The Green Book: Week One

The Green Book Unit Teacher’s Guide

Day 1

In Class:

-Journal Setup (use construction paper as the cover, lined paper on the inside, and either tie with yarn or staple together).

• Create a cover for your journal. Include the book’s title, author and your name.

• Number each page of your journal. The cover will not have a number.

• The back of the cover will be our table of contents.

• The second page should be labeled with a 1 and the back of that page should

be labeled with a 2 and so on…

-Go over Ch. 1-3 vocabulary and definitions (Have students write in journal)

symmetrical, loomed, destination, amphitheater, baffled, fodder, bolsters, obscuring, contriver, biorhythms, quenched, invigorating, jutted, wistfully, perishable, diminish, treacle, translucent, gilded, recycled, coincidence

Homework: Read chapter 1 and complete journal assignment in journal

Journal Assignment:

1. Write a summary about chapter one. Tell about what happened during the beginning, middle and end of the chapter in your own words.

2. What does the paragraph about games on pages 6-7 tell us about change?

3. Based on the text, why do you think these people are leaving earth?

4. What issues and questions are raised by the children about their new home on page 10?

5. What does Joe mean when he says, “You’re a fine one to talk about choosing!” on page 11?

6. Describe what life was like on the ship. Use 4 complete sentences to explain your answer.

7. Write one question you have about the story about something that bothers you or something that you wonder about the story. Make sure your question requires someone to think about the story and not just recall a fact from the story.

Day 2

In class:

-Question Activity: Have students take out the question they created from the first chapter. Remind them that their question should require you to think about the story and not be factual recall. Have students write their question on a blank white sheet of paper. Put students into groups of 4 or 5 students. Next tell students to pass their questions to the left. Students should answer in 2-4 sentences. Have students pass to the left one more time and respond again. When done, pass papers back to their creators so that they can read them. Share a few with the class.

-Paideia Seminar (using questions above)

Homework: Read chapter 2 and complete journal assignment

Journal Assignment:

1. Write a summary about chapter two. Tell about what happened during the beginning, middle and end of the chapter in your own words.

2. Draw a picture of what you visualize the new planet to look like based

on page 13.

3. How were the plants different on the new planet compared to the plants

we have on earth?

4. Describe the steps it took to make the huts.

5. What does the paragraph about games on pages 6-7 tell us about change?

6. Imagine that you are going on the voyage to the new planet. You could take one book and one personal item. Decide what book you would choose to take with you and what personal item. Identify these and give several reasons for your choice.

Day 3

-In class:

-Literature Web: Complete literature web on chapters 1 and 2 (complete in journal)

-Vocabulary Web: Divide students into partners. Give each partner set a vocabulary word from chapter 1-3. If they finish early, give them a second word: symmetrical, loomed, destination, amphitheater, baffled, fodder, bolsters, obscuring, contriver, biorhythms, quenched, invigorating, jutted, wistfully, perishable, diminish, treacle, translucent, gilded, recycled, coincidence

-Homework: Read chapter 3 and complete journal assignment.

Journal Assignment:

• Write a summary about this chapter. Tell about what happened during the beginning, middle and end of the chapter in your own words.

• How would you describe Patti? Name one character trait and give 2 text examples.

• What genre do you think this book is and why? (realistic fiction, historical fiction, science fiction, informational, poetry, biography, autobiography)

• On page 36 why do you think the guide said that the rules had run out?

• On page 37, what did father mean when he said he wanted to be the contriver for the planet? Would he be a good fit for this? Give an example from the text.

• Draw a Venn diagram in your notebook. Compare and contrast earth to the new planet. Try to come up with at least 3 similarities and 3 differences.

Day 4

-In class:

-Literature web on chapter 3

-Vocabulary chapters 4-7 (Introduce vocabulary words from chapters 4-7. Have students write words and definitions in journals)

laden, reckoned. Malfunction, furrows, solemn, sieve, crimson, chrysalis, bitterly, harrow, faceted, aloft, refugees, vacant, bemused, relevant, chaff, rations, alighted, swaths

Homework: Read chapter 4 and complete journal assignment.

