Essay Rubric for Cooper Essays – 11th grade English

Essay Rubric for Cooper Essays – 11th grade English

| |Advanced |Proficient |Basic |Below Basic |

|Content |20pts |15 pts. |10pts. |5pts. |

| |Essay contains correct organization, |Essay contains correct organization, |Essay uses clear introduction with |Essay uses clear beginning middle and |

| |clear introduction with effective |has “hook” and clear introduction with|thesis statement and some attempt at |end; introduction is weak and body |

| |“hook” and strong thesis statement, |a strong thesis statement, has well |“hook”; developed body paragraphs with|paragraphs do not develop the writer’s|

| |well developed body paragraphs that |developed body paragraphs with details|some details elaboration and a clear |ideas or back up with detail; |

| |back up the main idea, excellent |that backs up the intro.; has |conclusion that restates the thesis |conclusion is not present or fails to |

| |details and elaboration that |conclusion that restates the thesis | |restate the thesis |

| |contribute to the reader’s experience |and ties to a larger idea | | |

| |and understanding; conclusion that | | | |

| |restates the thesis and ties to a | | | |

| |larger idea | | | |

|Style |20pts |15pts. |10pts. |5pts. |

| |Essay contains figurative language |Essay exhibits some figurative |Essay shows good vocabulary |Essay uses basic language and shows |

| |such as similes, metaphors, |language; and uses some sense of |development OR use of figurative |little or no development of craft or |

| |alliteration etc; Writer’s sense of |voice; vocabulary usage is above |language; writer is still not to the |care for the reader; writing is dull |

| |voice is clear and tone is crafted; |average and shows signs of |point of trying to entice the reader, |or too simple for age level |

| |“perfect” words are used with |craftsmanship; writer is trying to |but it writing for the self with | |

| |precision and care; writer clearly has|produce an interesting experience for |purpose | |

| |the reader in mind, and takes pride in|the reader | | |

| |language usage for the highest effect.| | | |

|Sentence Formation |20pts. |15pts. |10pts. |5pts. |

| |Essay shows evidence of all sentence |Essay shows evidence of at least 3 |Essay has some evidence of sentence |Essay has little or no evidence of |

| |types, varied sentence lengths, |sentence types, varied lengths |variation, but writer is not yet |revision or craft at the sentence |

| |differing sentence patterns and |and some embedding; writer attempted |crafting sentences with the reader in |level; writing is dull with little |

| |embedded clauses; writing is complex |to create interest for the reader |mind |variation in length or type or pattern|

| |and interesting | | |of sentences; little or no embedding |

| | | | |present |

|Usage |20pts. |15pts. |10pts. |5pts. |

| |Essay shows absolute command over |Essay shows clear understanding of |Essay shows some weaknesses in |Essay shows misunderstanding of the |

| |words and their meanings; homonyms are|words and their meanings and homonyms |understanding what words mean; |meaning of words or multiple incorrect|

| |mastered; subjects and verbs agree |are used correctly in most cases; |homonyms are used incorrectly; some |usages of common homonyms; errors in |

| | |subjects and verbs agree |errors in subject verb agreement |subject verb agreement |

|Mechanics |20pts. |15pts. |10pts. |5pts. |

| |Essay shows mastery of spelling, |Essay shows a few mistakes in |Essay has many errors in spelling, |Essay is far below grade expectation |

| |punctuation, capitalization |spelling, punctuation and |punctuation and capitalization |for spelling, punctuation and |

| | |capitalization | |capitalization |

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