13 reasons why duration


13 reasons why duration

13 reasons why end. 13 reasons why time duration. 13 reasons why season 4 episode 10 duration. 13 reasons why episode 1 duration. 13 reasons why duration of each episode. 13 reasons why total duration. 13 reasons why season 4 episode duration.

While 13 Reasons Why is preparing to launch its fourth and last season, there are still many questions surrounding our favorite Liberty High School students. Let's not forget that they finished the third season working together to frame Monty for Bryce's death, of which Alex is technically responsible. And when Monty was killed in prison, Winston revealed he knew that Monty didn't do it because he was his alibi. To make it short, their lives will get complicated in view of the fourth season, and EW has some exclusive images of the first look, as well as an exclusive chat with showrunner Brian Yorkey, to preview what will happen. SETTIMANA D'INTERTAINMENT: Years ago you told me that you had thought briefly about this series of anthologies, but then you immediately fell in love with the characters and wanted to keep telling their stories. At that point, did you have a certain seasonal plan in mind? BRIAN YORKEY: We have been strongly guided by the conceptual love of the book in the first season, of this mystery and unveiling the mystery, we come to deepen the secrets that every teenager has and the things that influence his life along the path. It looked like a big concept hook, and if we did it for a new set of characters and a new concept every season? Then, during the first season, we fell in love with these characters and wanted to know what would happen next. At that time, I wouldn't say there was a plan, but you start thinking: "It would be interesting to follow these boys. ? Because at the end of the first season everyone is starting to face the consequences of what happened. We thought it would be interesting to see how these characters behave and feel over the course of more time. I think this is the extension of the plan we had, only to continue following the characters. Our Polar Star has always argued that the provocative incident of the whole series is Hannah's death and the tapes that leave behind, and so we want to follow the thing until its logical conclusion and I think and hope that's what we will do in the fourth season. Why did the fourth season seem to be the right time to close this story? At some point, in the middle of the second season, when it became clear that we could have made other seasons, I arrived quite quickly at a point where it seemed a story of four seasons. I'm always a little suspicious in school programs that go beyond four seasons, because high school lasts four years. So when school programs are going to last seven or eight seasons, don't get me wrong, I look at them all, but I tend to have some suspicion about something that started as a school program. And it seemed that bringing these characters to their degree and dispersion to their next things wasfinal point. For a long time, the idea was, if we had been lucky enough to have the opportunity, we would have done four seasons. So entering the final story of the fourth season, we knew it was the end. It's not true. real. To do 13 reasons why: the years of college. No, we're not. I would be very interested in seeing how some of these characters do in college, but I also love the idea of leaving it to all our imaginations and making this high season show. This season is shorter than normal, with only 10 episodes. Why? He served history better, and 10 episodes ended up being the sweet spot for us. I think 10 episodes are a nice length for a season. I was adamant entering season 2 that had to be 13 because the show called 13 reasons why and if I am a young viewer, they are like "13 reasons why but there are only 10 episodes". But at this point, heading in season 4 was like: "We gave them 39 reasons why at least, so I feel like we can say, yes the show is still called 13 reasons why, this season is 10 episodes." It's the right number, you'll see when we get to the end. Season 3 ended on Winston Cliffhanger. What is the mystery at the center of season 4? Is it simply: will he leave? Of course we saw at the end of the season 3 that Winston can Alibi Monty and is shocked at Thay Monty was used by these children to, in his mind, get away with murder, so Winston will definitely be a significant factor in season 4 . He is going to try to find out what really happened and in his way get a sort of justice and closure for Monty, with whom he had only short meetings with but we will find a lot for him. In addition, there are other people in evergreen county, like Sheriff Diaz, who will surely become aware of the guns that are dragged by fishermen and that will make him curious and follow that path. There are a number of other people who are wondering if the story that has been said is really the real story, so it will put pressure on our children and there will be the threat that the secret will come out. How do all children influence? In part because of this, but also partly because of the accumulation of secrets that they have kept and things that they have endured, our characters will really try to understand a way to deal with the emotional costs of all that they have Content to survive the rest of their senior year and finally free and, hopefully, at least some of them, take hell from evergreen county. Is it just to guide the mystery of: STARNO ANDANDO TO JUST? But somehow, even more intentionally, there is this question: how will they live through