The 13 reasons why hannah killed herself


The 13 reasons why hannah killed herself

Hannah Baker's change in the bathtub, moments before suicide. Bathroom, Baker Residence "She left and hoped I'd come looking for her. You let her go. We're all gonna let her go. She left, went home and put things in order. She returned her uniform to Crestmont, where I worked with her. He didn't say anything. He dumped her on the counter and left. He left a package with a friend, then he took another one to the post office. Then she came home, put old clothes on. She went into the bathroom, filled the tub, opened the shaver blade box she took from her parents' store that morning. She went into the tub, still wearing her clothes, cut her wrists and gave her a dead air. And she died alone." -- Clay Jensen to Mr. Porter on Hannah's death[src] Hannah Baker's death is an event that took place before the series, and is the overarching theme of the first season of 13 Reasons Why. Hannah Baker's suicide is the result of the experiences described in the tapes he left. The tapes were created by Hannah before her death and were sent before her death. Throughout the season, Hannah describes events leading to her suicide. The tape recording was made the night before his suicide attempt, with the seventh tape recorded on the day of his attempt. Events[] On the day of his death, Hannah took one last tape from her parents' store to record her conversation with Mr. Porter and also took a pack of shavers without the knowledge of her parents. Hannah arrived at school to talk to Mr. Porter in a last attempt to get help with his problems. After receiving poor support from Porter, Hannah waited outside the advisor's office for him to come after her. After he didn't come after her, he left Liberty Higha final period and began to solve the tapes. sent the tapes tony padilla, and sent strips to justin foley, the first reason, through the post office and returnedAt Baker House, Hannah started taking a bath. Then he turned into old clothes and committed suicide in the bathroom slowly, painfully fondling his open arms. After a few minutes, she's bleeding to death and her mother, Olivia Baker, knocks at the door, asking why the tub was running. She comes in and looks horror at Hannah, the crib and says she's fine. He asks Hannah's father, Andrew Baker, many times to help, and is running, even looking at Hannah in horror. Try to comfort Olivia, but she yells at him not to touch her, but just to call 911 for an ambulance. [1] Trivia[] This version is different from books, where Hannah overdoses on drugs - taking a handful of pills. In Asher's original version, Hannah survived her suicide attempt. This has been changed, however, as it wanted to make the message more powerful and difficult. In the television series, this scene is incredibly graphic to present the message that suicide is not glamorous in any way; also shows Hannah in extreme pain and cries while bleeding to show that she is not fast and painless. Tony really listens to the tapes before Hannah dies and tries to reach her before she dies, but it's too late because she sees that she is "crowded" in a body bag when she comes. In the second season, when Mr. Porter is on trial, the attorney's attorney asks why the date is torn on October 9, revealing the date Hannah committed suicide. In the first season, when Mr. Porter reveals for the first time the page he ripped, he has the date 10 October 2017 on it, however in the second season he claims that he died the day before he saw it; 9 October 2017. Censura[] More than two years after its original version, Netflix removed the controversial scene from 13 Reasons Why. Instead of seeing Hannah enter the bathtub, cut off her wrists and scream of pain, the spectators are shownlooking in a mirror and then cut to olivia enterlater and see the body of hannah in the bathtub. [2] quotes][ "I can see it through the window. She came to the door, left this box. and go. I didn't get up. I thought if it was important he would knock. rang the doorbell or something, right? I should have gone out there. I should've talked to her, but, look, I liked hannah, he was a friend, but the girl was a lot. It was a drama. and apparently I was the only liberty guy who didn't grab her or looked at her boobs. And so I always had a chance to hear it, and that day, I didn't want to do business, so I let her go. half an hour, 45 minutes later, I have the box, open them, and there are these tapes and a letter. "take care of these. Listen, and you'll know how." I started listening to the first tape, and then. I tried to call the bakers. They don't answer. I'm going to his house, and the ambulance is already there, and the police. And the front door is open, and I'm gonna run inside. Your parents are there and you. They took her in a bag. I remember thinking: "There are no handles on that bag, how will they take it? How will they bring it? and they took the bag and threw it in the ambulance. That's right. " -- tony padilla a clay jensen last time saw hannah before he died leading to his death[src] references][ see also][ edit 13 tapes - to explain