all, Britney loved to __c)__. At the age of __d)_, Britney tried out for "MMC" , but was turned down due to her young age. This directed her to an off-Broadway show, "Ruthless", for a 2-year run as the title character. At the age of 11, she again tried for “__e)__” and this time made it as a mouseketeer along side many stars of today (Justin Timberlake and Ryan Gosling). Her big ____f)___, however, came when she was signed as a Jive Recording Artist in the late 90s. With the release of her debut album, "..._______g)________" in early 1999, Britney became an international success, selling 13 million copies of "Baby" and __h)_ million (as of July 2001) of her sophomore album, "Oops!...I Did It Again," released in __i)__ of 2000.

Student B.

Britney Jean Spears was born in rural Louisiana (Kentwood) on December 2, __1)__, to Jamie and Lynne Spears. ___2)____, Britney attended dance classes, and she was great at _____3)___, winning many competitions and the like. But, most of all, Britney loved to sing. At age of 8, Britney tried out for "MMC" , but was turned down due to her ___4)__. This directed her to an off-Broadway show, "___5)___", for a 2-year run as the title character. At the age of 11, she again tried for "MMC" and this time made it as a _____6)_____ along side many stars of today (Justin Timberlake and Ryan Gosling). Her big break, however, came when she was signed as a Jive Recording Artist in the late 90s. With the release of her debut album, "...Baby One More Time" in early __7)____, Britney became an international success, selling _8)__ million copies of "Baby" and 9 million (as of July 2001) of her sophomore album, "Oops!...I Did It Again," released in May of __9)____.

• Sts match the words and their definitions

|loneliness |The state of being lonely |

|Reason |A basis or circumstance explaining some belief, action, fact, or |

| |event |

|Breathe |To inhale and exhale air in respiration |

|Sign |A motion or gesture used to convey an idea, command, etc. |

|Confess |To admit or reveal a secret, fault etc. |

• There are some lines that aren’t correct. Sts put an X beside the 10 lines that they think do not belong to the song.

|Oh baby baby |In ghosts and hell |

|Oh baby baby |When I’m not with you I lose my mind |

|Oh baby baby |My wallet and my keys |

|Why did you leave me and go |Give me a sign |

|How was I supposed to know |Remember the car is mine and |

|That you were in Korea |Hit me baby one more time. |

|That something wasn’t right here | |

| |Oh baby baby |

|Oh baby baby |The reason to breathe is you |

|I shouldn’t have let you go |Although I have asma |

|And now you’re out of sight, yes |Boy you’ve got me blinded |

|You’ve become invisible |Oh baby baby |

| |There’s nothing that I wouldn’t do |

|Show me |That’s not they way I planned it |

|How you want it to be |I wanted all your money |

|Tell me baby | |

|Do you want an ice cream |Show me |

|Cause I need to know now |How you want it to be |

|Because |Tell me baby |

| |Cause I need to know now |

|My loneliness |What’s your real name |

|Is killing me (and I) | |

|I must confess |REPEAT: MY LONELINESS… |

|I still believe (still believe) |REPEAT and REPEAT |

• Sts listen and check their guesses.

• After listening. Role Play. PERSUASION. Sts get cards and find their partners.

They should follow instructions given on their cards.

|You are Bruce Willis. Find Demi Moore and persuade her to |You are Demi Moore. Bruce Willis finds you and tries to |

|come back with you: |persuade to come back with him. You still love him but you are |

|“PLEASE, I want to marry you again” |tired of problems in your family life: |

|“Forgive me” |“Sorry, I don’t believe you any longer” |

|etc… |“I am tired” |

| |etc… |

|You are LUIS MIGUEL. Find Britney Spears and persuade her to |You are BRITNEY SPEARS. Luis Miguel wants to talk to you, |

|marry you. Tell her you can record an album together!! Luis |but you are tired of his crazy ideas and you don’t want to |

|and Britney is the title of the album!! |discuss them with him. Though you don’t want to hurt him so you|

| |are trying to be very polite. |

|You are a journalist. You are interested in all the gossip |You are a journalist. You are interested in all the gossip |

