RM - Lamont–Doherty Earth Observatory

Day in the Life of the Hudson River Estuary Participants, 2007

New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Hudson River Estuary Program

This list includes 51 sites hosting students on Tuesday, October 2nd, 2007. RM refers to River Miles up the river as measured from the Battery at Manhattan. “NY Hbr” refers to New York Harbor, and “ER” is East River.

|RM |River Site |Partner Organization |School |Teacher |

|NY |Jamaica Bay |National Park Service | | |

|Hbr |Breezy Pt. | | | |

|NY Hbr |Verrazano Bridge/ See |Nat Parks of NY Harbor Education |IS 27 from Clove Lakes on |Maureen Bridgman |

| |Bee Park |Center, National Park Service; |Staten Island | |

| |Staten Is NP | | | |

|NY Hbr |Gantry Plaza State Park|Brooklyn Center for the Urban |Academy for Env. Leadership |Debbie Sinclair |

| | |Environment | | |

|NY Hbr |Gowanus Canal, Brooklyn|Urban Divers and Harlem River Ecology| | |

| | |Center | | |

|ER |Southstreet Seaport, |South Street Seaport Museum |PS 311 |Amy Withers |

| |NYC | | | |

|ER |Brooklyn -Manhattan |Lower East Side Ecology Center; |University Neighborhood High |Jaclyn Augustine |

| |Bridge NYC | |School | |

|ER |Brooklyn -Manhattan |New York City Soil and Water |The Brooklyn Interntl. High |Kathleen Rucker |

| |Bridge (Empire-Fulton |Conservation District |School | |

| |Park) | | | |

|ER |Stuyvesant Cove, NYC |Solar One |PS 33 |Erin Lubick & Gloria Mance |

| | | |Chelsea Preparatory | |

|2 |Pier 40, NYC |River Project |Trevor Day School |Karen Johnson |

|2.5 |Christopher St Pier, |New York City Soil and Water |PS 3, Calhoun School |Amy Landau |

| |NYC |Conservation District, New York | | |

| | |University | | |

|4 |Pier 84, NYC |Hudson River Park Trust, New York |PS 51 |Dana Goldberg, Shelley Grant |

| | |City Soil and Water Conservation | |Mark Soobyiah |

| | |District | | |

|4 |The Science Barge |The Science Barge |Metropolitan Montessori |Wendy Reveri |

| | |Sara Hanna |School | |

|5.5 |Pier 95, NYC | |Midtown West, PS 212 |Penina Steinberg |

|6 |79th Street Boat Basin,|Black Rock Forest School; |PS 311 | |

| |NYC | | | |

|6 |79th Street Boat Basin,|Schooner Lettie G. Howard |Harbor School |Roy Arezzo |

| |NYC | | |Katie Mosher-Smith |

|12 |Roberto Clemente State |Urban Divers |IS 220 | |

| |Park | |PS 126 | |

|13 |Swindler Cove, NYC |New York Restoration Project |Booker T Wash Middle School |Virginia Young, Anne Marie |

| |(Harlem River) | | |Nowak |

|13 |Sherman Cove, NYC |Friends of Sherman Cove |George Washington High School, |Obed Fulcar, |

| |(Harlem River) | |MS319 |Mari Sari |

|13 |Englewood, NJ |Meadowlands Environmental Center: |West New York School |Judi Bettancourt, Pat Flynn, |

| | | | |Michelle Dorian |

|14 |Inwood Park, NYC |New York Parks |Young Women’s Leadership |Susan Vincent |

| |(Harlem River) | |School, Bronx Science | |

|18 |Habirshaw Park, Yonkers|Beczak Environmental Center |Saunders High School |Harry Hall |

|18.5 |Alpine Boat Basin, NJ |Tenafly Nature Center |Tenafly Middle School |Tamara Browning |

|25 |Piermont Pier, Piermont|Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory |Pearl River High School, |Tom Mullane |

| | | |Tappan Zee High School, |Sheryl Turk |

| | | |Croton-Harmon High School |Brian Newbuger |

| | | | |Ellen Pollina |

| | | | |Donna Light Donovan |

| | | | |Ray Ferrera |

|25 |Mathiessen Park, |Ben Kwiatkowski (HS teacher) |Irvington Schools |Phillip Levine |

