Campaign Design Training: Facility Design PlanKristah KitchenUniversity of Texas at TylerHRD 4313.040Dr. CathcartApril 18, 2011Table of ContentsIntroduction………………………………………………………………………………………..5Scale Drawing……………………………………………………………………………………..7Human Design Elements…………………………………………………………………..7Furniture, Equipment, and Fixtures……………………………………………………….9Lighting, Ventilation, and Electric……………………………………………………….10Instructor Liability Issues………………………………………………………………………..11Liability Issues…………………………………………………………………..……….11Record Retention and Destruction Policy………………………………………………………..12Safety Plan……………………………………………………………………………………….13Accident Reporting Process……………………………………………………………...14Advisory Committee……………………………………………………………………………..15Equipment, Furniture and Fixtures, and Supplies for One Year…………………………………17Equipment………………………………………………………………………………..17Furniture and Fixtures……………………………………………………………………17Supplies for One Year……………………………………………………………………17Purchasing/Inventory Procedure…………………………………………………………………18Maintenance Plan………………………………………………………………………………...19Maintenance of Equipment………………………………….…………….……………..19Distribution……………………………………………………………..………………..19Storage…………………………………………………………………………………...20Extra Items……………………………………………………………………………….20Items in Use……………………………………………………………………………...20Orienting and Organizing Students Plan…………………………………………………………22Accommodating Students with Disabilities……………………………………………………...24Press Release……………………………………………………………………………………..25Appendices………………………………………………………………………………...……..26Appendix A Liability Handout for Instructor……………………………………...…….26Appendix B Record Retention……………...……………………………………...…….28Appendix C Instructor Safety Handout……………………………..……………...…….29Appendix D Student Safety Handout…………………….………………………...…….31Appendix E Safety Instruction Plan…...…………………………………………...…….34Appendix F Student Evaluation………………………………….………………...…….37Appendix G Witness Report….………………………………….………………...…….40Appendix H Accident Report….…………………………………………………...…….41Appendix I Equipment…..……………………………………….………………...…….43Appendix J Furniture and Fixtures………………………………………………...…….47Appendix K Supplies for One Year...……………………………………………...…….51Appendix L Bid Proposal…..……………………………………………………...…….52IntroductionMedia Kitchen: Learning is a training center for all stages of learning in graphic design, web design, photography, and videography. Training courses are offered throughout the year at the Media Kitchen: Learning Center in Dallas, Texas. A schedule of all courses is available at on January first each year. Students may include various media professionals interested in updating their knowledge and skills, or non-professionals looking to gain knowledge and skills to begin a career with. Campaign Design Training is a course that requires students to work together using creativity and the latest Creative Suite (CS) software. Students will learn how to create an effective advertising campaign, how to work with an art director, designer, and copywriter. Finally, students will learn how to pitch an ad campaign to a group.The environment for Campaign Design Training is a large modern room designed to promote creativity. The room is equipped with twelve 27-inch iMacs loaded with the latest CS software. The room also has a matting area where students can print and mount their work. This new instructional facility will be a remodel of an older facility. Media Kitchen: Learning believes in giving students the best possible learning experience, and therefore recognizes the need for training its students with the latest technology. The new facility will do just that.The approximate cost of this remodel will be $110,000. All existing equipment will be replaced with the latest and highest quality equipment needed for campaign design, including printers, scanners, computers, software, and a projector. The interior design of the room will have an important role, as the environment will need to be one that will inspire creativity and good design. Management processes dealing with purchasing, receiving, and set up are detailed in various sections of this report. Recommendations for instructor and student behavior are outlined as well. Safety procedures are fully detailed in the safety plan section. All new instructors are required to attend a one day training course to understand more fully Media Kitchen: Learning’s liability policies and how to avoid liability. The instructor for Campaign Design must be a qualified professional with at least five years of work experience and a bachelor’s degree. Scale DrawingThe following section outlines the visuals of the training environment. The training environment is a remodel of an old manufacturing plant. Much of the “character” of the old building will be kept in the stained concrete flooring and exposed ceiling. However, due to fire hazards and electrical problems most of the building has been rebuilt. The room is 30 by 26-feet and will accommodate up to 12 students. The room has excellent ventilation and lighting for all tasks required by the class.Human Design ElementsThe room’s appearance has been carefully designed to foster creativity in the students. Campaign Design will be the only group to occupy this room for the duration of the class; therefore, the instructor and students will, to an extent, be able to make the space their own. There are no windows in the training environment to prevent glares on the computer screen and optimal use of the projector.A seven-foot wide section of the east wall is painted with magnetic chalkboard paint so students may write, draw, or hang images and or thoughts that inspire them. The rest of the walls are painted a cream color that has a hint of yellow. On the walls will hang framed work from graphic design legends such as Milton Glaser, Giambattista Bodoni, and Jonathan Ive. The ceiling is exposed and the