|about famous people. Listen to the conversations and take |about famous people. Listen to the conversations and take |

|notes for your newspaper. You need to find the hottest News!! |notes for your newspaper. You need to find the hottest News!! |

|Move around and create the most important NEWS of the year!! |Move around and create the most important NEWS of the year!! |

|You are a fan of Brad Pitt and you are crazy about him!!!! |You are a fan of Brad Pitt and you are crazy about him!!!! |

|Find him and tell about your love. Ask him for a romantic|Find him and tell about your love. Ask him to your |

|date this evening. Do not accept any excuses! |birthday party this evening. Do not accept any excuses!!! |

|You are BRAD PITT and you have a secret: you are a Homosexual.| |

|Don’t tell your secret but don’t accept any woman. | |

|Give then excuses!! | |

IV. Assessment

Sts can present their dialogues in front of the group and evaluate each other’s performance.

V. Extension

• Sts can explore what the singer meant in her song. The article presented below is one of the views on this question. The table gives the paraphrasing of this song according to this point of view. Sts can read the article and paraphrasing and discuss it in groups.

Britney Spears' sordid past

Background: prior to her release of "Hit me baby one more time", Britney Spears spent time in an undisclosed drug rehabilitation clinic, trying to kick her various addictions. Eventually she was allowed out and got a recording contract with Jive Records, allowing her to start life anew.

However, the drug problem was never far away. She wrote her feelings in a track titled "Hit me baby one more time", an ironic reference to the feelings she went through when she felt as though she just needed one more "hit" before quitting.

Originally the record executives were against the song, feeling that it would ruin the "good girl" persona which had been written for her. However, the song was remarkably reminiscent of the usual mindless pap churned out by pop stars, and so nobody suspected the truth. Until now.

Following the release of the song, Britney had a relapse and had to return to rehab. To stop people being suspicious, a false rumour was passed around that Britney was off having breast implants, which served to distract people from discovering the truth.

|Lyric |Meaning |

|Oh baby baby |At first she didn't notice the problems that the drugs were causing her - she didn't know that things weren't |

|How was I supposed to know|right. |

| | |

|that somethin' wasn't | |

|right here | |

|Oh baby baby |She feels bad after kicking the drugs the first time - however, the drugs are "out of sight" but not out of |

|I shouldn't have let you |mind. |

|go | |

|And now you're out of | |

|sight, yeah | |

|Chorus |She is letting the drugs take control. |

|Show me | |

|How you want it to be | |

|Tell me baby | |

|'cause I need to know now | |

|Oh, because |She is feeling down, going through withdrawal. |

|My loneliness | |

|Is killing me (and I) | |

|I must confess |Ambiguous - what does she "still believe"? |

|I still believe (still | |

|believe) | |

|When I'm not with you I |Drug withdrawal is causing her to hallucinate. |

|lose my mind | |

|Give me a sign |She feels that she needs someone to tell her that what she is doing is okay. |

|Hit me baby one more time |"Taking a hit" is a drug euphemism; the "one more time" part is reminiscent of the "just one more" mentality of |

| |many people when trying to give up an addiction. |

|Oh baby baby |In the depths of desparation, drugs are the only thing that keeps her going. |

|The reason I breathe is | |

|you | |

|Boy you've got me blinded | |

|Oh baby baby |She is willing to go to extreme lengths to get drug money. |

|There's nothin' that I | |

|wouldn't do | |

|It's not the way I planned|She didn't mean to fall into this life. |

|it | |

|Chorus | |

|Oh baby baby |She didn't realise what the drugs would do to her when she started. |

|Oh baby baby | |

|Oh baby baby | |

|How was I supposed to know| |

|oh baby baby |She feels so bad now that she wishes she had never tried to quit. |

|I shouldn't have let you | |

|go | |

|Chorus | |

• Sts can conduct a research on the Internet looking for other interpretations.

