Home Education Packet

School District of Baker County

Department of Student Services

In Florida, K-12 students and parents are afforded the right to educational choice. Florida’s fundamental educational choice options for parents of public school students, as authorized by Section 1002.20(6), Florida Statutes, include:

• Public school choice;

• Private school choice;

• Home education; and

• Private tutoring.

All children who have attained the age of 6 years or who will have attained the age of 6 years by February 1 of any school year or who are older than 6 years of age but who have not attained the age of 16 years, except as otherwise provided, are required to attend school regularly during the entire school term.

By enrolling your child in any one (1) of the four (4) above indicated school options, you will meet the compulsory and regular school attendance requirements for children between the ages of 6 and 16, according to section 1003.21, Florida Statutes.


Home education is an option for a growing number of parents. Some parents prepare their own materials and design their own programs of study, while others use materials produced by companies specializing in homeschool materials. Some take advantage of virtual school programs or other educational resources available on the Internet. Of course, exercising this option may require major changes in your family schedule. Teaching your children at home is an ambitious undertaking, requiring time, planning, creativity, and commitment.

According to section 1002.01 Florida Statutes, “a home education program” means the sequentially progressive instruction of a student directed by his or her parent in order to satisfy the attendance requirements of ss. 1002.41, 1003.01(13), and 1003.21(1).

“Sequentially progressive instruction” can be provided by a number of methods. As reflected in Florida Statute, a parent may:

• Instruct the student;

• Enroll the student in courses part-time in a public or private school;

• Enroll the student online in the Florida Virtual School;

• Enroll the student in correspondence courses;

• Hire a tutor, or

• Choose any other means that provides “sequentially progressive instruction” directed by the parent.

In any case, if a parent is participating in a home education program, as defined in the law, the parent is responsible for maintaining all records, including a portfolio, materials used, samples of work and educational logs.

Questions to Consider about Home Education

• Have you identified curriculum materials for your child, and how much they cost?

• Is there a suitable place for your child’s study and instruction?

• Do you, your spouse, or another homeschooling parent have adequate free time to be available to your homeschooling child?

• Do other families in your area homeschool their children?

• Is there a support group of homeschoolers near you?

• If you are interested in some outside instructional support, have you checked your local library, parks department, scouting organizations, public and private schools, and similar resources?

• Have you searched the Web for resources on instruction, legal issues, support groups, and other matters?

• Have you identified other resources you will need?


When you, as parent(s), choose to provide a home education program for your child(ren), you must assume all of the obligations and responsibilities inherent in that decision. Compliance with Florida Statutes governing home education, all costs of and decisions regarding your entire program including materials used, curriculum, books and manuals, transportation, and evaluations are your responsibility. The School District of Baker County provides no curriculum materials to home education parents. Current law does not prescribe a curriculum or course of study for home education programs.


According to F. S. 1002.41, to establish a Home Education program, YOU MUST:

1. Be the parent of a child who is of compulsory school age. (F.S. 1003.21 defines compulsory school age as a child six (6) years of age, or who will have attained the age of six (6) years by February 1 of that school year, but who has not attained the age of sixteen (16) years.)

2. The parent shall notify the Superintendent/Superintendent's Designee (Director of Student Services) of the county in which the parent resides of his/her intent to establish and maintain a home education program. The notice of intent shall be in writing, signed by the parent, and shall include the names, addresses, and birthdates, of all children who shall be enrolled as students in the home education program. The notice of intent may be a written letter or you may use the “Letter of Intent to Home Educate” located at the back of this packet. The notice shall be filed in the district office within 30 days of the establishment of the home education program.

3. The parent shall maintain a portfolio of records and materials. The portfolio shall consist of the following: (1) a log of educational activities that is made contemporaneously with the instruction and that designates by title any reading materials used. (2) Samples of any writings, worksheets, workbooks, or creative materials used or developed by the student.

