
GAME TURN SEQUENCE CHARTGame PhaseSide to PlayAction1BothInitiative Each side rolls one d10 dice and adds their Commander’s modifier. The side with the highest total score may choose to be side A or B, this Game Turn.2AWeather, Wind Strength and Wind Direction At the start of every twelfth Game Turn, roll dice to determine any changes.3BothCompulsory MovementMove all units that are Pursuing, Routing or Falling-back (due to a Morale or Control Test that they took in the previous Game Turn) and also move any units that are being Pushed-back or Following-up in an on-going Melee.4ACharges to DeclareMorale Tests for those units now declaring a Charge or Advance into contact.5BCharges and Counter-charges to DeclareMorale Tests for units now declaring a Counter-charge, Charge or Advance into contact.6BDeclare Reaction-to-ChargesMorale Tests for those units now declaring that they wish to Stand, Evade, or Fire at Side A’s incoming charging / advancing enemy units (declared in Game Phase 4 above).7ADeclare Reaction to ChargesMorale Tests for those units now declaring that they wish to Stand, Evade, or Fire at Side B’s incoming charging / advancing enemy units (declared in Game Phase 5 above).8ACharge & Reaction-to-Charge MovementMove Side A’s charging units and simultaneously move / fire Side B’s units that are reacting to Side A’s charging units. If side A’s units suffer casualties from shooting, as they approach the enemy, they must re-test their Morale.9BCharge & Reaction-to-Charge MovementMove Side B’s charging units and simultaneously move / fire Side A’s units that are reacting to Side B’s charging units. If side B’s units suffer casualties from shooting, as they approach the enemy, they must re-test their Morale.10BothMorale TestsMorale Tests for seeing friendly units Routing / Falling-back in Disorder, in Phases 3 - 9 above. Any compulsory movement due to these tests will take place in phase 11 or 12 below. (Any units that were Charging or involved in Reaction-to-Charges, in Phases 4 – 9 above, do not take this Morale Test).11ANormal Movement and FiringThis is carried out by any remaining units that have not yet moved during this Game Turn, and includes firing, changes of formation or any movement not resulting in the unit coming into base-to-base contact with an opposing unit.12BNormal Movement and FiringThis is carried out by any remaining units (including the figures “shot” in the phase above) that have not yet moved during this Game Turn, and includes firing, changes of formation or any movement not resulting in the unit coming into base-to-base contact with an opposing unit.13BothMelee CalculationsDecide hand-to-hand combat results for each group of opposing units, presently in base-to-base contact.15BothMorale TestsMake Morale Tests for any unit that now needs to do so. After this, declare which units must Rout, Fall-back, Follow-up or be Pushed-back, in Phase 3 of the next Game Turn.16BothControl TestsUnits that need to make a Control Test, now do so, and any that fail their Control Test must carry out their Pursuit or Follow-up movement in Phase 3 of the next Game Turn.In order to decide “Initiative” at the start of each Game Turn, each side rolls one d6: Cautious Commander +2, Bold Commander +4, Rash Commander +4 and an Exceptional Commander +6. If several commanders (players) are present, the most senior will roll the dice. If both sides have the same Initiative score, both sides roll their dice again.MOVEMENT CHART Troop TypeTroop ClassLineMarch Rate(cm / inches)Column March Rate(cm / inches)Charge, Evade, Pursue, Rout or March on a Road or Track(Bonus for each)Super Heavy or Extra Heavy Infantry (Close-order)A, B , C, or M10 cm (4”)16 cm (6”)+ 6 cm (2”)Heavy, Medium or Light Infantry (Close-order)A, B , C, or M16 cm (6”)20 cm (8”)+ 6 cm (2”)D 10 cm (4”)16 cm (6”)+ 6 cm (2”)Any Skirmish-order InfantryAny Loose-Order InfantryA, B , C, or M20 cm (8”) 28 cm (10”)+ 6 cm (2”)D or E16 cm (6”) 20 cm ( 8”)+ 6 cm (2”)Super Heavy or Extra Heavy Cavalry (Close-Combat Cavalry)A, B or M 28 cm (10”)10 cm (4”)+ 12 cm (4”)Heavy, Medium or Light Cavalry (Close-Combat Cavalry)A, B , C, or M 32 cm (12”) 40 cm (16”)+ 12 cm (4”)D 28 cm (10”) 36 cm (14”)+ 12 cm (4”)Any Skirmish-order CavalryA, B , C, or M 40 cm (16”) 48 