VI. Reflection

This lesson is good for motivation. Practically everybody heard this song at least once and for sure everybody knows the name Britney Spears. So it appeals to their background knowledge and at the same time is a great opportunity to practice their listening skills.


| |When I’m not with you I lose my mind |

|Oh baby baby |Give me a sign -- hit me baby one more time. |

|Oh baby baby | |

| |Oh baby baby |

|Oh baby baby |Oh baby baby |

|How was I surprised to know | |

|That something wasn’t right here |Oh baby baby |

|Oh baby baby |How was I supposed to know |

|I shouldn’t have let you go |Oh baby baby |

|And now you’re out of sight, yes |I shouldn’t have let you go--- |

| | |

|Show me |I must confess |

|How you want it to be |That my loneliness |

|Tell me baby |Is killing me now--- |

|Cause I need to know now |Don’t you know I still believe |

|Because |That you will be here |

| |And give me a sign |

|My loneliness |Hit me baby one more time. |

|Is killing me (and I) | |

|I must confess |My loneliness |

|I still believe (still believe) |Is killing me (and I) |

|When I’m not with you I lose my mind |I must confess |

|Give me a sign— |I still believe (still believe) |

|Hit me baby one more time. |When I’m not with you I lose my mind |

| |Give me a sign |

|Oh baby baby |Hit me baby one more time. |

|The reason to breathe is you | |

|Boy you’ve got me blinded |I must confess |

|Oh baby baby |(my loneliness) |

|There’s nothing that I wouldn’t do |that my loneliness |

|That’s not they way I planned it |(is killing me) |

| |Is killing me now |

|Show me |(I must confess) |

|How you want it to be |Don’t you know I still believe |

|Tell me baby |(I still believe) |

|Cause I need to know now |that you will be here |

|What’s the cause | |

| |and give me a sign— |

|My loneliness |HIT ME BABY ONE MORE TIME. |

|Is killing me (and I) | |

|I must confess | |

|I still believe (still believe) | |

Lesson Plan 4

This lesson plan is based on the Column Response Strategy observed during the field work. I plan to apply the interesting aspects of this method while teaching Newspaper Report to my students in India.

Intern: RASHMI MAKHIJA Grade Level: XI and XII

Title: Newspaper Report Date:

Prior knowledge:

Students read newspapers and hence are aware of the concept called newspaper report

I. Objectives

1) To enhance the students’ reading skills.

2) To enable the students to understand the features of a newspaper report.

3) To enable the students to write a short newspaper report

II. Materials for Learning Activities

1) Newspapers 2) OHP Transparency or Powerpoint presentation

III. Procedures for Learning Activities

1. Teacher asks the students to get previous day’s newspaper.

2. Teacher explains the points to be noted while reading the report.

3. Teacher asks the students to select the report of their choice.

4. Teacher discusses if the students have any queries.

5. Teacher asks the students to read the selected newspaper report carefully and identify the following features.

• Striking features about the headline

• Date, city,newspaper reporter,newsagency

• Comparison between the headline and the first paragraph of the report.

• Characteristics of the main body of the report( tense, details, facts etc)

6. Teacher discusses the features observed by the students and adds to it if any point is missing.

IV. Assessment

• Teacher shows another report on the slide and asks the students to point out the features.

• Written work-Teacher gives a headline and asks the students to write a report.

V. Differentiation

• Teacher asks the students to get newspaper of their choice and select a report of their choice to cater to different language abilities and interests.

• Teacher individually helps weak students to identify the features with the help of appropriate cues.

• Teacher asks the bright students to compare the newspaper report with an article in the newspaper.

VI. Reflection

• Teacher can make the required changes depending upon the availability of the required resources.

Rashmi Makhija, India

York Town High School

Lesson Plan Format

Intern: Uzma Aamir Grade Level: 10

Title: The Age of Revolutions Date: 7.31.07

I. Objectives; The students will

• Learn when the first upheaval took place in France

• How romantic imagination and National feeling emerged

• Describe the causes of the Silesian weavers uprising.

II. Materials for Learning Activities:

• Markers, poster paper, chalkboard

III. Procedures for Learning Activities: Group work using visual and oral presentation

• The class will be divided into different groups. Each group will be given a topic of the chapter to read and will be given 20 minutes to bullet the points on their notebook.

