
Spring Season: Natural and Traditional EventsStandard: 7DCC4 PO1 I will explain ways to be thankful or land and its resources.7DCC4PO2 I will show respect and take care of the natural resources.7DCC4PO3 I will describe ways to appreciate the natural elements of earth and shy.S3CR2Demonstrate an understanding of Dinek’eji Daango hane’ and activities (e.g., traditional activities, preparing for spring, animal reproducing, migration, and natural events) exemplify understanding by using correct terminologies for seasons, directions, various phases of the day, names of animals, plants, and objects in the immediate environment.5FL-R2Read or listen to and talk about age-appropriate folk tales, short stories, poems and songs that are written for native speakers) Sheep shearing, Lambing seasonPlantingBaby’s first laughThe first cradleboardNatural and environmental changes during spring timeStudent Friendly: -I will draw a diagram about why the seasons occur showing the relationship between where Earth and the sun is the spring time.-I will write a summary of the scientific reasons of why the seasons occur.-I will compare and contrast the facts about the four seasons using Din4 vocabulary. -I will read a story on Traditional Spring Activities: sheep shearing, planting, livestock reproduction, historical events and natural events that take place in the spring time. -I will compare and contrast how Din4 culture and other ancient cultures kept track of seasons and how modern society keeps track of the seasons. -I will read a story about a Baby’s First Laugh and Cradleboard story and discuss activities with a partner and in groups. -I will construct a cradle board and label each part of the cradleboard. -I will discuss similarities and differences between Din4 cradleboards with other native American tribes. Concepts (Nouns)Skills (Verbs)KnowledgeCognitive ProcessTraditionalHibernationMigrationReproducing Natural eventsSeasonsTiltAxisResourcesElements DiagramHistorical Natural eventssocietyidentifyexplaindescribepresentcomparecontrastdraw diagramcreatepresentpredictreadwriteconstruct Factual Conceptual? Procedural Meta -Cognitive Remember Understand Apply Analyze EvaluateCreateDOK Level Big IdeasSpring begins when the first thunder is heard sometime in February or March. It rumbles and shakes Mother Earth as it awakens the hibernating animals and reptiles. It is considered a sacred moment for the Din4 people and the animals.The Navajo Cradleboard serves as a protective carrier for an infant. Traditionally a cradleboard was constructed by the father of the infant. The cradleboard is made from pine, cottonwood or the cedar tree. It is laced together with buckskin.The cradleboard has two back boards that represent Mother Earth and Father Sky, A piece of wood is shaped into a bow that represents a rainbow, it goes over the baby’s head for protection. It is believed that the cradleboard gives the baby a straight back for good posture. The cradleboard is blessed with corn pollen, prayers, and good thought for the baby.Every spring, many Navajo families plant large fields of corn. Corn is one of the main staples of Navajo life. It's an important food item. But its use goes far beyond just nutrition, it is also an important part of Navajo prayer. The pollen of the corn is dusted off the tassels and used in ceremonies and is offered in prayer. Essential Questions1. Does the distance of the Earth to Sun a significant factor in causing the Earth’s seasons?2. Explain 3 things that happen with changing of season from spring to summer. 3. List some examples of ways your family gets prepared for spring and summer.4. What holidays, traditional activities, and clothing do you associate with spring? 5. What are the four important stages of an infant’s life according to our elders?6. What is the significance of a Baby’s First Laugh?7. Why do Dine people and other tribes use cradleboards?8. How do Dine people incorporate the cradleboard in their daily lives?Performance Task / Model Product ExampleThis lesson will help students understand the relationship between the Earth and the sun and how this relationship affects observable phenomena on Earth, such as the seasons. Introduce the key vocabulary in English and text and identify key vocabulary. Students will read selected text on W00zhch’77d, traditional spring activities, sheep shearing, lambing season, Cradle boards and Baby’s First laugh. Group discussion on reading and how each student’s family prepare for spring and discussion on the information in the text. Students will provide examples events that they and their families participate in during spring. ................

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