cm (20”)+ 12 cm (4”)D or E 36 cm (14”) 44 cm (18”)+ 12 cm (4”)Artillery TypeLimberedMarch Rate (cm)ManhandledMarch Rate (cm)Limber orUnlimberRoad BonusHeavy Artillery10 cm (4”)6 cm (2”)1 Game Turn+ 6 cm (2”)Medium Artillery16 cm (6”)8 cm (3”)1 Game Turn+ 6 cm (2”)Light Artillery (and Multi-barrel guns)20 cm (8”)10 cm (4”)0.5 Game Turn+ 6 cm (2”)Light Artillery “Galloper” guns20 cm (8”)10 cm (4”)0.5 Game Turn+ 12 cm (4”)TERRAIN CHART Terrain and its effect upon unit March Rates Type of TerrainFeatureTroop Type Close-Order or Loose-OrderInfantryClose-Order CavalrySkirmish–OrderInfantry or CavalryLimbered Artillery(and all wagons)Troops on roads or dry tracks***Built Up Area, Broken Ground,Wood0.5 M.R.Disordered0.5 M.R.Disordered0.5 M.R.*0.5 M.R.Normal ROADMarch Rate ***Orchard, Copse0.5 M.R.0.5 M.R.0,75 M.R.0.5 M.R.Stream, Ford0.5 M.R.Disordered0.5 M.R.Disordered0.5 M.R.0.5 M.R.0.5 M.R.MarshOnly on trackOnly on track, road or through a gapInfantry: 0.5 M.R.*Cavalry: 0.5 M.R.* and only on track, road or through a gapOnly on track, road or through a gapNormal ROADMarch Rate **Wall, Fence,Hedge0.5 M.R.Disordered**Ascending Gentle hill slopes0.5 M.R.0.5 M.R.0.75 M.R.0.5 M.R. Up / Down***Ascending Steep hill slopes 0.25 M.R.0.25 M.R.0.5 M.R.0.25 M.R. Up / Down****Skirmishers operating in woods, marshes or built-up areas, local to them, move at 0.75 M.R. (? March Rate) for each Game Turn (or part Game Turn) that they are in that terrain. Skirmishers in unfamiliar woods, marshes or built up areas, move at 0.5 M.R. (? March Rate) for each Game Turn (or part Game Turn) that they are in that terrain.**A unit must be on a road / track for an entire Game Turn, to claim the Road Bonus addition to its March Rate. A road / track may go through other terrain types (including across rivers via bridges) but it cannot go through streams or fords. A gateway or any other man-made gap in a wall, hedge etc. is classed as flat ground.*** Limbered Artillery & wagons move at reduced M.R. (March Rate) down slope, in order to avoid overturning etc.Normal ROAD March Rate = Normal table top March Rate (cm) plus Track / Road bonus (cm).A unit moving at 0.25 M.R. (? March Rate), counts each 1cm it actually moves in the Game Turn as four centimetres. A unit moving at 0.5 M.R. (? March Rate), counts each 1cm it actually moves in the Game Turn as two centimetres. A unit moving at 0.75 M.R. (? March Rate), counts each 1cm it actually moves in the Game Turn as one and a third centimetres. A unit may spend part of its Game Turn moving at full March Rate (i.e. in flat terrain) and part of its Game Turn moving at reduced March Rate, due to crossing or being in, some other form of terrain.Firing Ranges ChartRange to Target (rounded up)Short RangeMedium RangeLong RangeLight Crossbow, Composite Bow, Musket 20cm (8”) 40cm (16”) 60cm (24”)Heavy Crossbow, Longbow 25cm (10”) 50cm (20”) 75cm (30”)Arquebus, Caliver 15cm (6”) 30cm (12”) 45cm (18”)Handgonne, Sling 10cm (4”) 20cm (8”) 30cm (12”)Javelin, Pistol 5cm (2”) 10cm (4”) 15cm (6”)Light Field Artillery* 40cm (16”) 80cm (32”) 120cm (48”)Medium Field Artillery* 60cm (24”) 120cm (48”) 180cm (72”)Heavy Handgonne Artillery* 20cm (8”) 40cm (16”) 60cm (24”)*Artillery guns roll one d10 as a “Saving Throw” against Misfiring. If the d10 scores “1”, there is a chance and the d10 must be re-rolled; 1-3 = Gun Explodes, Gun Misfires (and can’t re-fire until next Game Turn).Explosion distance, measured from the Gun’s base, is either 3” (for 25mm figures) or 2” (for 15mm figures).FIRING CHART Roll one d10 for every five infantry or cavalry figures (rounded up) or one d10 per artillery gun model. The minimum score needed to “kill”, before applying modifiers, is shown below.Firing Unit’s Weapon and Range BandTarget Figures’ Armour Protection GradeSuper HeavyExtra HeavyHeavy MediumLightLongbowLight CrossbowComposite BowShort 87654Medium 98765Long 109876Heavy CrossbowArquebusHandgonneShort 76543Medium 87654Long 98765Javelin, SlingShort 98765Medium 109876Long 1010987ArtilleryShort 44444Medium 55555Long 66666Before the d10 are rolled, alter the score required, by any modifiers (below) that may apply. Firing Unit are Guards, Elite (A class)-2Non-Gunpowder weapons firing at enemy cavalry who have metal-barded horses**+1Firing Unit are Household / Veteran (B class)-1Firing Unit are Trained / Mercenary (C class)+0Non-Gunpowder weapons firing at enemy troops who have Shields or Pavises**+1Firing Unit are Raw Recruits / Militia (D class)+1Firing Unit are Peasants (E class)+2Firing Unit are any type of bowmen firing their 4th (or more) consecutive volley+1Firing Unit is itself under fire (this move or last)+1Firing at a moving target (this move or last)+1Firing Unit are infantry, “resting” their Crossbows or Firearms on walls, fences etc.