WJEC GCSE Religious Studies - Welsh Government

NGFL Religious Studies

Teacher Notes GCSE Specification B Option A Unit 1 Relationships

Background Notes

The materials are to support the teaching of WJEC GCSE Religious Studies – Specification B – Option A – Religion and Life issues – unit 1: Relationships.

This is a core topic within the WJEC GCSE and is frequently taught as a module over one term. The topic of marriage is also part of WJEC GCSE Specification A – where the topic of marriage is taught as part of a module within either Christianity or a world faith.

The PowerPoint slides may be used in a variety of ways.

A teacher or student may run the PowerPoint as a slide show.

The slides may be individually printed.

The slides may be printed as a hand-out – 6 slides per page.

The lesson outlines – based on a variety of student tasks – are easily adapted for use in individual institutions and all involve tasks based on the specification content.

Tasks may be differentiated according to student ability.

Lesson 1

The PowerPoint provides an introduction to the GCSE specification.

GCSE candidates should know the content of the course they are following.

In GCSE specification A and B candidates will study relationships in one of two ways:

a) Christianity and one world faith

b) Christianity (a study of two Christian traditions)

The PowerPoint slides show the requirements of the WJEC specification.

To improve GCSE examination success, students must LEARN the meaning of the key concepts. In the GCSE examination, students are required to demonstrate knowledge and understanding the key concepts.

In slide 4, the framework for all GCSE questions are listed.

This box shows the areas from where questions may be set.

The students should have a copy of the topics and should use these both as subject headings in lessons and as part of a revision strategy. Staff and students will need to identify which world religion core slide is appropriate to each centre.

Student instructions for Lesson 1

View the series of slides.

Download and print relevant slides as a hand-out (multiple of 6 slides per A4 sheet)

Do NOT print slides that are not relevant to your course of study – you are only required to study two religious traditions – Christianity and one other world faith or two traditions within the Christian religion.

Lesson 2

Introduction – “Religion and Relationships”

Student tasks -

• Students should jot down in rough (individually/pairs/groups)

the “Ten Commandments”

• Students should rank order the “Ten Commandments”

• Hyperlink to

• Search reference to Exodus 20 for the Old Testament version of the “Ten Commandments”

• Copy the last six commandments – about human relationships

• View the PowerPoint – results of a television poll in 2005 about a new version of the Ten Commandments for Britain today

• Hyperlink to bbc.co.uk and Channel 4 and search for information on programmes associated with religion

• Homework – watch one episode of a popular television soap opera and design a log sheet to record incidents where characters break the Ten Commandments (either Bible OT or BBC new version)

Student Instructions for Lesson 2

Working (individually or in pair) make a list of the Ten Commandments.

Try to jot down the Ten Commandments in the correct order.

Divide the Ten Commandments into rules about worship of God and rules about human behaviour.

Look up the correct list in the Book of Exodus and print out a copy from Exodus 20 listing the last six commandments about human behaviour.

View the PowerPoint.

Discuss the results with a partner.

You may print off a copy of this new list and highlight the rules you agree with.

Write/type three bullet points explaining in your own words why you agree/disagree with each rule.

Use the hyperlink to collect information about ‘religious’ programmes on television.

You will find information on a variety of television programmes and further links.

Design a template to use to record your homework results.

Lesson 3

Student tasks –

• Class discussion – buzz sheets on homework

• Students complete pritt stick answers on class display board or ohp sheets

• Individually – pairs – groups complete a personal family tree

• View the PowerPoint

• Develop the family tree to show friends and community

• Use a code to show types of family in

a) family – community tree or (b) television soap tree

Student Instructions for Lesson 3

Class discussion on homework results – you may want to make master record sheet for the discussion. Use a blank version of the homework template to record the class results. Record an example answer suggested by different pupils from the pritt stick/ohp exercise.

You may want to design a template to record the details of your family tree.

You will be able to complete a number of details in class but may need to talk to older family members to research more details.

Download the PowerPoint – this is a summary of the relationships module – as a PowerPoint hand out.