floors are stained concrete so that the chairs may role easier. There is one large trash can and one large recycling bin near the matting area, to make maintenance easier, as well as one small trash can near the instructor’s desk and one small trash can at the back of the class. The following are scale drawings of the room conveying furniture, equipment, and fixture placement in the training environment. The second scale drawing shows the placement of lighting, ventilation, and electrics. Please refer to the legend located at the bottom of each drawing.Instructor Liability IssuesThere are various liability issues associated with this training environment involving the possibility of students harming themselves with the required equipment. There are also other liability issues such as, harassment and discrimination, that Media Kitchen: Learning has specific policies on. The instructor needs to be aware of these issues. Therefore, this section references a handout outlining Media Kitchen: Learning policies that apply specifically to the instructor within the training environment and gives specific instructions to the instructor. Liability IssuesLiability issues associated with this classroom are the possibility of students cutting themselves while using an x-acto-knife or the paper cutter, fumes from the spray adhesive may harm students’ lungs, allergic reactions to the spray adhesive if it should get on their skin, potential eye damage if the student gets the spray adhesive in his or her eyes, and students might trip on any exposed cords. There are also certain ergonomic liability issues. A student may obtain back, wrist, or eye injuries if he or she is not, maintaining proper posture and taking regular breaks from working on the computer.The company has specific policies concerning harassment and discrimination. All employees are required to attend the discrimination and harassment program offered by Media Kitchen: Learning, before beginning teaching. In this program, instructors will learn how to spot and deal with harassment and discrimination before it becomes a liability issue. To view the Liability Handout for Instructor, see appendix A.Record Retention and Destruction PolicyMedia Kitchen: Learning has a specific policy for the retention and destruction of all records. All records received by Media Kitchen: Learning such as inventory receipts, are converted to a digital format if not already in one. A secretary to the department retaining the record will perform the digital conversion. This process is due to the initiative to make Media Kitchen: Learning a totally paperless operation. The policy for the retention and destruction of documents is as follows. Documents will be stored in the company’s digital storing database for a specific amount of time before automatically being deleted from the system. The instructor may keep documents related to his or her training environment on the instructor computer locked with a password unknown to the students. If an instructor so desires to keep a hard copy of the document he or she may do so by locking the document in a file within the locked storage closet. While this is not recommended, it is permitted.To view a chart explaining which records will be retained and the amount of time each record will be retained, see appendix B.Safety PlanAs briefly expressed previously in the liability section, there are various safety issues within the Campaign Design training environment. These issues consist of chemical, physical, and ergonomic safety hazards. Media Kitchen: Learning provides an instructor and student handout further explaining these issues and how they should be avoided. Also, provided is a safety instruction plan. The plan gives the instructor specific guidelines for instructing the students on preparing, operating, and shutting down, hazardous equipment. Students should be given and score a 100 on the student evaluation before being allowed to operate hazardous equipment. Finally, there is a process for reporting accidents that should be followed with precision.There are chemical, physical, and ergonomic safety issues within the Campaign Design training environment. Chemical issues consist of the use of spray adhesive, permanent markers, dry-erase markers, and ink for the printer. Physical safety issues include the use of x-acto knives, paper cutters, fume hood, possibly tripping on loose chords, corners of tables, and general tidiness of the environment. Perhaps the most dangerous of the safety issues are the ergonomic safety issues. Students must maintain a proper position while using the computers and bamboo tablets or else they may experience back, neck, and or wrist pain. Instructors should be aware of certain safety issues and should know the procedure for avoiding and or handling the issues. To do so instructors should refer to the Instructor Safety Handout, see appendix C. The students should also be given a handout concerning safety issues. See appendix D for Student Safety Handout.The instructor should refer to this facility’s Safety Instruction Plan, see appendix E. This plan aids the instructor in establishing safety with the students in Campaign Design. The Safety Instruction Plan addresses two main safety issues, using the machines (computers,) and mounting projects. The plan outlines the steps of theses tasks from preparation to operation to shutdown. The safety instruction plan should be taught then demonstrated. After the demonstration the instructor should test the students’ knowledge using the Student Evaluation, see appendix F. Students should receive a 100% grade before continuing the class.Accident Reporting ProcessIn the event of an accident, minor or serious, instructors should file a Witness Report (see appendix G) and an Accident Report (see appendix H). These reports