Mesa Public Schools

NAL QUESTIONS SUBMITTED BY MESA PUBLIC SCHOOLS’ NAL, MESA, AZOctober 2015FIRST QUARTEREnglish – SP – Level I – Say and spell the plural of larva. (larvae)English – SP – Level I – Say and spell the plural of moose. (moose)English – SP – Level I – Say and spell the plural of stimulus. (stimuli)English – SP – Level I – Say and spell the plural of thesis. (thesis)English – SP – Level II – Say and spell the word abyss, as in the following sentence: He looked into the deep, dark abyss. (abyss)English – SP – Level II – Say and spell the word exuberant, as in the following sentence: The celebration was an exuberant affair. (exuberant)English – SP – Level II – Say and spell the word infinitesimal, as in the following sentence: Even an infinitesimal amount of dye will stain your clothing. (infinitesimal)English – SP – Level II – Say and spell the word pneumonia, as in the following sentence: Pneumonia is a disease which often requires hospitalization. (pneumonia) English – SP – Level III – Say and spell the word lackadaisical, as in the following sentence: He will never keep a job with his lackadaisical attitude. (lackadaisical)English – GR – Level II – Name two uses of the apostrophe in English grammar. (to show possession and to indicate missing letters in contractions) English – LT – Level II – Name Peter Rabbit’s 3 sisters in Beatrix Potter’s The Tale of Peter Rabbit. (Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cottontail)English – LT – Level II – Name the literary work which contains this famous quote: “All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.” (Animal Farm)English – LT – Level II – Name the literary work which contains this famous quote: “All for one, one for all, that is our motto.” (The Three Musketeers)English – LT – Level II – Name the literary work which contains this famous quote: “In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart.” (Anne Frank, The Diary of a Young Girl)English – LT – Level II – The Greek goddess of love is Aphrodite. What is the name of the Roman goddess of love? (Venus) English – LT – Level II – The Greek messenger god is Hermes. What is the name of the Roman messenger god? (Mercury) English – LT – Level II – Name the mythical race of war-like women who lived in the Black Sea region of Asia Minor. (Amazons) English – LT – Level II – Name the Roman god of beginnings and endings for whom the month of January is named. (Janus)English – LT – Level II – Name the horrible monster of mythology who had serpents for hair. (Medusa) English – LT – Level II – Name the greedy mythological king who wished for everything that he touched to turn to gold. (Midas)English – LT – Level II – Name the beautiful female mythological creatures whose voices lured men to shipwreck on their coast. (sirens) English – LT – Level II – Name the food and drink of the mythological Greek gods. (ambrosia and nectar)English – LT – Level II – What is the chemical element named for Helios, the Greek sun god? (helium)English – VC – Level II – Identify the four days of the week that were named for Norse gods. (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) English – VC – Level II – Identify the four months of the year that include the Latin roots for 7, 8, 9, and 10. (Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec.)English – GR – Level II – What is the past participle of the verb to swim? (swum)English – GR – Level II – What is the present participle of the verb to draw? (drawing)SS – CE – Level III -- What is the annual literary award honoring black authors, named after the wife of Martin Luther King, Jr.? (the Coretta Scott King Award)SS – UG – Level II – Name the state capital which is named for the mythological creature that consumed itself in fire, then resurrected itself from its ashes. (Phoenix)SS – WH – Level III – Name the beetle considered by the ancient Egyptians to be a symbol of immortality. (scarab)SS – WH – Level III – Name two of the six categories for which the Nobel Prize is awarded. (medicine, physics, literature, chemistry, peace, economics) SS – WH – Level III – Name one of the 3 categories for which the Pulitzer Prize is awarded. (journalism, literature/letters, music)SS – WH – Level III – What 3 letters identify the former Soviet Union’s secretive intelligence and security agency? (KGB) SS – UH – Level III – Five rooms on the first floor of the White House in Washington, D. C. are open to the public – the East Room, the State Dining Room, and three others known by their color names. Name 2 of the 3. (Blue Room, Red Room, Green Room) SS – WH – Level III – Which ancient Greek said, “Children today are tyrants. They contradict their parents, gobble their food, and tyrannize their teachers”? He was tried and convicted of corrupting the young people of Athens and sentenced to death by drinking hemlock. (Socrates)SS – WH - Level II - Their modern name derives from the German valley where their fossils were first discovered in 1856. They may have interbred or fought with Homo sapiens near the end of the Ice Age. Name the pre-modern hominid who possessed a large brow ridge and inhabited Europe until about 30,000 years ago. (Neanderthal)SS – UH - Level II - Which Supreme Court chief justice wrote the majority opinions on the cases of Marbury v. Madison, Fletcher v. Peck, & Dartmouth College v. Woodward? (John Marshall)SS – UH - Level II - President George Washington raised a force larger than the one he had commanded during the Revolution to disperse a Pennsylvania uprising regarding a tax on liquor. Name this uprising. (Whiskey Rebellion)SS – UH - Level I - This event was prompted by the Townshend Acts and began when Thomas Preston’s troops opened fire on an unruly mob. The deaths of Crispus Attucks and four others prompted a murder trial in which only two soldiers were found guilty. Name this March 1770 event. (Boston Massacre)SS – UG - Level II - The national park named for this feature also contains Rattlesnake Springs. Its own features include the Witch’s Finger, the Rock of Ages, and the Bottomless Pit in places like the Queen’s Chamber and the Big Room. Name this national park and cave system famous for its bat flight, located in southeastern New Mexico. (Carlsbad Caverns National Park)SS – UG - Level II - Its tributaries include the Salado, Conchos, and Puerco, and its sources lie in the San Juan Mountains. Before it flows into the Gulf Coastal Plain, this river flows into the Big Bend, and it is the fifth longest river in North America. Name this river on which lie the cities of Ciudad Juarez and El Paso. (Rio Grande)SS – UG - Level II – Part of State Route 99 through this city is known as the Alaskan Way Viaduct. Located on Puget Sound, this city’s namesake “Center” includes the Experience Music Project and a tower built for the 1962 World’s Fair. Name this large Washington city. (Seattle)SS – UG - Level II - This state saw a greater share of its residents fight for the Union in the Civil War than any other state. The name of this state was paired with “Chesapeake” in the name of a canal, and with “Baltimore” in the name of a railroad. Name this Midwestern state bordering Michigan. (Ohio)SS – WG - Level II – Along this water feature in central Asia, Astrakhan is a major city, along with such ports as Astara, Iran and Baku, Azerbaijan. Name this body of water known for its oil production. (Caspian Sea)SS – UG - Level II - Padre Island is the world’s longest barrier island and the second largest island by area in the contiguous United States. The central part of it is preserved in a wild state as Padre Island National Seashore. This island is just off the coast of what state? (Texas)SS – CE - Level II - This site in Nevada was being studied by the Department of Energy as a repository for the nation’s high-level radioactive waste until the project was scrapped in 2011. Name this site. (Yucca Mountain)SS – CE - Level I – A 2011 tsunami caused which nation to face a Level 7 event on the International Nuclear Event Scale? (Japan)SS - CE - Level I – In September 2014, Chinese President Xi Jinping called for a “one country, two systems” model be applied to which island off its east coast? (Taiwan)SS – CE – Level I – On August 31, 2014, China disapproved a full democracy in this former British colony on its southern coast by ruling that only three candidates chosen by a nomination committee could run for elections as leader in 2017. Name this Special Administrative Region of China. (Hong Kong)SS – EC – Level II - Created in 1960, OPEC is an oil cartel whose mission is to coordinate the policies of the oil-producing countries, to secure a steady income to the member states, and to secure a supply of oil to world consumers. What does the “E” in