-1Firing at Skirmishers or Deployed Artillery+2Firing at Limbered Artillery or Wagons-1Firing at a target unit in / behind Soft Cover+1Firing at Loose-Order enemy Foot troops+1Firing at a target unit in / behind Hard Cover+2Firing at an enemy unit 3+ figure-ranks deep-1Firing during Light Rain / Snow+1Firing at a Column or an Infantry Schiltron-2Firing during Heavy Rain / Snow+2First Artillery or Firearm shot of the day-1Target partially obscured by gun smoke +2Any final modified score greater than 10, counts as 10. Any final modified score less than 2, counts as 2.**Heavy Crossbows should also get this modifier, in these circumstances.Page 1 MedievalMELEE CHART Roll one d10 for every five figures in the fighting unit (rounded up) The minimum score needed to “kill”, before applying modifiers, is shown below.Fighting Unit’s Weapon and Training GradeTarget Figures’ Armour Protection GradeSuper HeavyExtra HeavyHeavy MediumLightTwo-handed Sword, Axe or Pole-arm.A65432B76543C87654D98765One-handed Axe, Mace or Ball & Chain. A76543B87654C98765Sword, Spear or PikeA87654B98765C109876D1010987Knife, Cudgel, Farming ToolsC1010987D10101098Charging cavalry using Heavy Lance.A65432B76543Charging cavalry using Light Lance.A76543B87654C98765Cavalry using Coustille, Demi Lance or other Pole-armsA87654B98765C109876Before the d10 are rolled, alter the score required, by any modifiers (below) that may apply. If your unit is CHARGING into contact-1If your unit is UPSLOPE of opponents-1If your unit is presently IMPETUOUS -1If your unit is being PUSHED-BACK+1Opponents are FORMED INFANTRY armed with Pike, Spear or Halberd (and you are INFANTRY)+1If your unit has any COMMANDER or INSPIRATIONAL figure in the front rank+1Opponents are FORMED INFANTRY armed with Pike, Spear or Halberd (and you are CAVALRY)+2If your unit are MOUNTED INFANTRY fighting on Horseback+1FACING EACH supporting figure-rank of Pikes. Pike troops may deploy up to 4 figure-ranks deep+1Opponents in / behind SOFT COVER or stakes (and you are INFANTRY)+1FACING ONE supporting figure-rank of either Halberds, Flails or Spears +1Opponents in / behind HARD COVER (and you are INFANTRY)+2Opponents protected by Shields or Pavises+1Opponents in / behind SOFT COVERor stakes (and you are CAVALRY)+2Having a “Free Hack” against the Enemy-2Opponents in / behind HARD COVER(and you are CAVALRY)+3Any final modified score greater than 10, counts as 10. Any final modified score less than 2, counts as 2.Page 2 MedievalExchanging d10 rolls for Automatic KillsIf the players (and the Umpire) agree before the game begins, certain d10 rolls, made in the Melee calculation phase, may be declared to be Automatic Kills; and those particular dice rolls need not be made.Automatic Kills could be allowed when a unit has at least 15 of its figures, fighting against the same enemy unit in hand-to-hand combat (Melee). Each 15 figures, in the same unit, would normally be entitled to roll three d10 rolls. They should instead, be allowed to inflict one Automatic Kill and then roll two more d10. Therefore, if there were at least 30 figures, in the same unit, fighting against the same enemy unit, they would inflict two “Automatic Kills” and then roll four d10. Note; units with 16 to 29 figures in contact with the enemy, would only be allowed one “Automatic Kill”.Note; a Part-Dice roll (see below) may never be converted into an “Automatic Kill”. A different d10 roll allowed to that unit must be chosen instead, and if there is no alternative d10 to choose, then that particular “Automatic Kill” does not occur.Part-Dice d10 rollsTo determine the casualties inflicted by a unit, one d10 dice is usually rolled for every five figures that it has either firing or fighting. If there is an odd one, two, three or