should be kept on file until the end of the class and it should be sent to the main office for additional record keeping. As explained in the instructor handout, instructors should first care for the student, then immediately file a witness report, and finally file the accident report.Advisory CommitteeThe training environment for Campaign Design has an excellent advisory committee. This committee consists of seven members, John Gossette, Cindy Williams, Milton Shatner, Michael Rombo, Lucas Haffleby, Kendra Laribee, and Stacy Jones. These members are of a broad variety of occupations and community involvement, but all are knowledgeable and skilled in campaign design. This section elaborates on the committee’s members and function. The advisory committee meets three times a year to discuss the growth, funding, and current state of Campaign Design. John Gossette is the President of Mouse Whiskers, a large design house in Austin, Texas, and the chairperson of this advisory committee. He is best known for his work on the long running, Chik-fil-A ad campaign. Cindy Williams is an Art Director at Hybrid Studios in Dallas, Texas. She is also the founder of the local Designer’s Club. Milton Shatner has been instructing Campaign Design at Media Kitchen: Education for 13 years. Michael Rombo will complete his advertising certificate in May of 2011 at Media Kitchen: Education. He took Campaign Design in the fall of 2009. Kendra Laribee is the vocational counselor for Media Kitchen: Education. She has been advising people on career opportunities within the media field for 15 years. Lucas Haffleby is a professional blogger. He is well informed of the needs of the current and upcoming design community. Stacy Jones is a secretary for Media Kitchen: Education and will act as secretary for this advisory committee.As the chairperson, John Gossette is responsible for calling and presiding at all committee meetings. He is also responsible for scheduling all meetings and making necessary committee assignments. Stacy Jones, the secretary of the committee, is responsible for recording, maintaining and distributing minutes of every meeting to each member. She is responsible for notifying members of the meeting date, time, and place. Also, she must provide all members with an agenda and upcoming issues for the committee, prior to each meeting. The advisory committee for Campaign Design has a strict rotation policy. Election for the chairmen of the committee is held once every three years. At which point, by a vote of 2/3 or more, new committee members may be added, and the chairmen may be elected or re-elected.Equipment, Furniture and Fixtures, and SuppliesAs stated previously and shown in the Scale Drawing section, the training environment of Campaign Design is outfitted with state of the art equipment. This section details the equipment, furniture and fixtures, and supplies for one year needed in Campaign Design. This includes a detailed description of each product, amount needed for the training environment, cost per unit of each product, and the total cost. This section also helps to give a total cost estimation of the Campaign Design training environment. 08FallEquipmentThe training environment for Campaign Design requires technical, matting equipment, and other necessities. To see a full listing and description of the equipment, refer to appendix I.Furniture and FixturesStudents will experience traditional classroom training and hands on training. Therefore, the furniture and fixtures in the Campaign Design training environment include, ergonomic seating, computer tables, worktables, shelving, a dry erase board, and a ceiling mounted projector. Also there are some safety fixtures such as, a ductless fume hood for mounting student projects. To view a full listing and description of the furniture and fixtures, refer to appendix J.Supplies for One YearVarious supplies are needed for Campaign Design. Some of the supplies include, paper, x-acto knives, and fume hood replacement filters. For a full listing and description of these supplies, refer to appendix K.Purchasing and Inventory ProcedureThe purchasing process for the Campaign Design training environment consists of presenting a bid proposal for all equipment, furniture, fixtures, and one year’s supplies needed for the training to various vendors. The vendors who obtain the bid will be responsible for shipping costs and ownership liability of the products until they are delivered to Media Kitchen: Learning. To view the bid proposal for the Campaign Design training environment, see appendix L.If an instructor feels he or she needs to reorder supplies the procedure is to go online to . Here the instructor will find a form to request inventory reorders. This request will be sent directly to purchasing, who will then grant or deny the request. The instructor will be notified within seven business days if the request is granted or not. This procedure was designed to conform to the paperless initiative and for convenience of the instructor and purchasing department at Media Kitchen: Learning.Upon receiving the equipment the instructor of Campaign Design is required to test and make sure all orders received are correct. Then the instructor should send the bid proposal, all receipts and other related documents to Media Kitchen: Learning’s main office for proper filing and inventory processing. Maintenance PlanThe following plan outlines Media: Learning’s maintenance plan for Campaign Design Training. The plan consists of maintenance of equipment, distribution of supplies, and storage of equipment and supplies.Maintenance of EquipmentBelow is a table of the maintenance to be performed, who will perform the maintenance task, when the maintenance task should be performed, and the cost of the maintenance.Maintenance TaskPerformerTimeCostGeneral