OPEC stand for? (exporting)SS – WH – Level II – In April 1986 an explosion and fire at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the Soviet Union made it the site of the worst nuclear disaster in history, one of only two events ranked a Level 7 event on the International Nuclear Event Scale. In which modern-day country would you find the 30-kilometer-wide “zone of alienation” around the plant? (Ukraine)SS – WH – Level II – In the third century BCE, Ptolemy I established a facility in which scholars copied, revised, and edited works of classical Greek writers. At its height, the facility held about 500,000 papyrus scrolls before it was destroyed by fire. Where was this library located? (Alexandria)SS – UL - Level II - Cases like Irvine v. California and Wolf v. Colorado ruled that this amendment did not apply to states; those cases were overturned in Mapp v. Ohio, which applied its “exclusionary rule” to state police officers. Name the amendment that protects against unreasonable search and seizure. (Fourth Amendment)SS – UH - Level II - In 1997, the Pentagon admitted that as many as 20,000 American soldiers were exposed to nerve gas in 1990 while fighting in which country? (Iraq)SS – UH - Level II – On June 18, 2007, the Second Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that this herbicide used in the Vietnam War was not a chemical weapon and that its use was not a violation of international law. Name this product of the Monsanto and Dow Companies that is still believed to cause cancer and birth defects. (Agent Orange)SS – UH - Level II - In the spring of 1970, students on many American college campuses protested U.S. military involvement in Cambodia and Vietnam. Student demonstrations on May 4 at what university resulted in the deaths of four Ohio students? (Kent State)SS – UH - Level II - After the Trinity atomic bomb test, the scientific director of the Manhattan Project cited a line from the Bhagavad Ghita: “Now I am become death, destroyer of worlds.” Name this American scientist. (J. Robert Oppenheimer)SS – UH - Level II - Although the Japanese fleet was stronger than the American, excellent naval intelligence provided by code-breakers helped the US destroy 4 Japanese carriers, against a loss of just 1 for the U.S. Name this major World War II battle of the Pacific fought near one of the westernmost of the Hawaiian Islands. (Battle of Midway)SS – WH - Level I - Which British statesman said in response to Neville Chamberlain’s “peace in our time” speech in 1939, “Britain and France had to choose between war and dishonor. They chose dishonor. They will have war.” (Winston Churchill)SS – UH - Level I - His “dollar diplomacy” proved to be a largely ineffective foreign policy, and he was much happier as a Supreme Court Chief Justice in the 1920s than as a President. In the 1912 election, he was also the only sitting president to finish third in the Electoral College. Name this president, who is one of the two buried at Arlington National Cemetery. (William Howard Taft)SS – UH - Level I - In 1918 in the Argonne Forest, this soldier helped capture a German machine-gun nest, killing 25 enemy soldiers. Then, acting almost alone, he took 132 enemy prisoners. Name this World War I soldier from Tennessee who was once a conscientious objector. (Alvin York)SS – UH- Level I - His tombstone in Lexington Cemetery reads simply “I know no North, no South, no East, no West.” Two of the most famous laws he helped pass as a member of Congress were the compromise tariff of 1833, which ended the nullification crisis, and the Missouri Compromise. Name this Senator and Speaker of the House from Kentucky, the Great Compromiser, and champion of the “American System.” (Henry Clay)SS – UH - Level II - In the early stages of this war, General Isaac Brock captured Fort Detroit and the later stages saw the burning of the District of Columbia. Name this war supported by the War Hawks and nicknamed "Mr. Madison's War." (War of 1812)SS- UH - Level II - A Virginia college with a conservative reputation is named for this man, which is appropriate as he was an anti-Federalist and suspicious of centralized government. He famously told the House of Burgesses on May 30, 1765, while arguing against the Stamp Act, “If this be treason, make the most of it.” Name him. (Patrick Henry)SS – UH – Level I - What is the significance of the 13 stripes and 50 stars on the American flag? (13 colonies, 50 states)SS – WG - Level II - This country's House of Braganza succeeded its Aviz dynasty, which patronized explorers like Pedro Cabral, Bartholomew Díaz, and Vasco da Gama. Name this country on the Iberian Peninsula, the colonizer of Brazil, and site of a 1755 earthquake in Lisbon. (Portugal)SS – WG - Level II - This city has notable Georgian houses, and contains a column topped by a statue of Lord Nelson in Trafalgar Square. Identify this city, which has many buildings designed by Christopher Wren, in addition to Big Ben and a notable Tower. (London)SS – WG - Level II - The foundation for the Kremlin was laid here in 1367, and the capital was moved from here in 1712. This city was later burned to the ground after the 1812 Battle of Borodino to prevent Napoleon from occupying it. Name this city, which in 1918 became the capital of Russia again. (Moscow)SS – WG - Level II - This country has fought intermittently since 1984 with its much larger neighbor to the east. Its leaders have included Mohammed Ali Jinnah and an assassinated female prime minister, Benazir Bhutto. Name this South Asian country whose eastern portion gained independence in 1971 as the nation of Bangladesh. (Pakistan)SS – UL - Level II - A group of citizens responsible for bringing formal charges against a person accused of a serious crime, is called what? (grand jury)SS – UL - Level II – The 1966 Supreme Court case of Miranda v. Arizona established that anyone in police custody must be made aware of their rights against self-incrimination as contained in which amendment of the Constitution? (Fifth Amendment)SS - UL – Level II - The 1963 Supreme Court case of Gideon v. Wainwright established that states were required to provide legal counsel if requested in an interpretation of which amendment of the Constitution? (Sixth Amendment [accept 14th Amendment as well if offered])SS – EC- Level I – Which economic concept is defined as the loss of potential gain from other alternatives, when one alternative is chosen? (opportunity cost)SS – EC- Level II – Which economic concept is used when sellers bid against other sellers in an effort to make their products more attractive and to increase the number of buyers? (competition)SS – EC – Level II – According to the law of supply, how would manufacturers respond to improvements in technology that enabled them to offer a product at a higher price? (Accept an answer that contains the idea that manufacturers would produce more of the product.)SS - EC – Level II - According to the law of demand, how would consumers respond to a surplus of products that are offered at a reduced price? (Accept an answer that contains the idea that consumers would purchase more of the product.)SS – UH – Level II – This woman was a crusader for abolitionism, temperance, educational reform, and women's rights. She also organized the Seneca Falls Convention with Lucretia Mott in 1848. Name her. (Elizabeth Cady Stanton)SS – UH – Level II – This 1840s political party appealed to white nativists who sought to destroy the potential power of immigrant voting and wanted to revive legislation restricting their citizenship and voting rights. Give the more common name for the American Party. (Know-Nothings)SS – UH – Level II – Shortly before his death, John Quincy Adams argued a court case of mutinied slaves before the Supreme Court, securing their eventual release and return to Africa. Name the ship that the case was named after. (Amistad)SS – UL – Level II – The 20th Amendment moved the date of presidential inaugurations from the month of March to which month? (January)SS – UH – Level II - On January 30, 1835, he was the first American president to experience an assassination attempt. Although his assailant was an unemployed house painter, he was convinced that the man had been hired by his Whig Party opponents to assassinate him. Name this president. (Andrew Jackson)SS – UH - Level II – Three men from Tennessee have served as president of the United States, although none of them was born there. Two of them were Andrew Jackson and Andrew Johnson. Name the third, the “dark horse” candidate of 1844. (James Polk) SS – UH – Level I – This 1852 novel features the emotional story of a Christian slave family that struggles against a cruel overseer. Although it has been criticized