Introduction to Psychology, PSY 2012, Fall 2014 semester

Dual Enrollment Program

Pinecrest Preparatory Middle High

|Teacher: Mr. Bradford Ross M.S. Psychology, M.Ed. Curriculum and Instruction |

|Office Hours: 2:45pm-3:15pm A Days |

|Office: 1130 |

|Office Phone: 305-559-8583 ext.3302 |

|E-mail: BRoss@ |

|Class time and room: 1:00 – 2:45 PM (Café) |

Course Description:

You are taking part in the Dual Enrollment program, operated by your school and Florida International University. This is a college course, as reflected by the level of instruction and complexity of requirements. When you complete this course, your grade will appear on the official university transcript and will be part of your post-secondary academic history. If you are not ready to commit time and effort to taking this university course, you should not be part of the Dual Enrollment program.

This course introduces students to the major sub-fields of psychology: behavioral neuroscience, cognitive, developmental, social, personality, and psychopathology. The course aims to acquaint students with the theories, methodologies, and findings of each sub-field. Important concepts are exemplified by a study of selected topics and issues within each area. The goals of the course are: to expose students to a variety of research questions that psychologists ask; to teach students the methods that psychologists use to answer those questions; and to illuminate the applications of psychological theory and research to everyday life.

Required Materials:

This course requires a textbook and an access code for accessing online components of the course. The textbook is Introduction to Psychology: Gateways to Mind and Behavior, 12th Edition, by Dennis Coon and John Mitterer, published by Cengage Learning. An access code gives you access to important and valuable course-related materials. The access code also includes access to an e-book. Both the book and the access code will be provided to you by the school.

Course Requirements:

Course Agreement:

Students must read the syllabus carefully and complete the Course Agreement. This agreement verifies students’ understanding of and compliance with the terms of the course. The Course Agreement is the last page of this syllabus. Every student taking PSY 2012 as part of the Dual Enrollment program must turn in the signed Course Agreement to the teacher. Read the syllabus, sign the Course Agreement, detach it from the syllabus, and return it to your teacher.

Final grades. There are three components that make up your final grade:

• an exam component (60%),

• a quiz component (20%),

• a written component (20%).

Exams. Unit exams are intended to assess your comprehension, retention, and knowledge of the material covered in lectures and the textbook for a designated unit. There are five unit exams. Each exam is comprised of 50 multiple-choice questions, worth 2 points each, for a total of 100 points per exam. The five exam scores comprise 60% of your final grade.

Here is some crucial information regarding the exams.

• The use of the textbook or any other books or materials is strictly prohibited.

• There are ABSOLUTELY NO MAKE-UP EXAMS (for ANY reason).

• You must bring a #2 pencil and an eraser.

• You must take off your hat/cap.

• You must turn off and not use all cell phones, beepers, PDAs, I-PODs, and other wonders of modern technology.

• You MUST NOT CHEAT! Students caught cheating on exams are in violation of the Academic Code of Conduct and University Policy at Florida International University, and will be dealt with harshly.

Quizzes. Quizzes are a required part of the course designed to promote more consistent study and review of course material and to promote utilization of online study tools. There are 10 quizzes covering 10 selected chapters from the course material. Each quiz consists of 20 multiple-choice questions and is worth 2% of the final grade. In total, the 10 quiz scores comprise 20% of your final grade.

You will be taking the quizzes in class. You will be allowed to use your textbook but NOT to talk to each other. You will be given _30 minutes to complete each 20-question quiz.

Written Assignments. The written assignments are a required part of the course and comprise 20% of the final grade.


It has been reported that many key figures in our history (politicians, artists, and even scientists) have suffered from serious psychological and neurological disorders. Select one such person and research the illness and its impact on the historical figure. Please reference all of your sources including the citations regarding the historical figure and the illness itself.]

Extra Credit (can boost your grade by up to 10%).


Our world is full of examples of the advances being made in the field of psychology and neuroscience. Stories describing marvelous advances can be found in almost any publication - special supplements to daily newspapers, professional journals, and weekly magazines. Newspapers like the New York Times, for example, often devote space on a weekly basis to these types of medical and psychological advances. Select one recently released article review its contents using the form provided in this syllabus or that you can download from this coure's ERes site. Your summary should be complete and include your analysis of the merits of the research.].