Computer MaintenanceProduct providerAs needed$3,000General Printer MaintenanceProduct providerAs needed$500Software updateInstructorBi-yearly$7,500Bamboo tablet pen tip replacementInstructorAs needed$5X-ACTO Knife blade replacementStudentOnce per weekN/AFume Hood Filter ReplacementInstructorBi-yearlyN/ADistributionOn the first day of the class each student will receive an x-acto knife, 4 extra x-acto knife blades, 1 sharpie, 3 drawing pencils, 2 drawing pens, 1 vinyl eraser, and 1 sketchpad that they will be responsible for bringing to class. Students will each be assigned a locker. The training environment uses the honors system. The honors system means each student is trusted to be responsible with his or her given items and not be careless in the use of other resources. StorageExtra supplies and equipment, and in use supplies and equipment need to be stored properly. Below is a listing of the extra or in use item, where it should be stored, and the level of security it should be stored at.Extra ItemsExtra ItemPlaceSecurityPaperStorage closetLockedDry-erase markersStorage closetLockedX-acto knifesStorage closetLockedX-acto knife bladesStorage closetLockedDrawing pencilsStorage closetLockedBlack drawing pensStorage closetLockedKneaded erasersStorage closetLocked8.5”x11” Sketch padsStorage closetLockedInk for printerStorage closetLockedKrylon spray adhesiveStorage closetLocked30”x40” Black foam core boardStorage closetLockedReplacement bamboo tablet pen tipsStorage closetLockedFume hood filter replacementsStorage closetLockedItems in UseItem in UsePlaceSecurityX-acto knifesCup in matting areaUnlockedPencilsCup on oval work tables and cup in matting areaUnlockedSharpiesCup on oval work tablesUnlockedVinyl ErasersCup on oval work tablesUnlockedKrylon spray adhesiveFume hoodUnlockedRulersHanging on both sides of matting tableUnlockedT-squaresHanging on both sides of matting tableUnlocked22”x28” Black foam core boardUnder matting table in slotUnlocked Orienting and Organizing Students PlanThis section concerns how the instructor will orient and organize the students. It does so by further explaining how the instructor will distribute and assign equipment and supplies to the students, how and when the instructor will conduct safety training, the format students will receive and submit assignments in, how students will be graded, what will be accomplished in the orientation, and how the instructor will conduct the class during the course.When students enter the classroom they should be allowed to choose a computer to use for the remainder of the class. The instructor should record the student’s name and computer number they choose. The same procedure should be followed for the lockers. Allow the students to choose a locker, and make a record of it. The instructor should urge students to bring a lock to put on their locker. The instructor should distribute an x-acto knife, 4 extra x-acto knife blades, 1 sharpie, 3 drawing pencils, 2 drawing pens, 1 vinyl eraser, and 1 sketchpad to each student. The students should be informed that these are their supplies to be responsible for, until the class is complete. If extra supplies are needed the instructor may give it out at his or her own discretion. Students may be fined for the use of extra supplies.The instructor should give each student a safety plan student handout and review the safety instruction plan on the first day of training. After that the instructor should review specific safety procedures as they become relevant. For example, if a student needs to cut out his or her project on the paper cutter, the instructor should remind the student of the danger, and demonstrate how to use the paper cutter properly.All assignments will be delivered verbally and digitally through the drop box on each student’s computer. Likewise, the students will submit work to be graded in the instructor’s drop box. Some projects require students to matte their work, so the student must submit a digital form as well as the matted form of the project to the instructor. In this case the instructor will compose two digital rubrics, one for the matting of the project and the presentation, and one for the project itself, that he or she will return to the student once the project is graded. The instructor should grade according to skill in the software, creativity, use of design elements, and timeliness. The instructor should also critique each student on his or her project, so that he or she may perfect the project to become a portfolio piece. The instructor should conduct the class in a positive manner, displaying confidence, creativity, and encouragement towards all students. Students should be encouraged to think creatively, defend their work, and critique each other’s work.Accommodating Students with DisabilitiesThe lab for Campaign Design is designed to accommodate students or instructors who use a wheelchair, walker, or any other mobile aid device. The Campaign Design training environment makes these accommodations by, providing plenty of space in the doorway and aisles, easy to open doors, smooth floors with no stairs, and desks and tables that are the proper height. This class is designed strictly for adult use. No students will be admitted under the age of twenty-one. Press ReleaseCampaign Design is a training event for the experienced and inexperienced graphic designer looking to sharpen his or her design sense and skills. The class will take place in a brand new state of the art training environment. Students will learn how to work with a team to create stellar campaign designs. They will bring their ideas to life using Adobe Creative Suite 5. Other skills that will be taught consist of printing and matting, networking, and advancing creativity. Classes will fill up fast, so sign up online today at the