for perpetuating African-American stereotypes, it did work to obtain sympathy for slaves and to gain support for the abolition movement. Name this famous novel. (Uncle Tom’s Cabin)SS – WH – Level I – This dictator changed his name to one that derives from the Russian word for steel. Name him. (Joseph Stalin)SS – UH – Level II – Jack Kerouac was credited with being the founder of this literary group that rejected the materialism of the 1950s. Name them. (beatniks or Beat Generation)MA – PR – Level II – A box contains 5 red marbles, 7 green marbles, and 3 blue marbles. Two marbles are drawn without replacement. What is the probability that the first marble is red and the second marble is blue? Express your answer as a fraction. (1/14)MA – AL – Level I – There are 24 people on a bus. If one-third of the people get off at the first stop and one-fourth of the remaining people get off at the second stop, how many people are left on the bus? (12 people)MA – AL – Level I – A property which is assessed at $60,000 is taxed at $2,340. At the same rate, what would the tax be on a property assessed at $80,000? ($3,120)MA – PR – Level II – An ice cream store sells 7 different flavors of ice cream, 5 different sauces, and 3 different toppings. How many possible sundaes can be made, if each sundae consists of ice cream, sauce, and a topping? (105)MA – AL – Level I – A store sells 5 pens for $1.20 and another store sells 6 for $1.40. How much is saved on 5 dozen at the lower price? ($.40 or 40 cents)Science– ES – Level I -- What is the chemical element named for Helios, the Greek sun god? (helium)Science – GS – Level I – Name the group in a scientific experiment that is treated with the independent variable to measure the effect of the independent variable. (experimental group)Science – LS – Level I – Animals that are active at night are nocturnal. What are animals called that are active during the day? (diurnal)Science – LS – Level I – Explain the difference between a food chain and a food web. (Food chains follow a single path of energy. Food webs show interconnections between plants and animals by different paths.)Science – LS – Level II – Explain how two parents with brown eyes can have biological offspring with blue eyes. (The parents both passed on recessive genes for light eyes to their offspring.)Science – GS – Level II – Identify the relationship between two variables if high values on one variable are associated with high values on the other, and low values on one variable are associated with low values on the other. (positive relationship)Science – GS – Level II – Identify the relationship between two variables if high values on one variable are associated with low values on the other, and low values on one variable are associated with high values on the other. (negative relationship)Science – PS – Level II – Name the greenhouse gas made of carbon, chlorine, and fluorine that used to be prominent in aerosols but has been phased out under the Montreal Protocol to protect the ozone layer. (CFC or chlorofluorocarbon)Science – LS – Level II – Name the type of animal coloration that uses bright colors or markings to warn potential predators of the danger that would come from attacking or eating it. (warning coloration)Science – LS – Level II – Name the species of moth that, in response to environmental changes caused by the Industrial Revolution, changed over time from a population of mostly light-colored moths to mostly dark-colored moths. (peppered moth) Science – LS – Level II – Explain the difference between how cold-blooded ectotherms and warm-blooded endotherms maintain their body temperatures. (Ectotherms’ body temperatures depend on the outside temperature, while endotherms can regulate their own body temperatures.)Science – LS – Level II – Explain the difference between the behavior cycles of estivation and hibernation. (Estivation occurs in hot, dry conditions, and hibernation occurs in cold conditions.)Science – LS – Level II – Name the kind of organism that is not native to an environment and has the tendency to spread and cause damage to the environment, like zebra mussels or European starlings. (invasive species or non-native species)Science – PS – Level II – Identify where the metals, non-metals, and metalloids are located on the Periodic Table of Elements. (The metals are on the left side, non-metals are on the right side, and the metalloids are in between). Science – PS – Level II – What makes the elements called the Noble Gasses unique? (They do not bond with other elements OR Their electron shells are full.)Science – PS – Level II – Which group of elements on the Periodic Table are most reactive, and which group of elements on the Periodic Table are least reactive? (Group 1 (far left) are most reactive. Group 18 (far right) are least reactive.)Science – LS – Level II – Why is it said that human fathers determine the biological gender of their offspring? (Mothers can only give X chromosomes, but fathers can give X or Y chromosomes. [XX results in female offspring. XY results in male offspring.])Science – PS – Level II – Describe the particle motion and spacing of atoms in solids and gases. (The atoms of solids are the closest together and move the least. The atoms of gases are far apart and move freely.)Science – PS – Level II – If the density of water is 1 gram per milliliter, what can be assumed about the density of an object that floats in water? (The object has a density less than 1 gram per milliliter, or the object is less dense than water.)Science – PS – Level II – Compare the spacing of atoms in solid aluminum and gaseous oxygen. (The atoms are closer together in aluminum and farther apart in oxygen.)Science – PS – Level II – What information can be derived from the atomic number of an element on the Periodic Table of Elements? (The number of protons [or the positive charge] of the atom. [Also, equal to the number of electrons if the atom is uncharged.])Science – PS – Level II – State the subatomic particles of the atom and their respective charges. (Proton – positive, neutron – neutral, electron – negative)Science – PS – Level II – State the range of numbers on the pH scale, and identify which ranges include acids and which ranges include bases. (pH scale = 0 or 1-14; acids are less than 7; bases are greater than 7)Science – PS – Level II – Explain the difference between exothermic and endothermic chemical reactions. (Exothermic reactions release heat. Endothermic reactions absorb heat.)Science – PS – Level II – Explain the difference between homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures. (Homogeneous mixtures appear to be the same throughout (uniformly distributed, cannot be mechanically separated). Heterogeneous mixtures have visible differences (not uniform, can be mechanically separated).)Science – PS – Level II – Give the common names for the following three chemicals: H2O, H2O2, and O2. (Water, hydrogen peroxide, and oxygen)Science – GS – Level II – Name two drawbacks to the use of solar power for energy. (not available at night, energy needs to be stored or cannot be the single source of energy, panels are expensive, panels require resources to create, require maintenance, require space, not equally available in all places)Science – GS – Level II – Name two drawbacks to the use of wind turbines for energy. (not available at all times of day, energy needs to be stored or cannot be the single source of energy, turbines are expensive, require resources to create, require maintenance, require space, make noise, disrupt or harm wildlife, not equally available in all places)Science – GS – Level II – Name two drawbacks to the use of coal for energy. (limited resources/nonrenewable, must be mined, must be transported, pollutes the air, emits carbon, leads to acid rain)Science – PS – Level II – Define oxidation, and give an example of oxidation. (Chemical reaction with oxygen; rusting of metal, browning of fruit, corrosion of metal, tarnishing of silver, copper acquiring a green patina, etc.)Science – LS – Level II – Biology can be divided into two major branches, one specializing in plants and one specializing in animals. Name the two branches. (botany and zoology)Science – LS – Level II - A rhyme for snake identification says, “Red against yellow can kill a fellow. Red touching black, safe for Jack.” Which two snakes does the rhyme help to distinguish between? (Coral snake and king snake)Science – LS – Level II - What is the difference between a venomous organism and a poisonous organism? (A venomous organism delivers poison with a bite. A poisonous organism is toxic when eaten.)Science – LS – Level II – Name the invasive species of bird, with a current population of 200 million, which