Doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0417r0

IEEE P802.11

Wireless LANs

|Approved Minutes of the IEEE P802.11 Full Working Group |

|Date: 2005-05-16 |

|Author(s): |

|Name |Company |Address |Phone |email |

|Tim Godfrey |Conexant | |+1-913-664-2544 |tim.godfrey@ |

| | | | | |

Joint Opening Plenary: May 16, 2005

1 Introduction

1 802.11,15,18,19,20,21,22

2 Meeting called to order by Stuart J. Kerry at 08:00.

3 The agenda of the 91st session of 802.11 is in doc: IEEE 11-05-0298r2.

1 .

4 Secretary – Tim Godfrey

5 Officers and Chairs of 802.11:


2 Approval of the Agenda

1 Stuart J. Kerry reviews the agenda for the group

2 The joint agenda is approved by Unanimous consent.

3 Minutes for January 2005 joint meeting

1 Any matters from the minutes? None

2 The minutes from Monterey are approved with Unanimous consent.

4 Minutes for March 2005, 802.11

1 Any matters arising from the 802.11 Minutes from Atlanta? None

2 The minutes from March 2005 Atlanta are approved with Unanimous consent

5 New members

1 There are 14 members new at this session

2 There are 499 people Registered

3 There are 296 in the room currently.

6 Treasurers Report

1 We have $347K AU from registration. 55K AU profit from Berlin. Expenses are expected at 478K AU. Net loss for meeting is $77K AU

2 At the end of march the joint treasury had $49K. Monterey surplus was $65K was just added. Currently $114K in Treasury.

3 We are waiting for the final audit from Berlin.

7 Review of Policies and Procedures

1 Al Petrick presents document 04/424r6 to the body.

2 Review of working group officers and duties for all wireless working groups.

3 Review of voting rights, participation requirements, and voting token procedures. There is a new system for indicating voting rights – instead of tokens, there is a printed indication on the badge.

4 Review of operating policies and procedures, registration, payment of fees. Our P&P is in 04/510r0, which is posted on the web site. Roberts Rules are revision 10 (Gold Book)

5 Review of rules against photographs, tape recording, and media briefing.

6 Review of attendance recording process, and contact information updating procedures.

1 There are special attendance recording procedures in effect for this meeting.

2 Each member must sign in once per day between 08:00 and 18:00, recording their percentage of time attending in the working group for each day.

3 Attendance will be cross-checked against other groups to guard against claiming credit for more than one.

4 Sign-in must be done between 08:00 and 18:00 hours. Those are the office hours.

5 There will be a meeting local server, with an incoming folder for document submissions.

6 Document numbers are obtained from 802wirelessworld

7 Instructions for the use of the email reflector are reviewed.

8 Review of process and requirements for gaining and keeping voting rights.

9 Membership representation and anti-trust laws are reviewed.

10 Al Petrick reads the following text to the body regarding IEEE patent policy:

11 [pic]

1 Discussion

1 The affirmation in May 2005 did not make any changes

12 Al Petrick reads the following slide to the body:

13 [pic]

14 Review of copyright status of submissions

15 Review of meeting etiquette.

8 IEEE SA Letters of Assurance

1 Stuart Kerry asks for new LOAs

1 Stuart sent out a request for an LOA to an individual last week regarding 802.11e

9 Announcements

1 Stuart warns the members to not leave their property unattended. Members should be careful when outdoors especially in late evenings.

2 Program changes will be posted.

3 Tea breaks will be on level 2. Lunch on level 1. Breakfast is part of the hotel accommodations. There will not be anything at the convention center at the start of meetings.

4 The social will be at the Aboriginal culture park. Departure from Cairns International Hotel, and the convention center. Return from 9:30 to 10:20PM

5 Stuart J. Kerry reads an announcement to the membership regarding the joint treasury. The vendor for network services and software contracted with the working group, but did not complete the contracted work. The vendor did not correct the problems. The vendor also did not provide network services for this meeting as per their contract. We are unable to share additional information due to attorney client privilege.

10 Interim Meetings

1 September 2005 – Garden Grove California.

2 January 2006 – Hilton Waikoloa Village, Low rate cutoff is November 2nd, 2005. Registration will be available in September.

3 May 2006 – We are holding the Swisshotel in Istanbul, and the Hyatt Prague. We will compare to locate the best deal.

4 September 2006 – Looking for central or eastern US.

11 Network update

1 Mike Hydra is filling in to provide network services.

2 There will be no support available this week due to the limited staff.

3 The files are on a windows server at, name is “server”.

4 802wirelessworld will not be used for attendance.

5 The building closes at 9:30pm.


12 802.11 Policies and Procedures Update

1 There is a revision underway. Current document is 04/510r0. Changes have been solicited for several sessions. All changes will be provided as 04/510r1 this week, and put of for vote in July.

2 There will be an ad-hoc meeting chaired by Al Petrick regarding the LMSC ExCom P&P. Matthew Sherman is working on changes. There has been an email discussion on this topic. We will consolidate our position and forward a report to LMSC for consideration in July. The meeting will be at 10:30am. Tuesday.

13 Voters Update Summary

1 We have 536 voting members in 802.11.

2 At this session, 802.11 members will have to sign in once per day for attendance.

3 Documents from 802wirelessworld are in the local server.

4 Don’t upload documents to the Internet version of 802wirelessworld.

5 Discussion of sign in percentage calculations.

1 If a meeting meets for partial time, how is the percentage? The percentage recorded is based on number of sessions attended, regardless of sessions available.

