Nazarene Church P

The downward Spiral I shared this word at a local Church some time back. I believe it would be of benefit to the Body of Christ at large. As always, the verbal message has much more in content as the written outline below. This material has been reformatted to fit intended audience. With that, it highly advisable to follow along in your Bible as to where and how a certain truth was obtained.A] James 1: 12-16; Read all 1] Verse 14; when he is drawn of his “own” lusts. Not someone else’s a] Lust; Read from Vine Expos. GK=1939 (highlighted) Those “evil” desires which are ready to express in bodily activity. They are equally the lusts of the flesh. Emotions of the soul, (mental) the natural tendency towards things evil. b] If this goes un-checked, where does it lead? 2] Verse 15; When it is finished, it brings forth death. a] This is called the “downward spiral”. b] What started as a thought, or something brought to your attention. A desire for something, I see it, (lust of the eyes), Lust of the flesh, the pride of life, same old song from the devil. Genesis 3:1-6 and Mathew 4:1-11. c] This is a powerful force at work in one’s life to keep us away from God’s eternal purpose for our life. And get us trip ticket to hell. 3] Let’s look at some spiral issues closer; we can make some logical conclusions based upon our own experiences perhaps.4] 1st; the “lust level”, many don’t see the dangers that are presented, just the things that entice us. (Lust doesn’t have to be sexual in nature, although often is, but most often it is “things”, an unbridled desire.a] To include but not limited to; alcohol, drugs , porn, excess, rioting (squander in evil ways, waste, revelry). b] I’m not sure people start out desiring this stuff, but if you do, that takes you to the next level.c] Take note; many folks are tempted along these lines; this is the level in which to run, pray hard, get prayed for, etc. We need to take it out before it takes us out. Pray hard, “fast” if needed, but don’t let it take root in your heart. 5] 2nd; is the “sin” level, it is where we have succumbed to the temptation, thought, desire, a] The fulfillment of the lust, one more level downward,b] This level takes people where they didn’t want to go, to places where they never dreamed they would end up, do things to themselves and others they never dreamed they would do. 1] In using our own experience/s, can we see where we have harmed ourselves, damaged our loving families, our children, our friends. 2] Many times we see on the evening news where some drug infested soul murdered their parents because they wouldn’t give the money for drugs or alcohol. 3] The depravation of family for this godless lust knows no bounds. The family may even go hungry because of one’s worthless habit. God help us. 4] If you could see down the road where this leads, meth takes out your teeth, your soul, even your children may become addicts as well because of one’s terrible example. 5] The seeds of misery have been sown; a terrible harvest will come up; we will never be able to get them back. The damage that results from unbridled lust may not stop when you do, but keeps on propagating more damage in our close circle of influence. 6] It is a known fact that women can transmit crack cocaine to their unborn child, thus they become crack heads at birth. 7] If one is still able to evaluate the damage; Is/was it worth it? This takes us to the final rung on the downward spiral; c] 3rd is “death”. 1] Can there be anything else but death? Gal. 6:7; be not deceived, God is not mocked, whatsoever a man soweth; that shall he also reap.2] It’s like a vacuum has you, once it grabs you, or you let it grab you, it has you in its death grip. a] Like a death star, once in its magnetic pull, you’re done, crash and burn.b] It didn’t start out like this; it was all supposed to be fun, what happened? c] Don’t you hear the laughter in the background, the devil got another soul that thought they could play with fire and not burned.3] But wait, there is hope, a force from the outside that is stronger than the force of darkness, if it would just throw me a life preserver, I’ll grab it, it’s our only hope, or way out! 4] If you grabbed the Lord’s hand or will grab it, when it was extended to you, this next part is for you.6] Hebrews 11:25b; Enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season; admit it, it may seemed to have been fun for a while. If you call that fun. a] These words concern Moses choosing God over a life of sin.b] Is the Bible saying sin is fun for a while? It brings bad dividends.7] Question; if/have we been in Christ long enough to have a “hatred” for sin? a] Psalm 97:10; Ye that love the Lord; hate evil. b] Proverbs 8:13; the fear of the Lord is to Hate evil, pride and arrogancy8] As we grow in God we place distance between the old man and the new, and as we do, we too, will hate sin, I know I do. a] I have seen so many folks robbed of life, health, and blessings that have traded it all for a miserable existence. 9] II Cor. 5:17; New creatures in Christ; a] The power of the “sin nature” can be/is broken in our lives, the appeal is dead, because I’m dead in Christ. b] Reasons why I’m not going back to an old life of stupid and death. 10] Let’s talk Atonement, That great work of Christ for us, to deliver us from death to new life in Christ. a] From Zondervan’s Bible Dict; Atonement; to cover, cancel, satisfactory reparation for an offence or injury; that which produces reconciliation. The Bible declares it means the covering of man’s sins through the shedding of blood; in our case Christ shed His own blood for us, our sins. 11] Walking in the Great Provision; a] I John !;7; If we walk in the Light; as He is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin. b] Walking in the Light of His Word, the Word of God is the Light; (Psalm 119:105). In other words, read it, walk in it, and obey it. c] Be careful of willful and deliberate sin. d] Always consider what great work Christ has wrought upon Calvary to procure such a great Grace for us. Never abuse His love and Grace through a loose and flippant life style. 12] Final thoughts; Some believe that if we get saved we can never become unsaved. If the allurement of going back to the old life is still a viable option after we have been rescued, then consider these verses below. a] Hebrews 10:26-29; Read all. For if we sin willfully, there remains no more sacrifice for sin.b] II Peter 2:20-22; Read all. It would have been better to have never known Christ.13] But if we do mess up, get right quickly, recover; help is available to us. a] I John 2:1; My little children, these things I write unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. “Footnote” If you feel this outline has enriched you in some way, please drop this Ministry a line to let us know on our Contact Page/E-mail, Blessings, Pastor Tom ................

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