Rhythmic Activities and Forms - Rowan University

Rhythmic Activities and Forms

Exam I (175 pts.) Name__________________________

MULTIPLE CHOICE: Select the one answer which best completes each of the following questions. Record the response to each of the questions on the Scantron sheet. Use pencil and make the marks dark. To avoid erasing your answers on the scantron sheet, you may want to record the answer directly on this sheet then transfer the response to the scantron sheet. (2 pts. each)

1. The constant pulse that continues throughout a piece of music, which is the basis for movement/rhythm, is called the:

a. Even rhythm

_____ b. Steady beat

c. Tempo

d. Underlying beat

2. When steps in a movement pattern combine to create a long/short (slow/quick) pattern it is called a/an:

a. Underlying beat

____ b. Even rhythm

c. Uneven rhythm

d. Phrase

3. Which of the following statements accurately describes the use of a time signature?

a. a 4/4 time signature indicates that there are four beats in each measure

___ b. a 2/4 time signature indicates that there are two or four beats in each measure

c. a time signature indicates whether it is an even or an uneven rhythm

d. both b and c

4. Ten measures in a 2/4 time signature would equal how many underlying beats?

a. 8

____ b. 10

c. 20

d. 40

5. How many measures does it take to complete the following pattern in a 4/4 time signature?

-four walks to the dancer's right (1 walk = 1 beat),

-four jumps forward, four jumps backwards, (1 jump = 1 beat),

-eight walks to the dancer's left (1 walk = 1 beat).

a. 3

____ b. 5

c. 20

d. 32

6. How many underlying beats does it take to complete the following pattern in a 2/4 time signature?

-eight hops on right foot, eight hops on left foot (1 hop = 1 beat),

-sixteen walks in a circular direction (1 walk = 1 beat)

-four pump steps forward (one pump step = 2 beats)

a. 8

____ b. 10

c. 20

d. 40

7. An all-inclusive term, which describes the components of rhythmic structure, is:

a. Tempo

____ b. Meter

c. Rhythm

d. Beat

8. The rate of speed at which a piece of music moves is called:

a. Tempo

____ b. Meter

c. Rhythm

d. Beat

9. The dance position is defined as:

a. the relationship between two different dancers, which involves physical contact with that person.

____ b. the shape a group assumes when they are dancing

c. the direction a dancer is moving with another dancer

10. The space in the room available for moving safely and comfortably is called:

a. self space

_____ b. personal space

c. general space

d. both a and c

11. Moving safely and comfortably through space when exploring the range, direction and level of movement defines:

a. Effective movement

_____ b. Efficient movement

c. Expressive movement

12. Which of the following is not a category of locomotor patterns?

a. Even

_____ b. Uneven

c. Combined

d. Adapted

13. Which of the following is an even locomotor pattern that involves an even transfer of weight from one foot to

another has the most height and distance with each step?

a. Walk

____ b. Run

c. Leap

d. Gallop

14. When comparing the speed of the walk, run, and leap which normally takes the least amount of time (fastest) to


a. Walk

____ b. Run

c. Leap

d. All are performed at the same speed

15. Which of the following phrases would you use to describe the jump?

a. Jump is a locomotor pattern

____ b. Jump requires a two-foot landing

c. Jump is performed in an uneven pattern

d. only a and b

e. all of the above

16. Which of the following uneven locomotor patterns can only be performed in a sideward direction?

a. Skip

____ b. Slide

c. Gallop

d. Both b and c

17. The slide and gallop are a combination of what two locomotor patterns.

a. Walk and hop

____ b. Leap and hop

c. Walk and run

d. Leap and jump

e. Jump and run

18. The skip is a combination of what two locomotor patterns.

a. Walk and hop

____ b. Jump and run

c. Walk and run

d. Leap and jump

19. The dance position we used primarily in learning the cha cha is the:

a. butterfly position

____ b. closed position

c. facing position

d. varsouvienne position

20. The dance position when the dancers are facing with both hands joined, the arms are lifted and held at shoulder


a. butterfly position

____ b. closed position

c. facing position

d. promenade position

21. Couples are in a single circle facing their partner, men facing CCW and women facing CW. The dance

directions call for the dancers to perform a side-close toward the center of the circle starting with the foot closest to the center of the circle. Which would describe the appropriate footwork?