The portfolio shall be preserved by the parent for 2 years and shall be made available for inspection by the Superintendent/Superintendent’s designee, upon 15 days written notice. Nothing in this section shall require the district school superintendent to inspect the portfolio.

4. The parent shall provide for an annual educational evaluation which documents the student’s demonstration of educational progress at a level commensurate with her or his ability. The parent shall select the method of evaluation and shall file a copy of the evaluation annually with the district office in the county in which the student resides. The annual educational evaluation shall consist of one of the following:

a. A teacher selected by the parent or guardian shall evaluate the student’s educational progress upon review of the portfolio and discussion with the student. Such teacher shall hold a valid regular Florida certificate to teach academic subjects at the elementary or secondary level;

b. The student shall take any nationally normed student achievement test administered by a certified teacher;

c. The student shall take a state student assessment test used by the school district and administered by a certified teacher, at a location and under testing conditions approved by the school district;

d. The student shall be evaluated by a psychologist holding a valid, active license pursuant to the provisions of s. 490.003(7) or (8); or

e. The student shall be evaluated with any other valid measurement tool as mutually agreed upon by the school superintendent/designee of the district in which the student resides and the student’s parent.

A copy of the evaluation, or test results, must be furnished to the District Superintendent's designee ANNUALLY. (If you choose to avail yourself of a district-wide test, you must notify the school two weeks prior to the testing date, so that the school has time to order additional tests, if needed.)

5. Furnish all books and curriculum materials. Student textbooks for use in your home education program may be purchased from the Florida School Book Depository, 1125 North Ellis Road, Jacksonville, Florida 32236. Other sources can be found on the School Choice Website, .

The School District will not provide curriculum guides, review sheets or teacher-edition textbooks. Correspondence schools may serve only in the capacity of providing the curriculum for your home education program. The parent/guardian must provide the instruction. Information on curriculum may be obtained from:

Office of Independent Education and Parental Choice

Florida Department of Education

325 West Gaines Street, 532-FEC

Tallahassee, Florida 32399

(850) 245-0502

6. Notify the District Superintendent's designee within 30 days when the home education program is terminated. (You may use the “Letter of Termination” located at the end of this packet.)

Please note that a student cannot graduate from a home education program. NO DIPLOMA from the School District of Baker County can be issued for a student in a home education program. In order to receive a diploma from Baker County High School, a home education student must:

1. Follow the procedure for entering public school from a home education program.

2. Spend at least the last semester of high school attending Baker County High School.

A home education student may also take the General Educational Development (GED) test through the Adult Education Office and be awarded a Florida GED diploma if the student receives a passing score. For GED information you may contact the Baker County Adult Education Office at 259-0403.

Florida Law does not recognize home education programs existing in Florida prior to July 1, 1985. Florida law does not recognize home education programs from other states. Each school district determines acceptance of credit and placement of students as specified in its pupil progression plan.

The School District of Baker County will:

1. Accept the "Letter of Intent" to home educate a child.

2. Maintain enrollment files and reports relating to Home Education as prescribed by legislation.

3. Enforce the compulsory attendance laws. Students who reach age 6 by February 1 of any school year, until they reach 16 years of age, must be attending a school or registered in a Home Education Program. Students who attain the age of 16 years during the school year are not subject to compulsory school attendance beyond the date upon which he or she attains that age if the student files an intent to terminate their home education program with the district office. However, students ages 16-18 will be denied their driving privileges and/or their drivers’ licenses based on school attendance requirements.

4. Review the required annual evaluations.

5. Notify parents in writing if the child's progress is judged not to be commensurate with his ability.

6. Retain the responsibility to determine placement when a student returns to public school.


If the parent or guardian of a child who has been identified as exhibiting a pattern of nonattendance enrolls the child in a home education program, the superintendent/designee will refer the parent to a home education review committee composed of the district contact for home education programs and at least two home educators. The home education review committee will review the portfolio of the student every 30 days during the district's regular school terms until the committee is satisfied that the home education program is in compliance with Florida Statues (1002.41). The first portfolio review must occur within the first 30 calendar days of the establishment of the program.