• They will then discuss their points and one student will list down the points with the use of color markers on poster paper.

• Each group will then put up their posters on the walls and the teacher will ask each group to go to the others group poster and take notes of their topic.

• After going back to their respective place the poster will be presented by one students from each group in front of the whole class.

• The students will continue noting any missing points and will ask questions.

• All topics of the prescribed leson wll be covered in this way and the teacher will clarify any missing points.

IV. Assessment:

Based on the activity the teacher will give out a worksheet to fill in the missing words and the students will do it without consulting books. The teacher will grade the sheets and evaluate the students.

V. Differentiation

The students will be divided into two groups of fast and slow learners. The teacher will do this discreetly without pointing out this fact. The teacher will sit with the weaker group and help them out with their worksheet. The brighter students can be asked to do self study and compare their answers with the other students.

VI. Reflection

The students could be totally involved in this activity both individually and as a group. The effect of this activity is that there is visual and oral work and the students are engaged throughout the lesson in research and learning


Portfolio Strategy Sheet

Choose a method or strategy that you have learned about or observed during field experience.

1. Name of method or strategy:

The method or strategy which was observed by me was based on listening, intensive reading. Later students were asked questions by the teacher to check their comprehension followed by questions on drafting.

2 When is this method or strategy useful?

This method is very useful when we want the students to develop their all four language skills together in a single period.

3 Why or how is this method or strategy useful?

This method is quite useful because this gives ample chance to the students to exercise their mind and allows them to express their thoughts freely.

4 What are the steps involved in using this strategy or method?

This method involves individual silent reading .This also gives enough scope to the students to use their imagination at full and turn into real action of thoughts.

5 When would this method or strategy be useful in your setting?

This method would be useful when the strength of my class is also reduced to15-20 maximum supported by required classroom equipments.

6 What would you like other teachers in your school to know about this method or strategy?

I will present a model teaching in front of my colleagues and want them to concentrate on my teaching technique so that if once they are convinced certainly they would like to follow and also implement in their respective classes.

Portfolio Strategy Sheet

Choose a method or strategy that you have learned about or observed during field experience.

1. Name of method or strategy:----Student centered learning as students actively involved and the teacher acts as felicitator.

2. When is this method or strategy useful?---Since this gives wider scope to the students to repond and act in more critical and analytical way.—hence this would be more useful in my class.

3. Why or how is this method or strategy useful. ----This method is absolutely beneficial to students as it enhances their confidence to apply their original thoughts.---

4. What are the steps involved in using this strategy or method?

The steps which are involved in this strategy are initial introduction of the topic by teacher then students are given fixed time to go through the content of their own and finally it is followed by group discussion or analysis of the content as a whole in the classroom itself.

5. When would this method or strategy be useful in your setting?

This method would be useful in my setting if we manage to reduce the strength of class from 45-50 to 15-20 atleast.

6. What would you like other teachers in your school to know about this method or strategy?

I like my teachers to observe the strategy first through my model teaching them then apply on experiment basis. I am sure this would be quite successful and reflect more fruitful result.

Portfolio Strategy Sheet

Choose a method or strategy that you have learned about or observed during field experience.

2. Name of method or strategy:


3. When is this method or strategy useful?

To know Sts’ prior knowledge to any specific topic, to raise Sts’ interest to the lesson, to gain a lot of information from Sts

4. Why or how is this method or strategy useful?

• Sts produce a torrent of verbal thoughts

• Brainstorming can be about anything: words for poems, ideas for developing group projects and so on.

• Sts share whatever comes to mind that is relevant

• No put downs or criticisms of any idea

• Every idea counts, original thoughts

5. What are the steps involved in using this strategy or method?

• Clear objectives and instructions

• Write the ideas, opinions on the board ( you can use outline, mini-map, Venn diagram, cluster and others

• Accept everyone’s ideas

• Group the ideas

• Invite Sts to reflect on the ideas

6. When would this method or strategy be useful in your setting?

This strategy helps me to know more about my Sts knowledge, to let Sts express themselves freely, even slow Sts can take part and develop self-confident, it leads to communication.

