Economics of Crisis

International campaign DOWDIVISOR30

The international campaign DOWDIVISOR30 will start shortly. This campaign is intended to convince the people responsible for the composition of the Dow Jones to restore the Dow Divisor in the formula used to calculate the Dow Jones to its original value of 30. The people responsible are a number of journalists of the Wall Street Journal, and the owner of the Dow Jones Index, the company S & P Dow Jones Indices LLC, a subsidiary of The McGraw-Hill Companies.

People over the whole world can sign a petition requesting president Obama’s government to exert pressure on the respective journalists and the company S & P Dow Jones Indices LLC to carry out this change in the Dow Jones formula.

The campaign will have an educational character. The campaign will draw attention to the following articles and paper:

- The article Market crash 1929, mystery unraveled? describes what happened to the Dow Jones behind the scenes at the time of the stock market crash in 1929.

- That graphs of stock market indexes, such as the Dow Jones, give no relevant long-term information is explained in the article Without knowledge of the past there is no future .

- In the article Will Obama manipulate the Dow Divisor, from fiction to reality? you can read why it is a good idea to make this change to the Dow Jones formula.

- The need to make the change to the Dow Jones formula in the near future was presented at an international symposium "THE ECONOMIC CRISIS: TIME FOR A PARADIGM SHIFT" in Valencia: The present crisis, a pattern .

As preparation for this international campaign, the relevant articles and papers have been distributed worldwide (see appendix). After reading this information over the Dow Jones, every citizen of the world can make a considered decision to sign this petition.

The campaign is currently collecting friends who are prepared to support DOWDIVISOR30. We are looking for people in all corners of society who want to be a golden friend, silver friend or bronze friend:

• A golden friend is someone who signs the petition and draws as much attention as possible to the campaign via social media.

• A silver friend is someone who signs the petition.

• A bronze friend is a website or organisation which draws attention to the DOWDIVISOR30 campaign.

As soon as the list of friends has achieved a respectable size, the campaign will officially start.

On behalf of the DOWDIVISOR30 campaign team,

Wim Grommen

Twitter: #DOWDIVISOR30, #DDD of #DDT

Appendix: list of sites of the abovementioned articles and paper

Paper: The present crisis, a pattern

The present crisis, a pattern paper on G-Global

The present crisis, a pattern paper on The Market Oracle

The present crisis, a pattern paper on

The present crisis, a pattern paper on

The present crisis, a pattern paper on Charttrader

The present crisis, a pattern paper on

The present crisis, a pattern paper on

The present crisis, a pattern paper on

The present crisis, a pattern paper on Klusterfuck

The present crisis, a pattern paper on The Bull

The present crisis, a pattern paper on

The present crisis, a pattern paper on

The present crisis, a pattern paper on Basisinkomen

Article: Market crash 1929, mystery unraveled?

Market crash 1929 mystery unraveled? on The Market Oracle

Market crash 1929 mystery unraveled? on Global Economic Intersection

Market crash 1929 mystery unraveled? on Gold in Mind

Market crash 1929 mystery unraveled? on

Market crash 1929 mystery unraveled? on

Market crash 1929 mystery unraveled? on World-

Market crash 1929 mystery unraveled? on Michel Husson, economist

Market crash 1929 mystery unraveled? on

Market crash 1929 mystery unraveled? on

Market crash 1929 mystery unraveled? on Financial Market Analytics

Market crash 1929 mystery unraveled? on The Bull

Market crash 1929 mystery unraveled? on Revere Radio Netwerk

Market crash 1929 mystery unraveled? on Forbidden News

Market crash 1929 mystery unraveled? on Secrets of the Fed

Market crash 1929 mystery unraveled? on From The Trenches

Beurskrach 1929, mysterie ontrafeld? on Historiek (Dutch)

