Kettleshulme St James CE (VA) Primary School

MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE KETTLESHULME ST JAMES’ CHURCH OF ENGLAND PRIMARY SCHOOL FULL GOVERNING BOARD HELD ON THE 18TH JUNE 2019Governors Present: Paul Quirk (PQ) Head Teacher Julia Carter (JC)Chair of Governors Beryl Axcell (BA) Don Pries (DP) Hazel Hindle (HH) Sophie Harvey (SH) Jo Coward (JoC) Gill Jaundrell-Thompson (GJ-T) Dominic Medway (DM) Rev Margaret Jones (MJ) Rosemary Kidd (RK)Also in attendance: Maria Wilson (MW) Clerk to GovernorsPART ONE: NON-CONFIDENTIAL BUSINESSThe meeting opened with a prayer led by Reverend Margaret Jones.APOLOGIES AND AOB ITEMSThe meeting was in full attendance. No apologies were required.Rosemary Kidd was welcomed to the meeting as the Board’s new Foundation Governor.There were no items of additional business raised for discussion.CONFLICT OF INTERESTGovernors were asked to declare any pecuniary interest or conflicts of interest with the business of the meeting. None were declared.MEMBERSHIPThere is currently 1 Foundation Governor vacancy. MJ advised the meeting that she had sent an application from Annette Scot to the Diocese and was awaiting a response.Question: How long does the process take?Response: Usually it takes a matter of days unless further checks need to be made.Reverend Dr Rosemary Kidd was appointed Foundation Governor from the 20th May 2019 to the 19th May 2023.There are no terms of office due to expire before the Autumn Term FGB meeting.The Clerk advised that it is the responsibility of a member of the school staff to update Getting Information About Schools (GIAS) (previously Edubase). She added that if there is an issue with governance GIAS does contact the school. PQ agreed to monitor this.PART ONE MINUTES AND MATTERS ARISINGThe Part One minutes from the Spring Term held on the 26th March 2019 and their attendant action log had been circulated to Governors in advance of the meeting.The minutes were accepted as a correct record of the discussion held, were signed by the Chair and were retained at the school.The following matters arising were discussed:The school had been unsuccessful in its Blue Spark Science Award bid.There were still issues regarding the NGA log in process: confounded by the restructure of the NGA website. Action: To investigate the NGA log in issues (Clerk and SH)The following discussion of the action log was held:All members of staff will have completed their Safeguarding training by the 20th June 2019.There was discussion of the appointment of a nominated Governor to receive parental concerns and feedback. No Governor had been appointed. JC advised that all Governor profiles were displayed in school foyer. Various possibilities were discussed. It was agreed that the process for expressing concerns /providing feedback would be explained in a school newsletter: concerns/feedback would be referred to the School Office and parents asked if it was appropriate for a Governor to contact them. An appropriate Governor could then be approached to talk with the parent.Action: To explain the process for parent feedback/areas of concern in a school newsletter (PQ)The Clerk has requested that CE provide some Autumn Term Governor induction training in Macclesfield in the evening.It was agreed that the promotional leaflet needed to be updated to include quotes from the SIAMS and Ofsted Reports and the updated vision statement.Action: To update the school’s promotional leaflet (PQ)Action: To circulate the promotional leaflet during the summer holidays (SH and JC)PQ advised the meeting that he has already received expressions of interest for pupils to join the school in September 2020.Action: To complete the PREVENT training (HH)Action: To forward the PREVENT link to RK (Clerk)Action: To complete the PREVENT training (RK)PQ informed the meeting that a pupil evaluation of extra curricular activities had been completed. The results had been used on two occasions.Question: Had the exercise been worthwhile?Response: Yes it had been.All other actions had either been completed or were removed from the log as they were no longer relevant.CHAIR’S ACTION AND CORRESPONDENCENo Chair’s Action has been required since the Spring Term FGB.PART ONE REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES AND REPORTS FROM GOVERNORS WITH SPECIAL RESPONSIBILITIES Committees:The minutes from:The Strategic Leadership & Management Committee held on the 20th May 2019;The Pupil Welfare Committee held on the 4th June 2019; The Environment Committee held on the 22nd May 2019 andThe Achievement & Standards Committee held on the 11th June 2019 were circulated to Governors in advance of