17 Reasons Why I Left the Tongues Movement - Way of Life

 17 Reasons Why I Left The Tongues Movement Alfred H. Pohl

All Scripture quotations were taken from the HOLY BIBLE King James Version.

Copyright ? 1982, 1984, 1991, 2001, by Alfred H. Pohl

First Printing: September 1982 Second Printing: April 1984 Third Printing: May 1991 Fourth Printing: August 2001

Published by: Bethel Baptist Print Ministry

London, ON 519-652-2619 Printed in Canada ISBN: 1-8996968-32-5 01 03 05 07 09 9 8 7 6 5 4



To my wife, Minnie, loving and loyal companion

on life's journey.


The author gratefully acknowledges the help of those dear fellow Christians who have supported us in this ministry, both in prayer and financially, and made the

publishing of this fourth printing possible. Also, thanks to the authors and publishers who have kindly given permission to reproduce their materials

in this volume.

Also by the author:

Receptions of the Holy Spirit in ACTS




......................................................................6 17 Reasons Why I Left the Tongues Movement.

..........7 Reason 1 Sincere Convictions Regarding Their

Doctrines, Emphases and Practices

. ........................13 Reason 2 An Unsound Biblical Basis for Their

Doctrine of the Holy Spirit

. .....................................17 Reason 3 An Overemphasis of One Gift of the Holy


........................................................................27 Reason 4 An Under-emphasis of Other Doctrines,

Particularly the Cross-work of Christ.

.....................33 Reason 5 Their "Experience" Orientation

..................37 Reason 6 The Undermining of the Personality of the

Holy Spirit

...............................................................43 Reason 7 Spiritual Pride and Disunity Produced by

Their Doctrine

.........................................................46 Reason 8 The teaching that Tongues-speaking is a Sign

of Spirituality or Even of Salvation.

........................49 Reason 9 Sign-seeking Instead of Faith.

.....................53 Reason 10 Questionable Activities Practised and


................................................................58 Reason 11 The Fear of Questioning the So-called

Activities of the Holy Spirit

....................................66 Reason 12 The View that the Corinthian Church Was a

Model Church.

.........................................................69 Reason 13 The Danger of Claiming Extra-Biblical




Reason 14 The Excesses and Deceptive Practices Condoned in Divine Healing Campaigns.


Reason 15 The Tendency to Blind, Unquestioning Devotion to Popular Leaders.


Reason 16 The Possibility that the Charismatic Movement will be Instrumental in Producing the Prophesied World Ecumenical Church of the Last Days.


Reason 17 Their Distortion of the True Spirit-filled Life


Charismatics--Whither Bound? Postscript to Second Printing (1984)


Charismatics Moving Ever Further from the Truth Postscript to Third Printing ( 1991).


Charismatics and Changes Postscript to Fourth Printing (2000)

. ...................................................................116

Helpful Books on the Charismatic Movement

.........125 Books available:.

.......................................................127 Reader Responses

. ....................................................128



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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