following link! ALiability Handout for InstructorThis handout outlines Media Kitchen: Learning Center policies that apply specifically to the instructor within the training environment and gives specific instructions to the instructor. Please review and become familiar with these anization policies on disciplineDismiss student from class if he or she is disrupting the class. Only intervene physically with students if needed to restrain a student from hurting another student or his or herself. Notify security as soon as possible.Treat students professionally and with respect, if a student does not behave accordingly toward you, fellow students, and the training environment, then you may dismiss the student from the anization policies on harassment and discriminationThe instructional environment is handicapped accessible.Gain a full understanding of any handicaps of all students and accommodate them accordingly in the training facility. Never be in a classroom with only one student. A lab assistant or other witness should be anization policies on safetyCreate an attendance record for each class.Ensure that each student is properly trained and understands how to use all equipment before operating it.Always keep the training environment tidy and in good condition. Advise students to change the blades on their x-acto knives once every two weeks and to wear goggles and gloves while applying spray adhesive inside the fume hood.Report accidents immediately to HR.Instructor behavior in the classroomDress appropriately for class in semi-casual, modest attire. Women should not wear low-cut blouses or pants/skirts above the knees. Men should not wear shorts. Encourage all students to work together and create better designs. Answer all technical questions asked by students. It is not permitted to work on personal projects during class time.Observe the students and offering assistance as needed.Appendix BRecord RetentionRecordTime RetainedAccident Report1 yearsStudent Evaluations1 yearsInventory7 yearsPurchase Request1 yearsShipping Documents and Invoices7 yearsWork Order1 yearsClass Role1 yearPurchases7 yearStudent tests1 yearAppendix CInstructor Safety Handout While the training environment for Campaign Design does not contain many obvious safety hazards, as the instructor, you should be vigilant in becoming aware of the safety issues that do exist, and how to deal with them if they should arise. The following explains possible chemical, physical, and ergonomic safety issues that may become apparent, how to avoid these issues, and how you should handle the issues if they do occur. Students will be using spray adhesive to mount and present their projects. When the time comes for students to mount their first project, you should educate the students on the dangers of inhaling the toxic fumes of the adhesive and give instruction on how to properly operate the fume hood. If a student does not properly operate the fume hood and inhales toxic fumes from the adhesive, you should immediately contact poison control. Once the student is taken care of, you should file a witness and an accident report, see appendix G and H. Students that may be pregnant should not use spray adhesive, due to the high risk of chromosome damage. Students should be instructed at the beginning of the class not to inhale fumes from the dry-erase, or permanent markers in the classroom. If a student does inhale too many fumes from the markers you should follow the previous procedure. You should instruct students on safety rules and precautions just before they begin mounting their projects. This includes proper handling and storing of x-acto knives and paper cutters. There should be no more than four students in the matting area at one time, knives should be capped while not in use, horseplay should be strongly disciplined, and the matting area should be kept tidy at all times. If a student does receive a minor cut they should use the first aid kit located near the matting area, and you should file an accident report. If a student receives a serious injury you should call 911, file a witness report, and file an accident report. At the beginning of the class you should ask the students, and continue to remind them, to keep the entire classroom tidy, and to alert you to any cords that have come loose in a walking path.Finally you should address possible ergonomic safety issues. You should express the importance of proper posture while students are working on the computers. If students are not leaning back in their seats and the seats are not adjusted to a proper height that prevents straining of the wrists students will develop neck and wrist aches with the possibility of carpel-tunnel and other syndromes. To prevent stiffness and eyestrain, you should also require students to stand and take a break every hour.ContactsPoison Control:Phone: 1-800-222-1222 Appendix DStudent Safety HandoutWhile creativity, learning, and having fun are priorities in Campaign Design 101, the number one priority is safety. You should become familiar with the hazards of this lab and how to avoid them. If you have any questions or do not remember how to do a particular task, do not hesitate to ask before giving it a go.General Safety RulesNo horseplayIf you feel the need to dance, jog, throw miscellaneous objects, etc. please do so outside of the classroom. This type of behavior is prohibited due to the expensive equipment and safety hazards.Keep it cleanPlease keep your work area tidy at all times. When you are finished working in the matting area, please properly store all of the tools you used. This will also make it easier to find what you need next time you mount a project.Stay positiveThis is class involves a lot of group work, so it is important for everyone to stay positive and get along. It is all about your attitude.Cleanup