this and can they escape their past? No one really escapes their past but can we heal, can we face what we have done and what has been done to us and can we find a way to move forward and have a future? Gary Sinise was launched to play Clay's therapist, Dr. Ellman and Clay's mental health is very central for the season and very central for some of the mysteries they collect.of our guide questions is: how is she going to process everything that is past and the secrets she is keeping and can Continue to keep these secrets and find a way to return to balance and health? Although this show concerns that mysterious element, it has always been the emotional fall of that mystery. What I love the original 13 engine of 13 because as [book author] Jay [asher] created is that it is this really exciting mystery of page-turning and that the mystery is eventually taking you to investigate the emotional life of these children. So the mystery pushes you forward, but the emotion and characters guide you in depth. I think and hope this is something we have done every season and the fourth season is to investigate these characters and their turmoil and how they do or do not survive. I'm sure some fans have discovered that Justin Prentice and Timothy Granaderos were in goodbye video. Seen as both their characters died, we have once again to do with more timeline? I'm trying not to ruin anything, but tell you I don't remember the exact line, but in the third season Clay is sitting alone in the robotics room and is pouring rain and Bryce looks out and says something like: "The dead are not here" . So I think that, being 13 reasons why, even if both Bryce and Monty went to this land, there will be ways to bother us in our history and certainly in the minds of our characters in the season 4. I personally, I'm so Excited to get back Tony in my life. Everyone needs a Tony in their lives. Clay has mental health struggles in the fourth season and even Tony does, but Tony takes care of them differently, so there will be a bit of friction between Tony and Clay in a way that I think it will be inconvenient for those of We who love clay and tony of everything, but it is also really satisfying in the way we see the two work through it. Is there a particular story of the character who was excited to dig in season 4? I love all these characters like my children. I naturally think that I came to identify so strongly with Clay during these seasons and Dylan [Minnette] and I am a team so tight. We often compare with Pete Carroll and Russell Wilson and then I have to explain to most personnel writers who are Pete Carroll and Russell Wilson. [Laughs] This is our relationship so it was a very profound and actually collaboration it was with all the actors, but telling that in the fourth season we take the places of Zach that I didn't expect until we truly entered In the room and we deepened its history. We took Zach some really interesting places and I always loved that character and I love Ross Butler, so that he was a lot of fun and a challenge and also a wonderful collaboration and I think it will be nice to watch. There is so much pressure on the final of the series of a show, its final. You have heard that sense of Write this down? Man, yeah, I felt that pressure. [Laughs] Everybody's arguing about who blocked the landing and who didn't, and it's Huge quantities of pressure. Before entering the writers' room for the fourth season I was obsessively in it, I read each review of the end of the soprano, of Lost, of how I met your mother, Breaking Bad, of Gossip Girl, all those shows they got Planned finals, I read everything. I perhaps reviewed a dozen endings, and then I said: "Okay, I put it aside and I write it and we'll see where it ends and try to finish it as we started it, which is honestly as we can and sincerely like we can and everything What happens. " And I'll say that I am incredibly proud of our final episode. I think it's very special and is also super-dimensioned. It is a large finale, so even if people are not happy with the final, at least they can't say that we were pungent. Was there a certain feeling or a message on which you wanted to end the series? We wanted to end the hoping series, but we wanted hope to gain hope. The series was born in darkness and, as is often emphasized, it is a dark series, but we have always tried to infuse with hope and humor where we can, and we wanted to finish on a note of hope that has been earned and that It has not been forced and even not excessively sunny in a way that would not be consistent with what he had gone before. The other word that comes to mind, together with hope, is the survival because everything comes after our capacity to survive our most difficult moments and our ability to continue moving and staying alive for all the brightest things That life has in store for us. This show started with Hannah Baker not being able to do it, and we wanted to finish seeing so many of our characters able to do so, tackle the real obscurity, and leave the other side in the light. It's what we wanted and I think and I hope we reached it. 13 reasons why season 4 binge recap s2 e1 ricap 13 reasons why season 2 binge recap s1 e1 ricap 13 reason why the binge rec katherine langford as a hannah baker based on the 2007 novel written by jay asher, the drama of netflix follows a Teenager called Clay who tries to understand what he brought his classmate and his crush, Hannah, to commit suicide. Type Seasons Episodes Classification Kind Creator Network Stream Service

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