four figures remaining in a unit, the controlling player is usually allowed to “round up” the number of d10 rolls by an extra one. Thus, 16 fighting figures would be allowed four d10 rolls.If the players (and the Umpire) agree, before the game begins, the d10 roll made for the one, two, three or four figures may instead be declared to be a “Part-Dice”. If that roll inflicts a casualty, the enemy player is allowed to roll a d10 as a Saving Throw against that “Part-Dice” hit. The minimum d10 score needed to save a figure (and thus keep it in play) is shown in the chart on the right.PART-DICE CHART Roll one d10 for each possible casualty inflicted. The minimum score needed to “Save” is shown below.Number of FiguresSaving Throw Needed49+37+25+13+Commander and Inspirational FiguresEach army should be divided into a number of “contingents” (which equate to a Medieval “Battle” or a 17th century “Brigade”)The overall Army Commander and each “contingent” Commander should each be classified as either: Cautious, Bold, Rash or Exceptional.Inspirational Figures are not simultaneously allowed to be a Commander figure, but they do help to raise the morale of their army’s units (that can see them). Examples of an Inspirational Figure could be: a religious saint, a group of monks, a portable holy shrine or standard, a popular politician, a member of the royal family etc.Page 1 Part DiceThe Control Test (Impetuous Troops)A unit must take a Control Test in the following circumstances:1.The unit has won a round of melee but the Player controlling them does not wish to “Follow-Up”.2.The unit has won a round of melee (hand-to-hand combat) and seen its opponents break into a Rout.3.The unit is Close-Combat Cavalry in charge reach of an enemy unit that fired / shot at them, this Game Turn.4.The unit is D or E class troops (or any Irregular troops), seeing an enemy unit break into rout, within charge reach.5.The unit is (formed) A class cavalry, who can see an enemy Close-Combat cavalry unit within charge reach.6.The unit has already failed its Control Test and now wishes to retake it (during Game Turn phase 16).7.The unit are mercenaries (M class) within charge reach of a loot-worthy enemy encampment, baggage train or settlement (i.e. a “Built-up Area” or an “Isolated Building” terrain base).8.In a campaign scenario, a unit sees an enemy unit that it “hates” (due to a long-standing feud, previous atrocities committed by that unit etc.). THE CONTROL TEST CHARTRoll one d10: 1 or 2 = +1 factor, 3 or 4 = +2 factor, 5 or 6 = +3 factor, 7 or 8 = +4 factor, 9 or 10 = +5 factor. Add the resulting factor to the plus and minus factors (below) that are applicableA class Cavalry+2Each full 20% of original unit figure-strength lost-1A class Infantry-2In or behind Hard cover-2B class troops-1In or behind Soft cover-1C or M class troops+0Being shot at, by the enemy unit causing this test+1D class troops+1Being shot at, by enemy units NOT causing this test-1E class troops+2Each friendly unit Halted / Advancing, within 150yds-1Troops are Irregulars (extra +1)+1Each enemy unit Halted / Advancing, within 150yds+1Advancing – this Game Turn+1Each friendly unit Routing / Falling Back, within 150yds-1Pushing Forward in melee – this Game Turn+1Each enemy unit Routing / Falling Back, within 150yds+1Halted – this Game Turn+0Commander Figure within 150yds of the unit*-1Falling Back – this Game Turn-1Commander Figure with the testing unit*-2Disordered – this Game Turn-1The testing Unit’s “contingent” Commander figure is either killed, wounded or not in sight+2Each “Insecure” unit flank or rear-2An Inspirational Figure is either with the testing Unit or seen within 150yds.+1Unit is downslope of enemy within 150yds -1The testing Unit has seen an Inspirational Figure killed or wounded -2*The -1 and -2 factors are respectively re-classed as +0 or +1, if the Commander Figure present is “Rash”.