was introduced to the United States from Europe to populate the country with the birds named in Shakespeare’s plays. ((European) starling)Science – LS – Level 3 – In the 1660s, Robert Hooke looked at a thin piece of cork through his microscope and saw spaces that he called cells. What did the spaces resemble that caused him to choose the word cell? (The cells of a honeycomb (or the rooms monks lived in)). Science – LS – Level I– What is the place where an organism lives that also provides the things the organism needs? (habitat)Science - LS - Level II – What are living parts of an ecosystem called? (biotic factors)Science – LS – Level II – What is the type of symbiosis that involves one organism living on or inside another living thing that causes harm to the host? (parasitism)Science - LS - Level II –Name the term that refers to an environmental factor that prevents a population from increasing, such as food, space, and weather conditions. (a limiting factor)Science – LS – Level I – What is the type of biome which is characterized by coniferous trees, such as pine and fir trees, and very cold winters? (boreal forest or taiga)Science - LS - Level I – In the rainforest, tall trees form a leafy roof. What is this called? (canopy)Science - ES - Level I – A few thunderstorms produce a funnel cloud at the bottom of a cumulonimbus cloud. The cloud has a rotating column of air with a low central pressure. When is it considered a tornado? (When it makes contact with the earth’s surface.)Science - ES - Level 1 – What does a weather vane measure? (the direction of the wind)Science - ES - Level 1 – What do we call a rock layer that stores and allows the flow of ground water? (an aquifer)Science - ES - Level 1 – Identify at least 4 parts of the water cycle. (evaporation, condensation, precipitation, run off, percolation, infiltration)Science - ES - Level 2 – Name the system: (1) sunlight comes through space and the atmosphere, heating up the earth; (2) the earth radiates heat energy and some is released back into space; (3) gases in earth’s atmosphere trap some of the heat energy near earth’s surface? (the greenhouse effect)Science – PS – Level II – What kind of body in the solar system is composed of ice, rock, and cosmic dust that has a nucleus, dust tail and ion tail? (a comet) Science – PS – Level II – What is the process of combining the nuclei of hydrogen atoms to form helium that produces great amounts of energy? (nuclear fusion or hydrogen fusion)Science – PS – Level II – Identify the principle that relates the amount of fluid a submerged object displaces to the buoyant force on the object. (Archimedes’ principle)Science – PS – Level I – Identify different ways that magnets will repel each other. (When like poles are placed together—positive and positive; or negative and negative.Science – PS – Level II – A unit of measurement that equals the force required to accelerate one kilogram of mass at 1 meter per second. (a Newton)SECOND QUARTER1. English – VC – Level II – Match the following Greek roots with their meanings:Greek RootsMeaning Bankgraphwritemorphb. form or shapepodc. foot cryptd. hiddenchrome. color **** Please scramble the answers in the “meaning bank.”****2. English – VC – Level II – -OLOGY in Greek means “the science of or study of.” Match the following words to their meanings.The Field of StudyMeaning Bank1 DermatologySkin and its diseases.2 Entomologyb. Insects3 Hydrologyc. Water 4 Etymologyd. Words and word origins5 Cetologye. Whales **** Please scramble the answers in the “meaning bank.”****3. English – LT – Level II – Match the authors and their works.AuthorsWorks1Edgar Rice Burroughsa.Tarzan of the Apes2 Susan Cooperb. The Dark Is Rising3 Paul Fleischmanc. Seedfolks4 Rudy Kiplingd. The Jungle Book5 E. L. Konigsburge. Silent to the Bone **** Please scramble the answers in the “meaning bank.”****4. English – LT – Level II – Match these famous characters to the literary work.CharactersWorks1 Aslana. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe2 Becky Thatcherb. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer3 Ebenezer Scroogec. A Christmas Carol4 Ichabod Craned. The Legend of Sleepy Hollow5 Jim Hawkinse. Treasure Island **** Please scramble the answers in the “meaning bank.”****5. English – LT – Level II – Match these famous animal characters in literature.CharactersWorks1 Stuart Littlea. mouse2 Rikki-Tikki-Tavib. mongoose3 Old Yellerc. dog4 Hortond. elephant5 Ferdinande. bull **** Please scramble the answers in the “meaning bank.”****SS – CE – Level III -- Identify, in order, the 5 colors used for the Homeland Security Dept.’s 5 stages of terror alert, from the most severe to the lowest alert. (red, orange, yellow, blue, green)SS – UH – Level II - There were only four posts when the Cabinet was first formed under President Washington. Name three of these original four posts. (any three of Departments of State, War, Treasury, or Atty General)SS – WH – Level I - The Federalist Papers is a collection of anonymous writings on ideas about government. Three of the founding fathers of our country are now known to have written this series. Name them. (James Madison, John Jay, Alexander Hamilton)SS – WG – Level II - Name the three Canadian provinces that border Quebec. (Ontario, Newfoundland, New Brunswick)SS – WG – Level II - The equator passes through which three South American countries? (Ecuador, Brazil, Colombia) SS – UL - Level II – Since 2010, there have been three women serving as justices on the Supreme Court. Name two of them. (any two of Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Elena Kagan, or Sonia Sotomayor)SS – WG - Level II - Name the lake described by each of the following:the world’s deepest lake (Lake Baikal)the largest lake entirely within Canada (Great Bear Lake)the largest lake by volume in North America (Lake Superior)the source of the Nile River (Lake Victoria)the world’s longest lake (Lake Tanganyika)SS – WG - Level I - Name three continents that:the Tropic of Cancer passes through (N. America, Africa, Asia)the Tropic of Capricorn passes through (Africa, Australia, S. America)SS – WG - Level II - Name the continent where each river system is found:the Orinoco(South America)the Danube(Europe)the St. Lawrence(North America)the Zambezi(Africa)the Mekong(Asia)the Murray/Darling (Australia)the Indus(Asia)SS – WH - Level II - Give the following details concerning the Korean War:Soviet leader during the conflict (Joseph Stalin)China’s leader during the conflict (Mao Zedong)U.S. president at the beginning of the conflict (Harry Truman)U.S. president at the end of the conflict (Dwight Eisenhower)first U.S. commander of ground forces (Douglas MacArthur)two results of the conflict (Any of these are acceptable: North Korea was communist, South Korea was democratic, 38th parallel separated the two, stalemate, no “winner”)SS – WG - Level II - In South America, name:the two countries that do not border Brazil (Ecuador, Chile)two countries that border the Pacific Ocean (any two of Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Chile)two countries that border the Atlantic Ocean (any two of Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina)two countries that contain the Andes Mountain Range (any two of Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina)the two landlocked countries (Paraguay, Bolivia)the only country still a colony of a European country (French Guiana)SS – UG – Level II - To which US state would you have to travel to see what happened to the following boom towns?Deadwood (South Dakota)Tombstone (Arizona)Dodge City (Kansas)Leadville (Colorado)Nome (Alaska)Virginia City (Nevada)SS – WG - Level II - Name the African countries with the following capitals:Pretoria(South Africa)Cairo(Egypt)Harare(Zimbabwe)Nairobi(Kenya)Abuja(Nigeria)Mogadishu(Somalia)Khartoum(Sudan [Republic of])SS - WG – Level II - Name the island group that includes the following:Palau, Kiribati, Marshall Islands (Micronesia)Hawaii, Tonga, Samoa(Polynesia)Fiji, New Caledonia, New Guinea (Melanesia)Cuba, Jamaica, Puerto Rico (Greater Antilles)Barbados, Martinique, Trinidad and Tobago (Lesser Antilles)Kiska, Unimak, Atka, Amchitka (Aleutian Islands)Mindanao, Visayas, Luzon(Philippines)Java, Sumatra, Bali, Celebes (Indonesia)SS - UH – Level II - Name these signers of the Declaration of Independence:Future president from Massachusetts (John Adams)Future president from Virginia (Thomas Jefferson)Famous philosopher from Pennsylvania (Benjamin Franklin)Revolutionary from Massachusetts (Samuel Adams)Compromiser from New Jersey(Roger Sherman)SS – UL – Level II - Name the constitutional amendment that provides for the following:speedy and public trial(6th)ban on excessive bail(8th)states’ rights(10th)federal income tax(16th)voting at age 18(26th)freedom of speech(1st)equal protection under the law(14th)SS – UH – Level I - Four American presidents have been assassinated. Name three of them. (Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, William McKinley, John F. Kennedy)SS – WG – Level I - Give one official language spoken in:Brazil (Portuguese, asstd. tribal)Haiti (French or Haitian creole)New Zealand (English or Maori)Qatar (Arabic)Singapore (Chinese, Malay, English, or Tamil)Suriname (Dutch)Uganda (English or Swahili)Uruguay (Spanish)MA – NE – Level I - Mr. Spencer can buy a 757-page biography for $14.99 or he can make copies of it for 5 cents per page. In either case, a 9% sales tax applies. To the nearest cent, what is the number of dollars in the positive difference between the costs for buying and copying the book? ($24.92)MA – NE – Level I - Put these quantities in order from greatest to least:25% of 140 [3 = 35]two-thirds of 48 [2 = 36]125% of 20 [4 = 25]seven-eighths of 56 [1 =49]MA – NE – Level I - What is the sum of the mean, median, and mode of the following set?