ProceduresStow toolsAll tools in the matting area have a home. These homes are clearly marked and you are expected to restore them to their homes before leaving the area.Clean up trashAny excess paper should be placed in the recycling bin before leaving the matting area.Turn off fume hoodAfter using the fume hood, make sure it is off and the spray adhesive is put away.Back up and log offBefore leaving the lab after each class, be sure to back up your day’s work on a flash drive, CD, etc, and log off your computer.Lab HazardsBe aware of the environmentIn order to avoid accidents, only 4 people should be in the matting area at a time.Knives/paper cutterThe knives and paper cutters are very sharp. Take your time and keep your fingers clear of the blade to avoid injury. Always cap knives when finished to avoid injury of others.Toxic fumesThe spray adhesive puts toxic fumes in the air. Make sure to only use while inside the fume hood. If you are pregnant, ask for assistance.PostureIt is important to lean back in your chair and have it at the proper height to avoid neck and wrist strain. To avoid eyestrain and stiffness you should stand and walk around at least once every hour.Fire safetyIn case of a fire, calmly and quickly exit the room and proceed down the stairwell to the right. Exit the building at the bottom of the stairs and go to the back of the parking lot.Appendix ESafety Instruction PlanThe following is a plan to establish safety in Campaign Design with the students. There are two main jobs the instructor should address with the students. Those two areas are using the machines (computers) and mounting projects. The following should be taught to the students, and then demonstrated. Using the ComputersPreparation: Adjust chair to comfortable height. Avoid wrist strain.Adjust lumbar support. Avoid neck and or back strain.No food or drinks near the machine.Operation:Log on to personal account.Save work at least every 15 minutes.Take a break and walk around the room at least once every hour.Shutdown:Backup the day’s work to a flash drive or CD.Eject and remove the flash drive or CD.Log out of personal account.Clean up work area (throw away trash, push in chair, put away used materials, etc.).Mounting ProjectsTrim Print and Matte BoardPreparation:Gather tools (print to mount, at least 15x21” matte board, ruler, pencil, and x-acto knife).Check blade by gently pulling it across a scrap of paper twice. If the paper does not have a clean cut, the blade needs to be changed. New blades can be requested from the instructorTwist the textured part of the knife counter-clockwise until the blade is loose.Carefully remove the old blade and dispose of it in the large trash can.Carefully place the new blade in the knife.Twist the textured part of the knife clockwise until the blade is secure. Using a pencil and ruler, measure and make clear marks where the matte board needs to be trimmed.Operation:Use the paper cutter to trim the print.Hold a straight edge firmly where the matte board needs to be trimmed. Make sure fingers are safely away from the edge to be cut.Gently pull the x-acto knife along the edge until the cut is made. (If too much pressure is exerted on the knife, the blade will break.)Shutdown:Cap the x-acto knife and close the paper cutter.Properly store the x-acto.Throw scraps of paper and matt board into the recycling bin.MountPreparation:Using a ruler and pencil, clearly mark where the print will be mounted on the matte board. (In the center with a 2” border on each side.)Retrieve spray adhesive.Place spray adhesive and print inside the fume hood.Turn on the fume hood. Operation:Flip the print so the backside is facing upIn quick motions, lightly spray the backside of the print from edge to edge until the adhesive covers it.Exit the fume hood and place the print within the marks made previously on the matte board.Shutdown:Turn off the fume hoodPut away all tools used, including the spray adhesive.Appendix FCourse title:Student name:Student Evaluation1. How many people should be in the matting area at one time?2. Is horseplay allowed in the lab?3. What should you do when you are finished using an X-acto knife?4. What should you do before leaving an area of the classroom?5. What should you do before logging off your computer?6. What should you do in case of a fire?Answers Key:1. 4 or less2. no3. cap and store it4. tidy up area5. back up work6. calmly but quickly exit the building and proceed to the parking lotWhat to do in case of an accident PolicyAppendix GWitness ReportPlease give an accurate account of the accident, detailing who was involved, what happened, and how it happened.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Print name: ____________________________Signature: _____________________________Date: ___________________Appendix HAccident ReportInjured student’s name: __________________________________________________________Day and time of the incident: ______________________________________________________Location of the accident: _________________________________________________________Instructor’s name: ______________________________________________________________Instructor’s location and actions at the time of the incident: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Detailed description of the incident: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Task the student was instructed to do: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Injured student or any other student’s actions related to the cause incident: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Instructor’s actions following the accident: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Other notes: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Appendix IEquipmentDescriptionAmount NeededCost per UnitTotal Cost27” iMac Computer· 