
Hartley-Melvin-Sanborn Community Report Card

School Year 2009-2010


The long-range Reading Goal from the Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP) was: All students will achieve high levels in reading comprehension. 

Our goal was for students in 4th, 8th, and 11th grade, to show an increase of 2% in their reading comprehension scores on the ITBS/ITED during the 2009-2010 school year.

In 4th grade the percent of proficient readers fell from 92.3% to 76.9% based on the ITBS reading comprehension test. In 8th grade the students showed an increase from the previous year going from 71.4% to 81.8% proficient on the ITBS reading comprehension test. The eleventh grade students exceeded their goal, with their scores going from 69.5% to 80.8% proficient on the reading comprehension portion of the ITED.

For subgroup information in fourth grade that could be reported, fourth grade males scored 60.0% proficient and females scored 94.8% proficient. Free and reduced students scored 68.2% proficient, while non-free and reduced students scored 88.2% proficient.

In eighth grade subgroup data, males scored 82.6% proficient, while females scored 81.0% proficient. Free and reduced eighth grade students scored 66.6% proficient, while non-free and reduced students scored 85.7% proficient.

In eleventh grade, males scored 66.7% proficient and females scored 100.0% proficient.

The plan to meet our future goal includes the following:

*Professional Development in Differentiated Instruction

*Iowa Core Curriculum implementation

*PK-12 formative assessment

*Second Chance Reading in High School

*9th graders are participating in the Academy of Reading, a new self-leveled reading program focused on developing students’ reading comprehension skills

*Language! continuation in the Middle school

The annual Reading goal is for students in grades 4th, 8th, and 11th, to show a 2% improvement in their reading comprehension scores on the ITBS/ITED in the 2010-2011 school year.


The Math Long-Range Goal from the CSIP was: All students will achieve high levels in Mathematics. 

Our goal was for HMS students in grades 4th, 8th, and 11th to increase their proficiency level by 2% on the math portion of the ITBS and ITED during the 09-10 school year. Last year our fourth students scored 92.2% proficient and this year, our 4th graders scored 74.4%. Last year our 8th graders scored 81.0% proficient and this year they scored 83.4%. Our 11th graders scored 76.4% proficient in 08-09 and in 09-10, they scored 84.6%.

For reporting on our subgroup information in fourth grade, females scored 73.8% proficient and males scored 75.0% proficient. For free and reduced students, they scored 63.6% proficient while non-free and reduced scored 88.3%. For eighth grade subgroups, HMS females were 80.0% proficient, while males scored 86.4% proficient. Free and reduced students scored 60.0% proficient while non-free and reduced students scored 87.5% proficient. In eleventh grade, females scored 95.4% proficient and males scored 76.7% proficient.

The plan to meet our future goal includes the following:

*Professional Development in Differentiated Instruction PK-12.

*Iowa Core Curriculum implementation

*PK-12 formative assessment

*Rebound Math implementation at the High School

The annual math goal is for students in grades 4th, 8th, and 11th, to show a 2% improvement in their math scores on the ITBS/ITEDs in the 2010-2011 school year.


The Science Long-Range Goal from the CSIP was: All students will achieve high levels in science. 

Our 2009-2010 annual goal was students at HMS in grades 8th and 11th will increase their proficiency level by 2% during the 09-10 school year on the ITBS and ITED tests. Our 8th grade students scored 90.0% proficient while the year before it was 82.2% proficient. 8th grade males scored 91.3% proficient while 8th grade females scored 90.4% proficient. In 11th grade, students scored 84.6% proficient while the year before students scored 81.4% proficient. 11th grade males scored 76.6% proficient while females scored 95.5% proficient.

The plan to meet our future goal includes the following:

*Professional Development in Differentiated Instruction PK-12

*Iowa Core Curriculum implementation

*PK-12 formative assessment

Next year’s annual goal is: Students in 8th and 11th grade, will show a 2% improvement in their Science scores on the ITBS/ITED on the 2010-2011 school year.

Multiple Assessments at HMS

Reading - During the 2009-10 school year, our 4th, 8th, and 11th graders took the ICAMs. The fourth grade students scored 18.4% in the high range, 50% in the mid-range, and 31.6% in the low range. The eighth graders scored 15.2% in the high range, 50.0% in the mid-range, and 34.8% in the low range. In 11th grade, students scored 25.0% in the high range, 61.5% in the mid-range and 13.5% in the low range.

Math - The 4th, 8th, and 11th graders took the ICAMs. During the 2009-10 school year the fourth grade students scored 7.9% in the high range, 71.1% in the mid-range, and 21.1% in the low range. Eighth graders scored 15.9% in the high range, 70.5% in the mid-range, and 13.6% in the low range. In 11th grade, students scored 17.0% in the high range, 57.4% in the mid-range, and 25.5% in the low range.