2 If a person attends all 4 day sessions and 1 evening session, they would record 125%.

3 The 802 chair instructed us to record percentages, not sessions attended.

4 Harry is the person to see regarding 802.11 attendance.

5 Is there a breakdown of 802.11 voters that are attending? We do not have an accurate breakdown yet. We have 289 that have said they will attend 802.11. There are about 197 who stated 802.15 attendance.

6 Requesting guidance on DCN numbers. Access to 802wirelessworld will not be cut off.

14 Announcements

1 Is there any objection to still photography being taken in this room?

2 Vote – to allow still photography of this room for a short while?

1 What is the purpose of this photograph? For publicity for the Cairns convention center. Just at this session today.

3 As a group of all voting members – who is in favor of a photograph?

1 The motion passes – (specific count was not taken)

4 As a group of all voting members – who is in favor of a short video?

1 The motion passes – (specific count was not taken)

5 This is the convention center photographs only, not members.

15 Working group timelines

1 The timeline has not changed except for Rev-MA. The recirculation SB is now December 2005.

16 802.11 Reports

1 Editors Report – Simon Barber for Terry Cole

1 There are no new publications available.

2 There is a new special edition CDROM for purchase in 2005, including all wired and wireless standards.

3 ISO SC6 has approved 802.11-2003 ed. 802.11g, 11h, in fast track. 802.11i fast-track has been suspended.

4 Document number 05/044r2

2 Publicity – Nancy Vogtli

1 The timeline is available on the website, not as a document. It will be online only, but will be linked.

2 Publicity session is Tuesday at 8:00am

3 The announcement for the formation of TGw has been released.

3 WNG – TK Tan

1 We will have a focused discussion on 802 architecture in the two sessions.

2 Any new topics, see TK Tan.

4 TGe – John Fakatselis

1 TGe completed the sponsor ballot process. Will prepare the package for RevCom this week.

2 There is one negative vote remaining.

5 TGk – Richard Paine

1 Between Atlanta and now, there have been teleconferences to resolve LB73 comments.

2 There will be preparation for another LB during this meeting.

6 TGm – Bob O’Hara

1 The ANA has no new requests currently.

2 There is no report yet on LB74 on Rev-MA. There were a number of comments.

3 The voting results will be announced by the end of the week.

4 There are no new interpretation requests.

7 TGn – Bruce Kraemer

1 There was a down-select and confirmation vote in March. The reasons for no votes have been processed, and responses will be presented. An update will be presented. There will be another confirmation vote this week.

2 Is the updated document available? Not yet.

3 Report in 05/315

8 TGp – Lee Armstrong

1 Will review draft document this week.

9 TGr – Clint Chaplin

1 Will hold a downselect confirmation vote on Thursday.

2 On Tuesday will discuss the combined proposal.

10 TGs – Donald Eastlake

1 The agenda is 05/322r4. In the CFP process, there will be 10 presentations of proposals.

2 Still refining selection process.

11 TGT – Charles Wright

1 There have been teleconferences. Next steps 05/375r1.

2 Will have technical presentations and proposals.

12 TGu – Steven McCann

1 Will review requirements document 05/279r6. Agenda in 05.364r1.

13 TGv – Pat Calhoun

1 Will review presentations of requirement owners

14 TGw – Jesse Walker

1 Will meet for the first time this week.

15 CBP SG – Peter Ecclesine

1 Looking at 3650Mhz band. Will start review of relevant documents. Will work on draft of 5C document. Review input from 802.16h.

16 IETF Ad Hoc CAPWAP – Dorothy Stanley

1 Group was formed to process comments and responses back to IETF. There was a conf call in April. Minutes in doc 05/346 and response 05/347r1. Meetings will be on Thursday. Believe that all comments are incorporated in the document. Will approve documents on Wednesday.

17 JTC1 SC6 Ad Hoc – Jesse Walker

1 In March, the 802.11i ISO fast-track was kept on suspension indefinitely. A meeting will be held in Geneva tomorrow to discuss this. On Thursday, the JTC1 SC6 Ad Hoc will meet here to review the outcome of the Geneva meeting and discuss next steps.

17 802.15 Reports

1 802.15.1a – Tom Seip

1 Work has been completed, working on publishing the document. Verifying that changes are editorial only. Should be complete this week. There are no meetings scheduled.

2 802.15.3a – Bob Heile

1 Will continue a cycle of downselect and confirmation votes

3 802.15.3b – John Bar

1 Resolving comments on Letter Ballot for 802.15.3 MAC amendment. There will be a session this afternoon.

2 There are 430 people in the room.

4 802.15.3c – Reed Fisher

1 Working on mmWave PHY layer for 802.15.3. Will select officers for TG.

5 802.15.4a –

1 We had 1 proposal with 100% confirmation. There are technical editors on different areas. Will work on document

6 802.15.4b –

1 Engaged in comment resolution

7 802.15.5

1 There are 4 proposals to review for mesh networking.

8 802.15.1b

1 The WG has elected to discontinue this study group and not turn it into a task group. The Bluetooth SIG has recently announced that they will include UWB into Bluetooth.