• Journal Assignment:

1. Write a summary about this chapter. Tell about what happened during the beginning, middle and end of the chapter in your own words.

2. Why was Shine described as deadly?

3. Why did they begin calling each other brother and sister?

4. Why does Bill ask for payment for people to read his book?

5. Why does Joe tell the children not to tell anyone else about the candy trees yet?

6. How important is technology to the survival of the group on the new planet?

7. How do you think father feels about his technology book? What in the story tells you how he feels about the book?

8. How have things changed for the people of Shine in terms of food and technology since they arrived?

Day 5

-In class:

-Literature web: Complete literature web on chapter 4 (complete in journal)

-Time Capsule: Introduce the idea of a time capsule to students. Explain that it is a collection of items placed in a container that is put away to be opened sometime in the far future. The items in the time capsule represent the culture at that time. It is intended to be a message to people in the future about what people are like now. Make a time capsule collage. You will draw pictures of the items that you wish to represent your time period now and culture. You must come up with an item to represent technology, music and art, buildings and homes, family, education, and books/stories/poems. You should have a total of at least 6 pictures. Below each picture write an explanation as to why you chose it to represent your time and culture.

The Green Book Chapter 5

-Homework: Paste this into your journal. Read chapter 5 and complete journal assignment

Journal Assignment:

• Write a summary about the chapter. Tell about what happened during the beginning, middle and end of the chapter in your own words.

• Chapter Five Response Questions:

1. On page 54, why does Pattie feel that the wheat field is more frightening than the moths?

2. What reaction do the adults have to the hatching of the moth people?

3. How has the people’s understanding of the new planet changed within chapter five of the book?

4. How and why did the people of Shine try to communicate with the moth people?

5. How did the people of Shine succeed in communicating?

6. Chapter five is mostly about:

a. discovering the moth people

b. feeding the moth people.

c. the wheat turning to glass

d. playing hopscotch

7. Read these sentences. “It pushed me off,” said Mary.

“Oh, rubbish, Mary! Come on!” “It did! It did!” said Mary.

The word rubbish probably means:

a. trash c. red

b. to rub against something d. nonsense

8. Why did the guide fire the gun?

a. to test the guns to see if they would work.

b. to scare the moth people away from the wheat.

c. to be mean.

d. to try to kill the moth people.

9. Choose the sentence that best fills the blank in this paragraph.

“We were playing hopscotch. A moth person came and made a lot of little flights. ______________________ . We laughed and began to play ring-around-the-rosy with him.”

a. The moth person has gray eyes.

b. It was as if he was jumping too.

c. The fires burned brightly.

d. We felt the boulders move.

10. Choose the sentence that is complete and written correctly

a. Pattie thought the moth people could talk.

b. Pattie think the moth people could talk.

c. Pattie were thinking the moth people could talk.

d. Pattie thought moth people can talk.

11. What do you think the word “hostile” means?

a. Thirsty c. ugly

b. hot d. dangerous

It was weird that _________________________________________________________________

I liked that______________________________________________________________________

I was surprised that ______________________________________________________________

Day 6

In class:

-Literature web on chapter 5 (complete in journal)

Homework: Read chapter 6 and answer journal assignment.

Journal Assignment:

• Write a summary about the chapter. Tell about what happened during the beginning, middle and end of the chapter in your own words.

• Brainstorm a list of ways people preserve memories. Draw a T chart and label one side with technology and one side without technology. Brainstorm as many ways as you can think of.

• Draw a map (in journal) of the area of the settlement on the new planet. Include the lake, the landing site of the spacecraft, the community of Shine, and Boulder Valley. Refer to the text for details about the settlement. Use lots of detail in your map!