a. Dancers use opposite footwork (males L/females R)

b. Both dancers start the dance on the left foot

____ c. The male would start the dance on the right foot

d. The female would start the dance on the left foot

e. Both c and d

22. The group of dancers is in single circle all facing the center of the circle. The group is asked to perform a slide to the right. What direction would they be moving?

a. Clockwise

____ b. Counterclockwise

c. Line of direction

d. Reverse line of direction

e. Both b and c

23. Dancers are with a partner to perform a basic cha cha step. Which of the following statements describes the footwork used to begin to execute the steps.

a. Both dancers start the dance on the right foot

b. Both dancers start the dance on the left foot

____ c. The male would start the dance on the left foot

d. The female would start the dance on the left foot

24. Which of the following statements accurately describes basic rules used in social dance.

a. The male should start the dance with the easier (most basic) steps

b. Each transition to a new step begins on the male’s right foot, lady’s left foot

_____ c. The male is responsible for “leading” the female using non-verbal body/arm signals

d. Both a and c

e. All of the above are correct

25. The purpose of a progression in contra dance is best described as:

a. to move the couples from a circle into a contra formation

____ b. to provide an opportunity for each gent to dance with each lady in the set

c. to move the head couple to a different location in the set

d. to move the couples so that each couple has an chance to be an active couple

26. In Virginia Reel the couple that is closest to the music and often asked to originate a movement or do a movement different from other members of the set is Best described as the:

a. Head couple

____ b. Foot couple

c. Active couple

d. Inactive couple

e. Both a and c

27. Contra dance has been a recognized dance form for approximately:

a. 300 years

___ b. 200 years

c. 100 years

d. 50 years

28. The Dean of American Contra Dance is:

a. John Playford

___ b. Cecil J. Sharp

c. Ralph Page

d. Lloyd Shaw

29. Which of the following nationalities had the least influence on the development of contra dance during the colonial times?

a. Germany

____ b. Ireland

c. Scotland

d. England

30. Which of the following statements is least correct when describing John Playford.

a. He was a bookseller and musician.

____ b. He lived between 1650 and 1728

c. He helped standardize contra dance by putting the dances into written form.

d. He was from Russian heritage.

31. The movement in Virginia Reel (contra dance) in which the head couple slides to the foot of the set and back is called the:

a. reel the set

b. sashay

____ c. do-sa-do

d. Susie-Q

32. A contra dance formation which has a line of females facing a line of males is called a(an):

a. Improper formation

b. Proper formation

____ c. File formation

d. Line formation

33. Which of the following would NOT be an example of a dance position?

a. Contra

b. Promenade

_____ c. Butterfly

d. Facing

34. A Latin-style Step that involves three walks with a point (W, W, W, Pt.) describes which step?

a. Pump step

_____ b. Conga step

c. Grapevine

d. Hustle step

35. Step forward on the RF, close LF to RF and step forward on RF (performed in a quick, quick, slow rhythm) describes the:

a. Step touch

____ b. Pump step

c. Grapevine

d. Hustle step

36. A forward walking pattern with “attitude” describes which step?

a. Pump step

_____ b. Contra step

c. Pivot step

d. Three-step turn

37. A dance movement that one could also use in basketball... “catch turn and throw” describes:

a. Pump step

_____ b. Hustle step

c. Pivot step

d. Three-step turn

38. A dance movement which involves sliding the toes apart, sliding the heels apart, sliding the heel together, sliding the toes together describes:

a. Foot fan

_____ b. Suzy Q

c. Step slide

d. Heel/toe touch

39. Which of the following pairs of movements use foot patterns that are most similar?

a. Slide and step hop

_____ b. Skip and step hop

c. Conga and pump step

d. Grapevine and three step turn

40. Which of the following pairs of movements use foot patterns that are most similar?

a. three step turn and hustle step

_____ b. Charleston and Montana kick

c. grapevine and pump step

d. conga and step draw

41. With the weight on both feet the toes are pushed outward, then the heels (toes/heels).. this pattern is repeated inward