18 802.18 – Mike Lynch

1 At Atlanta, there were three UK OFcom consultations reviewed. Documents were approved by the EC and submitted.

2 At this meeting will review FCC rules for 3650Mhz band, Canadian rules, New Zealand consultation, and start on P&P documents.

2 Discussion

1 Will meetings be held all the schedules slots? No, will decide when to meet

19 802.19 - Steve Shellhammer

1 Will have comment resolution on 802 LB on operating rules. Will have continued work on coexistence assurance methodology. Will have joint meeting with 802.11n.

2 Discussion

1 The CBP SG has produced a coexistence assurance document. Need to find a time for CBP SG to meet with 802.19 on this topic this week.

2 Will meet jointly during first 802.19 session.

20 802.20 – Jerry Upton

1 Working on channel models, evaluation criteria, and selection criteria.

2 Will meet in hall C.

21 802.21 – Ajay Rajkumar

1 Meeting in hall D.

2 Will review proposals and draft presentations, downselection,

3 Joint session with 802.11u.

22 802.22 – Carl Stephenson

1 Will work on requirements document, channel model, propagation model, etc.

2 May have a letter ballot to affirm the work of this session.

3 Will plan on preliminary proposals in July.

23 Joint Interchange Session

1 802 Architecture Standing Committee.

2 There have been meetings at 802 plenary sessions. To improve alignment between 802 projects and the existing 802 architecture.

3 We want to prepare a common architectural position. It will be Tuesday evening.

4 We will consider QoS, Security, and other common areas. Example – QoS doesn’t work over a wired standard today.

5 Discussion

1 Tuesday’s schedule is shown on the schedule as 802.15, but it is this 802 wireless

2 There is also a Tuesday afternoon for 802.11 in WNG.

3 How many will attend? About 10.

24 Discussion

1 There are power problems in the audience.

2 In WNG, we need to review the 802.1am PAR and reject it.

25 Recess at 09:55

Wednesday, May 17, 2005

1 Opening

1 The meeting is called to order by Stuart J. Kerry at 10:30.

2 Courtesy notices

1 Stuart reminds the members about cell phones and prohibitions on photography, per our policies and procedures and IEEE rules.

3 Review of the Agenda

1 Stuart J. Kerry reviews the agenda

2 Anti Trust:

1 Stuart reads the following text to the body:

1 Each Member acknowledges that the Members are committed to fostering competition in the development of new products and services. The Members further acknowledge that they or their employers may compete with one another in various lines of business and that it is therefore imperative that they act in a manner which does not violate any applicable antitrust laws and regulations.

2 Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Members acknowledge that the Members will not, in meetings or informal gatherings associated therewith, discuss issues relating to product pricing, methods or channels of product distribution, any division of markets, or allocation of customers or any other topic which should not be discussed among competitors in the context of standards meetings or informal gatherings associated therewith.

3 Accordingly, each individual Member sponsor hereby assumes the responsibility to behave in an appropriate manner in this respect and to limit their discussions to subjects that relate to the purposes of the IEEE Standards making process and adhere to IEEE policies and procedures, whether or not such discussions take place during formal meetings or informal gatherings associated with IEEE standards meetings.

3 Changes to the agenda

1 Updates to documentation server

2 802.1am PAR discussion

3 CBP Study Group Report

4 IEEE SA Letters of assurance

1 No new LOA have been received

2 Any new LOAs for the chair? None

5 Any further agenda items? none

6 Approval of agenda

1 Approved with Unanimous consent

4 Announcements

1 Chairs reminder : 7pm CAC meeting on Thursday

2 Attendance recording – Harry Worstell.

1 Using the sign in method at this meeting. Remember to sign in between 0800 and 1800. No late sign in will be accepted. Friday will be a maximum of 50% since it is a half day.

2 Discussion

1 We like the idea of signing once a day. Much less bother during the day. (Here Here) General agreement from the body.

3 Social tonight

1 Coaches from Convention Center and Cairns Intl Hotel. 18:00 and 18:20 departures.

2 Stuart J. Kerry ask if it is OK to recess task groups at 17:30 to allow members to return to the hotel. Or should the 18:20 departure be changed to a later time like 6:30.

3 Discussion

1 There is a final Q&A discussion in TGn.

2 Stuart J. Kerry says the last bus will leave at 18:40, so TGn can have the full time for their session.

4 Documentation

1 Due to problems with the server, we are uploading documents to the server here. Download document from the local server. Task Group chairs can also provide document numbers if you are unable to obtain one.

5 There are 265 people in the room

6 Letter Ballot 74 Results

1 Stuart J. Kerry reviews the return ratio requirement of 75% and less than 30% abstain. The deadline has been extended until 75% were received.

2 We now have 75.1%. The ballot was approved

3 Stuart J. Kerry announces the letter ballot results. LB74 passed with a vote of 348 : 36 :23. 90.6% approval

4 Discussion

1 Is the next step recirculation? Bob O’Hara confirms that there will be a recirculation after comments have been addressed.

5 Reports from Liaisons

1 802.11 – 802.18 Radio Regulatory - Denis Kuahara

1 Document 11-05-0465

2 There was a consultation from the New Zealand regulators, requesting information on the status of UWB.

3 Reviewed the FCC R&O 0556 dealing with Contention based protocol in the 3650 band.

4 The RR-TAG reviewed its policies and procedures, and will vote in July.

5 CBP is defined by the FCC, requiring sharing of the spectrum with rules to allow multiple transmitters to operate together and defer to each other.