7. What would you like other teachers in your school to know about this method or strategy?

It enables Ts to know more about Sts’ prior knowledge, it develops Sts’ thinking skills, it helps Ts to involve even weak Sts to the learning process.

Portfolio Strategy Sheet 4 Veneeta narula

Choose a method or strategy that you have learned about or observed during field experience.

1. Name of method or strategy:

Talk Show

2. When is this method or strategy useful?

• This strategy is particularily useful for the bright students who require challenging task.

• For peer group teaching

3. Why or how is this method or strategy useful?

This gives them the feel of near real life situation .

motivates them to read the text and understand

to Simulate

gives them the confidence to face the interview/ talk shows

peer group teaching

4. what are the steps involved in using this strategy or method?

• Brief the students about the lessons

• Discuss with them the background of the character

• Assign the roles to be played by the students ( a moderator’interviewer,and the narrator,his wifeand children)

• Students present the talk show

• The students become the audience of the talk show and ask them the questions

• Later reflective questions are asked and discussed to test theis critical thinking.

5. When would this method or strategy be useful in your setting?

After the lesson is discussed

for better insights in to the characters

to train them for facing the interviews

6. What would you like other teachers in your school to know about this method or strategy?

a. A good activity to engage bright students

b. peer group teaching

c helps them to utilize their bodily kinesthetic, interpersonal ,intrapersonal, linguistic and logical intelligences


REASEARCH QUESTION----What can I do to improve the spoken fluency and pronunciation of my 9-12 grade students,as this aspect is usually neglected in my school since the school is located in one of the coalmines areas and majority of the students belong to uneducated parents.


COUNTRY----------- INDIA


INTRODUCTION----The name my school where I have been teaching for the last 15 years is D.A V.Public school ,where D Stands for –DAYANAND,AStands for-ANGLO and V-Stands for VEDIC.In our country India approximately there are more than 900 D.A V Public schools all across the country excluding D.A.V.Colleges,D.A.V.Technical institutions,D.A.V.Vocational centers and D.A.V.Pharmacy and ayurvedic colleges all run by D.A.V. college managing committee NEW DELHI under one umbrella.

As far as my school is concerned ,my school came into existence in the year 1991 at one of the coal mines projects of south eastern coalfields limited known as KUSMUNDA PROJECT in korba district of CHATTISGARH state.

When the school in kusmunda project area was opened it used to cater education to the students of lower kinder garden to grade 9only,but eventually during the past 15 years the school has scaled new heights in almost all fields and now the school provides education to 1300students from lower kinder garden to grade 12 senior secondary level.

My school offers education to our students in various disciplines of courses including science,commerce and humanities,along with computer education and physical education as well.

When I count the infrastructure of my school ,my school building is big enough and quite spacious which is presently equipped with 36classrooms,one library,one computer laboratory ,one music room one sportsroom one children park and a huge playground.

As far as teaching faculty and staff is concerned ,in my school 48teachers for various disciplines are there excluding the principal and office staff/group-D employees.

The average students strength per class is usually between 35-40 students per class.and the usual school hours is approximately six and a half hours per day and six days a week.In one academic year normal school working days comes to 205 days per year.

Our school follows co-education system where both boys and girls are enrolled .The child when initially admitted in the school he should be three and a half to four and a half years old and when he passes senior secondary grade 12 he reaches the age of seventeen and half years old.

Majority of my students are from labour/operator category while a few belong to officers/executive category.If we count in percentage around 75./.from labour category while only 25./.are from executive category.

Having focused on the description of school now I am going to highlight the problem which led me to propose this research.

The major problem of my students at this moment is that being students of an English medium public school, majority of my students from grade 9 to 12 are unable to speak fluent English as a result most of them are quite afraid to face national as well as global challenges when they step out of the school after passing their secondary grade12 class.This problem of weak fluency in spoken English is especially with our senior students but not the junior students of primary and middle levels.

The main cause of this weak fluency in spoken English which reflect in my mind may be due to the shyness and hesitation of committing the mistakes in the use of the language and also our students are of the view that English is a foreign language hence it must be a difficult language to learn.