the ernors were invited to ask questions regarding the Committee minutes.Pupil Welfare:Question: Is the school investing in CPOMS?Response: It is not. CPOMS costs approximately ?500 per annum. Kettleshulme does not have enough need to make this purchase financially viable. The school will retain its paper recording system.Environment:DP raised the issue of addressing the actions from the Fire Risk Assessment which could prove expensive. PQ advised the meeting that he had contacted Paul Riddings from the Local Authority about the actions. To date no response had been forthcoming. PQ will also contact Steve Lancaster from the Diocese.Question: Has any progress been made regarding installing an honesty box for people using the car park out of school hours?Response: It is a job detailed for the summer holidays.There were no questions arising from the remaining Committee ernors with special responsibilities:GJ-T provided a Safeguarding Link Governor update:123 Magic had been reviewed. This is a programme which facilitates good behaviour in a gentle way. The school has the resources but is not purchasing the books which accompany the programme.A thermometer has been purchased to check the inhaler temperatures.The Common Assessment Framework has been replaced by Early Help Assessments. The Clerk advised that this change is explained in the Summer Term Director’s Report.SH apologised to the meeting that she has not held a formal SEND meeting with HH. However the positive progress in SEND made in the Spring Term has been maintained. Ofsted was pleased with the changes made to SEND moving forward.Question: Why is there no specific agenda item for Pupil Voice?Response: The information is conveyed through the Head Teacher’s Report. This is an easier process for the pupils to use. The aim was to produce a formal report this year but there have been obstacles to achieving this.DM arrived at 4.30pm.JC temporarily left the meeting from 4.30-4.33pm.Budget for the financial year 2019/2020:The Three Year Plan from the Summer Term Budget Meeting dated 6.6.19 was presented to Governors.PQ advised Governors that the document was as expected. The school has removed all non-essential expenditure. This has led to:A projected carry forward of ?10,092 for 2018/2019 outturn figuresA projected deficit carry forward of ?29,709 for 2019/2020A projected deficit carry forward of ?88,913 for 2020/2021A projected deficit carry forward of ?166,939 for 2021/2022.As a result of these figures, PQ will be asked to attend a meeting with the Chief Executive to discuss methods of addressing the deficit situation.It was noted that approximately 25% of all schools are in a similar position. The Local Authority does not appear to have a strategy for dealing with small rural schools particularly.Question: Is the ?23k reduction in income purely a result of changes to government policy?Response: It is mainly due to government policy. The new National Funding Formula has not been adopted yet. Pension costs have increased. The Pupil Premium amount has decreased. The ChESS package has increased in price (up ?2k) but still proves cheaper than using independent companies.Question: Has the school’s income been confirmed?Response: It has.Question: How can income be less even though pupil numbers are increased?Response: This is because the income based on pupil numbers is taken from the previous October census data. At that point the school had seven fewer pupils on roll.Question: If the school was at capacity (pupils on roll): what difference would that make to the budget? Would the figures be positive? Is the school sustainable moving forward?These questions were discussed and the following points made:Ten more pupils would reduce the ?20k deficitThe school’s lump sum has decreased from ?130k to ?115k: that is not sustainableThe issue is with small schoolsIf the school was at capacity (pupils on roll): more members of staff and teaching assistants would be needed.DM agreed to accompany PQ to the meeting with the Chief Executive to argue the point of small rural school sustainability if ernors expressed concern regarding publishing the document in its current form.PQ advised the meeting that Governors would need to consider working collaboratively with other small rural schools in the area moving forward. This would require the co-operation and support of the Diocese. Governors advised that they were all volunteers which restricted the impact they could have.There was discussion of the Lord Agnew letter which had been circulated to Governors in advance of the meeting. The emphasis in the letter was to move towards academy status, which the Governors