6 Review of history of the FCC and radio protocols for sharing spectrum.

2 802.11 – 802.19 Coexistence

1 Open position. – Sheung Li volunteers

2 Sheung states that he will have sufficient time in addition to TGn duties

3 Sheung Li is appointed Liaison by acclamation

3 802.11 to 802.22 TV Bands – Peter Ecclesine

1 Will issue a preliminary CFP in July. Review proposals in September, issue final CFP in November 2005.

2 See chair of 802.22 (Carl Stephenson) for more details

4 802.11 to 802 arch – Andrew Myles

1 There is no meeting at Interims.

2 The WNG session addressed some issues that should be addressed. Results in 05/407r1.

3 The list is not extensive – members should continue the discussion on the reflector. New ideas will be presented in July.

4 Discussion

1 There needs to be a formal path of communication regarding architectural issues in 802.11ma

2 Will review with TGm and bring up again Friday

5 802.11 – WiFi Alliance – Bill Carney

1 No Update

6 802.11 – JC61 – Tim Wakely

1 No Update

7 802.11 – IETF – Dorothy Stanley

1 Document 05/449r0

2 802.11 review of link indication – IAB draft. TGu has reviewed this for 802.11 in 05/283r4.

3 CAPWAP WG is now working on objectives and evaluation criteria for selecting a protocol. Asking for 802.11 review of objectives. Document 05/347r3.

4 Detecting Network Attachments – DNA. Completed review of draft

5 EAP Keying RFC has been published.

6 Media Independent Preauthenticaion draft

8 802.11 to MMAC – Inoue-san

1 Document 05/448r1

2 Maintaining ARIB-STD-T71

9 802.11 to JTC1 SC6 – Cheng

1 There was a meeting in Geneva this week. The group is still digesting the results. There will be an ad-hoc meeting of JTC1, and bring a report Friday

10 802.11 to 3GPP – Sabine Demel

1 Document 05/0460r0

2 Overview of 3GPP activities and organization

3 3GPP release 7 includes details related to interfacing with 802.11 WLAN systems.

4 Mobility between 3GPP and WLAN is still under consideration, may not be in Release 7.

11 802.11 to TIA

1 Open position

2 Stuart J. Kerry appoints Ariel Sharon. Approved by acclamation

12 802.11 to 3GPP2

1 Request for volunteer –

2 Stuart J. Kerry appoints Stephano Faccin, approved by Acclamation

6 Old Business

1 CAPWAP Ad Hoc Output

1 Request that Stuart J. Kerry, Chair IEEE 802.11 forward the letter and comments in 05/283r4 as the IEEE 802.11 review comments on the IAB Link Indications Draft.

1 Moved Dorothy Stanley

2 Second TK Tan

3 Motion ID 499

4 Vote: Motion passes 100 : 0 : 6

2 Request that Stuart Kerry, Chair IEEE 802.11 forward the letter and comments in 05/347r3 as the IEEE 802.11 review comments on the IETF CAPWAP Objectives Draft

1 Moved Dorothy Stanley

2 Second Pat Calhoun

3 Vote: Motion Passes 81 : 0 : 11

7 Update of Document Server

1 We cannot discuss vendor problems due to the legal issues.

2 Discussion

1 Harry Worstell gives the background information – the server and services are contracted by the 802 SEC. We want to move the network more under control of the wireless WGs and less under SEC control Proposing making an ad-hoc committee

2 Stuart J. Kerry states that there is current an RFP out for network services. We have also used the same contract for our Interim meetings of the wireless groups.

3 We have to get expenditures for network services and equipment approved by IEEE.

4 We need to decouple services, equipment, and software applications. Can we re-visit developing our applications internally using open source?

5 Harry Worstell states that we have tried using volunteers to write software. That software has failed in the past, due to the multi-user loading issues. It is better to have professionals to be totally responsible. There are two RFPs, one for documentation software and one for the network. The software is under the wireless groups, separately.

6 Stuart J. Kerry states that we are expending a lot of money to have these meetings, and we need professional networks and software resources.

7 This body has spent 4 million dollars to get here. We need IT infrastructure, both at the hotels and the conference facility. The selection procedure for locations should set criteria for IT services. Expresses concern that Istanbul and Prague may not meet these criteria for interim meetings.

8 Stuart J. Kerry notes that we may have to limit our venues to specific good locations.

9 Need to get email access to home company – a good Internet connection is required. Understanding that a T3 is costly, but we need to do it, even if we charge a bit more.

10 As an international body, we need to have better distribution of international venues. We currently are nowhere near having a balanced distribution of meetings geographically.

11 Stuart J. Kerry states that we have 3 interims to decide. But 802 Excom has taken over one of our interims. Agree that we need to have international meetings.

12 Al Petrick states that he is in agreement – this subject will be on the ExCom agenda in July. We need to express concerns to 802 ExCom to help them making a correct decision.

13 Members are more engaged this week because they are not doing anything else.

14 Maybe true, although it is required to get document numbers. Need to set criteria for selecting venues. Agrees that we need to be international, but locations should be “single hop” flights from major venues. They should be in major cities to make it easy for everyone to get there.

15 Stuart J. Kerry notes that 50% of the members here are from the US, and we have 24 countries represented.

16 The size of the venue is also a constraint. EG Boston is not big enough. We need to focus on the available services and how to pay for them. We have to navigate the bureaucracy

17 The tracking of expected attendance is also very important to predict costs.

18 Stuart J. Kerry asks the members to consider the required tools we need to conduct our meetings. Software, network infrastructure, etc.