2.8GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i5· 4GB 1333MHz DDR3 SDRAM - 2x2GB· 1TB Serial ATA Drive· 8x double-layer SuperDrive· ATI Radeon HD 5750 1GB GDDR5 SDRAM· Apple Wireless Keyboard (English) & User's Guide· Magic Mouse13$1,999$25,987Adobe CS5 Design Premium13$1,899$24,687Epson Expression 10,000XL Graphic Arts ScannerDimensions: 22.8" x 18" x 6.2" (W x D x H) Weight: 28.7 lb Scanner Type: Flatbed color image scanner Optical Sensor: Color Epson MatrixCCD? line sensor Optical Resolution: 2400 dpi Hardware Resolution: 2400 x 4800 dpi with Micro Step Drive? technology Maximum Resolution: 12,800 x 12,800 dpi Effective Pixels: 87,840 pixels / line (2400 dpi) Color Bit Depth: 48-bit internal / external1 Grayscale Bit Depth: 16-bit internal / external1 Optical Density: 3.8 Dmax Maximum Scan Area: 12.2" x 17.2" Light Source: Xenon gas cold cathode fluorescent lamp Focus Control: AutoFocus optics system (CCD and lens unit) 7$2,500$17,500Wacom Bamboo pen and touch tabletTablet Dimensions: 13.3" x 8.8" Active Area – Touch: 7.5" x 5.1" Active Area - Pen: 8.5" x 5.4" (216mm x 137mm)Pressure Levels: 1024 on Pen TipResolution: 2540 lpiMax Data Rate: 133 ppsAccuracy: +/- .02 in (+/- 0.5 mm)Tablet Weight: 1 lb. 12.5 ozConnectivity: Standard USBOrientation: Reversible for right- or left-handed users13$199$2,587Xerox Phaser 7760DXDimensions: Depth 28.5” x Height 33.7” x Width 25.4” Printer Type: Workgroup printer - laser - color Weight?? 291 lbs1$5,499$5,499GBC? Ingento? Classic Paper Trimmer, 18"x18", MapleHigh-quality, self-sharpening steel blades will cut up to 10 sheets of paper2$196$392ELMO P10S Compact Visual PresenterImage Pick-Up Device: 1/3" progressive scan CCD Memory Card: SD memory card slot provided Resolution: RGB output: 600(H) x 600(V) TV lines, Video Output: 450 (H) TV lines Zoom: Powered 16X optical Lens: F2.8, f=4 Frame Rate: 20 fps Shooting Area: Max: 405 x 303 mm (15 15/16" x 11 15/16")min: 36.5 x 28 mm (1 7/16" x 1 3/22") Outputs: Analog RGB output [XGA (1,024 x 768 @ 60 Hz), VESA], S-video output, DVI output Inputs: Internal RGB input Features: Auto/manual powered focus, auto/manual iris adjustment, auto white balance, negative/positive conversion, aperture enhancement, text mode, edge enhancement, color/b&w selection, pause mode Features (continued): Gamma adjustment, on-screen display, split display, image save, image rotation, state presetting, internal sync system Power Source: AC 100 to 240V, 50/60 Hz Lighting: Twin fluorescent lamp included Included: I/R remote control, AC adapter, cables, Image Mate software Dimensions Set Up: 14 7/8" x 19" x 23" Dimensions Folded: 14 7/8" x 19" x 7 1/8" Warranty: 3 years Weight: 11.0 lbs. 1$1,953$1,95313-3/4" x 3" Graphic Arts Leading GaugeRuler is printed on transparent plastic and laminated for printing permanency. It includes scales in picas, point sizes, printer's ruler, sixteenths to the inch and a leading gauge.12$4.25$518.5" x 1.5" Clear L-SquareA transparent plastic square. Each leg is calibrated in sixteenths to the inch and centimeters. Printing is laminated on clear materials.12$5.95$71.40Aluminum Straight Edge 12"Aluminum straight edges are constructed of hardened, spring tempered aluminum. Silk screened in centimeter and 16ths inch calibrations with convenient hanging hole. 0.060 thickness. Made in the U.S.A.12$3.99$47.88120” x 48” Protek Cutting MatSelf-sealingPrinted with scales in tenths, inches and metric1$90$90RCA 25216 2-Line Corded Phonenumber of phone lines 2 caller ID compatible conference features 3-way speakerphone type of display LCD number of characters per line 15 call waiting compatiblephone book capacity 99 numbers volume control hold feature mute feature headset compatible number of speed-dial buttons 10 memory capacity 99 numbers mountable color Black/Silver warranty length 2-year limited 1$125$125X-Acto? Pro-X? Electric Sharpener With Anti-Microbial Protectionelectric sharpener capacity adjustable overload protection automatic start/stopsafety switch receptacle included steel cutters warranty length 8-year limited color Gray 1$92.69$92.69Brute? Recycling ContainerModel No. – H-147832 GallonWeight – 9Lbs.22” Diameter x 27 ?” High2$32.75$65.50Red Trash Can with Bag Band13”Wx11”Dx15.25”H7 Gallon2$26.95$53.90Fellowes? 7-Outlet Metal Power Strip, 12' Cord, Silver/Blackbrand name Fellowes amp rating 15 amps number of outlets 7 cord length 12 feet color Silver/Black 8$13.95$111.60Appendix JFurniture and FixturesDescriptionAmount NeededCost per UnitTotal CostVirco - 24" x 72" Rectangular Computer TableSturdy 1-1/8" thick tops are finished with a cool Grey Nebula high-pressure laminate. A generous wire management panel is standard on all tables to facilitate the routing of cablesWeight: 96.00 lbs7$480$3,360168”x48” Galvanized Steel Maple Top Baker's Worktable with Bin Stops and Guides1$4,122$4,122GALANT Conference tableProduct dimensionsWidth: 76 3/4 "Depth: 43 1/4 "Min. height: 23 5/8 "Max. height: 35 3/8 "Conference table tops:Particleboard, Birch veneer, Clear acrylic lacquerFrame: Frame: Steel, Pigmented epoxy/polyester powder coatingFabric/ Inner fabric: 100 % polyester, PolyurethaneHook and loop fastener: PolyamideThread: 100 % nylonInsert, bottom: PolypropyleneA-leg: Steel, Epoxy/polyester powder coatingBirch Veneer2$300$600Benchtop Ductless Exhaust Fume HoodThis high-capacity, turnkey fume hood features dual blowers to ensure a safe exhaust flow speed >/= 100 fpm. Polypropylene construction resists chemical vapors, and an onboard air speed meter monitors operation. Includes hood, fluorescent illuminator, blower module (two 1200CFM), filter housing, and swing vane anemometer. Dimensions: 45"W x 28"D x 27"H. Order desired filter(s) separately.1$3,399$3,399MARKUS Swivel chairProduct dimensionsWidth: 24 3/8 "Depth: 23 5/8 "Min. height: 52 3/8 "Max. height: 56 1/4 "Seat width: 20 7/8 "Seat depth: 18 1/2 "Min. seat height: 15 3/4 "Max. seat height: 22 1/2 "Color: Black- Height adjustable for a comfortable sitting posture.