Lesson 4

Student tasks –

• Students compose a class survey about marriage and the class complete the survey

• Use the slides that outline the alternatives of church marriage, marriage in a registry office, marriage in designate place or cohabitation as options for the survey

• Students should construct a display sheet to show the class responses

• Refer back to homework in lesson 2 – create a buzz sheet (pairs/groups) showing famous people in the four categories – less able students may want to complete this exercise based on soap characters

• Homework tasks – complete buzz sheet

Student Instructions for Lesson 4

Design a questionnaire sheet using word in A4 format that asks a series of questions about marriage.


Is marriage out of date?

(Possible responses – yes/no/don’t know)

Is church marriage out of date?

Is marriage undermined in television soaps?

Do you intend to marry in church?

The survey should be completed within the class and the results displayed – using a database to record the results.

Complete a buzz sheet showing a variety of soap characters based on the four categories – you may want to include famous people –

e.g. Prince Charles married in church, divorced, remarried in a registry office, followed by a church blessing.

Lesson 5

Student tasks –

• Students view the PowerPoint slides

• Students should discuss in pairs 3-4 examples for each type of love recorded in the four slides using the Greek NT terms

• Complete a search on search engine (Google, Jeeves, etc.) to find an appropriate image to represent each type of love.

• Construct an A4 collage using images to represent love in the world today.

• Homework task – search personal record collection for a pop song with lyrics content on the theme of love.

• Type/write out the lyrics for a future lesson

Student Instructions for Lesson 5

View the PowerPoint slides.

Research, using a research engine, appropriate images to represent the four types of love recorded in the New Testament.

In the GCSE examination you may be required to give examples of the four different types of love.

Using copy and paste technique complete an A4 sheet collage to record the different types of love. Insert 4 text boxes recording the 4 types of love in English and Greek.

Write a definition of each term.

Insert a series of images to match up and illustrate the four types of love – 4 images for each word.

Research the lyrics of a modern pop song that has a theme of love (the record may focus on a mixture of themes).

Lesson 6

Student tasks –

• View an appropriate extract from television/video/film of a wedding clip

• E.g. Four Weddings and a Funeral (starring Hugh Grant)

• Class buzz sheet – what are the main aspects of a church wedding?

• Class discuss main features – students suggest the “vows”

• View the PowerPoint

• Students insert – in their own words – the meaning of each vow used in the traditional Christian church wedding service

Student Instructions for Lesson 6

Watch the video clip(s)

In pairs make a list of the main points of a Christian wedding

You may be asked to repeat this exercise on a wedding from a different religious tradition.

You may discuss in pairs your results.

Add to your own lists ideas from other pupils.

View the PowerPoint slides and record a list of the Christian wedding vows.

You may print off a copy of the wedding vows from GCSE Bitesiz.

You need to show understanding of the vows used in the wedding service and should complete the exercise by inserting your own words in the exercise.

Lesson 7

Student tasks –

• Students view the PowerPoint as a basic outline of the Christian marriage service

• Students complete the missing spaces as a record of key events

• Complete a spider web sheet as a visual record of the key events of a Christian wedding.

• Homework – Write out the main events of a Christian church wedding service

Student Instructions for Lesson 7

View the PowerPoint as a basic outline of the Christian marriage service.

Complete the missing spaces exercise and print off a record of key events.

You should complete a spider web sheet to record the key evens of a Christian wedding and be able to write two sentences on each aspect of a Christian wedding.

In the GCSE examination you may be required to describe the main events of a Christian wedding.

Use your spider sheet to write an account of the main aspects of a Christian wedding.

Lesson 8

Student tasks –

• Using a traditional order of service class conducts a Christian church wedding – characters will require copies of the order of service

• Local ministers may be willing to be involved and act as a minister for the wedding

• Video – still photographs – become an excellent teaching resource and may be loaded on the school site as a teaching resource

• Students view the video recording

Student Instructions for Lesson 8

You are going to be part of a’ class church’ wedding – you will take the part of one of the following:

Bride, groom, best man, bridesmaids, minister, father and mother of the bride, father and mother of the groom, ushers, reader, congregation.

The classroom will be staged for a wedding and you will join in the service.

Parts will be allocated to you and the wedding may be recorded on video with wedding ‘photographs’ at the end of the service.