Beurskrach 1929, mysterie ontrafeld? on Alles in Perspectief

Beurskrach 1929, mysterie ontrafeld? on Earthpedia

Beurskrach 1929, mysterie ontrafeld? on Biflatie

Beurskrach 1929, mysterie ontrafeld? on

Beurskrach 1929, mysterie ontrafeld? on

Beurskrach 1929, mysterie ontrafeld? on US Markets

Beurskrach 1929, mysterie ontrafeld? on ThePost.Online

Beurskrach 1929, mysterie ontrafeld? on

Beurskrach 1929, mysterie ontrafeld? on Edelmetaal-Info

Beurskrach 1929, mysterie ontrafeld? on

Beurskrach 1929, mysterie ontrafeld? on

Beurskrach 1929, mysterie ontrafeld? on

Beurskrach 1929, mysterie ontrafeld? on

Beurskrach 1929, mysterie ontrafeld? on

Beurskrach 1929, mysterie ontrafeld? on Sanamed

Article: Without knowledge of the past there is no future

Without knowledge of the past there is no future: Global Economic Intersection

Without knowledge of the past there is no future: Insight

Without knowledge of the past there is no future: The Economic Voice

Without knowledge of the past there is no future: The Market Oracle

Without knowledge of the past there is no future: Seeking Alpha

Without knowledge of the past there is no future: On Line Opinion

Without knowledge of the past there is no future:

Without knowledge of the past there is no future: Gold in Mind

Without knowledge of the past there is no future: ChartTrader

Without knowledge of the past there is no future: Financial Market Analytics

Without knowledge of the past there is no future: Communities of the Future

Without knowledge of the past there is no future: Bullion Bulls Canada

Without knowledge of the past there is no future: From The Trenches

Without knowledge of the past there is no future: World Mysteries

Without knowledge of the past there is no future: The

Without knowledge of the past there is no future: Biflatie

Without knowledge of the past there is no future:

Without knowledge of the past there is no future: Rijnland-Weblog

Wie geen kennis heeft van het verleden, heeft geen toekomst? on Liberale Media (Dutch)

Wie geen kennis heeft van het verleden, heeft geen toekomst? on

Wie geen kennis heeft van het verleden, heeft geen toekomst? on

Wie geen kennis heeft van het verleden, heeft geen toekomst? on Basisinkomen

Wie geen kennis heeft van het verleden, heeft geen toekomst? on Eindtijd in beeld

Wie geen kennis heeft van het verleden, heeft geen toekomst? on MarketUpdate

Wie geen kennis heeft van het verleden, heeft geen toekomst? on

Wie geen kennis heeft van het verleden, heeft geen toekomst? on Inspirerend leven

Wie geen kennis heeft van het verleden, heeft geen toekomst? on Argusoog

Wie geen kennis heeft van het verleden, heeft geen toekomst? on Vrijdenken

Wie geen kennis heeft van het verleden, heeft geen toekomst? on

Wie geen kennis heeft van het verleden, heeft geen toekomst? on Goudportal

Wie geen kennis heeft van het verleden, heeft geen toekomst? on Globalinfo

Wie geen kennis heeft van het verleden, heeft geen toekomst? on Alles in Perspectief

Wie geen kennis heeft van het verleden, heeft geen toekomst? on Aquariusage

Wie geen kennis heeft van het verleden, heeft geen toekomst? on Star People

Wie geen kennis heeft van het verleden, heeft geen toekomst? on Multyreadt

Wie geen kennis heeft van het verleden, heeft geen toekomst? on Buyem

Wie geen kennis heeft van het verleden, heeft geen toekomst? on Pastorale Gedachten

Wie geen kennis heeft van het verleden, heeft geen toekomst? on US Markets

Article: Will Obama manipulate the Dow Divisor, from fiction to reality?

Will Obama manipulate the Dow Divisor, from fiction to reality? on The Market Oracle

Will Obama manipulate the Dow Divisor, from fiction to reality? on The Economic Voice

Will Obama manipulate the Dow Divisor, from fiction to reality? on NoisyRoom

Will Obama manipulate the Dow Divisor, from fiction to reality? on Communities of the Future

Obama: "Truth, from fiction to reality" on The Trader

Obama: "Truth, from fiction to reality" on Goudportal (Dutch)

Obama: "Truth, from fiction to reality" on The

Obama: "Truth, from fiction to reality" on Aquariusage

Obama: "Truth, from fiction to reality" on Alles In Perspectief

Obama: "Truth, from fiction to reality" on Argusoog

Obama: "Truth, from fiction to reality" on

Obama: "Truth, from fiction to reality" on Star People

Obama: "Truth, from fiction to reality" on Albert Werner

Obama: "Truth, from fiction to reality" on US Markets

Obama: "Truth, from fiction to reality" on Buyem


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