to subjects how they played a role in his suicide 14th tape - to act as proof that bryce is a rapist " I recorded 12 tapes, I started with justin and then jessica, that every broke my heart. alex, tyler, courtney, marcus, who each helped destroy my reputation. This way, zach and ryan, who broke my spirit. through the tape number 12, bryce walker, which broke my soul. " -- hannah describes the short version of why they are all on tapes, in "Top 7, side a" tapes are a series of 7 cassettes recorded byBaker before he killed himself. The tapes consist of audio audioon each side of the 7 tapes, except for the last, where he left the last empty side, recording 13 audio recordings instead of 14 equals, however Clay then fills this side at the end. The tapes were handed down to Justin Foley, Jessica Davis, Alex Standall, Tyler Down, Courtney Crimsen, Marcus Cole, Zach Dempsey, Ryan Shaver, Sheri Holland, Clay Jensen, Bryce Walker and Kevin Porter. Before his death, he also sent a second set to Tony Padilla. They serve as a general narrative throughout the first season of 13 Reasons Why. The tapes reveal the 13 reasons why Hannah chose to end her life and were created for the purpose of subjects on her tapes learning how their actions destroyed her life and culminated in her killing. The last fate of the Tapes was revealed in Graduation when Jessica, Alex, Tyler, Courtney, Zach, Ryan, Tony, Clay and Ani bury Evergreen tapes. *Bryce Walker never gets the original tapes, let's see that he is told about them in the last episode of the first season. More than a year after Hannah's death, Bryce listens to the copies of Tony Padilla. Tape information[] A box is at the foot of Clay Jensen's stairs. At the opening, she finds that it is a shoe box containing seven boxes recorded by the deceased Hannah Baker, her classmate and her emotional crush who recently committed suicide. The tapes were initially sent to a classmate with instructions to pass them from one student to another, in the style of a chain letter. In the tapes, Hannah explains to thirteen people how they played a role in her death, giving thirteen reasons to explain why she took her life. Hannah gave a second series of tapes to one of their classmates, the identity Clay later discovers, and warns people about the tapes that if they don't pass, the second set will be leaked to the entire student body. That's what this is.lead to the public embarrassment and shame of some people, while others may facecharges of harassment or prison. Through the sound narrative, Hannah reveals her pain and suffering and the slide into the depression that ultimately leads to her suicide. Lists his first crush, a boy who voted his "best ass in the freshman class", a former friend, a pissing tom, a liar, a dip that takes advantage of her, a hater, a thief who steals the poems, a member of the list that has already passed, a cheerleader who crashes into a sign of arrest, the driving counselor, and Clay, all of their soul mate, They were wrong. Tape 7, side B[] The B side of the seventh tape is recorded by Clay, details Bryce's confession to rape Hannah, but not explicitly, because Bryce is not aware that what he said is a rape confession. Clay went to Bryce's house to try to get an audio confession recorded by him, hoping to admit that he raped Hannah, pretends to buy drugs from him and starts talking about him and Hannah, where the entity, is he who gets beaten. However, Bryce eventually unconsciously confesses to attacking seriously sexually Hannah, who is all the need for Clay, we see him making an exquisite smile before seeing him go home with a joyful and embossed scream filled, however we as spectators do not know that he has a registered confession until Tony shows up at his home, go upstairs to his bedroom and Clay puts the tape in a cassette and CD player and plays the tape. The map[] "Oh, and the tape box should have included a map. I will quote several places around our beloved city. I can't force you to visit them, but if you want a little more intuition, go to the stars. Or, you know, throw away the map and I'll never know. or will I?to the tapes, the box came with a city card thatwants the listener (or in this case, clay) or, in order to guide them to the places he mentioned on the city where the events had taken place. the locations marked by hannah itself are listed below: the map of the motifs of hannah[] to narrow the names of the people who hurt hannah and as a source for his tapes the map was a chart of respected names and created by hannah baker to label the people who had hurt her and to add on her tapes. the names are circled and connected so who appears on his tapes. cross names are not on hannah tapes. olivia baker discovered the diagram after passing through the things of hannah and then he owed it on his billboard to map the life of hannah as he described in his tapes. the map was also used to issue subpeonas for children in the hannah deposition. There is a low inscription saying "there are athers," which means there are other people who are wrong hannah. circled name: for which names are linked: names crossed out: who hannah sent the tapes to (TV series[)] touch object reason 1 justin foley for taking a photo of hannah on an appointment and having allowed bryce to spread the photo to the whole school and to make the voices of his being a slut shine and to break his heart. 