Course Policies:

Course conduct: This is a college-level course and behavior during class time should reflect that. Disrespectful, disruptive, or distracting behavior will not be tolerated. The teacher is the final arbiter of what behavior is inappropriate. The teacher is also in the position to select the best course of action in instances of inappropriate student behavior.

Academic Integrity/Honesty: Remember, PSY 2012 is a university course. This course operates on the University's Code of Academic Integrity. This Code of Academic Integrity reflects the values articulated in the FIU Student Code of Standards. All students are expected to adhere to a standard of academic conduct, which demonstrates respect for themselves, their fellow students, and the educational mission of Florida International University.

All students, including Dual Enrollment students, are deemed by the University to understand that if they are found responsible for academic misconduct, they will be subject to the Academic Misconduct procedures and sanctions, as outlined in the Student Handbook” (Florida International University Student Handbook (2004-2005). The University’s policy on academic misconduct and dishonesty may be found at: .

Grading policy: The final grade includes five exams (60%), 10 quizzes (20%), and written assignments (20%). The following scale is used to assign final grades:

|Letter grade |Range |Letter grade |Range |

|A |90% or above |C |65-69% |

|A- |88-89% |C- |60-64% |

|B+ |85-87% |D+ |55-59% |

|B |80-84% |D |50-54% |

|B- |76-79% |D- |45-49% |

|C+ |70-75% |F |44% or below |

Everything in this syllabus is subject to change at the discretion of the teacher.

Welcome to PSY 2012!

Course Calendar (subject to change):

This is the schedule of lecture topics and corresponding reading assignments. Exams and other important dates are also noted. This schedule may change at the discretion of the teacher.

Course schedule (tentative, subject to change at any time):

Course Calendar (subject to change):

This is the schedule of lecture topics and corresponding reading assignments. Exams and other important dates are also noted. This schedule may change at the discretion of the teacher.


|Week 1 |Psychology of Studying & Intro to |Intro, 1 | |

| |Psychology % Research methods | | |

|Week 2 |Brain Behavior |2 | |

|Week 3 |Human Development |3 | |

|Week 4 |Exam # 1 |Intro, 1,2,3 | |

|Week 5 |Sensation & Reality |4 | |

|Week 6 |Perceiving the World |5 | |

|Week 7 |States of Consciousness |6 | |

|Week 8 |Exam #2 |4,5,6 | |

|Week 9 |Conditioning & Learning and Memory |7, 8 | |

|Week10 |Cognition, Language, Creativity and |9 | |

| |Intelligence | | |

|Week11 |Motivation and Emotion |10 | |

|Week12 |Exam # 3 |7,8,9,10 | |

|Week13 |Gender & Sexuality |11 | |

|Week14 |Personality and Health, Stress & Coping|12,13 | |

|Week15 |Psychological Disorders & Therapies |14, 15 | |

|Week16 |Exam # 4 |12,14,15 | |

|Week17 |Social Thinking & Social Influence and |16, 17 | |

| |Pro-social & Antisocial Behavior | | |

|Week18 |Applied Psychology & |16,17,18 | |

| |Exam # 5 | | |

PSY 2012 – Introduction to Psychology

Dual Enrollment Program at Florida International University

Spring 2013 semester


I, the undersigned, acknowledge and agree to the following:

1. I have received and read the current syllabus for PSY 2012 – Introduction to Psychology.

2. The course objectives, requirements, academic responsibilities, and procedures and policies, which are described in the syllabus, constitute my learning contract.

3. It is my responsibility to learn and understand these policies and procedures.

4. In signing this agreement, I acknowledge that I have carefully reviewed the course syllabus and agree to abide by all policies and procedures listed in the syllabus. I further acknowledge that any violation of course policies or failure to complete course requirements listed in the syllabus may affect my final course grade (as listed under each applicable policy/procedure).


Printed Name


ID number





*Review, sign, and return this form to the teacher by the end of the second week of classes. Students who fail to turn in this form will not be given access to their exam, quiz, and assignment grades.

*Please make or print a copy of this form for your records and sign it.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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