Outside of Ordinary | Alfred University

Dear Student Organization Leader,

Congratulations on your new position! To make your first and subsequent trips to the Business Office easier we have compiled a package of forms you will need to perform various financial transactions at the Business Office and step-by-step instructions for when to use them and how to fill them out. We hope that this will make navigating the financial end of your leadership position easier.

We are always available to help. Do not hesitate to stop in or call with questions. The Business Office hours are 9am – 4pm, Monday – Friday.

All of the enclosed forms can be found by visiting the Business Office Web page “Go To” Forms & Documents, click online forms.

We hope you find this information helpful.


The Business Office staff


| | | | |

|Title |Contact |Email |Extension |

|Interim Controller |Amanda Azzi |ruscitto@alfred.edu |2325 |

|Asst. Controller |Lisa Porter |porterlm@alfred.edu |2168 |

|Bookkeeper |Marty Fuller |fullerm@alfred.edu |2770 |

|B&F Support Clerk |Mercedes D’Amato |damato@alfred.edu |2963 |

|Accounts Payable A – M & |Trina Cook |cookt@alfred.edu |2525 |

|Administration Assistant | | | |

|Accounts Payable N - Z |Sheila Decker |deckers@alfred.edu |2107 |

|Sr. Accountant / Tax Specialist |Jason Warner |warner@alfred.edu |2771 |

| | | | |


(Page in which information to be found)

Instructions Student Club Organization signing rights 3

Copy of the Student Club Organization signing rights form 3

Requesting funds from the Business Office 4

How to get a bill paid from the Business Office 4

Check request 4 - 5

Cash request 5

Reimbursement 6

Copy of Check / Cash request 6

Explanation of Club Deposit of money 7

Copy of Deposit Slip 7

Explanation of University tax-exempt status 7 - 8

Copy of NYS tax exempt certificate 8

Explanation of Business Office Accounts Payable Registration Form 8

Copy of Business Office Accounts Payable Registration Form 8 - 10

Gifts, Prizes, Awards 10

Copy of the Gift / Prize/Award Form 11

Signing Authority Contracts 12

Copy of Request for Contract Form 12

Request New /Change Fund Number Request 13

Copy of New/Change Fund Number Request Form 13

Instructions for Signing Rights to Business & Finance Accounts

Overview – This form is used to tell the Business Office who is allowed to access your Business and Finance accounts. In essence, who controls your money? Without this form, the Business Office has no authorization to perform any transactions for you or your club.

This form must be filled out and turned in as quickly as possible after Officers are appointed or at least once a year in the fall and should be updated whenever changes are made.

All financial requests to the Business Office must have two signatures. All Student Senate funded regulated organizations must get both of the Senate officer’s approval on all transactions. The Student Senate advisor can approve transactions in the summer months.

To Complete the Form:

Fill in the Name of your Organization and the Fund ID number. If you do not have the fund ID number, the Business Office will have this information.

List the Name & Title of each individual followed by the individuals’ signature and the Start and End date for this authorization (including your advisor).

Signing Rights to Business & Finance Account

The following is a list of students and/or advisor eligible to sign bills and check requests. It is suggested that no more than three people be eligible to have signing rights, this would be the organization president, the organization treasurer, and/or the organization advisor.

The two club officers must sign all financial requests. Only the advisor can sign a bill or check request without another officer's signature. This is due to the need to pay bills during academic recesses. At all other times, two Officers signatures should be obtained. In the case of Senate regulated clubs, only the Senate Advisor can approve transactions in the summer months. This form can be found by visiting the Business Office Web page “Go To” Forms & Documents, click the online form.

See copy:


Requesting Funds from the Business Office

Your group and organization will have various needs financially. Determining what is necessary to obtain funding is the first step. Some guidelines apply no matter what the situation, they are:

1. Any request requires two signatures, groups & organizations under the Student Senate will also need Senate approval. The only exception to the two-signature rule is the signature of the advisor, or in the case of Senate funded, regulated organizations the signature of the Student Senate Advisor. This is only so bills can be paid while school is not in session.