2 Jessica davis for misbelieving that hannah was the reason for her breakup with alex, calling her a slut, and then slap her. calling her a whore meant that Jessica had started believing the rumors that destroyed her reputation and objected to her. 3 alex standall for having listed hannah's ass as the best school in spite of jessica for having refused to have sex with him, this further destroying his friendship with jessica and his reputation. 4 tyler down for persecuting hannah and spreading courtney kiss photo on school, and fordestroyed his reputation. 5 Courtney Crimsen For throwing Hannah under the bus to avoid being discovered as one of the people on the kiss photo, and forHis reputation. 6 Marcus Cole To humiliate and attempt to sexually assault Hannah in public on their Valentine's Day date of a dollar to see if the voices of her being "easy" were true, this helped destroy her reputation already untouched. 7 Zach Dempsey For stealing the "positive notes" destined to Hannah in Class Communication for revenge for his dissing him, and to break his spirit. 8 Ryan Shaver For stealing a poem, he wrote to notice his personal problems and to publish it in the school newspaper without his consent, which further broke his spirit. 9 Justin Foley not to stop Bryce raped his girlfriend, Jessica. Hannah includes herself on this tape as well as she did nothing to stop Bryce raped Jessica. This is the first tape in which Hannah fits next to the subject of the tape 10 Sheri Holland For abandoning Hannah after she crashed her car into a stop sign that later caused the death of Jeff Atkins and then refusing to accept responsibility for her actions. 11 Clay Jensen For leaving Hannah at his request, after sharing a kiss. However, Hannah notes that Clay does not deserve to be on the tapes (know his admiration and as for him) but it was necessary to add it to the reasons because it was important for what happened and wanted him to know. Hannah again comes on this tape as she blames herself for pushing Clay away. This is the only tape made for a person who is not one of the reasons why Hannah killed herself. This is the second tape in which Hannah fits next to the subject of the tape 12 Bryce Walker For raping Hannah in her hot tub, this broke her soul and pushed her to suicide. In the recordings, Bryce forced her to live up to her reputation, who knew she would never leave. 13 Kevin Porter For not havingHannah after describing rape and his suicidal thoughts, did not understand that he was asking for help when he was giving "life another chance". This tape includesAll the conversation Hannah had with Mr. Porter. She tells her that if she can't call her Bryce or face it, she needs to try to "go ahead", which in the end, is what she does after the conversation. This is the first tape in which the subject of the real tape speaks besides Hannah and the only tape in which Hannah and the subject of the tape speak together. 14 Bryce Walker This tape includes a registered confession of Bryce who admits he raped Hannah Baker after Clay Jensen forced him to confess his crime. This tape is then added to Hannah's set to be used against him in court. RAPIST. This is the only tape not created by Hannah Baker herself and the only tape created by a person in Hannah's list. This is the second tape in which the subject of the tape speaks Who is responsible for each tape (Book)[] The plot of the first season of the series is largely faithful to the book, although some details differ. One of these differences is the exact sequence of tapes. Most of the same events are described, but there are a couple of named changes (Marcus Cooley in books is Marcus Cole in the Netflix series and Jenny Kurtz is Sheri Holland). Alex and Jessica's tapes exchange and Clay's tape comes first in the book than the series. Reason of the subject of Cassette 1 (Cassette 1: side A) Justin Foley For giving Hannah the shoulder after their breakup, and encouraging the spread of spicy voices later. 2 (Cassette 1: side B) Alex Standall For listing Hannah's ass as the best of the school, and for destroying her friendship with Jessica and her reputation. 3 (Cassette 2: side A) Jessica Davis For mistakenly believing that Hannah was the reason for her breakup with Alex, and for breaking her heart. 4 (Cassette 2: side B) Tyler Down For persecuting Hannah and spreading the photo of Courtney's kiss on the school, and for havinghis reputation. 5 (Cassette 3: side A) Courtney Crimsen For throwing Hannah under the bus to avoiddiscovered as one of the people on the photo of the kiss, and to destroy his reputation. 6 (Cassette 3: side B) Marcus Cooley To humiliate Hannah in public at the Valentine's Day date of a dollar, and to destroy her reputation. 7 (Cassette 4: side A) Zach Dempsey For stealing the "positive notes" destined to Hannah in Communication class for revenge for his dissing him, and to break his spirit. 