felt was avoiding the issue of small rural schools.Staffing Structure 2019/2020:This had been discussed at Committee stage.Purchase of annual contracts:PQ advised the meeting that the only contract due for renewal was the ChESS purchase: this had been made. All of the elements purchased were essential: Staff Cover; Sickness Cover; Insurance and all had increased in price.PART ONE HEAD TEACHER’S REPORTThe Head Teacher’s Report had been circulated to all Governors in advance of the meeting.The following points were discussed:The school had not received any external test results yet. (Item 1.2 Attainment & Progress)The school had participated in the Y4 times tables trial as a pilot school.The existing SDP had focused on developing challenge, which had been an Ofsted 2018 focus. The 2019 Ofsted commented that the school was making good progress against the actions scheduled. (Item 1.3 School Development Plan).Curriculum areas reviewed included English, Maths, Science, Art, History, Computing/IT. Subject Leaders are breaking subjects down to enable their development. Ofsted was agreeable to the school’s three year curriculum review rolling programme. (2.1 Curriculum Area Developments)Item 2.3: Fit 4 Fifteen is the school’s version of the Daily Mile. It is run by the midday supervisors. Pupils enjoy the activities.PQ advised that he had used some of the Sports Premium funding to reinstate the school playground markings.Item 3.2: The Pupil Voice group is completing a new school Travel Plan. They have also organised a charity event gaining sponsorship.Item 3.4: The Risk Assessment for the Class 1 sleepover is complete. The Risk Assessment for the Class 3 Conway Centre residential is in progress.Item 4.2 details feedback from the Section 5 Ofsted where the school achieved a rating of Good with Outstanding for pupil welfare. The Report acknowledged the changes made since the previous visit in 2018. The targets set by Ofsted reflected those identified in the school’s self evaluation.Question: What is the school doing to promote its positive Ofsted?Response: A banner has been ordered.PQ and DM are working on publicity activities.PQ and MJ agreed to collaborate to write an article for the Parish magazine with a photograph on the front page: to be completed by the 1st August 2019. Action.It was noted that the New Ofsted Framework focuses on the curriculum moving forwards.It wad further noted that Kettleshulme will now revert back to the normal Ofsted review cycle.PQ advised the meeting that he was awaiting receipt of a Condition Data Collection Report following a visit to the school.Question: Was this LA funded?Response: It was completed by an agency on behalf of the LA.The following questions were asked of the Head Teacher’s Report:Question: Is the school on track with its 2019/2020 dyslexia targets?Response: It is. The work being done will continue into next year and moving forward.Question: When is the quick cricket tournament?Response: The quick cricket tournament is on the 28th June and the swimming is on the 27th June 2019.Question: Is there any opportunity for Kettleshulme to participate in other schools’ competitive sports and academic challenges?Response: The school used to participate in Tytherington High School ernors agreed that it would be advantageous if the small rural schools could combine to provide teams to participate competitively. PQ advised that this has begun to take place. It was noted that this would be beneficial for the pupils’ transition to high school providing them with the necessary skills and momentum. It was noted that such activities would engage parental support.Question: Could a small school Governor Forum be established?There was discussion of this notion: many schools are very insular looking and it was noted that if the idea came from the Diocese it would be better received.Action: To pursue the idea of a small school Governor Forum in the Autumn Term (JC)Governors extended a formal thank you to PQ and all members of staff for their hard work in securing positive SIAMs and Ofsted Reports. Their efforts are acknowledged and much appreciated by the Governors.ATTENDANCEPQ advised the meeting that staff attendance is exemplary.PQ further added that pupil attendance is currently running at approximately 95%, which is good. There are a few pupils whose attendance is depressing the overall figure. This is not significant though.HEAD TEACHER’S PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT REVIEWJC advised the meeting that a decision had been made by the Strategic Leadership and Management Committee to look for a new external advisor to the process. The work of David Bell