2. Proper documentation must be provided

3. All requests must include the FOAP to be charged. The FOAP is the Fund, Organization, Account and Program numbers

Requests for Funds can be broken down into the following groups:

1. Request to have an Invoice (Bill) paid

2. Request for a check to pay an upcoming expense without an invoice

3. Request for Reimbursement of expenses already paid

4. Request for a cash advance

How to get a Bill Paid

If you have received, a bill for goods or services provided to your group or organization the Business Office will process payment. In order to do this you must:

1. Provide the Business Office with the original invoice. The invoice must include:

a. Two signatures authorizing payment.

b. The FOAP to be charged

2. Keep in mind that invoices can take up to 10 days to process; remit your invoice to the Business Office as soon after receipt as possible to avoid late charges, etc.

If you have questions concerning payment of your bill after you have sent it to the Business Office, questions should be directed as follows:

Invoices A – M, Trina Cook – cookt@alfred.edu – ext. 2525

Invoices N – Z, Sheila Decker – deckers@alfred.edu – ext. 2107

Requesting a Check Payment

Please allow minimum of 10 days for check processing.


Many times a group or organization will need a check from the Business Office. This may be to pay for an award, a donation, a talent fee, etc., in which case you may not have an invoice. This is when a check request should be used. This form can be found by visiting the Business Office Web page “Go To” Forms & Documents, click the online form.

Note: This form is to be used for purchases under $1000 only.

For those individuals wishing to make purchases from a vendor over $1000, please go to the Procurement Office in Greene Hall.

If the person you are requesting a check for is not a member of the AU student body, staff or faculty you will also need a Vender Registration form, if you are not sure contact the Business Office. This form can also be obtained at the above website and must be completed by the vender before your request can be processed. All vendors that provide a service should be paid directly by Alfred University Business Office due to tax purposes.

Check Request

To complete the Check Request form:

1. Enter the date

2. Enter the Organization/Group Name

3. Enter the complete FOAP to be charged (Fund, Organization, Account, Program)

4. Enter the complete name and address of the Payee

5. Have the form signed by two authorized signers

6. Give a complete explanation of what this check is for. (If available attach documentation)

The check will be mailed to address (including Powell Campus Boxes) provided unless:

1. The recipient has direct deposit

2. You have specifically requested that the check not be mailed, in which case it will be available in the Business Office and you will receive an email when it is ready to be picked up.

To check on processing of any check request contact the Business Office:

Sheila Decker – deckers@alfred.edu – ext. 2107

Requesting a Cash Advance

A group/organization may request a cash advance to make purchases for said group/organization. To do this you must complete a check/cash request from.

This form can be found by visiting the Business Office Web page “Go To” Forms & Documents, click the online form.

To complete the Check/Cash Request form:

7. Enter the date

8. Enter the Organization/Group Name

9. Enter the complete FOAP to be charged (Fund, Organization, Account, Program)

10. Enter the complete name and address of the Payee

11. Have the form signed by two authorized signers + Senate Signatures if required

12. Give a complete explanation of what this advance is for

The entire amount of the advance will be charged to the Business Office cash advance account. Once you have completed your purchase(s) you will need to return to the Business Office with your receipts and at that time, the amount spent will be charged to your organizations account. This process should be completed, as soon as possible, but definitely no more than 30 days from the date, the advance is given. If the advance is not cleared in a timely fashion, the following actions will be taken:

1. An email will be sent to the individual who accepted the advance as a reminder to clear the advance

2. If the advance remains outstanding, a second email will be sent to the individual and copied to the group advisor.

3. If the advance is still not cleared the entire amount of the advance will be charged to the payee’s student account

4. If multiple advances are open and un-cleared for a long period, the Business Office has the right to refuse a cash advance request.

Things to remember:

1. You must keep and return all receipts for all purchases you want applied to the advance.

2. Alfred University is tax exempt; take your tax exempt form with you as taxes paid will not be deducted from the advance.

3. If the advance is given in your name, you are the responsible party, do not leave it up to someone else to return your receipts.

Reimbursement Request

A reimbursement request is made when someone connected with your group or organization has paid for goods or services. This form can be found by visiting the Business Office Web page “Go To” Forms & Documents, click the online form.