(heels/toes).. describes the:

a. Foot fan

b. Heel swivel

_____ c. Susie Q

d. Brush step

42. Which of the following is NOT a basic non-locomotor movement?

a. bend

b. stretch

_____ c. twist

d. dodge

43. Transfer of weight from one body part to another by lifting or rolling is:

a. lift

_____ b. dodge

c. rock/sway

d. turn

44. Which of the following steps is NOT one used in the cha cha?

a. forward and backward basic

_____ b. push away turn

c. jitterbug turn

d. weave step

45. A dancer performs a grapevine to the left as follows: step to Left (L) on Left Foot (LF); cross Right Foot (RF) behind LF; step to Left (L) on Left Foot (LF); and _____________ on the RF next to the LF. What pattern if placed in the blank space would NOT allow the dancer to repeat the pattern in the opposite direction?

a. Touch

____ b. Close

c. Brush

d. Only a and c

46. A dance that originates in a country other than the United States defines:

a. American Heritage Dance

_____ b. National Folk Dance

c. International Folk Dance

d. Contra Dance

47. A simple dance, enjoyed by young dancers of different nationalities, describes:

a. Children’s Folk Dance

_____ b. Contra Dance

b. American Square Dance

c. Social Dance

48. Which of the following would be the best example of a directional cue used in presenting a dance?

a. Forward, forward, side, touch

b. Slow, slow, quick, quick

_____ c. Step, touch, run, run, run

d. Walk forward 2, 3, 4

49. Which of the following would be the best example of a rhythmical cue used in presenting a dance?

a. Forward, forward, side, touch

b. Slow, slow, quick, quick

_____ c. Step, touch, run, run, run

d. Walk forward 2, 3, 4

50. Which of the following should be a part of presenting a new dance to a group of students?

a. Demonstrate the entire dance for the students at the beginning of the presentation

b. Use verbal cues when practicing and performing the dance with music

_____ c. Break the dance down into smaller part for teaching (part/whole method)

d. All of the above are important in teaching a dance

Name: ________________________



1. For each of the dance steps listed below: (USE CORRECT CODES) (30 pts.)

(1) In Column I - Rhythm - indicate whether it is an:

(E) even; or (U) uneven rhythm.

(2) In Column II- Type of Step - indicate whether it is a:

(LP) locomotor pattern; (CON) contra dance movement

(SOC) social dance step; (SDS) specific dance step;


Dance Step Even/Uneven Locomotor/Specific/Contra/Social


bleking step ______________ ___________________

arrow pattern ______________ ___________________

chase ______________ ___________________

step hop ______________ ___________________

reel the set ______________ ___________________

jazz box ______________ ___________________

conga ______________ ___________________

slide ______________ ___________________

hustle step ______________ ___________________

pivot step ______________ ___________________

hop ______________ ___________________

cast off ______________ ___________________

three step turn ______________ ___________________

right hand star ______________ ___________________

forward/backward basic ______________ ___________________

2. You are preparing to teach a new dance. Describe how each of the following terms applies to teaching a dance to students. ( 8 pts.)

a. Whole/Part/ Whole method of teaching

b. Mirroring

c. Teaching cues

d. Modeling

3. List five characteristic you would want music to have for use in a dance education experience. Reflect on what criteria was used in selecting music for your original group dance. (5 pts.)






4. . Refer to the directions for Waltz Across Texas to answer the following questions. (10 pts.)

a. What is the time signature for this dance? __________

b. How many underlying beats does it take to complete one repetition of the dance?_____________

c. How many measures does it take to complete Part 5 ? ___________

d. Is the pattern described in Part 3 performed in an even or uneven rhythm? _____________

Explain why.......

e. How many measures does it take to complete one repetition of the dance? __________

5. Listed below is a simple dance sequence. Develop a set of written directions to correspond to the dance patterns. Indicate how many measures each pattern takes and describe how each beat is used. (20 pts.)

Meter = 4/4

Total Beats = 32

Dance Steps: grapevine to the left starting with the LF (4 beats)

grapevine right (4 beats)

Four pump steps forward (8 beats)

Basic cha cha step forward (4 beats) - (remember these are uneven)

(hint: forward, place, cha, cha, cha) or (slow, slow, quick, quick, slow)

Basic cha cha step backward (4 beats)

Two conga steps forward (8 beats)

Make sure to indicate correct footwork (RF/LF).. and direction of movement.

I will start it for you......

Measures Beats Description

Part 1. Grapevine

1-2 1 step to left on LF

2 cross RF behind LF

3 step to left on LF

4 touch RF next to LF


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