Lesson 9

Student tasks –

• Students view the PowerPoint slides

• The PowerPoint is a recap of information on a Christian marriage

• Students discuss in pairs – groups the various reasons why people marry or cohabit

• Students complete a short written exercise after the discussion explaining their personal views on why people marry or cohabit

• Students should use as many key terms in written answers as possible

• Homework – complete written task

Student Instructions for Lesson 9

View the PowerPoint

Write out your own views on why people marry or cohabit.

You should write 150 – 200 words on this topic.

Highlight any key words you use in your answer.

Begin using this technique of highlighting key words in your written answers to ensure there is appropriate ‘religion’ content.

Lesson 10

Student tasks –

• Students read out answers in small groups

• Groups discuss the answers and make a list of reasons

• Groups feed-back to the class and the class make a class note of reasons why people marry in church or cohabit

• Students record major reasons in bullet point format – for and against

Student Instructions for Lesson 10

Read out answers in pairs/small groups

Record as a bullet point record a list of reasons suggested by the group.

You may want to rank order reasons suggested.

As a class you need to record reasons for and against church marriage an d cohabitation.

On an A4 sheet you divide the page into two columns.

In one column draw a church and bullet point list reasons for marrying in church,



Belief in God


In the other column list reasons for not marrying in church

Repeat this outline on a second sheet

* Work of this nature may be recorded in bullet point format but in the GCSE examination answers are required to be written in extended format.

Lesson 11

Student tasks –

• Students view the PowerPoint presentation on cohabitation

• Students should discuss the main points of information

• Class split into four groups

• In each group the students will prepare a debate-style speech on the topic –

• “Marriage is out-of-date so people should just live together.”

• Students should complete the speeches for next lesson – 8 students to speak in the debate – 4 proposing and 4 against

Student Instructions for Lesson 11

View the PowerPoint

Divide into 4 groups.

Appoint a chairperson in each group.

In each group two pupils will prepare a short two minute speech on the debate topic – two will support the motion and two oppose. All members of the group should contribute ideas for the speeches.

(The class votes either for or against the motion in the next lesson and the debate will be chaired by a pupil)

The class will need to record the most important points suggested in the debate.

Design a template to record the results as an A4 sheet.

Lesson 12

Student tasks –

• Debate

• Students need to make a detailed copy of the main reasons presented

• Homework – complete an individual speech or bullet points for this debate

Student Instructions for Lesson 12

The classroom is organized for a debate – audience with chair, and 4 for the motion and 4 against the motion at the front of the class.

After the debate you may ask questions of the panel.

Conduct a vote.

Using the template designed in the last lesson record the main bullet points used in the debate.

You may use this technique to record results in class – in the GCSE examination you must write in extended format.

The speeches should be typed up and displayed in the classroom.

Lesson 13

Student tasks –

• View the PowerPoint slides on assessment of A01 and A02 tasks

• Use past papers to show students questions from the relationships module of the GCSE examination

• Students should complete a number of the questions as examples from past papers

Student Instructions for Lesson 13

View the PowerPoint

Complete the past paper exercises based on the relationships module in class.

When you have completed the answers you should highlight the key ‘religion’ words used in your answers – you must have a religion focus to achieve the highest level marks.

Lesson 14

Student tasks –

• View the PowerPoint slides on assessment on A03 task

• Students need to copy the list of A03 evaluation questions from this module

• Using bullet point students should write down 4 bullet point answers for each question

• Students should be informed that bullet point answers as a style of learning is acceptable in class, but in the examination candidates must write in extended style to achieve the highest levels and marks

Student Instructions for Lesson 14

View the PowerPoint slides

Complete the past paper exercises based on the relationships module in class.

In evaluation answers you still need to use key ‘religion’ terms and should highlight key words in written answers.

Lesson 15

Student tasks –

• View the PowerPoint

• Write down six bullet points supporting divorce

• Write down six bullet points against divorce

• Class discussion using written answers on the topic – “Christians should never divorce.”

• Using slide numbers 4 and 5 students should use this technique for revision of key words and ideas throughout the module

• Students should complete one example for divorce

• Homework – complete a similar breakdown using the word -


Student Instructions for Lesson 15

View the PowerPoint slides

Record six bullet points that support divorce and six bullet points that oppose divorce.

Hold an informal pair./class discussion on the topic – Christians should never divorce.

Print slides 4 and 5 and retain – this technique should be used for revision through out this module.

Use this technique to complete an example using the word ‘divorce’.