To complete the Check /Cash Request form:

1. Enter the date

2. Enter the Organization/Group Name

3. Enter the complete FOAP to be charged (Fund, Organization, Account, Program)

4. Enter the complete name and address of the Payee

5. Have the form signed by two authorized signers + Senate signatures if required

6. Give a complete explanation of what this check is for. (If available attach documentation)

7. Receipts must accompany a reimbursement request and must match the total requested

8. The University is tax exempt and will not reimburse for taxes (see tax exempt instructions)

Bring the completed request to the Business Office with all receipts. If the request is $300 or less, a cash reimbursement can be given to the payee at the time of presentation. If the request is for more than $300 then a check payment will be processed. If the recipient has direct deposit this is how the payment will be processed. If not, the check will be available for pick up in the Business Office or mailed to the address on file after processing.

See copy:


Deposit Slips

There are several types of deposits your organization may make. You may have revenue to deposit, a donation, or dues and membership fees among others. No matter what type of deposit you are, making you will always use the same deposit slip.


1. Name – This should be the name of the individual or group from which you are depositing money.

2. Description – This is a short explanation of where the money came from and what it is for

3. FOAP – Fund, Organization, Account & Program Number are all required

4. Funding Source – Enter all applicable with correct totals.

5. Carry totals to bottom of page in each column

6. Enter Deposit total

7. Print the name of the person who prepared the form

8. Enter the date the form was completed

9. Bring to the Business Office for processing.

Things to remember:

1. Deposits are made through the revenue account numbers. Your fund #, org # 17120, acct. #5815, program #10.

2. The only time you will deposit using your expense org # is when you are offsetting an expense.

We understand this is confusing and occasionally there will be deposits that do not fall into either of these categories. Please do not hesitate to contact the Business office if you need assistance completing your deposit slip. This form can be found by visiting the Business Office Web page “Go To” Forms & Documents, click the online form. See copy:


Tax Exempt Form

Alfred University is a tax-exempt organization in New York State. For this reason, we do not reimburse taxes on any purchase. On the next page, you find a copy of our NYS tax-exempt form/certificate.

Please be sure to keep this form with you when making purchases for the University. Please note additional copies of the New York State Tax Exempt Form can be picked up in the Business Office. This form can be found by visiting the Business Office Web page “Go To” Forms & Documents, click the online form. See copy:


Walmart tax exempt cards

The use of the Walmart tax exempt card can only be used with a Alfred University Mastercard or the Walmart credit card (found in the Procurement Office, Greene Hall).

Dollar General tax exempt cards (found in the Business Office, Carnegie Hall)

Accounts Payable Registration Form

Overview –

The Alfred University Business Office must have a Vendor Registration Form on file for any business or individual receiving money. The Business Office should be reimbursing a vendor or service provided directly. No one should be paying for a service by someone else and then plan to be reimbursed for it.

This is information that we must produce upon demand during our yearly audit and therefore is mandatory. This goes for not only businesses but also individuals. If someone is receiving a payment from us, we need to be able to provide accurate record for the IRS. The form is online making completion easy for off campus or out of state businesses and individuals. The Business Office staff is always available to answer any questions that may arise when completing this form. As a rule, you will not be completing this form yourself, but should have one handy for distribution if necessary.

This form can be found by visiting the Business Office Web page “Go To” Forms & Documents, click the online form. See copy on the following two pages:

| |  |

|  | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Purpose: To establish or update a vendor account with Alfred University. This form meets the Federal |

|requirements to request a taxpayer identification number (TIN), request certain certifications for Federal |

|procurement reporting and claims for exemption and Alfred University requirements for vendor establishment. |