8 (Cassette 4: side B) Ryan Shaver For stealing a poem he wrote to notice his personal problems and to publish it in the school newspaper without his consent, and for breaking his spirit. 9 (Cassette 5: side A) Clay Jensen For leaving Hannah at his request, after sharing a kiss. However, Hannah notes that Clay does not deserve to be on the tapes (know his admiration and as for him) but it was necessary to add it to the reasons because it was important for what happened and wanted him to know. 10 (Cassette 5: side B) Justin Foley and Hannah Baker for allowing Bryce to rape his girlfriend Jessica. Hannah is included on this Cassette and did nothing to stop Bryce raped Jessica. Hannah states that the reason why she did not list Bryce is that "the tapes must be transmitted. And if you send it to him, he'd stop. Think about it. She raped a girl and would leave the city in a second if she knew... well... if she knew we knew." 11 (Cassette 6: side A) Jenny Kurtz For abandoning Hannah after she crashed her car into a sign of arrest that later caused the death of Jeff Atkins. 12 (Cassette 6: side B) Bryce Walker For raping Hannah in her hot tub, and for breaking her soul. 13 (Cassette 7: side A) Mr. Porter For not helping Hannah after she told him about her sexual assault and her suicidal thoughts, and not understanding that she was asking for help when she was giving "life another chance." Hannah's reasons why" Eleven reasons, it just came short. But he left so many outside, you know that, right? Right?care how many reasons there might be 'why?' There are more and more 'why not?' " -- Olivia Baker at Clay Jensen on Hannah's Reasons Why Not List. In "Bye," Olivia Baker, looking for Hannah's stuff, finds a list. The lists contain Hannah's reasons why she should not "leave" (kill). She shows this list to Clay stating that Hannah wrote it, looks at it, and she tells him she's there "at least once, maybe twice, called you Helmet?", confirms. This makes Clay two separate reasons why he should stay, he does it with his mom and dad. Unfortunately, things and people on his list were not strong enough to keep Hannah alive, keep Hannah on Earth. The list contains people and things Hannah would consider to stay alive in her words: Mom and Dad, they're gonna blame themselves and it's not their fault. New York ? I could get there one day. If not in college, after college. And maybe I could start that way. Argilla will also think it's his fault, and it's not. But we can't save people, at least in this way, it's more complicated than that. Writing ? I could ? I good ? write something great one day. Publish it. Even being a writer. It seems unlikely, but possible. Dad ? loves me without question. He always wants what's best for me. Even if I'm angry with him, it would be unfair for him to leave. Mom, I don't know if she could live there. He's always in danger. But maybe it's my fault. I know she loves me. I wish she knew I knew it. Mom and Dad ? They worked so hard to give me a better life. It would disappoint them. Casco (aka Clay Jensen) ? He's a really good guy. And I really like it. And maybe we should be together. I don't know. But maybe. If I go, we'll never find out. Perhaps ? One day I could make a difference in someone else's life.One day, I'll have my own son, and maybe it could be someone else. Maybe... It's not as bad as I think. Maybe it'll be better. Gallery[] Tape Audios[] References[] See also[] Page 2 View source RACCOME AT the I3 MOTIVATIONS WHEN WIKI CHARACTERISTICS See more characters IL SHOW 13 Motivi Because it is an original Netflix series created by Brian Yorkey, a Tony Award winner for the Broadway musical Next to Normal. Season 1 consists of thirteen episodes published on March 31, 2017. Season 2 is composed of thirteen episodes and was released on May 18, 2018. Season 3 is composed of thirteen episodes and was released on 23 August 2019. He is the protagonist of Dylan Minnette as Clay Jensen and Katherine Langford as Hannah Baker. Read more... THE BOOKED Thirteen reasons Why is a contemporary novel Young Adult written by Jay Asher. Released in 2007, she revolves around Hannah Baker's suicide and the seven boxes she left for people who led her to kill herself. The story is told by the perspective of one of his classmates, Clay Jensen, while listening to the tapes and learning the reasons why Hannah decided to take her life. Read more... Say goodbye 13 reasons why Netflix13 reasons why the final season Netflix Official Trailer From the Meivinka COMMUNITY ? June 27, 2020 this is the test note to this my fandom wiki. I hope to enjoy this site Gelo reverbero ? 5 June 2020 HEY 13RW FAM! Are you excited about Season 4, the final season of 13 Reasons Why that falls on June 5? Here is a short summary of Season 3 before starting Season 4! This is our last... Cece1624 ? May 2, 2020 We give you information about anything you need. I.e; novels, movies, TV shows, adivce on relationships / friendship. If you have a question or a concern, feel free to send me a message and I'll come back to... See more >

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