{42, 56, 48, 56, 53} (Answer: 160)Science – LS – Level II -- Identify the terms for each of the following concerning the snake: its process of shedding its skin in preparation for new growth; the long hollow teeth through which poisonous snakes inject their toxin; and the poison secreted by snakes. (molt, fangs, venom)Science – LS – Level 2 – Match the following organisms with the behavior cycle that the organism utilizes: migration, estivation, hibernation. grizzly bear (H)salmon (M)wildebeest (M)desert tortoise (E)cane toad (E)chipmunk (H)sea turtle (M)Science – LS – Level II – For the following genetic crosses, determine the probability that the parents’ offspring will express the dominant trait. Assume complete dominance.Two homozygous dominant parents (100%)Two heterozygous parents (75%)One homozygous dominant parent & one homozygous recessive parent (100%)Science – GS – Level II – Match the following scientists with their discoveries.Isaac Newton (The laws of motion)Gregor Mendel (Heredity)Charles Darwin (Evolution by natural selection)James Watson (The structure of DNA)Sir Francis Bacon (The scientific method)Joseph Priestley (Elemental oxygen)Science – LS – Level II – Identify the following genetic traits as dominant or recessive.Dark eyes (dominant)Light hair (recessive)Widow’s peak hairline (dominant)Type A blood type (dominant)Type B blood type (dominant)Type O blood type (recessive)Science – PS – Level II – Some elements on the Periodic Table have chemical symbols that are dissimilar from their English names. Name the element that goes along with the unexpected chemical symbol. K (Potassium)Na (Sodium)Sn (Tin)Fe (Iron)Au (Gold)Science – PS – Level II – Name the Periodic Table element that matches the description.Has 6 protons; makes coal and diamonds (Carbon)Has 2 protons; used as a shielding gas for welding (Helium)A metal with the chemical symbol Ag (Silver)A non-metal with the chemical symbol Ne (Neon)Science – PS – Level II – In which state of matter would one expect to find the following elements of the Periodic Table, at room temperature?Oxygen (gas)Sodium (solid)Chlorine (gas)Mercury (liquid)Neon (gas)Nickel (solid)Science – PS – Level II – For each subatomic particle of the atom, identify its location and its charge.Proton – nucleus (center) - positiveElectron – cloud (outside) - negativeNeutron – nucleus (center) – neutral (none)Science – GS – Level II – Match the following scientists with their national origin and their scientific contributionDmitri Mendeleev (creator of the Periodic Table) (Russian)Charles Darwin (founder of the theory of evolution) (English)James Watson (discovered the structure of DNA) (American)Gregor Mendel (the Father of Modern Genetics) (Austrian)George Washington Carver (popularized non-food applications of the peanut) (American)Science – PS – Level II – Classify the following types of matter as elements, compounds, or mixtures.Water (compound)Aluminum (element)Wood (mixture)Air (mixture)Oxygen (element)Steel (compound)Science – PS – Level II – State the scientific term related to the following descriptions of state changes of matter.The temperature at which liquid becomes gas (boiling point)The state change in which a solid becomes gas (sublimation)The temperature at which a solid becomes liquid (melting point)The state change in which a liquid becomes solid (freezing)Science – PS – Level II – Order the following substances by their density, from most dense to least dense. (Answers are in order.)AluminumBrickWaterIcePine woodStyrofoamScience – LS – Level II – Match the scientist to the organism that he/she studied.Peanuts (George Washington Carver)Peas (Gregor Mendel)Chimpanzees (Jane Goodall)Gorillas (Dian Fossey)Orangutans (Biruté Galdikas)Science – PS – Level II – Match the chemical reaction with the evidence that a chemical reaction has occurred: release of heat, release of gas, color change, formation of a precipitate, and release of heat.Baking soda and vinegar (release of gas)Cabbage juice and hydrochloric acid (color change)Milk and vinegar (formation of a precipitate)Decomposition of vegetables (release of heat)Science – PS – Level II – Classify the following substances as homogeneous or heterogeneous mixtures.Pasteurized milk (homogeneous)Oil and vinegar salad dressing (heterogeneous)Grape juice from concentrate (homogeneous)Chocolate pudding (homogeneous)Chocolate chip ice cream (heterogeneous)Pancake batter (homogeneous)Science – LS – Level II - Categorize the following animal relationships as competition, predation, or symbiosis, and state a reason:Coyote and jackrabbit (predation, coyote eats jackrabbit)Jackrabbit and kangaroo rat (competition, same food sources and habitat)Bee and wildflower (symbiosis, bee drinks nectar and pollinates flower)Tarantula and grasshopper (predation, tarantula eats grasshopper)Owls and hawks (competition, same food sources and habitat)Identify the following statements about animals as myths or facts. If a statement is a myth, correct the myth to make it factual.Camels’ humps are full of water. (Myth: Camels’ humps are full of fat)Owls can turn their heads all the way around. (Myth: Owls can turn their heads three-quarters (270 degrees) of the way around)Crocodiles excrete tears when eating their prey. (True)Bats are blind and must use sonar to navigate. (Myth: Bats can see but primarily use sonar to navigate)Science – PS – Level 3 – Half-life is the amount of time required for a radioactive atom to decay by half. If each of the following substances begin with a mass of 100 kg, how much of each will be remaining after 30 days? Round answers to the nearest tenth.Actinium-225: half-life of 10 days (12.5 kg)Bismuth-210: half-life of 5 days (1.6 kg)Europeum-156: half-life of 15 days (25 kg)Science – PS – Level 3 – Match the chemical that has been banned or restricted with its application and its negative impact.DDT (Dichloro-diphenyl trichloroethane) (pesticide)(threatens bird populations by thinning bird egg shells)CFCs (Chlorofluorocarbon) (in aerosols and refrigerators)(damages the ozone layer)TEL (Tetraethyllead) (gasoline additive)(increases lead levels in the air and soil)PCB (Polychlorinated Biphenyls) (coolant in reactors)(causes a skin condition called chloracne)Science – LS – Level III -- Identify the type of insect that transmits each of the following diseases: malaria, bubonic plague or Black Death, sleeping sickness, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and Lyme disease. [mosquito, flea, tsetse fly, tick(wood or dog), tick (deer)]Science – LS – Level III – Name the parts of the body that these adjectives pertain to: optical, renal, pulmonary, gastric, and otic. (eyes, kidneys, lungs, stomach, ears)Science – LS – Level II – Order the prefixes used in SI units (metric system) from least to greatest? (milli-, centi-, deci –, deka-, hecto-, kilo-)Science – GS – Level I – Identify the SI unit (metric system) that would be used to measure the following:The distance between Los Angeles and PhoenixThe mass of a pencilThe amount of liquid in a soda bottleThe distance an athlete can jumpThe mass of a personThe amount of liquid medicine to give to a childThe amount of a particular nutrient in a multi-vitamin tablet or capsule(Answer: 1-kilometers (km), 2-grams (g), 3-liters (L), 4-meters (m), 5-kilograms (kg), 6-milliliter(mL), 7-milligram mg)Science – LS – Level II – Identify which characteristics are associated with different types of volcanos:formed from non-explosive eruptions of “runny” lava such as a basalt flow; formed when magma chambers empty and collapse; formed by explosive eruptions of pyroclastic materials