19 Request that the opening report in the future include breakdown of membership by geography – numbers by region.

20 In the future, consider breaking down access to IEEE and other sites to allocate services. Stuart J. Kerry notes that did do some tracking on a statistical basis. The largest block of traffic is Windows Update – about 35%.

3 Move to request the 802.11WG Chair to recommend to the 802 Excom at the opening of the July 2005 Excom session to form a networking committee comprised of individuals from 802.11/15 who have had extensive experience with our wireless server network, led by Tim Godfrey, to operate under 802 Excom for ALL 802 Plenary and Interim sessions.

1 Moved Al Petrick

2 Second Harry Worstell

2 Discussion

1 The RFP from 802 is currently being led by Pat Thaler , 802 vice chair.

2 Need to clarify which interim’s are included.

3 This doesn’t specify exactly what the committee would do.

4 Al Petrick states that the motion is to take a lead before July. The details will be forthcoming.

3 Motion ID 501

4 Vote: Motion passes 100 : 0 : 5

4 Move to request the 802.11 WG Chair to recommend to the 802 Excom, at the opening of the July 2005 802 Excom meeting, to approve and move forward with a reliable external vendor (or vendors) for wireless network services for attendance recording, documentation and external connectivity in order to allow 802.11 to conduct business in an effective manner, and continue to progress in the standardization process.

1 Moved Al Petrick

2 Second Clint Chaplin

3 Motion ID 502

2 Discussion

1 Friendly amendment “Vendor or vendors”

2 How will this motion be received by ExCom – particularly “world class”. What does that add? How would it be explained?

3 We are trying to say we don’t want a “garage operation”. We have high standards.

4 Maybe something like “reliable, suitable”.

3 Vote: Motion passes 112 : 2 : 4

5 Discussion

1 Al Petrick notes that we support Stuart J. Kerry in ExCom meeting in July. It will be at the beginning of the week most likely. 8am Monday

8 Update on CBP – Peter Ecclesine

1 Document 05/0480

2 First meetings this week. Met 4 times.

3 There was a joint meeting with 802.18

4 We will submit a PAR and 5C by June 17th to be on ExCom July agenda.


9 P802.1am PAR discussion

1 Tom Seip presents documents from wireless architecture ad-hoc. (document number unavailable)

1 Summarizing issues from 802.1am PAR – (Management of RF) which was done without coordination with the wireless working groups.

2 There were about 40 people attending from various working groups.

3 Proposing alternative to 802.1am approach. Create a wireless group, with representative from all wireless groups.

2 Motion: Establish a joint wireless WG systems study group to address common 802 wireless issues.

1 Moved Tom Seip

2 Second Denis Kuahara

3 Discussion

1 Concern that it excluded 802.1 – is that the intent?

2 Study Groups in LMSC are under the ExCom. Members from any WG are allowed to participate. Remove after “consisting of…”

3 Deleted without objection.

4 Need to emphasize that this is a shared activity among all wireless groups.

5 Do we need to add “with allocated time”

6 The intent is that this would involved the wireless WGs, and coordinated time would be scheduled on the wireless WG agendas.

7 This is for the 802.11 WG to take this forward.

4 Motion ID 503

5 Vote: Motion passes 60 : 0 : 3

10 Announcements

1 802.21 has a draft for review. There will be a vote taken tomorrow.

11 Recess at 12:35

Friday, May 19, 2005, Closing Plenary

1 Opening

1 The meeting is called to order by Stuart J. Kerry at 08:00

2 There are 101 people in the room

2 Review of the Agenda

1 The agenda in 11-05-0298r2. is reviewed.

2 Any modifications to the agenda? None

3 IEEE SA Letters of Assurance

1 No new LOAs received. One outstanding for 802.11e

4 Announcements

1 CAC meeting schedule. Updates for July Meeting agendas due next week June 3. CAC calls June 13th.and July 11th.

5 Approval of the agenda

1 The agenda is approved with Unanimous consent

3 Announcements

1 The CAC have agreed to a different format for the July meeting. The tutorial slot on Monday evening has been kept free from 802.11 sessions.

2 The policies and procedures of 802 are being changed. They will prohibit WG meetings during Tutorials. If passed, it could come into effect in November.

3 Members should contact the WG chairs, and concerns will be forwarded to ExCom.

4 Stuart asks for any objection to setting aside Monday evening for Tutorials? None

5 We have also established task group ad-hoc sessions in parallel with 802 ExCom and the 802 Plenary. These sessions do not count for attendance.

1 Currently TGu, TGk, TGn, TGs, and JTC1 will take those slots.

6 Discussion

1 As a member of 802, we should be allowed to attend the 802 plenary. Suggests that the 2 hour block be reduced to a 1 hour block to allow the members to attend the 802 plenary.

2 The WG takes the comments under consideration. The 802 plenary is one hour in duration. The practicality of moving rooms may be an issue.

3 Suggest moving the break to align with the 802 plenary time, rather than overlapping ExCom.

4 This may go against the SEC by overlapping the 802 plenary. The 3 hour block could be broken into two 1.5 hour blocks with no break.

5 Regardless of attendance recording, a member still could miss something important if they didn’t attend.

6 Stuart reminds the group that any decisions made in the ad-hoc session will have to be reaffirmed during the main meeting hours.