Day 7

-In class:

-Literature Web on chapter 6 (complete in journal)

-Vocabulary Web on vocabulary words from chapters 4-7. Divide students into partners and assign them one of the following words:

laden, reckoned. Malfunction, furrows, solemn, sieve, crimson, chrysalis, bitterly, harrow, faceted, aloft, refugees, vacant, bemused, relevant, chaff, rations, alighted, swaths

-Homework: Read chapter 7 and complete journal assignment

-Journal Assignment:

• Chapters Six - Seven Response Questions:

1. What do the moth people do? What happens to them?

2. What happens when they harvest the wheat? What does it look like?

3. Why do all the people go into their houses and shut the doors?

4. What does Sarah discover about the wheat? Why is this good?

5. What does Father do with the moths’ wings?

6. What is in Pattie’s book?

7. Why do you think books are so important in this story?

8. What does the silence that is described on page 64 mean?

9. Why is the silence important?

10. What is the importance of paper in this story?

11. What assumptions did father make about wheat? Give evidence to support your answer.

12. How does the idea of cooperation develop throughout the story?

13. How does the group’s cooperation change from the beginning to the end?

14. What was the goal of the people who went to the new planet?

15. Was the goal accomplished? Why or why not?

Day 8

In class:

-Literature Web on chapter 7 (complete in journal)

-Complete change Model for the Green Book (complete in journal): For each of the following generalizations write an example from The Green Book.

Change is linked to time.

Example: ________________________________________________________

Change is everywhere.

Example: ________________________________________________________

Change may be positive or negative.

Example: ________________________________________________________

Change may be perceived as orderly or random.

Example: ________________________________________________________

Change may happen naturally or may be caused by people.

Example: ________________________________________________________

Days 9-11 or 12

-Introduce Portfolio Project (see attached)

Portfolio project due: ___________

Name ______________ Due Date _____

The Green Book Project

Portfolio Directions

1. Create a cover for your portfolio ____________ / 8 pts.

a. Choose a symbol for the book and add it to the cover. Draw it large and add color. On your cover explain in 2-4 sentences why you chose that symbol. (4 pts.)

b. Be sure to include the title of the book (capitalized and underlined) (2 pts.)

c. Include your first and last name on the front (2 pts.)

2. Create a brochure about space travel ____________ / 25 pts.

Using the book and other resources create a brochure about space travel. Your brochure should include:

a. An attractive cover (5 pts.)

b. Three ideas about space travel with details about each (5 pts each = 15 pts.)

c. On the last flap include contact information for your customers. (5 pts.)

3. Complete a book review ____________ / 25 pts.

a. Draw a picture, which represents your favorite scene from the book. (5 pts.)

b. Write a summary about the book. What was the problem? What was the solution? What happened at the beginning, middle and end? (10 pts.)

c. Finally, write a recommendation for the book. Include your opinion about the book and explain your opinion. Should others read the book? Why? Should others not read the book why not? (10 pts.)

4. Compose a flipbook about each chapter __________ / 42 pts.

a. Each page of the flipbook should include one of the following. You must choose each choice at least once. It is your choice on the rest.

i. Three important vocabulary words from each chapter. Each word should include the definition and the sentence where it was found.

(6 points per chapter)

ii. The BIG IDEAS from each chapter in your own words.

(6 points per chapter)

iii. Describe a character. Choose one character and describe how that character behaved, what decisions the character made, the problems the character faced and / or the solutions the character was involved in for each of the seven chapters.

(6 points per chapter)

__________ TOTAL points earned / 100


Name: ____________________________

Book Review

Book Title: _______________________________ Author: _____________________________

Picture of your favorite scene from the book (be detailed and add color)

Explain why you chose this scene:



Book Summary (beginning, middle, end): Must be 5-8 sentences





Book Recommendation:

Rate this book using 1-4 stars. (1=did not like, 2=somewhat liked, 3=liked it, 4=LOVED it)




Literature Web

Vocabulary Web


The Green Book Unit Students’ Guide

Tuesday 1/13/15

Homework: Read chapter 1 and complete journal assignment in journal

Journal Assignment:

1. Write a summary about chapter one. Tell about what happened during the beginning, middle and end of the chapter in your own words.

2. What does the paragraph about games on pages 6-7 tell us about change?

3. Based on the text, why do you think these people are leaving earth?

4. What issues and questions are raised by the children about their new home on page 10?

5. What does Joe mean when he says, “You’re a fine one to talk about choosing!” on page 11?

6. Describe what life was like on the ship. Use 4 complete sentences to explain your answer.

7. Write one question you have about the story about something that bothers you or something that you wonder about the story. Make sure your question requires someone to think about the story and not just recall a fact from the story.