and lava flows;made entirely of pyroclastic materialsShield volcanoesCinder cone volcanoesComposite volcanoes or stratovolcanoesCalderas(Answers: 1. A, 2. D, 3. C, 4. B)Science – PS – Level II – Match the following terms and descriptions: 1. supernova A a neutron star that is spinning2. black holeB leftovers of a massive supernova that collapses3. galaxiesC large grouping of stars in space4. white-dwarf starD a very massive star5. supergiantE the death of a large star by explosion6. pulsarF. stars near the end of their life(Answers: 1. E, 2. B, 3. C, 4. E, 5. D, 6. A)Science –PS – Level II – Identify the fault type and the kind of earthquakes that are produced in association with different kinds of plate motion.Plate motion: convergent, divergent, transformFaults: normal, reverse, strike-slipEarthquakes: shallow, deep, weak, moderate, strong Answer on table below:Plate MotionProminent fault typeEarthquake descriptionTransform strike-slipModerate, shallowConvergentreverse faultStrong, deepDivergentnormal fault Weak, shallow Identify which of Newton’s Laws, 1st, 2nd, or 3rd, are demonstrated in the following movements: A swimmer’s hands push against the water and they move forward.A person riding a bike flies over the handlebars when the tire hits a bump.A bowler knocks down more pins when using a heavier bowling ball.(Answer: A – Newton’s 3rd law, B – Newton’s 1st law, C- Newton’s 2nd law)Order the sequence of the phases of the moon beginning with the new moon. Include these terms in your answer: waxing, waning, gibbous, crescent, full moon, first quarter, last quarter and new moon. (Answer: New moon, waxing crescent, first quarter, waxing gibbous, full moon, waning gibbous, last quarter, waning crescent.)THIRD QUARTERSS – CE – Level II – Should English be designated as the official language of the United States?SS – CE – Level II – Should health care be mandatory for all American citizens?SS – CE – Level II – Propose an alternative fuel source for Americans to use as a renewable source of energy. What would the benefits be to utilizing this new fuel source?SS – CE – Level II – How can Americans prevent childhood obesity?SS – CE – Level II – Should classroom teachers allow students to utilize personal technology in the classroom?SS – CE – Level II – Should cloning be allowed in the United States for medical research purposes?SS – CE – Level II – How can teens use social media to leave a positive digital fingerprint behind?SS – UH – Level II – Should professional athletes be paid less and should college athletes be granted professional status?SS- CE- Level II – Topic: Minimum WageThe issue: Is a federal minimum wage good for the economy? Does it help improve living standards or does it raise unemployment?SS – CE- Level II - Topic: DronesThe issue: Is the use of drone aircraft abroad a valuable military tool or an ultimately ineffective method of warfare? Should drones be used domestically for law enforcement and other uses, or will drones in U.S. airspace lead to invasions of privacy?SS – CE – Level II - Topic: Video GamesThe issue: Should the government pass laws restricting children's access to violent video games? Or would doing so violate the freedom of speech protections of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution? Does playing violent video games make someone more likely to commit violent crimes in real life?SS – CE – Level II - Topic: Veterans ServicesThe issue: Should veterans returning from the Iraq and Afghanistan wars be offered more benefits and services?Science – LS – Level II – Should childhood vaccinations be mandatory?Science – PS – Level II – Due to the federal deficit and efforts to balance the budget, the space shuttle and all manned space flights have been indefinitely suspended. The result of this decision has released thousands of highly skilled scientists and other technical workers from employment. Prepare a presentation for the US congress OMB (Office of Management and Budget) to support continuing the work of NASA and its contracts including engineering and manufacturing companies. Science – PS – Level II – To reduce the emission of pollution and greenhouse gases from electrical power plants, some scientists think nuclear energy is the answer. Discuss the risks and benefits of nuclear energy and argue for or against a nuclear power plant being built in your city—using examples of successful and failed nuclear power plants as evidence to support.FOURTH QUARTEREnglish – LT – Level I – Name the author of Number the Stars and The Giver. (Lois Lowry)English – LT – Level I – Name the author of Holes. (Louis Sachar) English – LT – Level I – Name the author of Where the Wild Things Are. (Maurice Sendak)English – LT – Level II – Name the author of The Time Machine and The War of the Worlds. (H.G. Wells) English – LT – Level II – Name the author of The Road Not Taken and Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening. (Robert Frost)English – LT – Level II – Name the author of “The Gift of the Magi” and “The Ransom of Red Chief.” (O. Henry)English – VC – Level III – How many years are in a sesquicentennial? (150)English – VC – Level II – How many sheets are in a ream of paper? (500)English – VC – Level III – What is the official number of days in a quarantine? (40)SS – UH – Level I – After the original 13 states, which was the next state admitted to the Union? (Vermont)SS – UL - Level II - A group of citizens responsible for bringing formal charges against a person accused of a serious crime, is called what? (grand jury)SS – UL - Level II - What is the legal document that protects an inventor from having his invention copied? (patent)SS – CE - Level II - There is only one crime specifically mentioned in the U.S. Constitution and its punishment could include death. What is this crime mentioned in Article III? (treason)SS – UH - Level I - This name was given to Northerners with Southern sympathies during the Civil War, derived from a venomous and deadly reptile. (copperhead)SS – UH - Level I - Northern opportunists who came south after the Civil War to seek private gain under Reconstruction governments were called what uncomplimentary nickname? (carpetbaggers)SS – UH - Level I – After the Civil War, white Republicans, Republican supporters, or supporters of Reconstruction were universally hated by white Southerners and often called this name. (scalawags)SS – UH - Level I – The former owner of the New York World newspaper left an endowed annual prize for excellence in American literature and journalism. Who was he? (Joseph Pulitzer)SS – UH - Level I - The Homestead Strike of 1892 involved Pennsylvania workers in what industry? (steel) SS – UH - Level II – The title General of the Armies was created for George Washington, but was never held by him. What World War I general held this title? (John J. Pershing) SS – UH - Level II – Which 1964 legislation giving President Johnson the authority to take all necessary measures to repel attacks against U.S. forces was most likely based on a faked incident? (Gulf of Tonkin Resolution) SS – UH - Level I - President Lyndon Johnson said, “Its purpose is not to divide, but to end divisions.” Name this landmark 1964 piece of legislation. (Civil Rights Act) SS – WH - Level II - Richard Nixon believed he was neutralizing the Cold War with his “triangular diplomacy” that opened American relations with which two countries? (China, Soviet Union) SS – UL - Level I – The 15th, 19th, 24th, and 26th amendments each expanded which vital American right? (voting) SS – UL - Level I – State the legal term that refers to someone who is under 18 years of age. (minor) SS – UL - Level I - State the name for the final decision of the jury in a court of law. (verdict) SS – UG - Level I – In which state would you find the Okefenokee Swamp, the largest of its kind in the U.S.? (Georgia) SS - UG – Level I – Which North American mountain range is named for the many waterfalls along the Columbia River Gorge? (Cascades) SS – WG - Level I – Great Sandy, Great Victoria, Simpson, and Gibson are large deserts found on which continent? (Australia) SS – WG - Level II - Derived from Arabic meaning “desert dweller,” this word refers to the desert nomads of the Middle East and North Africa. Which word names these people? (Bedouin) SS – WG - Level II - This island has no army or navy, has never fought a war, and features the lowest illiteracy rate in the world. It received independence in 1944. Name this northern nation of over 100 volcanoes and the world’s oldest parliamentary institution. (Iceland) SS – WH - Level II – In which modern-day country did Ferdinand Magellan land on March 16, 1521, thinking it was the Spice Islands and where he was killed by its natives? (Philippines) SS – WG - Level I - Identify the language, spoken by a namesake ethnic group, in such countries as Egypt, Iraq, and Syria. (Arabic) SS – WH – Level I - The Soviet Union kept forces in this country until 1989. The mujahedeen forces in this country were backed by the United States, and Osama Bin Laden trained troops here when it was ruled by the Taliban. As of 2004 it has a presidential system of government and a two-house Parliament. Name the nation. (Afghanistan) SS – EC – Level I – Name the type of interest is paid over the whole life of the loan? (simple interest) SS – EC – Level I – What business term refers to a group of people who are allowed by law to run a company, college, or town as a single business? (corporation) SS – EC – Level I – Which economic term refers to a share of money earned by an investment or a business and then given to stockholders? (dividend) SS – UL – Level I – The Apportionment Act of 1911 permanently set the number of representatives in the House of Representatives at which number? (435) SS – UL – Level I – Which state is the most populous in the nation and has the most representatives in the House of Representatives at 53? (California) SS – UL – Level I – Until 1913, senators were appointed by their state legislatures. Which amendment to the Constitution allowed them to be elected directly by voters in their states? (Seventeenth Amendment)MA – NE – Level I – If 36 ounces of water is added to 12 ounces of pure orange juice, what percent of the resulting solution is water? (75%)MA – NE – Level I – A fruit salad is made up of oranges, grapefruit, and peaches in the ratio of 1:4:5. What fraction of the mixture is grapefruit? (4/10 or four-tenths) MA – NE – Level I – At $6.50 per baseball, how much would it cost to buy 1 1/3 dozen? ($104) MA – GE – Level I – The supplement of an angle is four times its complement. Give the number of degrees in the angle. (60 degrees) MA – GE - Level I – If the area of a square is 121 square inches, give the perimeter of the square. (44 inches) MA – GE – Level II – Find the area of a rhombus whose diagonals are 6 and 10. (30) MA – GE – Level I – The area of a trapezoid is 130 square inches. If the height of the trapezoid is 10 inches and one of the bases is 12 inches, determine the other base. (14 inches) MA – AL – Level I – If 25 miles can be driven in 30 minutes, how many hours will it take to drive 200 miles? (4 hours) MA – AL – Level II – A water tank is ? full and has a capacity of 600 gallons. How many gallons must be added to make the tank 4/5 full? (180 gallons) MA – AL – Level I – An item which was sold at 3 cans for 50 cents was changed to 20 cents per can. What is the percent increase for each can? (20%) MA – AL – Level I – Using the sequence 2, 4, 8, 16, 32…, give the 10th number in the sequence. (1024) MA – AL – Level II – Solve for x and y: 3x+2y = 11 (3x plus 2y equals 11)5x-2y = 13 (5x minus 2y equals 13) (x=3, y=1) MA – AL – Level I - In a certain school, the ratio of the seniors to the number of juniors is 3 to 2. What percentage of the combined two groups are seniors? (60%) MA – PR – Level I – From a list of 10 books, Albert selected 4. In how many ways can Albert select the 4 books? (5040 ways) MA – PR – Level I – In how many ways can a group of four people be seated around a square table if one must always sit in the same chair? (6 ways) Science – LS – Level III – Name the world’s slowest-moving land mammal, native to South America. (sloth) Science – LS – Level III – Name the largest flying land bird in North America. (California condor)Science – LS – Level III – What is the name of the state of suspended animation for many plants during part of the year? (dormant or dormancy) Science – LS – Level III – Cranium is the name of what bone in the body? (skull) Science – LS – Level III – Which vitamin is called retinol and is important for good eyesight? (vitamin A)Science – LS – Level III – Which vitamin is essential for blood clotting? It is the only one produced by bacteria in the human intestine. (vitamin K)Science – LS – Level II – Hypersensitivity to food, pollen, dust, etc., is called what? (allergy)Science – GS – Level I – List the abbreviations for millimeter, centimeter, and kilometer. (mm, cm, km)Science – PS – Level I – Define matter. (Anything that has mass and takes up space)Science – PS – Level I – Define molecule. (Two or more atoms that are chemically bonded/connected)Science – PS – Level I – Name the 17th and 18th century scientist who formulated the laws of motion and universal gravitation. ((Isaac) Newton)Science – PS – Level I – What is the natural habitat of an arboreal organism? (Trees/forest)Science – GS – Level I – Name the type of scientific variable that is changed, so that an effect can be observed in another variable. (independent variable)Science - GS - Level I – Name the type of scientific variable that is measured to study the effect of the variable that was changed. (dependent variable)Science - GS - Level I – Name the group in a scientific experiment that is used as a constant, unchanging standard for comparison. (control group)Science – LS – Level I – Name the North American fish that migrates upstream to spawn and die. (salmon) Science – LS – Level I – What physical feature of a bird can be used to predict its food source? (beak shape or beak)Science – LS – Level I – What is the name of the species of camel with two humps? (Bactrian camel) Science – LS – Level I – Name the parasitic plant associated with Western Christmas as a decoration. (mistletoe) Science - GS - Level I – Name the method one must use to determine the volume of an irregular object. (displacement)Science - GS - Level I – What kind of graph is used to measure a variable changing over time? (line graph)Science – GS – Level I – Name the type of scientific variable that is controlled to ensure a fair test. (control variable or constant variable)Science – LS – Level I – How are the seeds of the coconut dispersed from the coconut tree? (by water)Science – LS – Level I – How are the seeds of the maple tree dispersed from the plant? (by wind)Science – LS – Level I – Name the behavior cycle of animals in which they slow their activity for the cold, harsh winter months. (hibernation) Science – LS – Level I – Name the organelle of the cell that contains the genetic material. (Nucleus)Science - LS - Level I – Name the series of islands off the coast of Ecuador where Charles Darwin found compelling evidence for the theory of evolution. (Galapagos Islands)Science - LS - Level I – Name the 19th and 20th century scientist who popularized the peanut by promoting 100 non-food products that could be made with peanuts. ((George) Washington Carver)Science – LS – Level I – Name the Central and South American amphibian that warns predators of the toxins in its skin with its bright coloration. (poison dart frog or poison arrow frog)Science – LS – Level II – Name the process in organisms that regulates body systems to maintain a stable internal environment. (homeostasis) Science - GS - Level II – Name the word used in science to describe a scientific study that can be repeated to achieve similar results. (reliable)Science - GS - Level II – Name the type of graph in which place values are split into separate columns, to show the distribution of data. (stem-and-leaf)Science - LS - Level II – Name the 19th century scientist known as the Father of Modern Genetics for his experiments with pea plants. (Gregor Mendel)Science - LS - Level II – Name the 19th century naturalist whose observations led to the theory that species descended over time from common ancestors. (Charles Darwin)Science - LS - Level II – Name the ship that transported Charles Darwin on his five year voyage to observe the world’s wildlife and fossils. (HMS Beagle)Science - LS - Level II – Name the two 20th century scientists who are credited with discovering the double-helix structure of the DNA molecule. ((James) Watson & (Francis) Crick)Science – LS – Level II – Name the type of gene that masks the expression of the second allele. (dominant) Science – LS – Level II – Name the type of gene that is only expressed when it exists in a pair. (recessive) Science - GS - Level II – Name the type of bar graph that shows the distribution of numerical data. (histogram)Science – LS – Level II – Name the least common blood type in the United States. (AB or AB-)Science – LS – Level II – Name the blood type that makes a person a universal donor. (Type O) Science – LS – Level II – Name the blood type that makes a person a universal receiver. (Type AB) Science – LS – Level II – What form of pollination occurs when the stamen and pistil of the same plant accomplish pollination? (self-pollination)Science – LS – Level II – What form of pollination occurs when the stamen and pistil of two different plants accomplish pollination? (cross-pollination)Science – PS – Level II – Describe how the elements from Group 1 of the Periodic Table react with water. (explosive or sparks/fire) Science – PS – Level II – Name the scientific term for the temperature -273 degrees Celcius and -460 degrees Fahrenheit. (absolute zero)Science – PS – Level II – Name the chemical element that is useful in medicine whose name comes from the Greek word for violet. (iodine)Science – PS – Level II – Name any two of the three chemical elements named for geographical locations in North America. (Any two of the three: Berkelium, Californium, and Americium)Science – LS - Level II – Name the 20th century female scientist whose X-ray photographs contributed to the understanding of the structure of the DNA molecule. ((Rosalind) Franklin) Science – LS – Level II – Name the scientific tool that can be used to predict the probability of a parental cross resulting in a certain trait in their biological offspring. (Punnett square)Science - PS - Level II – Name the 18th century scientist who is credited with discovering oxygen by isolating it in its gaseous state. ((Joseph) Priestley)Science - PS - Level II – Name the 17th century scientist who established the methods for scientific inquiry, known today as the scientific method. ((Sir Francis) Bacon)Science – GS – Level II – What is the scientific term for the selected number of observations to include in an experimental group? (sample size)Science – LS – Level II – Name the type of cancer treatment that uses X-rays, gamma rays, and charged particles to kill cancer cells. (radiation treatment or radiation therapy)Science – LS – Level II – Name the process that manually adds new DNA to an organism to add new traits to that organism. (genetic engineering)Science – LS – Level II – Name the two purposes for which cells in the human body grow and divide to make exact copies of cells. (to grow and to repair)Science – LS – Level II – For what purpose does the human body create cells with half of the cell’s genetic material? (reproduction)Science – LS – Level II – Name the kind of plant Gregor Mendel used in his experiments that revealed the patterns of genetic inheritance. (pea plants) Science – LS – Level II – Name the type of gene that masks the appearance of the second allele. (dominant) Science – LS – Level II – Name the blood type or blood types that the offspring of two parents with Type O blood could have. (Type O) Science – LS – Level II – Name the behavior cycle of animals in which they slow their activity for hot, dry summer months. (estivation) Science – LS – Level II – Name the behavior cycle of plants in which plants exhibit little to no growth to avoid unfavorable conditions. (dormancy) Science – PS – Level II – Name the 19th century Russian scientist who created the Periodic Table of Elements. ((Dmitri) Mendeleev) Science – LS – Level II – Name the form of camouflage that uses a pattern with strong contrast to break up the body outline of an animal. (Disruptive coloration)Science – PS – Level II – What kind of elements are found on the staircase shape on the Periodic Table of Elements between metals and non-metals? (metalloids)Science – PS – Level II – Name any two of the fourteen elements on the Periodic Table that are named after people. (Any 2 of the following: Gadolinium, Curium, Einsteinium, Fermium, Mendelevium, Nobelium, Lawrencium, Rutherfordium, Seaborgium, Bohrium, Meitnerium, Roentgenium, Copernicium, Flerovium)Science – PS – Level II – What four chemical elements are found in all living things? (Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen – C,H,O,N)Science – LS – Level II – Name the relationship between versions of a gene in which multiple dominant alleles can be expressed at the same time. (Codominance)Science – PS – Level II – State the chemical symbols for hydrogen and helium. (H – hydrogen, He – helium)Science – LS – Level II – Name the pesticide that was banned in 1972 following public outcry stemming from Rachel Carson’s book Silent Spring. (DDT)Science – PS – Level II – State the effect of increasing heat on the atoms of a substance. (Increases movement and/or increases space between atoms)Science – LS – Level II – Which snake species has similar coloration to the coral snake, and what is the term for this kind of copy-cat coloration in animals? (King snake, mimicry)Science – LS – Level II – Name the first commercially grown genetically engineered food to be approved by the Food and Drug Administration. ((Flavr Savr) tomato)Science – PS – Level II – What chemical element did Marie Curie prove to be radioactive that is used in nuclear power plants today? (Uranium)Science – PS – Level II - What scientific term comes from the Greek words “a” and “tomos” meaning “uncuttable?” (Atom)Science – LS – Level II – What species of birds demonstrates high levels of intelligence through problem solving and the ability to use tools? (Crow)Science – LS – Level II – What animal can be divided into the two categories, toothed or baleen? (Whales) Science – GS – Level II – What does a micrometer gauge measure? (Small lengths)Science – ES – Level II – What is a scientist studying if he or she is observing cleavage, streak, and hardness? (Rocks/minerals)Science – LS – Level II – The following components of the human body have a common function: skin, sweat, tears, and mucous. What is their common function? (To protect from disease/pathogens)Science – LS – Level II – How many arms do a squid and an octopus each have? (10 & 8)Science – PS – Level II – In a car crash, which of Newton’s Laws of Motion do airbags most directly protect drivers from? (Newton’s First Law of Motion)Science – LS – Level II – How many pairs of chromosomes do humans have? (23 pairs)Science – LS – Level II – In biology, what does the acronym DNA stand for? (Deoxyribonucleic acid)Science – LS – Level II – Name the tightly coiled structures into which DNA is compacted. (Chromosomes)Science – PS – Level II – Name the three magnetic elements on the Periodic Table of Elements. (Iron, cobalt, nickel)Science – PS – Level II – What is the element with the lowest mass? (Hydrogen)Science – LS – Level II – What two organisms make up lichen? (Algae and fungus)Science – PS – Level II – Explain why the Statue of Liberty is green. (oxidation of the copper (forming a patina of copper carbonate))Science - ES - Level II – What is the name of the instrument that records seismic waves and is located at or near the surface of the earth. (seismograph)Science - ES - Level II – Name the type of plate motion that occurs where two plates push together. (convergent or convergent motion)Science – ES – Level II – Name the scientist who proposed his theory of continental drift in the early 1900’s. (Alfred Wegener)Science – ES – Level I – Name the study of the atmosphere -- including weather forecasting. (Meteorology)Science – PS – Level I – What is the buildup of electrical charges on an object? (Static electricity)Science – PS – Level I – Name the circuit in which the electrical charges travel through more than one path. (Parallel circuit)Science – PS – Level I – Name a device used to protect buildings from electrical fires. (Circuit breaker and/or fuse)Science – PS – Level II – What do we call huge interstellar clouds of dust and gas that are found in outer space? (Nebulas or nebulae)Science – PS – Level I - What is created when our planet spins on its axis to complete one rotation? (Day and night) Science – PS – Level I - What is measured as the earth completes its revolution in its orbit around the sun? (A year)Science – ES – Level II – Name the 3 parts of the earth. (Crust, mantle, & core)Science – PS – Level II – Name the outermost part of the sun’s atmosphere that is visible during a total solar eclipse. (The corona)Science – PS – Level II – What are giant storms on the surface of the sun called? (Solar flares)Science – PS – Level II – Name the term that describes a meteor that enters Earth’s atmosphere and strikes the ground. (A meteorite)Science – PS – Level II – Name the event that is characterized by a large number of meteors that are seen when earth passes through the dusty debris left behind in the orbit of a comet. (Meteor shower)Science – PS – Level II – What is the term for a place or object used for comparison to determine if something is in motion? (A reference point)Science – PS – Level I – What is the basic SI unit of length? (Meter)Science – PS – Level II – Give the term scientists use to describe the resistance of every object to any change in motion. (Inertia) ................

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