Darren McDonald @ STKH 2017-18 email: …

WG 3202- Unit 2 WorkbookNAME: __________________________Complete all the following exercises as a review of the major terms from this unit. This booklet will be graded as part of your assignment mark for the course so it must be submitted at the end of Unit 2.A: Day vs. Night1. Does this statement use the terms revolve & rotate correctly? "Saturn revolves on its axis while several moons rotate around it."Yes or No2. Does this statement use the term revolve & rotate correctly? "Venus is a unique planet because it rotates on an axis that is 90 degrees to its plane of revolution around the sun.”Yes or No3. How long does it take the earth to make one rotation on its axis?4. How long does it take for the earth to make one revolution around the sun?5. At what time of day are we rotating away from the sun to the east?6. At what time of day are we rotating towards the sun from the west?7. Does cloud cover increase or decrease the range of temperature from day to night?8. There are two reasons why the days are longer in summer and shorter in the winter. What are they?9. What causes day & night?B: Seasons (continues on next page)1. What is the term for the time of year when there is equal day and night all over the earth?2. What is the term for the time of year when the northern hemisphere experiences its longest day of the year?3. What is the term for the time of year when the northern hemisphere experiences its shortest day of the year?4. Name the earth-sun relationship that occurs on Sept. 21.5. Name the earth-sun relationship that occurs on Dec. 21.6. Name the earth-sun relationship that occurs March 21.7. Name the earth-sun relationship that occurs on June 21.8. What is the latitude of the Tropic of Cancer?9. What is the latitude of the Tropic of Capricorn?10. State two reasons why there are warmer temperatures in summer.11. State two reasons why seasons occur.C: Explaining Temperature Patterns1. What season is it in Canada when it is spring in South Africa?2. What season is it in Argentina when it is winter in Norway?3. What season is it in Greenland when it is fall in India?4. What season is it in Mexico when it is summer in South Australia?5. As latitude increases what happens to temperature?6. The poles of the earth are colder than the equatorial regions because of the earth's _________________ shape.D: Prevailing Winds (continues on next page)1. What causes wind to blow?2. What causes winds to be deflected from a straight path?3. What causes the development of global convection cells and pressure belts?4. Winds that normally blow in a region are referred to as ____________ winds.5. When do sea breezes occur?6. What name is given to the prevailing winds between 60 and 90 degrees N.7. What name is given to the prevailing winds between 60 and 90 degrees S.8. What name is given to the prevailing winds between 30 and 60 degrees N.9. What name is given to the prevailing winds between 60 and 90 degrees S.10. What name is given to the prevailing winds between 0 and 30 degrees N.11. What name is given to the prevailing winds between 0 and 30 degrees S.12. When hot air rises, what type of pressure is created?E: Types of Rain1. Which temperature air can hold more moisture…warm or cold?2. What happens to the temperature of air as it rises?3. How does warm air rise in orographic rainfall?4. What is the name of the side of the mountain where the winds hits?5. What is the name of the other side of the mountain?6. Which side of the mountain is said to be in a rain shadow?7. What causes warm air to rise in frontal rainfall?8. Why would convectional rainfall be uncommon in the Canadian winter?9. What causes the air to rise in convectional rainfall?F: Ocean Currents1. Look At figure 4.7 on page 60 and explain why Cape Town, South Africa might have similar fog conditions as St. John’s NF?2. What is a permanent or semi-permanent horizontal movement of surface water (the top 100m)?3. Which type of ocean currents flow from the equator toward the poles?4. Which type of ocean currents flow from the polar regions toward the equatorial regions?5. Which type of ocean currents reduce the amount of precipitation a region receives?6. Do warm ocean currents affect the summer or winter temperatures more?7. Which type of current is the Peru Current?8. Which type of current is the Japanese Current?9. Australia has a fair amount of desert. Looking at figure 4.7 on p. 60 which coast would you expect it to be on, east or west?G: Continentality1. What term is used to describe the range between the highest and the lowest average monthly temperatures of a region?2. What type of climate would location C experience?3. What type of climate would Location E experience?4. What type of climate would Location F experience?5. What type of climate would Location B experience?6. Which will experience the hottest summer, C or E?7. Which will experience the coldest winter A or F?8. Which location will experience the greatest temperature range, A or D?9. Which location will experience the greatest temperature range, A or B?10. The climate graph above comes from a city in the U.S. at about 40? N. Does it appear to be continental? Why?H: Monsoons1. What term refers to the sudden wet season in the tropics?2. During India's winter monsoon, why does the high pressure develop over Asia/India?3. During India's winter monsoon, how much precipitation do they receive?4. During India's summer monsoon, why does the low pressure develop over Asia/India?5. During India's summer monsoon, how much precipitation do they receive? I: Elevation & Temperature1. What term refers to the height above sea-level?2. Which province of Canada has the highest average elevation?3. If the elevation increases 300 m, how much does the temperature change?4. If the city of "Atlantis" is at 0 m elevation and tectonic activity pushes it up 600 m, how would the average temperature change?5. Which location would you expect to have the coldest average temperature? (L or R)J: Elevation & Precipitation1. This is the side of the mountain hit by wind.2. This is the side of the mountain away from the wind.3. Looking at your answers for # 1 and 2, which side of a mountain range receives most rain?4. What term is also used to describe the leeward side of a mountain range?5. What prevailing winds blow moist air towards the Rockies?6. What prevailing wind blows moist air towards the Andes?7. Relief has an affect on precipitation mostly as it relates to relief rain. As a result it must be accompanied by __?___.K: Tropical Climates & Dry Climates (continues on next page)1. All tropical climates have average temperatures over _?_ ?C every day due to low latitude & warm ocean currents & prevailing winds.2. On the climate graph for a tropical climate of any sort, the _?_ is almost flat because of the constant warm temperatures.3. The type of climate represented in the climate graph above occurs between which latitudes?4. The bars on a climate graph represent_?_.5. The line on a climate graph represent _?_.6. The temperature on the climate graph above is measured in which units?7. Referring to the climate graph below, the most distinguishing feature of an arid or semi-arid climate graph is _?_.8. Most arid/desert climates occur between which latitudes?9. Which type of climate might you expect in the grasslands of Asia?10. Which type of climate might you expect in the monsoon region of India?11. Which type of climate might you expect in the lush rainforest portion of Brazil?12. How much annual precipitation does an arid climate receive?13. How much annual precipitation does a semi-arid climate receive?L: Tropical Climates & Polar Climates (continued on next page)1. Which type of climate is shown in this climate graph?2. What two features distinguish it?3. What latitude would you expect to find a region that had this climate?4. Would you expect to find this in both hemispheres?5. What type of climate is shown in this climate graph?6. What distinguishes it from the previous climate graph?7. Why do you think there is less precipitation?8. Would you expect to find this climate in both hemispheres?9. What are the two types of polar climates? ................

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