4 Documentation

1 Harry appreciates the help and patience during the network problems this week.

5 Policies and Procedures

1 Al Petrick reviews the activities this week on the P&P updates. There will be a vote on document 467 in July. We had comments from the working group on 802 P&P changes. We will bring this up in old business. Comments have been attached to the 802 P&P, and we will forward to 802 as our recommendation

6 WG Timelines

1 The timelines have been updated this week. They will be posted to the website later today. It will remain as a web-only document, and updated before and after each session.

7 Editors Report

1 Simon Barber is not present

8 Interim Locations

1 Straw Poll: Apart from the network issues, how many liked the location? The majority liked it.

2 Discussion

1 Al Petrick notes that the accommodations and location are great, but the IT infrastructure is lacking. The WG chair and 802.15 chair need to consider infrastructure for future interim locations.

2 Having hotels separate from meeting facilities cuts down on interaction and communication. Breakfast should be at the meeting location.

3 Regarding venue criteria, the membership needs to be able to see and review these criteria, so members can bring forward potential venues for future interim meetings.

4 One possibility would be to just have coffee, but no pastries at the meeting. It would be nice to have coffee before going into meetings.

9 Closing Reports

1 Publicity – Nanci Vogtli

1 Discussed events calendar, will post to the web site and populating as information becomes available. Ongoing press enquiries and interviews.

2 WNG – TK Tan

1 Document 05/411r1

2 We had 2 sessions,

1 802 architecture – will follow up in July

2 Had a presentation on ad-hoc sensor networking

3 Had a presentation on multicast issues

3 TGe – Bob Miller for John Fakatselis

1 TGe has completed the sponsor ballot process. Approved resolutions for 5 remaining comments, without changes to draft. Will be forwarded to RevCom for approval in July.

4 TGk – Richard Paine

1 05/490r0

2 Objectives were to be ready for LB in July

3 Stuart notes that teleconferences are reported on the main 802.11 web pages

5 TGm – Bob O’Hara

1 Goals were to process comments and issue draft for recirculation

2 Will need to request a new ANA status code. Will request an ad-hoc meeting to continue comment processing.

3 Expect to issue recirculation LB in July

4 We processed 89.5% of the received comments

5 Report in 05/483r0

6 Draft 802.11ma-D2.0 will be available soon.

7 Discussion

1 The document numbers are not correct? Document 483 is not uploaded yet.

2 Harry requests the ANA update information for the website.

6 TGn – Bruce Kraemer

1 Report in 05/470r0

2 Had proposal presentations, Q&A, and a confirmation vote.

3 Technical editor was not elected, and election was postponed until a proposal is confirmed.

4 Working on coexistence documents based on 802.19 requirements.

5 An ad-hoc team has been created to consider the single spatial stream requirements.

6 Confirmation vote failed with 49.5% approval.

7 Will repeat the process of January in July with presentations and downselect.

8 There will be teleconferences

7 TGp – Lee Armstrong

1 Report in 05/495

2 Continued discussion of WRSS issue, reviewed draft, and resolved outstanding comments on draft.

3 Not ready for LB this week.

4 Unable to define specific requirements of WRSS, but expect to have resolved by July.

5 Draft 0.2 was reviewed this week.

6 Next draft to be available for internal review on June 13th

7 Expect first LB after July meeting.

8 TGr – Clint Chaplin

1 Report in 05/492r0

2 Conducted successful confirmation vote – 60 : 3 : 0

3 The technical editor will start work on a draft based on this proposal.

4 Will have teleconferences starting next week.

5 In July , will continue to work on draft text.

9 TGs – Donald Eastlake

1 Report in 05.464r2

2 35 intents to propose. 10 presentations were made at this meeting.

3 Selection procedures were adopted.

4 There will be 4 teleconferences

5 In July, all proposals will be presented. There will be a low hurdle ballot.

10 TGT – Charles Wright

1 report in 05/412r1

2 Created status, and schedule for TG

3 Created metrics and assigned people to create proposals for them

4 Accepted a proposal for inclusion into draft

5 Expecting draft 0.2 by July

6 Planning teleconference on specific days starting June 2nd.

11 TGu – Stephen McCann

1 Report in document 05/487r0

2 Reviewed IETF drafts relevant to work. Created draft liaison letter with 802.21.

3 Will have 2 teleconfs.

4 In July, will finish requirements, scope, liaisons.

5 Planning CFP in November 2005

12 TGv – Pat Calhoun

1 Report in 05/496r1

2 Goals were to appoint secy, editor, and work on requirements.

3 Had 16 presentations

4 Had a motion to modify 5C to include coexistence.

5 Elected Bob Miller as Secretary, and Emily Qi as Technical Editor.

6 Decided on requirements

7 In July, will continue to assign owners to requirements.

8 Discussion

1 Will the 5C for 802.1am overlap this groups efforts? There was some concern, yes

2 There was a security requirements document? It was 05/369r0.

13 TGw – Pat Calhoun for Jesse Walker

1 Report in 05/406r0

2 Approved coexistence clause, appointed Sandy Turner as Secretary, and Jon Edney as Editor

3 Developed draft requirements

14 IETF Ad Hoc – Stephen McCann for Dorothy Stanley

1 Report in 05/494r0

2 IETF requested 802.11 review CAPWAP objectives document. Our output is in 05/347r3 will be approved and forwarded to IETF.

