Travel Brochure for a Geologic Time Period

Travel Brochure for a Geologic Time Period

Travel Brochure Due Date: ____________________


1. The class will count off to determine time periods. Record your time period here. _____________________

1 = Precambrian Time, 2 = Cambrian, 3 = Ordovician, 4 = Silurian, 5 = Devonian, 6 = Carboniferous, 7 = Permian, 8 = Triassic,

9 = Jurassic, 10 = Cretaceous, 11 = Tertiary, 12 = Quaternary

2. We will spend class time working on this. What you do not finish becomes homework. You are working with a team to collaborate and find information, but everyone makes their own brochure.

3. The textbook is a starting point. Use the library books in the classroom and/or the internet to expand on your information. You may bring outside research materials to class to help.

Travel Brochure Specifics: All you need is a piece of large computer paper and a few folds to get started! Brochures need to be done by YOU!


|TITLE (Make up your own!) |List of important facts! |Organism |

| | |Name |

|Time Period Name and Range of years |Hint: Explain why someone should visit |Drawing (color) |

| |your time period! |Details (3) |

|Slogan to get audience attention | | |

| |- Include an illustration ( | |

|Brief Overview of your time period. | | |

| | |Organism |

|Student’s full name, Date, & Period # | |Name |

| | |Drawing (color) |

| | |Details (3) |


| | | |

|Time Period Name | | |

|Range of Years |Organism |Organism |

| |Name |Name |

| |Drawing (color) |Drawing (color) |

|-List of Organisms |Details (3) |Details (3) |

|(6 total) | | |

| |Organism |Organism |

|Describe Earth’s landscape at the time |Name |Name |

|(physical appearance) |Drawing (color) |Drawing (color) |

| |Details (3) |Details (3) |

Directions for Organisms (6 total)

1. Include a detailed picture of the organism. NEEDS to be in color and hand drawn.

2. Name the organism.

3. List 3 details about the organism (features, habitat, diet, behavior, climate of habitat)

4. If possible, try to include 3 plants and 3 animals.

Assignment = 65 points


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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