If the parent fails to provide a portfolio to the committee, the committee shall notify the superintendent of schools. The superintendent of schools shall then terminate the home education program and require the parent to enroll the child in an attendance option provided under law within 3 days. Upon termination of a home education program for failure to produce a portfolio, the parent or guardian shall not be eligible to reenroll the child in a home education program for 180 calendar days. Failure of a parent or guardian to enroll the child in an attendance option provided under law or after termination of the home education program shall constitute noncompliance with the compulsory attendance requirements and may result in criminal prosecution.


If you, the parent or guardian, decide to terminate your home education program, a written notice of such termination shall be filed with the Office of Student Services within 30 days of said termination. You may use the termination form located in this packet.

If you choose to reenter your child(ren) in public school; the following will apply for placement and credit:

Entering Grades Kindergarten through 5

A child who is enrolled in public school immediately following the kindergarten year in Home Education, must demonstrate sufficient attainment of kindergarten readiness objectives to be placed in the first grade curriculum. The local school will be responsible for determining grade level placement and promotion decisions. In no instance shall the placement be automatic, based solely on the recommendation of the home educator. This placement decision is subject to review and revision after school personnel have had the opportunity to observe the student's work.

Students of compulsory school attendance age, who wish to enter or re-enter a public school from a home education program, may be given a norm-referenced achievement evaluation as part of the process to determine grade level. In addition, other information provided by the parent, such as the student's portfolio (with dated samples of work) and annual educational evaluation may be used by the receiving school to assist in determining grade placement.

(Note: The appropriate school for the student's last previous grade will make the promotion decision.)

Entering Grades 6-8

Upon enrollment in Baker County Middle School from a home education program, a student shall be granted credit based on criteria which may include one or more of the following, as appropriate:

a. Demonstrated academic performance in the classroom;

b. Portfolio evaluation;

c. Written recommendation by a Florida certified teacher selected by the

parent and approved by the principal;

d. Demonstrated proficiencies on standardized subject area assessments; or

e. Demonstrated proficiencies on the FAS, EOC; or

f. Demonstrated proficiencies on the Kaufman Test of Educational

Achievement/Normative Update (K-TEA/NU).

Baker County Middle School officials will be responsible for determining grade level placement and promotion decision. In no instance will the placement be automatic, based solely on the recommendation of the home educator. (NOTE: The appropriate school for the student's last previous grade will make the promotion decision.)

The same criteria for extra-curricular activity eligibility required by the Florida High School Activities Association will apply.

Entering Grades 9 - 12

Transfer of High School Credits

Work or credits for home education students, who transfer into the Baker County High School, shall be granted based on criteria required by Rule 6A-1.09941 State Uniform Transfer of High School Credits.

The purpose of this rule is to establish uniform procedures relating to the acceptance of transfer work and credit for students entering Florida’s public schools. The procedures shall be as follows:

1. Credits and grades earned and offered for acceptance shall be based on official transcripts and shall be accepted at face value subject to validation if required by the receiving school’s accreditation. If validation of the official transcript is deemed necessary, or if the student does not possess an official transcript or is a home education student, credits shall be validated through performance during the first grading period as outlined in subsection (2).

2. Validation of credits shall be based on performance in classes at the receiving school. A student transferring into a school shall be placed at the appropriate sequential course level and should have a minimum grade point average of 2.0 at the end of the first grading period. Students who do not meet this requirement shall have credits validated using the Alternative Validation Procedure, as outlined in subsection (3).