3 The Ad Hoc committee has completed its work and will no longer meet.

4 Dorothy expresses her thanks to all who helped

15 JTC1 SC6 – Clint Chaplin

1 Reviewed resolution from ISO Geneva meetings

2 Indicated that 802.11 cannot support proposed date for Beijing meeting.

3 The group realized that we don’t have sufficient internal knowledge of ISO, so we need outside expertise. Will request IEEE to find an outside resource to assist in working with the ISO politics.

16 802 architecture ad hoc / 802.1am - Tom Seip

1 The motion passed in 802.11 was also passed in 802.21. We will allocate a Tuesday evening in July to discuss this further

10 WG General

1 Update from Editor

1 Harry Worstell presents for Terry Cole and Simon Barber

2 Report in 05/510

3 Discussed draft numbering – pre-Letter Ballot drafts are 0.x. The first LB is 1.0, and subsequent letter ballots are n.0.

4 Drafts should have change bars except for balloted drafts (except for the first draft). Change bars are from the last draft that was voted on.

5 Editors want to receive submissions in Word, not Framemaker.

2 Motion to empower teleconferences

1 Moved Al Petrick

2 Second Harry Worstell

3 Discussion

1 Minor corrections from the floor for dates, times, subjects, etc.

4 Stuart J. Kerry asks if there are any objections to the changes to the motion? None

5 Vote: passes 80 : 1 : 0

3 Policy and Procedure motions.

1 Al Petrick reviews the 802 P&P proposed changes. There has been a call for comments from May 4th. We have received some comments. We met as an ad-hoc and have embedded our member comments in the 802 P&P PDF file.

2 Move to approve the comments received from the 802.11WG on doc:802 policies and procedure changes r4.pdf as recommendations and direct the 802.11WG chair to forward for consideration by 802 Excom after the closing of the 802.11 May Interim.

1 Moved Al Petrick

3 Discussion

1 There was one comment submitted that was not included. It will be added before submitting.

2 What will be forwarded with regard to loss of voting rights? The comments on slide 3

3 If we remove Monday and Tuesday evenings does that affect tutorials? No, we cannot have WG meetings, so only the tutorials are offered.

4 A simple suggestion on voting rights – offering another comment. Change “fails to attend” to “attends fewer than”

5 Concerned about time lost on Monday and Tuesday evenings. We could accept giving up Monday, but we should request that we be allowed to meet on Tuesday evenings.

6 Discussion queue suspended until new business

11 TG Motions

1 TGk

1 Move to empower TGk to hold weekly teleconferences (Wednesdays at 11:30am Eastern time) through 2 weeks after the San Francisco plenary as required to conduct business necessary to progress the Letter Ballot process, including creating and issuing drafts for Letter Ballots and handling other business necessary to progress through the IEEE standards process.

1 Moved on behalf of Task Group K

2 Vote: Passes 60: 0 :0

2 TGm

1 The chair moves to Harry Worstell

2 Moved: to request assignment from ANA of a value in the Status Code table for “Association denied because the ListenInterval is too large”

1 Moved Bob O’Hara on behalf of TGm

2 Vote: Passes 55 : 0 : 6

3 Moved: to authorize TGm to hold an ad hoc meeting in the San Jose, CA area during the week of 20 or 27 June 2005, for the purpose of continuing comment resolution for LB 74.

1 Moved Bob O’Hara on behalf of TGm

2 Vote: Passes 62 : 0 : 2

4 Moved: upon completion of comment resolution, to authorize TGm to have its editor create 802.11REV-ma Draft 2.0, incorporating the resolutions to the comments received on LB 74, and to issue that draft to a 10-day working group recirculation ballot.

1 Moved Bob O’Hara on behalf of TGm

2 Vote: Passes 65 : 1 : 2

5 Moved: request the IEEE 802.11 Working Group chair to make the IEEE 802.11REV-ma draft 2.0 available for purchase, once it becomes available.

1 Moved Bob O’Hara on behalf of TGm

2 Discussion

1 What is the rationale? To provide a wider audience for the document, and early insight into the content for non-members. Also to generate revenue for the IEEE SA.

2 How and when would it be published? What is the revenue, does it go straight to the IEEE? Will be published in the first week of July, and available on the IEEE SA web site soon after.

3 With the publication of 2.0, the 1.0 draft will be removed? Yes that is the intent.

4 Is draft 1.0 currently available? Stuart J. Kerry notes that it was available, but it seems that drafts have disappeared recently.

5 Shouldn’t we wait until D2.0 is ratified in July and in Letter Ballot? D2.0 will be subject to a 10 day recirc before the draft is published.

6 If this revenue for IEEE were approved, could the WG chair use this as a leverage for indemnification for the WG chairs and vice chairs. Stuart J. Kerry says that is the intent.

3 Vote: Passes 58 : 0 : 5

3 TGv

1 Move to add the following coexistence assurance statement to the TGv 5 criteria document: As requested by Exec Comm, move to request that the IEEE 802.11 WG add a coexistence assurance statement to the TGv 5 Criteria Document, Clause 5d: “IEEE Standard 802.11v will address wireless network management only and there will be no co-existence issues.”