Homework –

Use this technique on any key word – try using the word ‘relationships’ for homework.

Lesson 16

Student tasks –

• Students share their “RELATIONSHIPS” word with a partner

• Students share their word within a group

• Two or three students complete their example for the class

• Students copy at least one other version

• View the PowerPoint – despite a high divorce rate in the UK marriage is still popular

• As students view each slide, complete the sentence in each slide with further information showing knowledge and understanding

Student Instructions for Lesson 16

Show homework to another pupil.

Add two or three ideas from the sharing exercise.

Watch two or three pupils showing their examples to the class and add two or three further examples to your work.

You may want to completely copy another version – there are different ways of completing this task and all may be right!

View the PowerPoint

Complete the sentences individually adding further information to complete the sentences – you are required to show knowledge and understanding of this topic in your answer.

Lesson 17

Student tasks –

• Log on to and use the Bible search engine to review Biblical quotes on relationships

• Students need to have a copy of the key Biblical references

• Students should have a copy of the Biblical quotes for this unit –

Genesis chapter 2 verse 18

Mark chapter 10 verses 2-12 Matthew chapter 5 verses 31-32

Matthew chapter 19 verses 4-6 Matthew chapter 19 verses 8- 9

1 Corinthians chapter 7 verse 9 1 Corinthians chapter 7 verses 10 – 11

Students should interrogate the meaning of the Biblical verses and write

down their interpretation of the verses – add three bullet points on each

Biblical verse explaining how the verse may be used to support a point-of-

View – complete for homework

Student Instructions for Lesson 17

Use the Bible references and a search engine (Biblegateway) to research Bible teaching on relationships.

Look up each reference and copy and paste into an A4 reference/revision sheet.

You need to give each passage a title and record in bullet point format (3 points on each passage) the meaning of each passage.

Bible passages may be used to support points-of-view in evaluation answers – you should suggest possible evaluation topics for each passage.

Lesson 18

Student tasks –

• Students need to focus on pre-marital and extra-marital relationships, including issues of contraception

• Students should complete a vocabulary list of key words used in this unit and write a definition for each key word, including terms – celibacy, chastity, fidelity

• Create a list of moral dilemmas – on contraception, pre-marital and extra-marital relationships – each made-up dilemma should consist of 5 bullet points of information

• Ask a partner to give their view on the dilemma

• Ask a partner to give a reason or evidence for their answer

• Ask each person in the class to respond to your moral dilemma

• In plenary session as a buzz sheet, make 3 class buzz sheets on the three topics

• Homework – complete the three buzz sheets

Student Instructions for Lesson 18

Make a list of all key words used in the module.

Use all notes and view files to complete a comprehensive list of key terms and definitions.

Select three terms: celibacy, chastity and fidelity and share your answers with a pupil. Type out a list of scenario ‘dilemmas’ using some of the key moral issues in this module – contraception, pre-marital and extra-marital sex.

The scenario should be a short paragraph.

Ask a partner to give their view on the dilemma.

Ask a partner to support their view with argument or reasons.

Record their view and ask another pupil.

Move around the class asking a variety of pupils to respond to the moral dilemmas.

You need to record the results in a single line.

As a class create three buzz sheets to record the results of this interactive research exercise.

You will discover that pupils have different views on these topics.

You may need to look up definitions of these terms or search in GCSE text book.

Lesson 19

Student tasks –

• Work through the information on relationships on the GCSE Bitesize revision web site – BBC.

• Work through the assessment exercises on relationships on the GCSE Bitesize revision web site – BBC

Student Instructions for Lesson 19

Complete the information search and assessment exercise on the Bitesize site.

Lesson 20

Student tasks –

• Review all of the class and homework tasks to date

• Make a PowerPoint revision presentation entitled

“Relationships” for this module of the GCSE course which will be used for an en-of-unit test and for the mock and final examination

Student Instructions

Use PowerPoint format to complete a PowerPoint slide presentation on the relationships module. You need to include all of the key words used in the module, and use both text and images to create an interesting summary PowerPoint. The PowerPoint should be printed out as a revision aid - handout 6 slides per page. The PowerPoint display should include animation and sound and may be shown to other pupils.

Christopher Owens Head of RS Bassaleg School

Version 2


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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