3. Alternative Validation Procedure. If validation based on performance as described above is not satisfactory, then any one of the following alternatives shall be used for validation purposes as determined by the teacher, principal, and parents:

a. Portfolio evaluation by superintendent or designee;

b. Written recommendation by a Florida certified teacher selected by the parent and approved by the principal;

c. Demonstrated performance in courses taken through dual enrollment or at other public or private accredited schools;

d. Demonstrated proficiencies on nationally-normed standardized subject area assessments;

e. Demonstrated proficiencies on the FSA, EOC; or

f. Written review of the criteria utilized for a given subject provided by the former school.

Students must be provided at least ninety (90) days from date of transfer to prepare for assessments outlined in paragraphs (3)(d) and (e) of this rule if required.

The same criteria for extra-curricular activity eligibility required by the Florida High School Activities Association will apply.


Home education students may qualify for a Bright Futures Scholarship if they are registered with their districts as home education students during the 11th and 12th grades. The Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program provides a Home Education Program Packet, which conveys eligibility criteria specific to home education students, including required college admission test scores, community service documentation, district registration confirmation, and dates for financial aid application deadlines. The Home Education Program packet is available from or by telephone at 888-827-2004.

Florida Academic Scholars Award (FAS): In order for students who have attended a home education program according to s. 1002.41, F.S., to qualify for FAS they must be registered with the district in which they reside during grades 11 and 12, have a best composite score of 1290 SAT or 29 ACT, and 100 hours of documented and approved community service hours.

Florida Medallion Scholars Award (FMS): In order for students who have attended a home education program according to s. 1002.41, F.S., to qualify for FAS they must be registered with the district in which they reside during grades 11 and 12 and have a best composite score of 1220 SAT or 27 ACT and 75 hours of documented and approved community service hours or A best combined score of 1170 SAT and a weighted 3.0 GPA in the required 16 college preparatory credits, documented on OFFICIAL transcripts. See Bright Futures and the Home Education Student for information.


(Please print all information)




Parent Name


Parent Name


Mailing Address


City State Zipcode


Street Address if Different from Mailing


City State Zipcode

Dear Superintendent:

This letter is to inform you of our intent to provide home instruction for our child beginning in the ___________ school year as provided for by Florida Statute 1002.01, in lieu of having him/her attend school.

His/her name, date of birth, grade level and last school attended are as follows:

Student Name Date of Birth Grade Last School Attended

_____________________________ ___________ ______ __________________

_____________________________ ___________ ______ __________________

_____________________________ ___________ ______ __________________

We feel that we can provide an adequate education for our child(ren) by exercising diligence in teaching our child(ren) in a responsible way and by utilizing an organized curriculum to instruct our child(ren).

We understand that we must provide an annual educational evaluation reflecting evidence of educational achievement within a year from the date of this letter.


______________________________________ __________ ______________ ________________

Parent Signature Date Home Phone Cell Phone


Email Address

Please feel free to contact this office at (904) 259-7825 if you need any assistance. Return letter of intent to:

Superintendent of Schools

c/o Director of Student Services

290 Jonathan Street East

Macclenny, FL 32063


(Please print all information)

Dear Superintendent:

It is my intention to no longer home educate the following child(ren):

Student Name Date of Birth Grade

______________________________ ______________________ _________

______________________________ ______________________ _________

______________________________ ______________________ _________

______________________________ ______________________ _________

The date of termination is ____________________________________________.

The reason is (check one):

_____ The child has been or will be enrolled in a public, parochial, or private school.

Name of School: ______________________________________________________________________

_____ The child has reached age sixteen (16), and is no longer of compulsory school age.

I understand that until my child reaches the age of 18, if he/she is not enrolled in a Florida approved educational setting, he/she is subject to denial of a driver’s license or suspension of driving privileges.

_____ The child will no longer reside in Baker County, Florida. The new residence is located at:


Address City State

Other: __________________________________________________________________________________


___________________________________________________________ ________________

Home Education Parent/Guardian’s Signature Date

Address: ____________________________________________________________________________


City State Zipcode

Return to:

Superintendent of Schools

c/o Director of Student Services

290 Jonathan Street East

Macclenny, FL 32063


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