1 Moved by the TGv task group

2 Vote: Passes 54 : 0 : 5

4 TGw

1 As requested by Exec Comm, move to request that the IEEE 802.11 WG add a coexistence assurance statement to the TGw 5 Criteria Document, Clause 5d: “IEEE Standard 802.11w will address security only and there will be no coexistence issues.”

1 Moved on behalf of the TGw Task Group

2 Vote: Passes 59 : 0 : 1

2 Discussion

1 Is there a time period for PARs that need to be modified? No, Legacy is already in. and no changes are needed

5 JTC1

1 The JTC1 Ad Hoc Committee requests that the IEEE 802.11 Working Group Chair requires the IEEE 802 sponsor (Paul Nikolich ) to urgently provide competent advice and assistance on progressing toward effective ways to deal with ISO, as events that have transpired are beyond the competence of the Working Group volunteer membership, and block the progression any further IEEE standards in ISO.

1 Moved Clint Chaplin

2 Second Denis Kuahara

3 Vote: Passes 59 : 0 : 5

2 Discussion

1 Would this issue block any IEEE standards? For example P1625? Yes, the issue could resolve into other groups, but we are concerned about 802.11

6 The chair returns to Stuart J. Kerry

12 Working Group Motions

1 Popping Queue to discussion of motion on 802 Policies and Procedures

2 Motion on the floor:

1 Move to approve the comments received from the 802.11WG on doc:802 policies and procedure changes r4.pdf as recommendations and direct the 802.11WG chair to forward for consideration by 802 Excom after the closing of the 802.11 May 2005 Interim session.

1 Moved Al Petrick

3 Discussion

1 Concern that we should not relinquish the time on Tuesday evening.

2 Regarding the loss of membership. Would like to change the text on comments #5 slide. Change three most recent plenary sessions to four most recent plenary sessions.

3 We need to add a new comment to indicate our desire to change the “three” to “four” most recently plenary sessions.

4 Harry Worstell responds that the change to three was desired by the SEC because it takes much longer to lose rights than to gain them. The SEC wants to equalize the two, and make losing rights as fast as gaining them.

4 Recess for ½ hour break

5 Discussion continued

1 We have a lot of comments from the floor, and we are trying to edit them in real-time. But we are not taking votes. Maybe the body should give the chair some guidance that the P&P is not agreeable as a whole. Maybe the changes could be broken out? We can’t address every issue, but perhaps provide some general feedback to use in the decision process at ExCom.

2 Encourages the WG chair to vote no on the package, and continue to refine them, due to all the comments.

3 Agrees that we should not be in favor of the P&P changes.

4 Stuart J. Kerry notes that other WGs are passing their members comments directly to ExCom.

5 Stuart J. Kerry will send the complete package of comments with the commenters name to Excom also. Perhaps that precludes the motion on the floor?

6 the chair asks: Is there a second?

7 Second: Roger Durand

8 The second is withdrawn

9 There is no second to the motion – the motion is withdrawn

13 New Business

1 Discussion

1 Given the previous discussion, would a motion directing the chair to vote no necessary? The chair indicates he would like to see the will of the body

2 Move to recommend that the 802.11 WG chair votes NO on the package of changes to 802.0 policies and procedures, but the WG chair is to act on individual items according to the comments received from the 802.11 WG membership.

1 Moved Jon Rosdahl

2 Discussion

1 This is a problem since we have not recorded the will of the group. Delete “will of”.

2 The WG chair notes that a directed position requires 75% of all voting members. Change direct to “recommend”.

3 Second Denis Kuahara

4 Vote: Passes 60 : 0 : 4

3 Discussion

1 Would it help to have a motion regarding the Monday / Tuesday evening issue? Yes

4 Move to recommend that the 802.11 Working Group chair votes to reflect the 802.11 WG membership’s objection to the loss of the both the Monday and Tuesday evening meeting times at Plenary sessions.

1 Moved Garth Hillman

2 Second Bruce Kraemer

3 Discussion

1 A directed position in says 75% of the people at the meeting, not the total voting membership.

4 Vote: Passes 56 : 2 : 2

14 Other business

1 Update of activities on the 802.1am PAR – Andrew Myles

1 Document 05/453r1

2 Recommended that the 802.11 body reject the PAR.

3 It was decided to create a study group in July.

4 Unless the 802.1am PAR is withdrawn, we have to formally respond to it before Tuesday afternoon at the July Plenary. We have to approve comments to be submitted at the Monday Plenary meeting.

5 Our comments will be posted to the reflector. Please review and be ready to approve our position on Monday in San Francisco.

6 Discussion

1 The sense of the resolution was to recommend tabling the 802.1am PAR, not specifically rejecting it.

2 Has the work of the Ad Hoc completed? It was just a discussion – there was no formal charter or response.

3 We established that there would be some ad-hoc time in July on Monday morning. Request the chair to allocate a time slot on Monday morning to work on the 802.1am document creation.

4 Agreed – The WG chair adjusts the allocation of Monday AM ad-hoc sessions to allocate one for 802.1am.

5 This session will be announced to other wireless working groups as well.

6 Why remove the TGk ad-hoc – just have 6? Stuart J. Kerry states that we agreed to have 5 parallel sessions.

15 Closing

1 Next meeting San Francisco, July 18-22, 2005 registration and booking is open.

2 The network will be up for 30 minutes more

3 The meeting is adjourned at 11:25



Notice: This document has been prepared to assist IEEE 802.11. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein.

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Minutes of the 802.11 full working group.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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