was recognised and appreciated but it was felt that a change would be beneficial for the school and the Head Teacher.There was a discussion of qualities required: it needs to be a person with management experience but also an understanding of educational needs and specifically the needs of a small rural school.It was agreed that PQ would find out who other local Head Teachers used as their external advisor. He advised that one local school uses ECM but they are very expensive. DM agreed to make enquiries at Manchester Metropolitan University and to provide a number of curriculum vitae for Governors to review. ERNANCE STATEMENTAction: To write the Governance Statement before the end of the Summer Term (JC)DIRECTOR’S REPORTThe Summer Term Director’s Report had been circulated to Governors at the start of the term with recommendations made for Committee discussion.The Clerk drew Governors’ attention to: The New Ofsted Framework: which was discussed during this meeting.The 2019 Governance Handbook: where changes are detailed on pages 6 to 8.The potential impact of Brexit on schools.The new SRE Policy which had been forwarded to Governors at the start of the Summer Term. PQ advised the meeting that the school has its own version of the policy which it was use as a starting point for ERNOR, MONITORING, DEVELOPMENT AND TRAINING MJ advised the meeting that she had completed New Ofsted Framework training.GJ-T advised the meeting that she had completed Safeguarding training.SH advised that there was little other training available on this side of CE to attend.SH advised the meeting that the Clerk had sent her another school’s annual planner as a model document: this had not been particularly useful as it primarily focused on policy review. The Clerk added that she had a further document which she could forward regarding Link Governor visits. This was welcomed. Action.Action: To start a Kettleshulme termly overview which would include dates for grant applications; marketing opportunities etc (SH)Action: To forward the Governor attendance table to PQ when updated after today’s meeting (Clerk)SCHOOL POLICIESCopies of the:Pay Policy (Teaching Staff)Pay Policy (Non-teaching Staff)Appraisal Policy had been circulated to Governors in advance of the meeting.The policies were approved by Governors pending receipt of the new pay award figures in the Autumn Term 2019.PQ advised the meeting that the following curriculum policies had also been reviewed:EnglishMathsScienceArtHistoryComputing/ITThe Flexi-Schooling Policy had also been updated.PLANNED RESIDENTIAL VISITSThe Class 1 sleepover and the Class 3 Conway Centre visits had been discussed and noted in Item 7: Part One Head Teacher’s Report and Matters Arising.NOMINATIONS FOR CHAIR The role of Chair is to be elected for a one year term of office at the Autumn Term FGB meeting.Nominations for the post are requested until the date of the Autumn FGB ernors asked JC to stand for a further year. NOMINATIONS FOR VICE CHAIRThe role of Vice Chair is to be elected for a one year term of office at the Autumn Term FGB meeting.Nominations for the post are requested until the date of the Autumn FGB meeting.Sophie Harvey was nominated.MEETINGSThe following dates for 2019/2020 were agreed:Autumn Term 2019: Wednesday 20th November 2019 at 7pmSpring Term 2020: Tuesday 24th March 2020 at 7pmSummer Term 2020: Tuesday 16th June 2020 at 4pm AOBDM advised the meeting that an auditor for the School Fund Accounts had been appointed. The person will not charge the school. The person is prepared to do the job for more than the current year. The process will begin at the end of the Summer Term. IMPACT STATEMENTGovernors discussed a range of collaborative opportunities with local small rural schools, whilst maintaining their current collaborations. The opportunities included collaboration for pupils in a range of competitive scenarios; for members of staff regarding CPD and for governors. This will become a governor action focus for the Autumn Term ernors scrutinised the Three Year Plan budget; understanding the scale of government funding cuts; appreciating the fact that the school can make no further savings and discussing a route by which Governors can help the Head Teacher to present a case to the Local ernors acknowledged the importance of maximising the recruitment potential of the school following positive SIAMs and Ofsted Reports. This will be an action priority for the Governing Board in the Autumn Term 2019.The meeting moved to the Part 2 agenda.The meeting ended at 5.35pm.…………………………………………. Chair………………………….. Date ................

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