Religious Anniversaries 2014-2017

A number of significant religious anniversaries fall in 2014-2017. Among the most prominent are the following:


20th Anniversary of the Ordination of the first women priests by the Church of England

On 12 March 1994 at Bristol Cathedral, the 32 women priests were ordained by Rt Revd Barry Rogerson, Bishop of Bristol.

50th Anniversary of the foundation of the Vishva Hindu Parishad

This organisation was founded by Keshavram Kashiram Shastri on 29 August 1964 as an umbrella organisation to unite all Hindus, in India and worldwide.

100th Anniversary of the foundation of the British Muslim Society

This Society first met at Woking Mosque, Surrey on 20 December 1914, under the presidency of Lord Headley (Al-Haj El-Farooq).

200th Anniversary of the Restoration of the Society of Jesus

The Society had been suppressed by Pope Clement XIV in July 1773. The Order was restored on 7 August 1814 by Pope Pius VII on his return to Rome after his captivity in France.

450th Anniversary of the birth of Galileo

15 February 1564. Galileo made remarkable contributions to astronomy, physics, technology. Galileo was condemned by the Catholic Church for ‘vehement suspicion of heresy’.

450th Anniversary of the death of Calvin

27 May 1564. Calvin, the founder of the system of Christian theology, best known for its strong strain of predestination, later called Calvinism. He died in Geneva, Switzerland.

600th anniversary of the birth of Nur ad-Din Abd ar-Rahman Jami, theologian, poet and philosopher

Born 18 August 1414. Better known as Jami, he is known for his achievements as a scholar, mystic, writer, composer, historian, and perhaps the greatest Persian and Sufi poet of the 15th century.

800th Anniversary of the Rosary

According to Catholic tradition, the Rosary was unveiled to Dominic de Guzman, founder of the Dominican Order of Friars, by a vision of the Blessed Virgin Mary in his church of Prouille, France in 1214. This attribution has been challenged but the practice of the Rosary has nevertheless now a key place in Catholic devotional practice.

300th Anniversary of the birth of George Whitefield (1714-1770)

An eminent evangelical, a founder of the Methodist movement with John and Charles Wesley, and the father of Calvinistic Methodism.


20th Anniversary of the inauguration of the Shri Swaminarayan Hindu Mandir

This temple, part of the Bochasanwasi Shri Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha (BAPS) movement was opened in Neasden, London 1995. It was Europe’s first traditional Hindu stone temple (as distinct from converted a building) and the largest outside India.

150th Anniversary of the foundation of the Salvation Army

In July 1865, William Booth began his open air Evangelistic campaign in Whitechapel. This movement became known the Christian Mission, and in 1878 was renamed the Salvation Army.

400th Anniversary of the birth of Richard Baxter

Richard Baxter was born in Rowton, Shropshire on 12 November 1615. He was a notable English Protestant theologian and hymn-writer, but is best known as an influential nonconformist leader after the restoration of monarchy in 1660 and during the discussions that led to the Act of Uniformity in 1662.

500th Anniversary of the birth of St Teresa of Avila

St Teresa was born on 28 March 1515. She became a Spanish Carmelite nun and is known for her religious reforms and her writings on prayer, mysticism and the progression of the soul. She was canonized in 1622.

800th Anniversary of the Fourth Lateran Council

The Fourth Lateran Council, presided over by Pope Innocent III, began on 11 November 1215. It was the 12th Ecumenical Council and attended by the leading figures of the Eastern Church as was as the Catholic Church in the West. The 71 decrees covered areas including transubstantiation, the primacy of the Papacy and the position of the Patriach of Constantinople, the conduct of clergy, the frequency of Confession and Communion, and commitment to a Fifth Crusade.

950th Anniversary of the consecration of Westminster Abbey

Westminster Abbey was built under the instruction of King Edward the Confessor, enlarging a small Benedictine monastery of the 960s. It was consecrated on 28 December 1065 a few days before King Edward’s his death early in 1066

1300th Anniversary of the completion of the Great Mosque of Damascus

The construction of this Mosque (also known as the Umayyad Mosque), on the site of the Basilica of Saint John the Baptist (itself on the site of a Temple of Jupiter), was initiated by the sixth Umayyad caliph al-Walid I. Completed in 715, it is regarded by some Muslims as the fourth-holiest place in Islam, the place where Jesus will return to Earth.


50th Anniversary of the visit of Emperor Haile Selassie to Jamaica

On 21 April 1966 Emperor Haile Selassie, the head of the Rastafarian faith, visited Jamaica. The date is now holy for Rastafari and is known as Grounation Day.

50th Anniversary of the establishment of the Neo-Buddhist movement

This movement (also known as Ambedkarite or Nava Buddhism) was founded in India on 14 October 1966 when at a ceremony at Deekshabhoomi, Nagpur, the Indian untouchable leader Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar publically converted to Buddhism, with some 380,000 of his followers.

200th Anniversary of the foundation of the African Methodist Episcopal Church

The African Methodist Episcopal Church, the first denomination to be founded (in the West) under the full control of Black people, was founded by Revd Richard Allen in Philadelphia in 1816.

225th Anniversary of the Priestley Riots

On the nights of 14-17 July 1791, rioters in the city of Birmingham and surrounding towns, attacked places associated with the scientist Joseph Priestley (and other dissenters), destroying his home and the Unitarian New Meeting Birmingham, at which he was minister.

350th Anniversary of the birth of Guru Gobind Singh

Born in Gobind Rai in India, 5 January 1666, he was the tenth and last of the Sikh living Gurus, being succeeded by the Guru Granth Sahib, the holy book. He instituted the ‘Five Ks’ and established the Sikhs collectively as the Khalsa.

500th Anniversary of Desiderius Erasmus's Greek New Testament

Published in Basel, Switzerland, by Johann Froben.

800th Anniversary of the confirmation of the Dominican Order

On 22 December 1216 Pope Honorius III confirmed the Dominican Order (Order of Preachers) which had been founded by Dominic de Guzman in 1214.


50th Anniversary of the Foundation of the Friends of the Western Buddhist Order

This body now the Triratna Buddhist Community, was founded in London in April 1967 by Sangharakshita. It aims to communicate Buddhist truths in line with modern life and remain open to insights from contemporary thought.

200th Anniversary of the birth of Baha'u'llah,

Baha'u'llah, the founder of the Baha'i faith, was born in Tehran on 12 November 1817. He is hailed as a messenger from God in whom were fulfilled the eschatological expectations of Islam, Judaism and Christianity.

500th Anniversary of Martin Luther's 95 Theses

The Ninety-Five Theses on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences was written by the monk Martin Luther in Wittenberg, Germany. On 31 October 31 1517, Luther posted the theses, critical of practices and associated theology of the Catholic Church, on the door of the Castle Church of Wittenberg. This event marked the beginning of the Protestant Reformation in Europe.

1000th Anniversary of the birth of the Hindu teacher Ramanuja

Ramanuja was born into a Brahmin family in Sriperumbudur, Tamil Nadu, India. His dates are traditionally given as 1017-1137. Also known as Sri Ramanujacharya, he is a key figure in the Vedanta School of classical Hindu philosophy.


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