| |

| |

|Vendor Information |

|Legal Name as|  |Trade/DBA/Other Name|  |

|Registered | | | |

|with the IRS | | | |

| | | | |

|□ Employer Identification Number (EIN) OR □ Social |  |

|Security Number: | |

|Type of Organization |□ Profit |□ Non-profit|□ Other-Please Explain: |  |

|Legal Entity |□ Corporation |□ |□ Partnership |

| | |Individua| |

| | |l | |

|  |Phone |  |Fax |  |

|Payment Terms/Discount |  |

|Contact for Direct |  |Email |  |

|Deposit Advice | | | |

|Banking Information |Routing Number|  |Bank Name |  |

| |Account Number|  |Account Type |□ Checking |□ Savings|

|Legal Mailing|Line 1 |  |Phone |  |

|Address | | | | |

| |Line 2 |  |Fax |  |

| |City, |  |Email |  |

| |State, Zip | | | |

|Ordering |Line 1 |  |Phone |  |

|Address, | | | | |

|if different | | | | |

|than Legal | | | | |

| |Line 2 |  |Fax |  |

| |City, |  |Email |  |

| |State, Zip | | | |

|Remit to |Line 1 |  |Phone |  |

|Address, | | | | |

|if different | | | | |

|than Legal | | | | |

| |Line 2 |  |Fax |  |

| |City, |  |Email |  |

| |State, Zip | | | |

|Invoices must be sent directly to: Alfred University, Attn: Accounts Payable, 1 Saxon Drive, Alfred, NY 14802 |

|Email: businessofc@alfred.edu or Fax: 607-871-2119 |

|If 'Individual' entity selected above: |All other vendors: |

|Only page 1 of this 2-page form is required. Sign |Complete both pages of this 2-page form. Sign and date the|

|and date the Certifications section below, submit to|Certifications section below. Failure to complete all |

|Business Office, Fax 607-871-2119. |sections could result delay of payment. |

| | |

|Certifications |

|Under penalties of perjury, I certify by signing | (3) I am a U.S. citizen or other U.S. person. |

|below that: |Furthermore, I understand that any person who misrepresents|

|(1) The number shown on this form is my correct |a firm's status as a small, HUBZone small, small |

|taxpayer identification number (or I am waiting for a|disadvantaged, women-owned, or Veteran or Service-Disabled |

|number to be issued to me), and |Veteran-Owned Small Business concern in order to obtain a |

|(2) I am not subject to backup withholding because: |contract awarded under the Small Business Act shall: |

|(a) I am exempt from backup withholding; or, |(1) be punished by imposition of fine, imprisonment, or |

|(b) I have not been notified by the Internal Revenue |both; |

|Service (IRS) that I am subject to backup withholding|(2) be subject to administrative remedies including |

|as a result of a failure to report all interest or |suspension and debarment; and, |

|dividends; or, |(3) be ineligible for participation in programs conducted |

|(c) the IRS has notified me that I am no longer |under the Authority of the Act. |

|subject to backup withholding; and, | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|  |Signature |  |Date |  |

|  | | | | |

| |  |

|  | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Business Classification & Diversity Information |

|All vendors (except those choosing 'Individual' on Page 1) must select either "Large Business Concern" (LBC) or |

|"Small Business Concern" (SBC) from the options below. Additionally, all vendors should select any |

|sub-classifications that apply; multiple sub-classifications may be appropriate. Failure to complete this |

|section of the Alfred University W-9 could result in payment delays. |

| |

|□ Large Business Concern |□ Small Business Concern (SBC) |

|Dominant in field of operations per Federal |Independently owned and operated, and meets industry size |

|Acquisitions Circular |and receipt requirements for small businesses per SBA 13 |

|(FAC 9.201) |CFR 121. Section 3 of the Small Business Act. |

| | |

|Sub-classifications: (select all that apply) |

|□ Minority-Owned Business Enterprise (MBE) |□ Small Disadvantaged Business (SDB) |

|Minimum 51% owned, controlled and operated day-to-day|Minimum 51% owned, controlled and operated day-to-day by |

|by one or more minority individuals; includes the |one or more socially disadvantaged individuals. May be |

|following categories: |Section 8(a)-certified per 13 CFR 124.1002. Small |

| |Disadvantaged Ethnicity definitions include the following |

| |categories: |

| ● African American ● Hispanic | |

|American | |

|● Asian-Pacific American ● Asian-Indian American| |

| ● Native American (American Indian, Eskimo, Aleut,| ● African American ● Hispanic American |

|Native Hawaiian) |● Asian-Pacific American ● Asian-Indian American |

|  | | | | |

|□ Woman-Owned Business Enterprise (WBE) | ● Native American (American Indian, Eskimo, Aleut, |