“within 150yds” = 12” / 30cm (for 20-28mm figure games) or 8” / 20cm (for 10-18mm figure games)If killed, the Commander Figure value is: Cautious -1, Bold -2, Rash -2, Exceptional -3RESULTFinal score is 3 or lowerTest Passed. No Impetuous Charge, Pursuit or Follow-Up. The unit may act as the controlling Player wishes.Final score is 4 or higherTest Failed. The testing unit must Follow-Up if in melee (hand-to-hand combat). Alternatively, the unit must begin an Impetuous Charge / Pursuit towards the enemy unit causing them to test, and is no longer under its controlling Player’s orders. A unit may re-take a Control Test, during each subsequent Game Turn (during Phase 16).Note: Artillery units, troops in Skirmish order, Infantry Hedgehogs or Stands-of-Pike do not take a Control Test (and automatically do not launch into an impetuous charge or pursuit).Page 1 ControlREASONS TO TAKE A MORALE TESTA unit will have to take a Morale Test in the circumstances below, which are listed by Order of Priority. A unit makes only ONE Morale test in any particular game phase, adding / deducting all the appropriate modifiers and then refers to the result section.1. Wishing to Counter-Charge an enemy unit (that is charging another friendly unit)*. 2. The testing unit is already Charging and wishes to “Charge Home” while under fire. 3. Wishing to evade an enemy Charge, or receive a Charge (which includes receiving a Charge by forming either a Hedgehog or Stand-of-Pike).4. The unit has Drawn or Lost the present round of Melee (hand to hand combat).5. Seeing a Commander Figure or Inspirational Figure killed within 150yds **6. Seeing friendly units Routing or Falling-back in disorder within 150yds ** (that are not Artillery or Skirmishers).7. The testing unit has just seen previously unseen enemy, for the first time.8. Losing casualties this Game Turn due to enemy firing.9. The first time in the game, that the unit is “Under Fire” (regardless of whether casualties are lost, or not).10. Attempting to Rally from a Rout, or restore a unit’s Morale status, back to “Obey Orders”.11. The first Game Turn (and every Game Turn afterwards) that a unit’s figure strength falls to 50% or less. 12. The unit’s contingent Commander figure is either killed or wounded (Test every Game Turn).*Units advancing-into-contact must still declare a charge or counter charge. ** Within 150yds = 12” / 30cm (for 20-28mm figures) or 8” / 20cm (for 10-18mm figures)THE MORALE TEST CHARTRoll one d10: 1 or 2 = +1 factor, 3 or 4 = +2 factor, 5 or 6 = +3 factor, 7 or 8 = +4 factor, 9 or 10 = +5 factor. Add the resulting factor to the plus and minus factors (below) that are applicableA class troops+2No other friendly units are in sight-2B class troops+1Each friendly unit Halted / Advancing, within 150yds+1C or M class troops+0Each friendly unit Routing / Falling Back, within 150yds-1D class troops or Artillery Gunners-1Each enemy unit Halted / Advancing, within 150yds-1E class troops-2Each enemy unit Routing / Falling Back, within 150yds+1Impetuous Troops +1Unit is in or behind SOFT Cover +1Unit is Charging already – this Game Turn+2Unit is in or behind HARD Cover +2Unit is Advancing already – this Game Turn+1Firing at the enemy (this or last Game Turn)+1Unit is Halted – this Game Turn+0Under fire from non-skirmishing Infantry or Cavalry -1Falling Back / Being Pushed Back in good order-1Under fire from Skirmishing Infantry or Cavalry -1Falling Back / Being Pushed Back in disorder-2Under fire from Artillery-1Unit is Routing (in disorder)-4A Commander figure seen within 150yds of unit+1Disordered (but also charging, advancing or halted)-2A Commander figure is with the testing unit +?Unit is Artillery, Wagons, Skirmish / Loose- order -1The testing Unit’s “contingent” Commander figure is either killed, wounded or not in sight-3Formed Infantry in a Hedgehog or Stand-of-Pike+3Each “Insecure” unit flank or rear-2An Inspirational Figure is either with the testing Unit or seen within 150yds.+2Unit is downslope of enemy within 150yds -1Each full 10% of original unit figure-strength lost-2The testing Unit has seen an Inspirational Figure killed or wounded -4Wishing to charge enemy unit’s Flank or Rear, or enemy Skirmishers, Disordered Troops, Limbered Artillery or Wagons+2The testing unit is an Infantry Hedgehog or Stand-of-Pike within the charge range of enemy Close-order Infantry-1Within 150yds = 20cm (for 10-18mm figures) or 30cm (for 20-28mm figures)Commander figure values: Cautious = 1, Bold = 2, Rash = 2, Exceptional = 3Page 1 MoraleMORALE TEST RESULTTotal ScoreReason for the TestReceiving a ChargeEvading a ChargeLosing Casualties while ChargingRally