| |Irvington | | |Joan Snell |

|28 |Memorial Park, Nyack |None |Nyack High School |Tom Perry |

|32 |Ossining |None |Ossining High School |Valerie Homes, Bridget Kenny |

| |Croton Point Park, |Clearwater,Croton Point Park |Carrie E. Tompkins School, |Patricia Allberry-Lynch |

|36 |Croton-on-Hudson | | | |

|39 |George’s Island Park, |Teatown Lake Reservation |Scarsdale Elem. School |Alethea Lynch |

| |Montrose | | | |

|41 |Steamboat Dock, |Teatown Lake Reservation |Mahopac High School |Bob Connick |

| |Verplanck | | | |

|55 |Little Stony Point, |Stony Kill NYSDEC |Wappingers Junior Hhigh School |Alissa Perreault |

| |Cold Spring | | | |

|59 |Kowawesie, |Museum of Hudson Highlands; |Bishop Dunn School |Bernadette Kleister |

| |Cornwall-on-Hudson | | | |

|61 |Newburgh Landing, |Mount Saint Mary College |Horizons on Hudson |Alice Kish |

| |Newburgh | | | |

|61 |Long Dock, Beacon |Scenic Hudson, NYSDEC |South Avenue Elem. School |Kelley Bender; Aaron Burke; |

| | | | |Linda Houlihan |

|76 |Waryas Park, |Mid-Hudson Children’s Museum |Sheafe Road Elem. School |Jon Sokol |

| |Poughkeepsie | | | |

|78 |Quiet Cove |Cornell Cooperative Extension |Krieger Elem. School |Skip Hoover |

|84.5 |Norrie Pt., Staatsburgh|Hudson River Research Reserve |Haviland Middle School |Johanna Tomik |

|87 |Esopus Meadows Point |Clearwater |Sophie Finn Elem. School |Donna Nageli |

| |Park, Ulster Park | | | |

|92 |Kingston Point Park, |Forsyth Nature Center |Robert Graves Elem. School |Mrs. Dippel, |

| |Kingston | | |Mrs. Lasher, Mrs. Gill |

|96.5 |Ulster Landing Park, |None |Kingston High School |Dixon Onderdonk |

| |Kingston | | | |

|103 |Saugerties Lighthouse, |Hudson River Research Reserve |Woodstock Day School |Mary Henry |

| |Saugerties | | | |

|112 |Dutchman’s Landing |Fran Martino |Catskill Area Homeschool |Amy Voss Dolce, Yoshimi |

| |Park, Catskill | |Network |Tomono, Beverly Ditto |

|115 |Cohotate Preserve, |Cornell Cooperative Extension |Coxsackie-Athens High School, |Tony Loughran |

| |Greene Co. | |Catskill Central School |Kathy Durkin |

|123 |Coxsackie Riverrfront |NYSDEC Five Rivers |Goff Middle School |Ron Montesi |

| |Park | | | |

|124 |Nutten Hook, Stuyvesant|Columbia Land Conservancy |Hudson High School |Jim McDarby |

|127 |Stuyvesant Landing, |Columbia County Soil and Water |Alternative Learning Center, |Claudia Kenney, |

| |Stuyvesant |Conservation District |Darrow School |Zooey Salazar, Sarah Williams|

|133 |Schodack Is. State Park|Children’s Museum of Science and |School 12 |Mr. West |

| | |Tech. | | |

|144 |Rensselaer Riverfront |Clearwater |Hudson City Schools |Fern Aefsky |

| |Park | | | |

|145 |Albany |Half Moon: New Netherlands Museum |Rensselaer Middle School, New |Jane Plantania |

| |Riverfront, Quay Street| |Visions Science & Research High|Ruth Russell |

| | | |School | |

|152 |Green Island, Site #2, |Hudson Basin River Watch |Tech Valley High School |Leah Penniman |

| |Troy | | | |

|153 |Green Island, Site #1, |Hudson Basin River Watch |Heatly School |Paul Abate |

| |Troy Dam NY | | | |

|300 |Henderson Lake/Hudson | |Minerva School District |Sarah Fink |

| |River | | | |


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