- Adjustable and lockable tilt function for increased stability and control in different sitting positions.- Built-in lumbar support; provides extra relief and support for your back.- The headrest provides extra support for your head and neck.- The mesh material of the backrest lets air through to your back during long sitting periods.13$199$2,587PowerLite 826W ProjectorProjection System: Epson 3LCD, 3-chip optical engineNative Resolution: 1280 x 800 (WXGA)Contrast Ratio: Up to 2,000:1Light Output: 2,500 lumens (color & white)Aspect Ratio: 16:10 (4:3 compatible)Supported Resolutions: VGA, SVGA, XGA, SXGA, WXGA60-1, WXGA 60-2, SXGA2, SXGA3, WSXGA, WSXGA+, SXGA+, UXGALamp Type: E-TORL (200 Watts UHE)Lamp Life: Up to 6,000 hours (low light mode)Up to 5,000 hours (high light mode)Zoom Ratio: Optical 1.0x – 1.6xInput Signal: NTSC / NTSC4.43 / PAL / M-PAL / N-PAL / PAL60 / SECAM / SDTV / HDTVVideo Interfaces: Component: mini D-Sub (HD 15 pin x 2)S-Video: mini DIN x 1Composite: RCA x 1Monitor: mini D-sub (15 pin x 1)Video Interfaces (cont.): LAN networking: RJ-45 x 1Serial control: RS-232c x 1USB 2.0: USB A x 1, USB B x 1Audio Outputs: Mini stereo x 1Audio Inputs: RCA (L & R) x 1Mini stereo x 2Microphone stereo mini jackPower Supply: 100 – 240V +/- 10%, 50/60 Hz ACIncludes: Remote control w/ batteries, power cord, VGA computer cable, USB cable, soft carrying case, user manual CD, EMP monitor CDOther Info: Keystone correction (vertical +/- 30°), manual focus lens, 10 Watt monoaural speaker, sound output = 35 dBWarranty: 2 years on projector, 90-day limited on lampWidth: 12.9"Depth: 9.8"Height: 4.3" (including feet)Weight: 13.0 lbs..1$1,070$1,070Chief RPA-U Universal MountRoll AdjustmentPitch AdjustmentYaw AdjustmentThree Mounting MethodsConvenient Lamp and Filter AccessQuick Projector Disconnect/ReconnectLSB-100 Lateral Shift Accessory1$200$200Acuity Series Clear Dry Erase BoardWriting Surface: 1/2" impact-resistant acrylicMagnetic: NoBacking Material: n/aFrame Material: Aluminum mounting bracketsTray Material: Acrylic (optional)Warranty: 5 yearsOther Info: Markers & eraser includedWidth: 8'Height: 4'Available Options: 6" Marker Tray: No or YesWeight: 157.0 lbs.1$2081$2081Salara Plug-In Electric Wall ScreenScreen Format: WideScreen Material: Washable tear-, fire- & mildew-resistant fabricCase Length: 81 1/8"Warranty: 1 yearWidth: 72"Height: 40 1/2"Other Info: Screen fabric is Greenguard certified for indoor air qualityAvailable Options: Screen Finish: High Contrast Gray or Matte WhiteWeight: 38.0 lbs.1$765$765Premium One-Wide Triple-Tier Lockers - AssembledNumber of Openings: 3Door/Frame Material: 16-gauge steelBody Material: 24-gauge steelCoat Hooks: Features one double hook (per tier)Assembly: AssembledOther Info: Doors feature stainless steel recessed handles with welded latch hooksWarranty: Two-year warrantyOpening Dimensions: 12" W x 18" D x 24" HWidth: 12"Depth: 18"Height: 72"Height Including Legs: 78"Available Options: Color: Hallowell GrayWeight: 66.0 lbs.4$128$512Floor-to-Ceiling Shelving Unit2’ Deep, 5’ Wide, 8’ HighSolid wood with stainless steel frame1$200$200Appendix KSupplies for One YearDescriptionAmount NeededCost per UnitTotal CostHP Premium Plus Photo Paper, Glossy, 11" x 17", 11.5 Mil, Pack Of 25 Sheets40 packs$42$1680Office Depot? Brand Copy Paper, 8 1/2" x 11", 104 (Euro)/92 (U.S.) Brightness, 20 Lb, Ream Of 500 Sheets, Case Of 10 Reams1$37.99$37.99EXPO? Low-Odor Dry-Erase Markers, Chisel Point, Assorted, Pack Of 48$6.19$49.52EXPO? Dry-Erase Marker Eraser (X-Large)1$11.39$11.39X-ACTO Rubberized KnifeFeatures rubberized comfort grip with anti-roll wedge and center-barrel blade release Black75$4.88$366X-Acto? Knife Blades, No. 11 Blade, Pack Of 1005$31$155Office Depot? Brand Wood Pencils, #2 Medium Soft Lead, Pack Of 727$6.19$43.33Super Sharpie? Fine-Tip Permanent Markers, Black, Pack Of 684$9.25$777Faber-castell Large Dust Free Vinyl Eraser 40ct Displa2$44.50$89Cachet Products 5.5x8.5 Soho Sketch BookThese black-cover bound sketch books contain 160 pages (80 sheets) of a 60# all-purpose drawing paper with a well-defined surface and excellent erasure quality.100$9$900Krylon 11 oz Clear Adhesive Spray25 $11$275Xerox toner cartridge Black CyanYellowMagenta4$1,250 $5,000Pacon? Original Foam Core Graphic Art Board, 22" x 28", Black, Carton Of 550$17.54$877Charcoal filter1$450$450HEPA filter1$260$260Clear Trash Liners33x39” 33 Gal. 1.5 Mil, 250/box3$64$192Nature Saver 100% Recycled Trash Liner7-10 Gallon Capapcity500/box2$35$70Appendix L08FallBid ProposalEquipmentDescriptionAmount Needed27” iMac Computer13Adobe CS5 Software13Epson Expression 10,000XL Graphic Arts Scanner7Wacom Bamboo pen and touch tablet13Tabloid size, Laser color printer125”x35” Rotary Trimmer2Elmo132” Metal Cutting Ruler632” Metal T-square6X-acto knife75120” x 48” Self-healing cut mat top1Land-line telephone1Electric pencil sharpener2Furniture/FixturesDescriptionAmount Needed36”x72” Student Computer tables660”x24” Instructor Computer Desk1180”x48” Work table136”x84” Group work tables236”x48” Fume hood1Office chairs w/ wheels, adjustable height, high back, and arm rests13Ceiling projector160”x216” Dry Erase Board172”x96” Retractable projector screen1Stackable 24”w x 24”h 12”d lockers12Supplies for One YearDescriptionAmount Needed11x17 photo paper1,000 sheets8.5x11 white paper5,000 sheetsDry-erase marker30Dry-erase eraser4X-acto knife100X-acto knife blades500Drawing pencils500Black drawing pens500Kneaded erasers2508.5”x11” Sketch pads1008.5”x11” Layout pads100Krylon spray adhesive25 cansInk for printer4 cartridges 30”x40” Black foam core board250 ................

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