Wednesday 1/14/15

Homework: Read chapter 2 and complete journal assignment

Journal Assignment:

1. Write a summary about chapter two. Tell about what happened during the beginning, middle and end of the chapter in your own words.

2. Draw a picture of what you visualize the new planet to look like based on page 13.

3. How were the plants different on the new planet compared to the plants we have on earth?

4. Describe the steps it took to make the huts.

5. How do you think everyone on the ship felt when they landed on the new planet? Give an example from the text on page 15.

6. How was the gravity on the ship different than the gravity on the new planet? Give an example from the text.

7. Why did the guide begin a calendar? Why would the guide not want to lose track of the day/time?

8. Imagine that you are going on the voyage to the new planet. You could take one book and one personal item. Decide what book you would choose to take with you and what personal item. Identify these and give several reasons for your choice.

Thursday 1/15/15

Homework: Read chapter 3 and complete journal assignment.

Journal Assignment:

1. Write a summary about this chapter. Tell about what happened during the beginning, middle and end of the chapter in your own words.

2. Draw a Venn diagram in your notebook. Compare and contrast earth to the new planet. Try to come up with at least 3 similarities and 3 differences.

Friday 1/16/15

Homework: Read chapter 4 and complete journal assignment.

3. Journal Assignment: Write a summary about this chapter. Tell about what happened during the beginning, middle and end of the chapter in your own words.

Tuesday 1/20/15

Homework: Read chapter 5 and complete journal assignment

Journal Assignment:

4. Write a summary about the chapter. Tell about what happened during the beginning, middle and end of the chapter in your own words.

5. Chapters Three - Five Response Questions:

a. On page 38, what does father mean when he says, “We will be very

respectful citizens here.”

b. Why do the adults begin calling each other brother and sister?

c. Why does Bill ask for payment for people to read his book?

d. Why does Joe tell the children not to tell anyone else about the candy trees yet?

e. How important is technology to the survival of the group on the new planet?

f. How do you think father feels about his technology book? What in the story tells you how he feels about the book?

g. How have things changed for the people of Shine in terms of food and technology since they arrived?

h. On page 54, why does Pattie feel that the wheat field is more frightening than the moths?

i. What reaction do the adults have to the hatching of the moth people?

j. How has the people’s understanding of the new planet changed within chapter five of the book?

k. How and why did the people of Shine try to communicate with the moth people?

l. How did the people of Shine succeed in communicating?

Wednesday 1/21/15

Homework: Read chapter 6 and answer journal assignment.

Journal Assignment:

• Write a summary about the chapter. Tell about what happened during the beginning, middle and end of the chapter in your own words.

• Brainstorm a list of ways people preserve memories. Draw a T chart and label one side with technology and one side without technology. Brainstorm as many ways as you can think of.

Thursday 1/22/15

Homework: Read chapter 7 and complete journal assignment

Journal Assignment:

• Chapters Six - Seven Response Questions:

16. What do the moth people do? What happens to them?

17. What happens when they harvest the wheat? What does it look like?

18. Why do all the people go into their houses and shut the doors?

19. What does Sarah discover about the wheat? Why is this good?

20. What does Father do with the moths’ wings?

21. What is in Pattie’s book?

22. Why do you think books are so important in this story?

23. What does the silence that is described on page 64 mean?

24. Why is the silence important?

25. What is the importance of paper in this story?

26. What assumptions did father make about wheat? Give evidence to support your answer.

27. How does the idea of cooperation develop throughout the story?

28. How does the group’s cooperation change from the beginning to the end?

29. What was the goal of the people who went to the new planet?

30. Was the goal accomplished? Why or why not?

Monday 1/26/15

• Portfolio project due: Friday, 1/30/15



Key Words


Images or Symbols


Word Families



Dictionary Definition

Sentence in Text



Student Sentence Example


Part of Speech



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