| |Native Hawaiian) |

|Minimum 51% owned, controlled by one or more women | | | | | |  |

|who have active involvement in day-to-day operations.| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |  |

|  | | | |□ HUBZone Small Business (HUB Zone) |

|□ Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business |SBA certified; is small and is located in an 'historically |

| |underutilized business zone' and is owned, and controlled |

| |and operated at least 51% by U.S. cicizens and at least 35%|

| |of employees reside in HUB zone. |

|Minimum 50% owned by one or more service-disabled | |

|veterans (if publically owned, minimum 50% of stock | |

|is owned by one or more service-disabled veterans), | |

|and the management and daily business operations of | |

|which are controlled by one or more service-disabled | |

|veterans (if permanently and severely disabled, by | |

|their spouse or primary care giver.) | |

| | |

| | | | | | |  |

| |□ Alaskan Native Corporations (ANCs) & Indian Tribes |

| | |

|Remember to sign and date the Certifications section on Page 1 before submission. |

|Sign and date Page 1, then Fax completed 2-page form to 607-871-2119 |

Prizes and Awards to students

What is considered a gift, prize or award?

Prizes and awards are typically gifts of cash, gift certificates, or other items purchased (tangible property) given to University students in recognition of outstanding achievement in their academic performance, other performance-related activities, Honors Convocation award, or prize won at student club event.

Gifts are typically cash, gift certificates, or other items purchased and given to students in recognition of, or in connection with the holiday season, or some other purpose not specifically related to job performance.

Tax reporting rules require that gifts, prizes, and awards be treated as taxable income to the employee (student). The amount must be included on the employees (student) W-2 and is subject to all income and FICA withholding taxes.

How do I report any gift, prize or award?

Anyone that receives a gift, prize or award will need to fill out a Taxable Gifts Report Form this form can be found on the Human Resources Web Page . This will include their social security number and indicate the amount given as a gift to each individual. We will be unable to process the request for reimbursement if this information is not provided. The taxable gifts form has to be submitted to Payroll (along with any check request), they keep track of those receiving a gift, prize or award and they will make the decision on whether it is paid through Payroll (Greene Hall), Accounts Payable (Carnegie Hall) or possibly applied to a Student Account in the Student Service Center (Seidlin Hall).

See copy:


Request for Contract Form

Anyone from Alfred University requesting a service from an independent contractor (e.g. performer, artist, and lecturer) will be required to submit this form.

The Request for Contract form is available on the Business Office Web page.

“Go To” Forms & Documents, click the online form.

Please complete the form electronically and submit to the Office of the Vice President for Business & Finance at cookt@alfred.edu at least three (3) weeks prior to the event but ideally as soon as the details of the arrangement have been determined.

The VPBF will determine if a contract is required.

If it is determined that a contract does not need to be executed, the requestor will receive a copy of the Request for Contract/Agreement form with the Internal Control Only section completed.

If a contact is required, one will be drafted and sent to the Independent Contractor to be signed. Once fully executed by both parties, the Agreement will be sent to the requesting party.

Once the services have been completed, the requesting party will need to initiate paperwork to pay the Independent Contractor. The following steps should be completed and all information submitted together to the Business Office (Carnegie Hall):

• A completed Check Request Form (name, address, details and amount of payment)

• A copy of the signed contract.

Should you have any questions, or if your event is less than three (3) weeks away, please contact us via phone at 607.871.2966 for direction.


Request for New/Change to Fund Number

Overview – This form is used to request or change a fund number. The fund number is the number that the Business Office uses to identify your club or organization; it is unique to your group. This form is used to request a Fund number for a newly organized group or to request a change to your existing fund number, which would commonly be a name change for the group or organization.

This form can be found by visiting the Business Office Web page “Go To” Forms & Documents, click the online form.



Non-statutory or Statutory


Fund Type

The purpose of the fund

Source of funding

Financial Manger

Proposed Fund Title (not to exceed 35 spaces, including blanks)

The Student Club Advisor and/or Senate Advisor must approve all student Group fund request. The form should then be submitted to the Business Office.

See copy:



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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