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Project Report: “Know Your Body”Class BIO2312 Lecture/Lab Spring 2020Name: Houssynatou BarrySex: male/female: Female Age: 22Ethnicity: American of West African Descendent Height: 5.9Weight: 198 lbs. BMI: 29.2Underlying health conditions: I was diagnosed pre-diabetic less than 2 years ago, Rheumatoid arthritis at the age of 12.Pulse: (provide readings and explain significance) It is a useful life skill to know how to check for one’s pulse as it will be helpful to know to determine how regular the heartbeat is. It could help to evaluate help symptom as it states how regular and irregular the heartbeat is. In an emergency, the pulse is an easy way to determine for circulation in the body. There are several cites where the pulse can be checked, such as the neck, arms, wrist. For both men and women, normal heart rate is about 60-100 beats per minutes depending on the condition, as when exercising, the heart rate will go up .Blood Pressure: (provide readings and explain significance) My blood pressure was 115/70 mmHg. This means that at 70mmHg my heart was pumping until it reached about 115 mmHg, and as the heart kept pumping the pressure builds up. This also means that blood is squeezing from the heart to the arteries, and as it gets there, the force against the walls of the vessels is increasing. The process described above is called systole. From this point forward, the heart begins to relax, and the pressure decreases to once again 70 mmHg this process is now called diastole. This cycle keeps repeating itself for every heartbeat. In general, Blood pressure is the measure of the force exerted by the blood passing through the vessels over its surface area. The blood pressure is usually taken through the brachial artery, which is the one that leaves the heart to the upper arm. EKG: (provide readings and explain significance) (see appendix) EKG is an abbreviation for Electrocardiogram, which is the measurement of the electrical activity of the heart. Each heartbeat is followed by an electrical impulse that travels through the heart and causes it to squeeze and pump blood. The wave that travels the atria or upper chambers is represented by the p-wave , followed by a flat line when the electrical impulse travels to the apex of the heart. The right and right ventricles constituted the QRT-wave, which is the then followed by the T-wave representing the resting state of the ventricles. Just like the heartbeat, this process is continuous. Lung Capacity: (we did not do the experiment in the class this semester, however you can discuss its significance with health and factors which can lead to disease) Lung capacity is the volume of air in the lungs upon the maximum effort of inspiration, for heathy adults the lung capacity is about 6 litters. Age, gender, and body composition will affect the capacity of the lung. Food Diary: (one week of food intake, calorific values, food groups, water etc. Also add the table to your report together with information on the Apps used)DatesBreakfast Lunch Dinner Total Calories 04/19Orange juice and butter on a roll Rice and potato leaves Skipped 964kcal04/20Green Tea and oatmeal Grilled chicken and salad Skipped 509.7 Kcal04/21Coffee and beef beaconAtcheke with fish and vegetables Skipped 405.1 Kcal04/22Coffee and fruit Riz au gras et Poulet Skipped 934Kcal04/23Salade de fruit Riz au carote et du salamonSalade de fruit 492Kcal04/24fastedfastedfoufou267 kcal04/25fastedfastedSoup and rice 409 KcalSleep Record: (one week of sleep record and its interpretation and Apps used) I sleep on average about 6 hours as I stay up to study either for school or religious practices. Family History: (document any health issues in your family, age of onset, life span etc.) I have a family history of having diabetes I’m not really sure what type It mostly is but most of my uncles, aunts and cousins have it and it is not age dependent. Rheumatoid arthritis, sickle-cell disease are also really common as I am from an ethnic group called fulbeh. Which is a nomadic group that is now settled from the west to the east sides of Africa, they are believed to be from the middle east and of Arabic descendent. In most countries of Africa, they are considered to be foreigners and have never been elected as presidents. Therefor to preserve their cultures and beliefs, they choose to marry parallel cousins or at least within the ethnic group and encourage given birth to as much children as possible. This result into a high percentage of inheritance of sickle-cell disease, which is genetically passed on. Though my parents are not cousins and their villages are far from each other, my siblings and I have inherited some of those diseases, such as some type of vision problems. I also have a family history of some sort of dementia as most of that side of the family suffer from it, and it occurs as early as mid-fifties. Conclusion/Take home message: Doing this exercise as helped me get into a habit of monitoring the number of calories I intake daily and reflect on my journey and health. Since my prediabetic diagnostic, I have been on a journey of bettering my health by exercising and cutting down carbohydrates that eat. Though it has been challenging, I still am looking for a proper way to diet as the last time I did so, I became anemic, and felt really fragile . References:What is blood pressure? | Circulatory system physiology | NCLEX-RN | Khan Academy; Khanacademymedicine: Youtube, 2012. American Heart Association - Coronavirus (COVID-19). (accessed May 1, 2020).?How To: Check Your Pulse; Baylor College of Medicine: YouTube, 2020. Delgado, B.; Bajaj, T. Physiology, Lung Capacity. (accessed May 1, 2020). ................

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