Science - In 07-08, the eighth grade students scored 79.38% proficient on the district made assessment. In the school year, 08-09 eighth grade students scored 77.93%. In the school year 09-10, eighth grade students scored 83.0% proficient.

Post-Secondary Data

Hartley-Melvin-Sanborn Community School District uses the ACT tests for measuring of probable post-secondary success. The HMS composite score was 22.7. 46 out of 60, or 76.67% achieved a score that would show probable post-secondary success.

Post-Secondary Education/Training Intentions

50 out of 56 seniors intend to pursue post-secondary education/training. 

Core Program Completers

All high school graduates who complete a core program which includes four years of English/language arts and three or more years each of mathematics, science, and social studies, are considered core program completers. 43 of the 57 high school graduates completed a core program.  

Other Locally Determined Indicators

Goal 4-- students will use technology in developing proficiency in reading and math.  Here is what

H-M-S did using technology.

HIGH SCHOOL HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE - 16 Intel MacBooks were added, and the wireless access point was upgraded.  New Intel iMacs replaced older Intel iMacs in a computer lab, and the Intel iMacs were moved to the Media Center computer lab and replaced eMacs. OpenOffice was updated on all computers. The additional MacBooks, newer computers in the Media Center computer lab and upgraded network access will help students go online for classes such as Biology and Anatomy that use online textbooks, and will also encourage students to make better use of the online resources provided by the AEA consortium. 

ELEMENTARY SCHOOL HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE -  The subscription to Accelerated Math was renewed, the Accelerated Reader subscription was changed to the Enterprise version, and the hosting server was changed to Renaissance Learning's server so that the AM and AR curriculum could be accessible from any computer with a Web browser, and from outside the school building.

MIDDLE SCHOOL HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE - The north Macintosh lab was upgraded from eMacs to iMac computers with the Leopard operating system. Web browsers were updated so that students would be able to more effectively utilize the newest Iowa AEA Online databases. 

Goal 5-students will demonstrate improvement of student-to-student respect.  HMS continued with the Hands pledge K-8. Iowa Youth Surveys will be given every two years instead of every 3 years. When the surveys results are received, special analysis time will be given to monitor the progress of this goal.  Harassment and bullying prevention skills will be taught and reviewed in the PK-8 guidance classroom.

Next year’s annual goal is: Students will demonstrate improvement of students' perception of school climate.

Early Intervention Goals

4th grade reading goal - All students will achieve at the proficient level of achievement according to Iowa Test of Basic Skills.

Annual 4th grade reading goal - students will show a 2% increase in achievement based on the Iowa Test of Basic Skills compared to the previous year.

Fourteen of the forty-nine, first graders (29%) benefited from Reading Recovery instruction.  Discontinued (reached the goal):   11 out of  14 students (78%)    Recommended Action (did not reach goal):  2 out of the 14 students (14%).

Title I Parent Involvement Policy


Hartley-Melvin-Sanborn Community School District

It has been proven that a parent’s involvement in a child’s education will accelerate learning. The Title I program at H-M-S is dedicated to providing the best education possible. Therefore, parents, students, principal and teachers work together in the following manner.

Parents are involved in the planning, review, and improvement of the school’s parent involvement policy.

Parents are informed of the Title I program, the requirements of the program, and their right

to be involved. This information is distributed in the fall.

Parents confer with Title I teachers on scheduled conference days and others as desired.

Parents are involved in the planning, review, and improvement of the Title I program.

Parent input is used in planning/revising the Title I program.

Our Title I program is a targeted assistance program. Our school is not a school in need of assistance.

The school provides parents of participating children with timely information about the Title I program. Parents are provided with an informational packet each fall or upon their child’s entry to the program.

The school helps parents understand standards and assessments, and how to monitor progress. This information is given in the Community Report Card, which is available to all school patrons.

The school provides the opportunity for parents to formulate suggestions and to participate in decisions relating to the education of their children. Parent suggestions are encouraged and responded to as soon as is practicably possible. A parent survey is sent home annually.

The school-parent compact was jointly developed with parents and shows how the entire school staff, parents, and students share responsibility for improved student achievement. Parents are invited to review and revise the parent involvement policy in the spring. The school teaching staff reviews the ITBS scores and targets areas of weakness.

The school provides materials and training to help parents work with their children to improve their achievement. Help includes: a school web-site, media center web-site, video training, sending books home, teachers are available to parents.

(May 2008)


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