fromA RoutAll other Reasons+4 or moreReceive Chargein good orderFall backin good orderAct as OrderedNo AdvanceAct as Ordered+2 or +3Receive Chargein good orderFall backin good orderAct as OrderedNo AdvanceHalf speed advance+0 or +1Receive Chargein disorderFall back in disorderHalf speed advanceFall backin disorderNo Advance-1 or -2Receive Chargein disorderFall backin disorderHalf speed advanceFall backin disorderFall backin good order-3 or -4Rout when enemy makes contactRoutNo AdvanceRoutFall backin disorder-5 or lessRout when enemy makes contactRoutNo AdvanceRoutRoutRoutAny testing unit immediately becomes disordered and must move back at the equivalent of its March Rate, plus d10 rolls (with backs to the enemy), during the next Compulsory Movement game phase. A routing unit may not fire its weapons. A routing artillery battery will immediately abandon its guns, jump on its limbers / horses and move back.Fall back in disorderClose-order troopsLoose-order infantryA testing infantry unit moves back 5cm (2”); a testing cavalry unit moves back 10cm (4”), facing the enemy and becomes disordered (if it was not already). Routing units are now “rallied”.Skirmish-order troopsSkirmishers may fall back without becoming disordered but they may not fire in this Game Turn due to the momentary confusion as the unit is forced to fall back rapidly.ArtilleryAn artillery battery that “falls back in disorder” throws one d10; a score of 1 to 5 means that the battery will immediately abandon its guns, jump on its limber and horses and start moving back. A score of 6 to 10 means that the battery was less prone to panic and thus can either manhandle (push) their guns back for one Game Turn, facing the enemy, or else they may limber their guns and move back for the rest of their remaining Game Turn.Fall back in good orderClose-order troopsLoose-order infantryA testing infantry unit moves back 5cm (2”); a testing cavalry unit moves back 10cm (4”), facing the enemy and maintaining whatever formation it was in. If the unit was already disordered, it remains disordered during the Game Phase that it falls back in.Skirmish-order troopsSkirmishers may fall back without becoming disordered but they may only fire at half normal “headcount” points in this Game Turn.ArtilleryArtillery “falling back in good order” may choose to either manhandle their guns back for one Game Turn, facing the enemy, or else they may limber their guns and move back for the rest of their remaining Game Turn.No Advance Troops already Charging or RoutingAn already charging unit must halt and become disordered, 5cm (2”) in front of the enemy unit it intended to charge. Routing units are now classed as “rallied” (back under the control of the Player) but are disordered for one game phase and cannot move towards the enemy.Other Close-order & Loose-order troopsAny testing unit will not move towards the enemy during the next forthcoming (normal March Movement) Game Phase. The testing unit may not initiate a Charge or Counter-charge against the enemy, during the one full Game Turn that it is affected. A non-advancing unit may still fire, change formation, receive a charge, evade or move in some way that brings it no closer to the enemy.Skirmishers and ArtillerySkirmishers and Artillery may not move closer to the enemy but they may still fire. Skirmishers may fall back without becoming disordered. Artillery may limber their guns.Half speed advanceTroops already Advancing or ChargingCharging units still move at charge speed but are now classed as Advancing-into-contact. Units already attempting to Advance-into-contact, may continue to do.Troops wishing to ChargeA unit that is not (yet) Charging, may not now declare a Charge or Advance-into-contact, but it may React-to-a-charge (including Counter-charging or Evading, at full speed).Other troopsThe testing unit may not advance at more than half of its maximum normal March Rate towards the enemy, during its next (normal March Movement) Game Phase. A unit moving at half speed may still fire, or (at full speed) change formation, receive a charge or evade.Act as OrderedAll troopsThe unit will do what the controlling player (side) wishes it to do.Page 1 Morale ................

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