As far as my thinking over this issue is concerned this problem must be solved at once or else this may aggravate further in the years to come. Therefore keeping this burning issue in view I propose to work over this specific issue so that I may find some magic-knock through which I will be able to contribute something to reduce the stress of my students and encourage them to speak English without any fear or hesitation no matter how many mistake they committee.

As far as ethical implications of my study is concerned I strongly believe that there is nothing in this world that the child can’t learn. Hence it is only the question that why and what we want of our children. when the goal is set and methods are laid out then no obstacle can stop us to touch the height of zenith. At this point I also want to tickle the sense that spoken fluency can very easily be enhanced only by concentrated listening and constant imitation of model speech. If this approach is followed then the day is not far when our students stare speaking like a running water. If I knock this method probably my students may learn more effectively and in due course of time they may overcome this fear and hesitation and feel more confident in spoken English.

Having adopted the above mentioned strategy I am confident that my proposed study will certainly meet the required ethical implications especially in classroom and school premises.


As far as research and reviewing of published studies related to my research topic is concerned I will have to browse and scan all such information in the internet and other available electronic documents which may co-relate to my own working conditions and the circumstances which I experience. Moreover it will give me a common platform to discuss ,raise and implement issues and plans which are related to the students of same category in the whole world who come across the same problem.

I can also be benefited having gone through some of the most significant published studies which will not only open our eyes to face the similar problems but also reflect some common applicable solutions to the issues which are common in nature throughout the globe. I can also collect numerous web-site addresses through which I can extract the relevant information which may be of immense use to me in my own environment and my existing conditions.

However, the key-words ,which may guide my research may be emphasis to student-centered learning, role of motivation and inspiration ,believing one’s own confidence caliber and potency a notion according to which ‘every individual is a unique one in the whole universe and many more key-words of motivation ,growth, and ultimate excellence.

As far as peer-review and empirical studies related to my topic is concerned I have already applied some listening-tests based on audio sounds ,dialogues .I have also conducted a series of competitions for students in debate, extempore and speeches, which might certainly have helped them to a certain extent.


As far as following of procedures to collect and analyze data is concerned I can go for observation of a particular section of students in order to observe their spoken English for a stipulated time frame i.e.for two or four weeks .The places of observation may be different classrooms, school premises, playgrounds, auditoriums even outside the school premises.

In addition to this I can also conduct some listening-tests, for various categories of students in frequent intervals and later their performances can be scaled and evaluated.

Apart from the above two procedures I can also conduct a spell of interviews in frequent intervals for different students of mixed or individual groups and can come out to certain conclusion after finding the extracts of their interview which will not only throw out their reflection about the problems of spoken English but it may expose some remedies to tackle the issue in efficient way without shaking their confidence and spirit of learning

While assessing the validity and reliability of my data I can come out with some factual figures of their real life experience which will certainly make me understand about the real obstacle and hinderers of my students in learning English.

Hence I can also add some relevant measures to my teaching in order to get cent percent positive results based on my real field work experience.

In order to get triangular effect I may adopt similar strategy in other schools of my surroundings during the span of my research so that it will give me an opportunity to compare the results of my students with the results of other students in the same locality and same environment.

In order to analyze my findings I can use any of the suggested methods like descriptive or statistical data by conducting simple test which may be possible in my own setting of the school.

In order to present my research report I can use pie-charts/ diagrams or graphical presentation to reflect the gist of the research.


Once I complete my thorough study in the area which I highlighted above I will fix-up a time frame for its practical implementation first in my own school.

Having completed the fix time slot I will observe and go through my own findings and results. When I come to know about the performance of my students after completion of my research later I can implement the same strategies in our other D A V schools too so we can have a comparative analysis of my research outcomes and it will give me a chance to have an insight about further development.

However after completion of my research I can share my research studies and its findings with my colleagues first and then I can also share with teachers and educationists of my area by organizing seminars and workshops and guests talk on my research . Further it can also be expanded, approaching print and electronic media to place the research work in the hands of mass and persons of educational fields at large.

Memories of School Internship





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